Letter to Wally Layne from his wife



Letter to Wally Layne from his wife


Hopes he is well and receiving mail regularly. Catches up with family news concerning baby son. Mentions getting photographs and writes of activities and catches up with news of friends and acquaintances. Writes about parcels sent and asks him to let her know if there was anything he needed. Continues with more news of activities and news of friends.




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Seven page handwritten letter


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97 Harlaxton Road,
Grantham, