Bernard Ross' service and release book
Bernard Ross' service and release book
Service release book for Bernard Ross (WO, 1610215). Contains details and instructions for release from RAF service. Ross was an air gunner in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
Spatial Coverage
Multi-page printed booklet with handwritten entries
Conforms To
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R.A.F. Form 2520A
[inserted] BIS 6191 [inserted] 183918
[Royal Air Force Crest]
Rank – Sgt
Service Number – 1610215
Surname – ROSS
Initials – B.
Class of Release – A.
Age and Service Group No – 47
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NJA 6553776
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[underlined] ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE [/underlined] [OFFICIAL PAID Crest]
The Senior Accountant Officer,
No. 101 Dispersal Centre,
Royal Air Force.
KIRKHAM (Post Town)
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/20
[italics] Note to Airman [/italics]
Final payment will be made to the address which you gave at the time of your release. If, however, you change this address before you receive final payment, you should complete this card and send it to the Dispersal Centre from which you were released, about one week before the dates indicated in the Notes on Pay and Emoluments for which see Form 2520/26.
Airman’s No. 1610215 Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
[boxed] Date as shown on Form 2520/26. [/boxed] Initials B
Class of Release A
I desire to inform you that I have changed my address from that given on my release, and I now request that all further payments to be made to me be sent to the following address :-
(Post Town)
Nearest Post Office
(if known)
[italics] Signature of airman [/italics]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/25
Under the provisions of the Armed Forces (Conditions of Service) Act,1939, YOU ARE HEREBY RELEASED FROM AIR FORCE SERVICE, or if a member of the Auxiliary Air Force, released from the obligations to which you are subject by reason of embodiment.
This release is subject to and on the following conditions:-
1. You are relegated to a Reserve of the Royal Air Force unless you are a member of the A.A.F. in which case you remain in the A.A.F.
2. You have not by this release been discharged from the Service. You remain liable to recall to Air Force Service until the Emergency is declared ended by Order in Council, when you will be discharged unless you are on an engagement extending beyond that date.
3. If you are recalled by Special Notice full instructions will be given you as to where and when you are to report. If any general notice or proclamation is issued revoking releases or recalling the reserve to which you belong, you must immediately follow the Remobilisation Instructions in this Book.
4. You must notify Air Officer i/c Records (K Division), Gloucester, of any change in your permanent address both for Service reasons and to ensure that any communications in regard to any medals reach you.
5. If you become medically unfit through any sickness, injury or other disability which renders you unfit for further service and which is not temporary only, you must write to the A.O. i/c Records (K Division), Gloucester, enclosing a medical certificate.
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R.A.F. Form – Form 2520/25
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
6. Until final discharge you may not enter or enlist in any other branch of H.M. Forces or the service of any other country, or depart from the U.K. without permission from the Air Officer i/c Records. If you desire to do so, write to him for his consent.
7. After the effective date of your release (i.e. at the expiration of any leave granted or if no leave is granted the day of departure from the Dispersal Centre) you may not wear uniform except on any specially authorised occasions, unless you are recalled for service.
8. You should preserve the uniform which you retain on your release in good condition in case of recall.
9. If you handed any Medals to your Commanding Officer for safe keeping apply to Air Officer i/c Records (C.I.M. Section), Gloucester, for their return, giving full particulars.
10. Your pay and allowances cease on the effective date of your release unless the release is revoked and you are recalled to service. No reserve pay is issuable in respect of the liability to recall referred to in para. 2 attaching to your release.
11. The following conditions apply to Class A (Age and Service) releases only.
Any reinstatement rights you may have under the Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act, 1944, arise on the commencement of your leave.
12. The following conditions apply to Class B (National Reconstruction) releases only.
You have been released at the request of the Ministry of Labour and National Service. You will be directed by that Ministry to your reconstruction employment for the purpose to which you
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R.A.F. Form 2520/23
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
have been released. Instructions setting out the Employment Exchange or Employer to which and the date by which you are to report are set out below. You must comply with these instructions. If at any time you discontinue such employment, save for reasons of ill-health, your release will be revoked and you will be recalled to Service.
13. The following conditions apply to Class C releases only.
You have been released on extreme compassionate grounds. Any reinstatement rights you may have under the Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act, 1944, arise on departure from the Dispersal Centre.
[inserted] G.A. Stevens
2 Albert St.
[underlined] Oxon. [/underlined] [/inserted]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/25
[italics] PART 1 [/italics]
[italics] To be completed in Unit except where marked **. [/italics]
Rank – W/O Number – 1610215
Initials – B Surname – ROSS (Block Letters)
[italics] To be completed at the Dispersal Centre [/italics] {Release of the above-named airman is hereby authorised as a Class A release,
and he is relegated to Class G1 of the Reserve.
The effective date of release (i.e. last day of service) is 5/2/47 **.
It is hereby certified that the above airman served in the R.A.F. on whole-time service during the following periods:
From [deleted numbers] 1.12.41 To [deleted numbers] 11/12/46.
[date stamp]
[italics] (Date of departure from Dispersal Centre) [/italics]
He is granted [boxed] 56 [/boxed] days’ leave on release commencing the day following the date of departure from the Dispersal Centre
[page break]
[italics] PART 11 [/italics]
[deleted] Instructions to Class B releases to report for Employment
You have been released to take up employment
Delete one of these
{[italics] as a [/italics] [blank line]
{(Industry Group Letters;
{Occupational Classification Number [blank line] )
{and are to report within seven days from your departure from this Dispersal Centre to the following {Employment Exchange
{[blank line]
[italics] OR [/italics]
{with Messrs. [blank line]
{of [blank line] to
{whom you are to report within seven days from your departure from this Dispersal Centre
You will ordinarily be required to commence work on the expiration of your leave, but you may if you desire commence at any earlier time.
PART 111
[Dispersal Centre stamp] [underlined] signature [/underlined]
[italics] for A.O. i/c Records [/italics] [/deleted]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/23
You will have received at the Dispersal Centre a payment in cash and postal drafts on account of your leave pay and allowances. Postal drafts for the final balance of your pay account and notification of amounts due to you for War Gratuity and Post-War Credit will be forwarded by the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre on or about the 42nd day after your departure from the Dispersal Centre. Amounts due in respect of War Gratuity and Post-War credits will be made in the form of a deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank on the 57th day after you left the Dispersal Centre. A Post Office Savings Bank Book will then be forwarded to you by the Head Office of the Post Office Savings Bank.
You will have received at the Dispersal Centre a payment in cash on account of your leave pay and allowances. The balance of pay and allowances will be forwarded to you by the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre on or soon after the 14th day after your departure from the Centre. If, however, you were sent home from overseas for immediate release, delay in making the final payment will in some cases be unavoidable. Any payment to which you may be entitled in respect of your service overseas or for War Gratuity and Post-War Credit, will be made in the form of a deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank at the end of the emergency. A Post Office Savings Bank Book will then be forwarded to you by the Head Office of the Post Office Savings Bank.
You will have received at the Dispersal Centre a payment in cash on account of the balance of pay due to you. If, however, you are entitled to overseas leave the cash advances to be made at the Dispersal Centre will be increased. Postal drafts for the balance of your pay and overseas leave entitlements, and notification of amounts due to you for War Gratuity and Post-War Credits will be issued from the Dispersal Centre on or soon after the 14th day after your departure If, however, you were
[page break]
[italics] continued [/italics]
Sent home from overseas for immediate release, delay in making the final payment will, in some cases, be unavoidable. Any payment to which you may be entitled in respect of your service for War Gratuity and Post War Credit will be made in the form of a deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank on the 57th day after you left the Dispersal Centre. A Post Office Savings Bank Book will then be forwarded to you by the Head Office of the Post Office Savings Bank.
4. You will have given on release an address at which you desire the final payment of your account made. If you change this address before you receive the final payment of your account and desire the payment made to any other address you should, in order to prevent loss or misappropriation, notify the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre from which you were released. A card (Form 2520/20) is provided in this book for the purpose.
5. Payment will be made to the address given on release unless notification of any change is received before payment; the Air Ministry will not be responsible for any loss or misappropriation resulting from your failure to notify a change of address.
6. The balance of pay forwarded to you by the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre does not preclude any adjustment of income tax liability which the Department of Inland Revenue may require to make subsequent to your release.
7A. The entitlement of wives, dependants and allottees to R.A.F. allowances and allotments at the end of the allowance week (Thursday to Wednesday inclusive) in which leave expires (or if no leave is granted, at the end of the allowance week in which the airman / airwoman departed from the Dispersal Centre). Instructions will be issued to payees at the last known addresses for them to return the allowance books to
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[italics] continued [/italics]
the Director of Accounts, Whittington Road, Worcester, after the books have been cashed for that week. [italics] Airmen and Airwomen are required to ensure [/italics], irrespective of whether the official notice has been received, [italics] that payees return the books at the time stated [/italics].
7B. In certain cases however (e.g. Class A releases,) a form will be sent to payees from the Air Ministry which, on presentation to the Post Office, will enable them to draw allowances and allotments due for the last four weeks in one lump sum. When payment is made in this manner, the allowance books will be retained by the Post Office for return direct to the Air Ministry. If bulk payment is not authorised the procedure in paragraph 7A is to be followed.
7C. If the book is improperly encashed with your connivance or owing to your negligence, you may be liable to be prosecuted.
8. Any queries on your final payment, or War Gratuity entitlement or Post-War Credit arising after receipt of final payments are to be addressed to the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre at which release was effected quoting the following particulars:-
[italics] (a) [/italics] Class of release (A, [deleted] B [/deleted] or [deleted] C [/deleted]).
[italics] (b) [/italics] Date as stamped below.
Accountant Officer
No.101 P.D.C.
[Dispersal Centre Date Stamp]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/24.
1. Although released you have NOT BEEN DISCHARGED.
2. Until you are finally discharged when the emergency is declared ended by Order [indecipherable word]. Council you still remain liable to recall to service by public notice or proclamation or by a notice addressed to you personally.
3. If you receive an individual notice you will be sent a travelling warrant with full instructions as to what you are to do and where you are to report.
4. If a public general notice or proclamation is issued revoking releases and recalling the reserve of which you are a member, you should immediately prepare yourself to return to duty and watch the Press or Public Notice Boards for further instructions as to when you are to report.
5. You should report at your Remobilisation Station as shown below, in Uniform, bringing with you all service clothing and necessaries left in your possession when you were released.
6. You should also bring with you (1) this Book containing your Certificate of Service (2) your National Health and Pensions Insurance Contribution Card (3) your Unemployment Insurance Book (4) your Civilian Identity Card (5) your Service Identity discs. If you cannot get these at once do NOT delay but arrange for them to be sent on after you. If you are sick when due to report, you must immediately inform the Officer Commanding the station at which you are to report enclosing a medical certificate. You should report immediately if you are fit for duty.
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[italics] continued [/italics]
7. Do NOT bring any medals or decorations with you unless you are unable to leave them in safe custody.
8. If you have to travel by rail, use the Travel Warrant in this Book and complete the name of the Railway Station as necessary. If you do not require it, leave it in this Book which must be handed in when you report for duty.
9. If you need money for the journey the money order for 5s. in this Book may be used; present it for payment at any Post Office and produce your Identity Card and you will be paid 5s. which will be adjusted later in your account. (if you do not need the money, hand in the money order on reporting or you will be charged the 5s.).
NOTE: This money order and Warrant can only be used after a Public Notice or Proclamation has been issued; they are not valid till then.
10. If remobilisation or return to duty is ordered by general notice, or proclamation revoking releases or recalling the Reserve of which you are a member, a list of R.A.F. remobilisation stations will be published in the press and by public notice, showing the particular stations under code letters. Your code letter is shown below, and you should report to the station to which the code letter applies.
Your remobilisation station code letter is:-
[boxed P.]
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R.A.F. FORM 2520/13
[italics] To be completed at Unit. [/italics]
To be retained by Post Office.
To H.M. Postmaster General.
Please pay the sum of 5s. on production of his Identity Card to the airman mentioned below, if and when by Public Notice or Proclamation the R.A.F. reserve has been called out for further Active Service before the present Emergency is declared ended. The receipt overleaf must be signed by him.
Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
Christian Name(s) BERNARD
Service No 1610215
Signature of Airman Bernard Ross [signature]
Stamp of Issuing Unit and Date.
[page break]
Receipt to be signed if and when the Order is cashed. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the sum of 5/- (five shillings), being advance of pay, issued to me on rejoining.
[blank line]
Date [blank line]
If this order is not used, it must be delivered to your Accountant Officer on joining your Unit, otherwise the five shillings will be charged against your pay account.
After payment, this Order must be treated as a Postal draft and claimed accordingly.
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R.A.F. Form 2520/12
[italics] To be completed at Unit except where marked ** [/italics]
Rank W/O Number 1610215
Initials B. Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
It is hereby certified that the above-named airman has been cleared of all known charges in respect of deficiencies of public clothing and equipment.
[italics] Dispersal Centre **
Date Stamp [/italics]
[Dispersal Centre date stamp] Accountant Officer DEC 1946 No. 101 P.D.C.
[page break]
ROYAL AIR [missing words]
CERTIFICATE OF SER [missing letters & words]
Service }
Number } 1610215 Rank W/O
Air Crew Category and/or R.A.F. trade AIR GUNNER.
Air Crew Badges awarded (if any) A.G.
Overseas Service 258.43/17.10.43
R.A.F Character JG (see notes on back of certificate on opposite page)
Proficiency A [blank line] (see notes on back of certificate on opposite page)
Proficiency B Sat. (see notes on back of certificate on opposite page)
Decorations, Medals
Clasps, Mention in Despatches, Commendations, etc
39-43 Air Crew Europe clasp, Italy, Defence,
Educational and Vocational Training
Courses and Results NIL
Date of Birth 2. 1. 21 height 5.5’
Marks and Scars Appendix Scar
Specimen Signature
Of Airman [signature] B.Ross.
[page break]
Note: This ticket must not be used for journeys to and in Northern Ireland or Eire; or for road journeys (except MacBraynes Road Services in Scotland).
[page break]
R.A.F Form 2520/10
To be detached only by Ticket Collector.
Airman on leave on release. 3
Valid for any single journey for one person only within 3 days of date of issue, by any recognised route.
[italics] Dispersal Centre Stamp and date of issue. [/italics]
From [signature] Railway Station
[italics] To be inserted by Dispersal Centre [/italics]
To [deleted] Manchester [/deleted] GREAT YARMOUTH NORFOLK Railway Station
[italics] To be inserted by Unit [/italics]
[Dispersal Centre date stamp] 11 DEC 1946
This ticket is issued subject to the General Notices, Regulations and Conditions of the respective Companies over whose system it is available. It must be shown on demand and given up to the Railway or Shipping Company concerned at destination or on demand.
Any alteration to this ticket will render it invalid unless such alteration is signed and stamped at the Dispersal Centre or by an R.T.O.
[R.T.O stamp]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/11
[missing words] FORCE
[missing letters and words] ICE AND RELEASE
[missing words] of BERNARD ROSS (Block Letters)
The above-named airman served in the R.A.F. V.R.
On full-time service.
From 1.12.41 to 10.12.46
[italics] (Last day of service in unit before leaving for release and release leave) [/italics]
Particulars of his Service are shown in the margin of this Certificate.
Brief statement of any aptitudes or qualities or any special types of employment for which recommended:-
AG. 26.11.42 – 22.3.46
[indecipherable word] W.O. A/G (aci ACH/GD. (5) 22.3.46
This N.C.O. has proved quite satisfactory in his capacity as P.T.I. He has no special aptitudes etc apart from his original trade of dress and coat designer to which he is returning on demob.
Date 9.12.46. [signature] [italics] signature of Officer Commanding [/italics] Group Captain
[page break]
[italics] Notes:-
R.A.F. trade [/italics] – For air crew with a basic trade, show trade in brackets after the air crew category, e.g., Pilot (Armourer).
[italics] R.A.F. Character during Service : [/italics]
V.G. is the highest character which can be awarded in the Royal Air Force. The character assessment reflects the airman’s conduct throughout the whole of his service.
[italics] Proficiency : [/italics]
The trade proficiency headings A and B signify :-
A. Skill in his trade (applicable to airmen up to the rank of Corporal inclusive).
B. Ability as technical Warrant Officer or Non-commissioned officer, i.e., as foreman manager, foreman or supervisor in his trade.
A. Proficiency as pilot, navigator, air bomber, air gunner, etc.
B. Ability as a Warrant Officer or Non-commissioned officer.
[italics] Proficiency will be shown as [/italics]
Ex. for exceptional }
Supr. for superior }
Sat. for satisfactory } No higher or other assessment is permissable
Mod. for moderate }
Inf. for inferior }
The date to be inserted as the date of commencement of service is the date on which the airman reported for service, was called up from deferred service, called out or embodied as applicable.
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/14
To be detached only by Booking Clerk and exchanged for Ticket.
[italics] (To be completed in Unit except where marked **) [/italics]
Charges payable by Air Ministry (F3c) R.A.F. 3rd Class
The Directors of the Railway Company or Shipping Company concerned are hereby requested to provide conveyance for one airman by the recognised direct route to [blank line] **
N.B. – The airman concerned may only use this warrant if and when public notice of proclamation has been issued calling out the Reserve.
Airman’s number 1610215
Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
Initials B. [Stamp of Dispersal Centre**]
Particulars of Ticket issued, to be filled in by Railway/Shipping Co.
SC/V2 [date stamp] 28 SEP 1948 L.13 [initials] R [indecipherable letter]
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
[missing words]
since 5th April last and in year from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
previous should, if known, be shown from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
here. If none state “None.” If from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
not known insert “Not known.” from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
• [italics] (b) [/italics] The above airman has been remunerated at taxable rates and Form 2520/53 will be forwarded to the Assessor of Income Tax by the Dispersal Centre.
• Delete this sub-para, if airman is not in receipt of taxable rates of pay, i.e. over 6/- per day if single; over 8/6d per day if married.
[italics] Signature of Accountant Officer or Officer Commanding.
[italics] Part II**. To be completed at Dispersal Centre. [/italics]
The effective date of release of the above is [date stamp] 5/2/47
[italics] Dispersal Centre Stamp [/italics]
[page break]
[missing words]
6. If your wife has been in employment [blank line]
during the war, give the name and [blank line]
address of her employer (her last employer [blank line]
if she is not now in employment). [blank line]
Her works number if known [blank line]
7. State whether you are single, married or widower [blank line]
Number of children under 16 [blank line]
*NOTE: If you can give the full reference number as well as the Tax Office, you need not answer questions 5 to 7.
[blank line] [italics] Signature of airman. [/italics]
[blank line] [italics] date [/italics]
WHERE TO SEND THIS FORM. – If you or your wife have made Income Tax returns to a local Tax Office send this form to that Tax Office. If no return has been made , send the form to the office of any Inspector of Taxes.
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/16
[italics] Note:- [/italics] Parts I and II of this form are to be completed for all releases. Part III is to be completed by the airman and the form sent by him to the local Inspector of Taxes, whose addrerss can be obtained from the local Post Office.
Notice to Airman
If you are taking up civil employment, or intend to seek employment, fill up Part III (on the back) of this form. The particulars are wanted in order that you may be given your proper Income Tax allowances; otherwise too much tax may be deducted from your civil pay.
[italics] Part I. To be completed at Unit [/italics]
Rank W/O Sgt.Number 1610215
Initials B Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
(a) The above airman was in receipt of the following daily rates of pay at the date of [missing words] Consolidated Pay 14s-9d
[page break]
LEAVING CERTIFICATE – AIRMAN ( [italics] cont. [/italics])
[italics] Part III. – To be completed by the airman. [/italics]
1.([italics]a[/italics]) Full name [blank line]
([italics]b[/italics]) Address to which communications [blank line]
should be sent to [blank line]
([italics]c[/italics]) Was this your address before you [blank line]
joined the Forces? [blank line]
2. On about what date do you expect to start civil employment ? [blank line]
3. Name and address of your employer [blank line]
If no known [blank line]
4. Do you or your wife make income tax returns ? [blank line]
If so, state :-
([italics]a[/italics]) Address of tax office to which sent, if known [blank line]
([italics]b[/italics]) Tax office reference number, if known [blank line]
[missing words]
[page break]
Notes on R.A.F. Form 2520/18
MFB 281
THE ATTACHED FORM is to be used only if you claim to be suffering from a disability attributable to or aggravated by WAR SERVICE. You may complete it at any time WITHIN 6 MONTHS after the date you ceased to draw service pay.
When completed the form should be sent to the Air Officer i/c R.A.F. Record Office, Gloucester.
If there is insufficient space on the form further explanations or answers can be written on a plain sheet of paper which you must SIGN and attach firmly to the form.
Any pension granted on this application will commence on the day following cessation of service pay.
After 6 months from the cessation of service pay, any claim to pension must be made on a different form to be obtained from the nearest office of the MINISTRY OF PENSIONS, the address of which can be obtained at the local Post Office.
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
[italics] PART III to be completed at Dispersal Centre [/italics]
The above-named person departed from this Dispersal Centre on [blank line]
[Dispersal Centre Date Stamp 1 DEC 1946]
[italics] PART IV [/italics]
Available for three months from date of leaving Dispersal Centre
[italics] To be completed by released person ONLY if needing medical treatment before a medical card is received.
I have NOT received a medical card since leaving the Dispersal Centre and I hereby apply for a medical card to be issued to me.
[italics] Delete as may be necessary [/italics] {I was on the list of DR. [blank line} immediately before I was mobilised or called up for service.
{I was not on the list of a doctor in the district where I am now, and I desire to be placed on the list of [blank line] (insert name of doctor or approved institution)
My present address is [2 blank lines]
Do you intend to leave this district within three months from the date hereof?
If so, when ? [blank line]
([italics]Continued overleaf[/italics])
[page break]
[missing words]
or other out-patient treatment can be obtained.
[italics] PART VI to be completed by Doctor providing treatment who should also detach the form and send it to the Insurance Committee (in Northern Ireland to the Ministry of Labour, Palace Grounds, Armagh, Northern Ireland), for the area in which the injured person is staying. [/italics]
* The person named overleaf who was not on my list immediately before serving in H.M. Forces is accepted as from to-day as a temporary*/permanent* resident.
* The person named overleaf who states that he was on my list immediately before serving in H.M. Forces has to-day applied to me for treatment.
[italics] Date [/italics] [blank line] [italics] Signature [/italics] [blank line]
* [italics] Delete where not applicable. [/italics]
[box] If doctor is to supply drugs he should enter DR here [blank line] [/box]
[box] If doctor claims mileage he should enter mileage distance here [blank line] [/box]
[page break]
17. Have you been treated for the above or any other complaint since Release? If so, state nature of complaint and name and address of doctor or hospital with first and last dates of attendance.
Signature [blank line] Date [bank line]
[box] Any person knowingly making a false statement will be liable to prosecution [/box]
Address [3 blank lines]
Address (if different from above) to which you desire the result of your claim to be sent [blank line]
Witness to signature (Any householder) [blank line] Date [blank line]
Address of Witness [2 blank lines]
Second signature of applicant
(for record purposes) [blank line]
[page break]
[italics] (d) [/italics] [missing words]
Full Christian Names (and surname where different from your own) and dates of birth
1. [blank line] Date of birth [blank line]
2. [blank line] Date of birth [blank line]
3. [blank line] Date of birth [blank line]
9. Give particulars of any child born after release
Name/s [blank line]
Date/s of birth [blank line]
The following questions should be answered with care. The answers will assist in the enquiries to be made of official records. Incomplete answers may delay the consideration of your claim.
10. What is the disability for which you claim pension?
If a wound or injury state when and where received and part of body injured.
11. Give the names of the hospitals or other places at which you received treatment during service for the disability and the date as nearly as you can.
[italics] (continued overleaf) [/italics]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/18
MPB 281
1. Surname ROSS (BLOCK LETTERS) 2. Service No. 1610215
3. Christian Names BERNARD
4. Rank W/O 5. Unit/Group RAF [deleted] Watton [/deleted] Bletchley / 90 Group.
6. Date of Release [blank line]
7. Have you served in the Armed Forces before the present War and been discharged ?
(“Yes” or “No”) [blank line] If “Yes” give particulars below:-
Former Regt. Corps or Ship, etc. / Army or Official Number / Date of Discharge / Cause of Discharge / Particulars of Pension (if any) for disablement or service
8. Give particulars of your wife and children now under 16 years of age for whom you received family allowances at any time during service:-
[italics] (a) [/italics] Wife – full Christian Names [blank line]
and name before marriage.
[page break]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
13. [italics] (a) [/italics] When did you first suffer from the disability ? [italics] (a) [/italics]
[italics] (b) [/italics] If before your war service when did you first notice the effects of war service on it ? [italics] (b) [/italics]
14. State what particular incidents or conditions of service you considered caused or worsened the disability.
15. [italics] (a) [/italics] In which unit were you then serving ? [italics] (a) [/italics]
[italics] (b) [/italics] Where were you stationed ? [italics] (b) [/italics]
[italics] (c) [/italics] What was the precise nature of your duties at the time ? [italics] (c) [/italics]
16. If you suffered from the disability before joing the Forces, give the name and address of any doctor, hospital, etc [missing words]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/19
[italics] Part II to be completed at Unit.
Part III to be completed at Dispersal Centre. [/italics]
[italics] PART I.
Instructions to Released Person. [/italics]
You are now entitled to medical benefit under the National Health Insurance Acts, and a medical card telling you how to get treatment will be sent to you as soon as possible. Medical benefit includes free treatment from an insurance doctor at his surgery, or if your condition requires it, at your home, and free medicine.
[italics] If you go back to live in your old district and had an insurance doctor before you joined up you will be restored to his list if he is still in practice himself or by deputy. [/italics]
If you fall ill before the medical card comes, fill in the application below and hand this book to your previous insurance doctor (or, if absent, his deputy). If you did not have an insurance doctor before you joined up or if you go to live in another part of the country, apply to any insurance doctor. You can see a list of insurance doctors at the local Post Office.
Do not detach the form from the book. The doctor will do this.
Turn over for information about hospital treatment.
Form Med. 50A
[italics] PART II to be completed at Unit. [/italics]
Rank W/O Number 1610215
Initials B Surname ROSS (Block letters)
[page break]
Name of approved Society* (if any) [blank line]
(If a deposit contributor write “D.C.”)
Name of Branch (if any) of Society [blank line]
Membership number [blank line]
[blank line] [italics] (Signature of Released Person) [/italics]
[italics] Date [/italics] [blank line]
* If you were a member of an Approved Society before you were mobilised or called up for service, or if you joined an Approved Society during service, your membership is still effective.
[italics] PART V [/italics]
If you need hospital treatment before the end of your leave you should show this book to your doctor and if he is of the opinion that such treatment is necessary he will advise you as to the steps to be taken to obtain that treatment. You should show this Release Book to the hospital authorities when admitted to or attending hospital for treatment.
For the information of the doctor.
In-patient treatment would normally be given at the nearest service or civil Emergency [missing words]
[page break]
Take the utmost care of this book which contains your Certificate of Service. The Certificate cannot be replaced when loss is due to any action or negligence on your part. You should not part with your Certificate of Service, but if you desire to give anyone full particulars of your service, make a copy.
WARNING. – You are reminded that the unauthorised communication by you to any person at any time of any information you may have acquired while in H.M. Service which might be useful to an enemy renders you liable to prosecution under Official Secrets Acts 1911 and 1920.
In case of death, next-of-kin are requested immediately to inform A.O. i/c Records, K Division, Gloucester.
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/21
Rank 1610215 Number [deleted] W/O [/deleted] Sgt
Initials B. Surname ROSS (IN BLOCK LETTERS)
I have to inform you that I have changed my permanent address which now is:-
[italics] Insert } [blank line]
Full }
Postal }
Address } [blank line] (Post Town)
In }
Block }
Capitals } [/italics] [blank line] (County)
Date [blank line] Signature [blank line]
[page break]
[underlined ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE [/underlined] [OFFICIAL PAID stamp]
Air Officer i/c Records,
K. Division, [symbol]
Royal Air Force,
[inserted] BIS 6191 [inserted] 183918
[Royal Air Force Crest]
Rank – Sgt
Service Number – 1610215
Surname – ROSS
Initials – B.
Class of Release – A.
Age and Service Group No – 47
[page break]
NJA 6553776
[page break]
[underlined] ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE [/underlined] [OFFICIAL PAID Crest]
The Senior Accountant Officer,
No. 101 Dispersal Centre,
Royal Air Force.
KIRKHAM (Post Town)
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/20
[italics] Note to Airman [/italics]
Final payment will be made to the address which you gave at the time of your release. If, however, you change this address before you receive final payment, you should complete this card and send it to the Dispersal Centre from which you were released, about one week before the dates indicated in the Notes on Pay and Emoluments for which see Form 2520/26.
Airman’s No. 1610215 Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
[boxed] Date as shown on Form 2520/26. [/boxed] Initials B
Class of Release A
I desire to inform you that I have changed my address from that given on my release, and I now request that all further payments to be made to me be sent to the following address :-
(Post Town)
Nearest Post Office
(if known)
[italics] Signature of airman [/italics]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/25
Under the provisions of the Armed Forces (Conditions of Service) Act,1939, YOU ARE HEREBY RELEASED FROM AIR FORCE SERVICE, or if a member of the Auxiliary Air Force, released from the obligations to which you are subject by reason of embodiment.
This release is subject to and on the following conditions:-
1. You are relegated to a Reserve of the Royal Air Force unless you are a member of the A.A.F. in which case you remain in the A.A.F.
2. You have not by this release been discharged from the Service. You remain liable to recall to Air Force Service until the Emergency is declared ended by Order in Council, when you will be discharged unless you are on an engagement extending beyond that date.
3. If you are recalled by Special Notice full instructions will be given you as to where and when you are to report. If any general notice or proclamation is issued revoking releases or recalling the reserve to which you belong, you must immediately follow the Remobilisation Instructions in this Book.
4. You must notify Air Officer i/c Records (K Division), Gloucester, of any change in your permanent address both for Service reasons and to ensure that any communications in regard to any medals reach you.
5. If you become medically unfit through any sickness, injury or other disability which renders you unfit for further service and which is not temporary only, you must write to the A.O. i/c Records (K Division), Gloucester, enclosing a medical certificate.
[page break]
R.A.F. Form – Form 2520/25
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
6. Until final discharge you may not enter or enlist in any other branch of H.M. Forces or the service of any other country, or depart from the U.K. without permission from the Air Officer i/c Records. If you desire to do so, write to him for his consent.
7. After the effective date of your release (i.e. at the expiration of any leave granted or if no leave is granted the day of departure from the Dispersal Centre) you may not wear uniform except on any specially authorised occasions, unless you are recalled for service.
8. You should preserve the uniform which you retain on your release in good condition in case of recall.
9. If you handed any Medals to your Commanding Officer for safe keeping apply to Air Officer i/c Records (C.I.M. Section), Gloucester, for their return, giving full particulars.
10. Your pay and allowances cease on the effective date of your release unless the release is revoked and you are recalled to service. No reserve pay is issuable in respect of the liability to recall referred to in para. 2 attaching to your release.
11. The following conditions apply to Class A (Age and Service) releases only.
Any reinstatement rights you may have under the Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act, 1944, arise on the commencement of your leave.
12. The following conditions apply to Class B (National Reconstruction) releases only.
You have been released at the request of the Ministry of Labour and National Service. You will be directed by that Ministry to your reconstruction employment for the purpose to which you
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/23
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
have been released. Instructions setting out the Employment Exchange or Employer to which and the date by which you are to report are set out below. You must comply with these instructions. If at any time you discontinue such employment, save for reasons of ill-health, your release will be revoked and you will be recalled to Service.
13. The following conditions apply to Class C releases only.
You have been released on extreme compassionate grounds. Any reinstatement rights you may have under the Reinstatement in Civil Employment Act, 1944, arise on departure from the Dispersal Centre.
[inserted] G.A. Stevens
2 Albert St.
[underlined] Oxon. [/underlined] [/inserted]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/25
[italics] PART 1 [/italics]
[italics] To be completed in Unit except where marked **. [/italics]
Rank – W/O Number – 1610215
Initials – B Surname – ROSS (Block Letters)
[italics] To be completed at the Dispersal Centre [/italics] {Release of the above-named airman is hereby authorised as a Class A release,
and he is relegated to Class G1 of the Reserve.
The effective date of release (i.e. last day of service) is 5/2/47 **.
It is hereby certified that the above airman served in the R.A.F. on whole-time service during the following periods:
From [deleted numbers] 1.12.41 To [deleted numbers] 11/12/46.
[date stamp]
[italics] (Date of departure from Dispersal Centre) [/italics]
He is granted [boxed] 56 [/boxed] days’ leave on release commencing the day following the date of departure from the Dispersal Centre
[page break]
[italics] PART 11 [/italics]
[deleted] Instructions to Class B releases to report for Employment
You have been released to take up employment
Delete one of these
{[italics] as a [/italics] [blank line]
{(Industry Group Letters;
{Occupational Classification Number [blank line] )
{and are to report within seven days from your departure from this Dispersal Centre to the following {Employment Exchange
{[blank line]
[italics] OR [/italics]
{with Messrs. [blank line]
{of [blank line] to
{whom you are to report within seven days from your departure from this Dispersal Centre
You will ordinarily be required to commence work on the expiration of your leave, but you may if you desire commence at any earlier time.
PART 111
[Dispersal Centre stamp] [underlined] signature [/underlined]
[italics] for A.O. i/c Records [/italics] [/deleted]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/23
You will have received at the Dispersal Centre a payment in cash and postal drafts on account of your leave pay and allowances. Postal drafts for the final balance of your pay account and notification of amounts due to you for War Gratuity and Post-War Credit will be forwarded by the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre on or about the 42nd day after your departure from the Dispersal Centre. Amounts due in respect of War Gratuity and Post-War credits will be made in the form of a deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank on the 57th day after you left the Dispersal Centre. A Post Office Savings Bank Book will then be forwarded to you by the Head Office of the Post Office Savings Bank.
You will have received at the Dispersal Centre a payment in cash on account of your leave pay and allowances. The balance of pay and allowances will be forwarded to you by the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre on or soon after the 14th day after your departure from the Centre. If, however, you were sent home from overseas for immediate release, delay in making the final payment will in some cases be unavoidable. Any payment to which you may be entitled in respect of your service overseas or for War Gratuity and Post-War Credit, will be made in the form of a deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank at the end of the emergency. A Post Office Savings Bank Book will then be forwarded to you by the Head Office of the Post Office Savings Bank.
You will have received at the Dispersal Centre a payment in cash on account of the balance of pay due to you. If, however, you are entitled to overseas leave the cash advances to be made at the Dispersal Centre will be increased. Postal drafts for the balance of your pay and overseas leave entitlements, and notification of amounts due to you for War Gratuity and Post-War Credits will be issued from the Dispersal Centre on or soon after the 14th day after your departure If, however, you were
[page break]
[italics] continued [/italics]
Sent home from overseas for immediate release, delay in making the final payment will, in some cases, be unavoidable. Any payment to which you may be entitled in respect of your service for War Gratuity and Post War Credit will be made in the form of a deposit in the Post Office Savings Bank on the 57th day after you left the Dispersal Centre. A Post Office Savings Bank Book will then be forwarded to you by the Head Office of the Post Office Savings Bank.
4. You will have given on release an address at which you desire the final payment of your account made. If you change this address before you receive the final payment of your account and desire the payment made to any other address you should, in order to prevent loss or misappropriation, notify the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre from which you were released. A card (Form 2520/20) is provided in this book for the purpose.
5. Payment will be made to the address given on release unless notification of any change is received before payment; the Air Ministry will not be responsible for any loss or misappropriation resulting from your failure to notify a change of address.
6. The balance of pay forwarded to you by the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre does not preclude any adjustment of income tax liability which the Department of Inland Revenue may require to make subsequent to your release.
7A. The entitlement of wives, dependants and allottees to R.A.F. allowances and allotments at the end of the allowance week (Thursday to Wednesday inclusive) in which leave expires (or if no leave is granted, at the end of the allowance week in which the airman / airwoman departed from the Dispersal Centre). Instructions will be issued to payees at the last known addresses for them to return the allowance books to
[page break]
[italics] continued [/italics]
the Director of Accounts, Whittington Road, Worcester, after the books have been cashed for that week. [italics] Airmen and Airwomen are required to ensure [/italics], irrespective of whether the official notice has been received, [italics] that payees return the books at the time stated [/italics].
7B. In certain cases however (e.g. Class A releases,) a form will be sent to payees from the Air Ministry which, on presentation to the Post Office, will enable them to draw allowances and allotments due for the last four weeks in one lump sum. When payment is made in this manner, the allowance books will be retained by the Post Office for return direct to the Air Ministry. If bulk payment is not authorised the procedure in paragraph 7A is to be followed.
7C. If the book is improperly encashed with your connivance or owing to your negligence, you may be liable to be prosecuted.
8. Any queries on your final payment, or War Gratuity entitlement or Post-War Credit arising after receipt of final payments are to be addressed to the Senior Accountant Officer of the Dispersal Centre at which release was effected quoting the following particulars:-
[italics] (a) [/italics] Class of release (A, [deleted] B [/deleted] or [deleted] C [/deleted]).
[italics] (b) [/italics] Date as stamped below.
Accountant Officer
No.101 P.D.C.
[Dispersal Centre Date Stamp]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/24.
1. Although released you have NOT BEEN DISCHARGED.
2. Until you are finally discharged when the emergency is declared ended by Order [indecipherable word]. Council you still remain liable to recall to service by public notice or proclamation or by a notice addressed to you personally.
3. If you receive an individual notice you will be sent a travelling warrant with full instructions as to what you are to do and where you are to report.
4. If a public general notice or proclamation is issued revoking releases and recalling the reserve of which you are a member, you should immediately prepare yourself to return to duty and watch the Press or Public Notice Boards for further instructions as to when you are to report.
5. You should report at your Remobilisation Station as shown below, in Uniform, bringing with you all service clothing and necessaries left in your possession when you were released.
6. You should also bring with you (1) this Book containing your Certificate of Service (2) your National Health and Pensions Insurance Contribution Card (3) your Unemployment Insurance Book (4) your Civilian Identity Card (5) your Service Identity discs. If you cannot get these at once do NOT delay but arrange for them to be sent on after you. If you are sick when due to report, you must immediately inform the Officer Commanding the station at which you are to report enclosing a medical certificate. You should report immediately if you are fit for duty.
[page break]
[italics] continued [/italics]
7. Do NOT bring any medals or decorations with you unless you are unable to leave them in safe custody.
8. If you have to travel by rail, use the Travel Warrant in this Book and complete the name of the Railway Station as necessary. If you do not require it, leave it in this Book which must be handed in when you report for duty.
9. If you need money for the journey the money order for 5s. in this Book may be used; present it for payment at any Post Office and produce your Identity Card and you will be paid 5s. which will be adjusted later in your account. (if you do not need the money, hand in the money order on reporting or you will be charged the 5s.).
NOTE: This money order and Warrant can only be used after a Public Notice or Proclamation has been issued; they are not valid till then.
10. If remobilisation or return to duty is ordered by general notice, or proclamation revoking releases or recalling the Reserve of which you are a member, a list of R.A.F. remobilisation stations will be published in the press and by public notice, showing the particular stations under code letters. Your code letter is shown below, and you should report to the station to which the code letter applies.
Your remobilisation station code letter is:-
[boxed P.]
[page break]
R.A.F. FORM 2520/13
[italics] To be completed at Unit. [/italics]
To be retained by Post Office.
To H.M. Postmaster General.
Please pay the sum of 5s. on production of his Identity Card to the airman mentioned below, if and when by Public Notice or Proclamation the R.A.F. reserve has been called out for further Active Service before the present Emergency is declared ended. The receipt overleaf must be signed by him.
Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
Christian Name(s) BERNARD
Service No 1610215
Signature of Airman Bernard Ross [signature]
Stamp of Issuing Unit and Date.
[page break]
Receipt to be signed if and when the Order is cashed. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the sum of 5/- (five shillings), being advance of pay, issued to me on rejoining.
[blank line]
Date [blank line]
If this order is not used, it must be delivered to your Accountant Officer on joining your Unit, otherwise the five shillings will be charged against your pay account.
After payment, this Order must be treated as a Postal draft and claimed accordingly.
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/12
[italics] To be completed at Unit except where marked ** [/italics]
Rank W/O Number 1610215
Initials B. Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
It is hereby certified that the above-named airman has been cleared of all known charges in respect of deficiencies of public clothing and equipment.
[italics] Dispersal Centre **
Date Stamp [/italics]
[Dispersal Centre date stamp] Accountant Officer DEC 1946 No. 101 P.D.C.
[page break]
ROYAL AIR [missing words]
CERTIFICATE OF SER [missing letters & words]
Service }
Number } 1610215 Rank W/O
Air Crew Category and/or R.A.F. trade AIR GUNNER.
Air Crew Badges awarded (if any) A.G.
Overseas Service 258.43/17.10.43
R.A.F Character JG (see notes on back of certificate on opposite page)
Proficiency A [blank line] (see notes on back of certificate on opposite page)
Proficiency B Sat. (see notes on back of certificate on opposite page)
Decorations, Medals
Clasps, Mention in Despatches, Commendations, etc
39-43 Air Crew Europe clasp, Italy, Defence,
Educational and Vocational Training
Courses and Results NIL
Date of Birth 2. 1. 21 height 5.5’
Marks and Scars Appendix Scar
Specimen Signature
Of Airman [signature] B.Ross.
[page break]
Note: This ticket must not be used for journeys to and in Northern Ireland or Eire; or for road journeys (except MacBraynes Road Services in Scotland).
[page break]
R.A.F Form 2520/10
To be detached only by Ticket Collector.
Airman on leave on release. 3
Valid for any single journey for one person only within 3 days of date of issue, by any recognised route.
[italics] Dispersal Centre Stamp and date of issue. [/italics]
From [signature] Railway Station
[italics] To be inserted by Dispersal Centre [/italics]
To [deleted] Manchester [/deleted] GREAT YARMOUTH NORFOLK Railway Station
[italics] To be inserted by Unit [/italics]
[Dispersal Centre date stamp] 11 DEC 1946
This ticket is issued subject to the General Notices, Regulations and Conditions of the respective Companies over whose system it is available. It must be shown on demand and given up to the Railway or Shipping Company concerned at destination or on demand.
Any alteration to this ticket will render it invalid unless such alteration is signed and stamped at the Dispersal Centre or by an R.T.O.
[R.T.O stamp]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/11
[missing words] FORCE
[missing letters and words] ICE AND RELEASE
[missing words] of BERNARD ROSS (Block Letters)
The above-named airman served in the R.A.F. V.R.
On full-time service.
From 1.12.41 to 10.12.46
[italics] (Last day of service in unit before leaving for release and release leave) [/italics]
Particulars of his Service are shown in the margin of this Certificate.
Brief statement of any aptitudes or qualities or any special types of employment for which recommended:-
AG. 26.11.42 – 22.3.46
[indecipherable word] W.O. A/G (aci ACH/GD. (5) 22.3.46
This N.C.O. has proved quite satisfactory in his capacity as P.T.I. He has no special aptitudes etc apart from his original trade of dress and coat designer to which he is returning on demob.
Date 9.12.46. [signature] [italics] signature of Officer Commanding [/italics] Group Captain
[page break]
[italics] Notes:-
R.A.F. trade [/italics] – For air crew with a basic trade, show trade in brackets after the air crew category, e.g., Pilot (Armourer).
[italics] R.A.F. Character during Service : [/italics]
V.G. is the highest character which can be awarded in the Royal Air Force. The character assessment reflects the airman’s conduct throughout the whole of his service.
[italics] Proficiency : [/italics]
The trade proficiency headings A and B signify :-
A. Skill in his trade (applicable to airmen up to the rank of Corporal inclusive).
B. Ability as technical Warrant Officer or Non-commissioned officer, i.e., as foreman manager, foreman or supervisor in his trade.
A. Proficiency as pilot, navigator, air bomber, air gunner, etc.
B. Ability as a Warrant Officer or Non-commissioned officer.
[italics] Proficiency will be shown as [/italics]
Ex. for exceptional }
Supr. for superior }
Sat. for satisfactory } No higher or other assessment is permissable
Mod. for moderate }
Inf. for inferior }
The date to be inserted as the date of commencement of service is the date on which the airman reported for service, was called up from deferred service, called out or embodied as applicable.
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/14
To be detached only by Booking Clerk and exchanged for Ticket.
[italics] (To be completed in Unit except where marked **) [/italics]
Charges payable by Air Ministry (F3c) R.A.F. 3rd Class
The Directors of the Railway Company or Shipping Company concerned are hereby requested to provide conveyance for one airman by the recognised direct route to [blank line] **
N.B. – The airman concerned may only use this warrant if and when public notice of proclamation has been issued calling out the Reserve.
Airman’s number 1610215
Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
Initials B. [Stamp of Dispersal Centre**]
Particulars of Ticket issued, to be filled in by Railway/Shipping Co.
SC/V2 [date stamp] 28 SEP 1948 L.13 [initials] R [indecipherable letter]
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
[missing words]
since 5th April last and in year from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
previous should, if known, be shown from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
here. If none state “None.” If from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
not known insert “Not known.” from [blank line] p.d. to [blank line] p.d w.e.f [blank line]
• [italics] (b) [/italics] The above airman has been remunerated at taxable rates and Form 2520/53 will be forwarded to the Assessor of Income Tax by the Dispersal Centre.
• Delete this sub-para, if airman is not in receipt of taxable rates of pay, i.e. over 6/- per day if single; over 8/6d per day if married.
[italics] Signature of Accountant Officer or Officer Commanding.
[italics] Part II**. To be completed at Dispersal Centre. [/italics]
The effective date of release of the above is [date stamp] 5/2/47
[italics] Dispersal Centre Stamp [/italics]
[page break]
[missing words]
6. If your wife has been in employment [blank line]
during the war, give the name and [blank line]
address of her employer (her last employer [blank line]
if she is not now in employment). [blank line]
Her works number if known [blank line]
7. State whether you are single, married or widower [blank line]
Number of children under 16 [blank line]
*NOTE: If you can give the full reference number as well as the Tax Office, you need not answer questions 5 to 7.
[blank line] [italics] Signature of airman. [/italics]
[blank line] [italics] date [/italics]
WHERE TO SEND THIS FORM. – If you or your wife have made Income Tax returns to a local Tax Office send this form to that Tax Office. If no return has been made , send the form to the office of any Inspector of Taxes.
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/16
[italics] Note:- [/italics] Parts I and II of this form are to be completed for all releases. Part III is to be completed by the airman and the form sent by him to the local Inspector of Taxes, whose addrerss can be obtained from the local Post Office.
Notice to Airman
If you are taking up civil employment, or intend to seek employment, fill up Part III (on the back) of this form. The particulars are wanted in order that you may be given your proper Income Tax allowances; otherwise too much tax may be deducted from your civil pay.
[italics] Part I. To be completed at Unit [/italics]
Rank W/O Sgt.Number 1610215
Initials B Surname ROSS (Block Letters)
(a) The above airman was in receipt of the following daily rates of pay at the date of [missing words] Consolidated Pay 14s-9d
[page break]
LEAVING CERTIFICATE – AIRMAN ( [italics] cont. [/italics])
[italics] Part III. – To be completed by the airman. [/italics]
1.([italics]a[/italics]) Full name [blank line]
([italics]b[/italics]) Address to which communications [blank line]
should be sent to [blank line]
([italics]c[/italics]) Was this your address before you [blank line]
joined the Forces? [blank line]
2. On about what date do you expect to start civil employment ? [blank line]
3. Name and address of your employer [blank line]
If no known [blank line]
4. Do you or your wife make income tax returns ? [blank line]
If so, state :-
([italics]a[/italics]) Address of tax office to which sent, if known [blank line]
([italics]b[/italics]) Tax office reference number, if known [blank line]
[missing words]
[page break]
Notes on R.A.F. Form 2520/18
MFB 281
THE ATTACHED FORM is to be used only if you claim to be suffering from a disability attributable to or aggravated by WAR SERVICE. You may complete it at any time WITHIN 6 MONTHS after the date you ceased to draw service pay.
When completed the form should be sent to the Air Officer i/c R.A.F. Record Office, Gloucester.
If there is insufficient space on the form further explanations or answers can be written on a plain sheet of paper which you must SIGN and attach firmly to the form.
Any pension granted on this application will commence on the day following cessation of service pay.
After 6 months from the cessation of service pay, any claim to pension must be made on a different form to be obtained from the nearest office of the MINISTRY OF PENSIONS, the address of which can be obtained at the local Post Office.
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
[italics] PART III to be completed at Dispersal Centre [/italics]
The above-named person departed from this Dispersal Centre on [blank line]
[Dispersal Centre Date Stamp 1 DEC 1946]
[italics] PART IV [/italics]
Available for three months from date of leaving Dispersal Centre
[italics] To be completed by released person ONLY if needing medical treatment before a medical card is received.
I have NOT received a medical card since leaving the Dispersal Centre and I hereby apply for a medical card to be issued to me.
[italics] Delete as may be necessary [/italics] {I was on the list of DR. [blank line} immediately before I was mobilised or called up for service.
{I was not on the list of a doctor in the district where I am now, and I desire to be placed on the list of [blank line] (insert name of doctor or approved institution)
My present address is [2 blank lines]
Do you intend to leave this district within three months from the date hereof?
If so, when ? [blank line]
([italics]Continued overleaf[/italics])
[page break]
[missing words]
or other out-patient treatment can be obtained.
[italics] PART VI to be completed by Doctor providing treatment who should also detach the form and send it to the Insurance Committee (in Northern Ireland to the Ministry of Labour, Palace Grounds, Armagh, Northern Ireland), for the area in which the injured person is staying. [/italics]
* The person named overleaf who was not on my list immediately before serving in H.M. Forces is accepted as from to-day as a temporary*/permanent* resident.
* The person named overleaf who states that he was on my list immediately before serving in H.M. Forces has to-day applied to me for treatment.
[italics] Date [/italics] [blank line] [italics] Signature [/italics] [blank line]
* [italics] Delete where not applicable. [/italics]
[box] If doctor is to supply drugs he should enter DR here [blank line] [/box]
[box] If doctor claims mileage he should enter mileage distance here [blank line] [/box]
[page break]
17. Have you been treated for the above or any other complaint since Release? If so, state nature of complaint and name and address of doctor or hospital with first and last dates of attendance.
Signature [blank line] Date [bank line]
[box] Any person knowingly making a false statement will be liable to prosecution [/box]
Address [3 blank lines]
Address (if different from above) to which you desire the result of your claim to be sent [blank line]
Witness to signature (Any householder) [blank line] Date [blank line]
Address of Witness [2 blank lines]
Second signature of applicant
(for record purposes) [blank line]
[page break]
[italics] (d) [/italics] [missing words]
Full Christian Names (and surname where different from your own) and dates of birth
1. [blank line] Date of birth [blank line]
2. [blank line] Date of birth [blank line]
3. [blank line] Date of birth [blank line]
9. Give particulars of any child born after release
Name/s [blank line]
Date/s of birth [blank line]
The following questions should be answered with care. The answers will assist in the enquiries to be made of official records. Incomplete answers may delay the consideration of your claim.
10. What is the disability for which you claim pension?
If a wound or injury state when and where received and part of body injured.
11. Give the names of the hospitals or other places at which you received treatment during service for the disability and the date as nearly as you can.
[italics] (continued overleaf) [/italics]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/18
MPB 281
1. Surname ROSS (BLOCK LETTERS) 2. Service No. 1610215
3. Christian Names BERNARD
4. Rank W/O 5. Unit/Group RAF [deleted] Watton [/deleted] Bletchley / 90 Group.
6. Date of Release [blank line]
7. Have you served in the Armed Forces before the present War and been discharged ?
(“Yes” or “No”) [blank line] If “Yes” give particulars below:-
Former Regt. Corps or Ship, etc. / Army or Official Number / Date of Discharge / Cause of Discharge / Particulars of Pension (if any) for disablement or service
8. Give particulars of your wife and children now under 16 years of age for whom you received family allowances at any time during service:-
[italics] (a) [/italics] Wife – full Christian Names [blank line]
and name before marriage.
[page break]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
[italics] (continued) [/italics]
13. [italics] (a) [/italics] When did you first suffer from the disability ? [italics] (a) [/italics]
[italics] (b) [/italics] If before your war service when did you first notice the effects of war service on it ? [italics] (b) [/italics]
14. State what particular incidents or conditions of service you considered caused or worsened the disability.
15. [italics] (a) [/italics] In which unit were you then serving ? [italics] (a) [/italics]
[italics] (b) [/italics] Where were you stationed ? [italics] (b) [/italics]
[italics] (c) [/italics] What was the precise nature of your duties at the time ? [italics] (c) [/italics]
16. If you suffered from the disability before joing the Forces, give the name and address of any doctor, hospital, etc [missing words]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/19
[italics] Part II to be completed at Unit.
Part III to be completed at Dispersal Centre. [/italics]
[italics] PART I.
Instructions to Released Person. [/italics]
You are now entitled to medical benefit under the National Health Insurance Acts, and a medical card telling you how to get treatment will be sent to you as soon as possible. Medical benefit includes free treatment from an insurance doctor at his surgery, or if your condition requires it, at your home, and free medicine.
[italics] If you go back to live in your old district and had an insurance doctor before you joined up you will be restored to his list if he is still in practice himself or by deputy. [/italics]
If you fall ill before the medical card comes, fill in the application below and hand this book to your previous insurance doctor (or, if absent, his deputy). If you did not have an insurance doctor before you joined up or if you go to live in another part of the country, apply to any insurance doctor. You can see a list of insurance doctors at the local Post Office.
Do not detach the form from the book. The doctor will do this.
Turn over for information about hospital treatment.
Form Med. 50A
[italics] PART II to be completed at Unit. [/italics]
Rank W/O Number 1610215
Initials B Surname ROSS (Block letters)
[page break]
Name of approved Society* (if any) [blank line]
(If a deposit contributor write “D.C.”)
Name of Branch (if any) of Society [blank line]
Membership number [blank line]
[blank line] [italics] (Signature of Released Person) [/italics]
[italics] Date [/italics] [blank line]
* If you were a member of an Approved Society before you were mobilised or called up for service, or if you joined an Approved Society during service, your membership is still effective.
[italics] PART V [/italics]
If you need hospital treatment before the end of your leave you should show this book to your doctor and if he is of the opinion that such treatment is necessary he will advise you as to the steps to be taken to obtain that treatment. You should show this Release Book to the hospital authorities when admitted to or attending hospital for treatment.
For the information of the doctor.
In-patient treatment would normally be given at the nearest service or civil Emergency [missing words]
[page break]
Take the utmost care of this book which contains your Certificate of Service. The Certificate cannot be replaced when loss is due to any action or negligence on your part. You should not part with your Certificate of Service, but if you desire to give anyone full particulars of your service, make a copy.
WARNING. – You are reminded that the unauthorised communication by you to any person at any time of any information you may have acquired while in H.M. Service which might be useful to an enemy renders you liable to prosecution under Official Secrets Acts 1911 and 1920.
In case of death, next-of-kin are requested immediately to inform A.O. i/c Records, K Division, Gloucester.
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
R.A.F. Form 2520/21
Rank 1610215 Number [deleted] W/O [/deleted] Sgt
Initials B. Surname ROSS (IN BLOCK LETTERS)
I have to inform you that I have changed my permanent address which now is:-
[italics] Insert } [blank line]
Full }
Postal }
Address } [blank line] (Post Town)
In }
Block }
Capitals } [/italics] [blank line] (County)
Date [blank line] Signature [blank line]
[page break]
[underlined ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE [/underlined] [OFFICIAL PAID stamp]
Air Officer i/c Records,
K. Division, [symbol]
Royal Air Force,
Great Britain. Royal Air Force, “Bernard Ross' service and release book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 14, 2025,
Item Relations
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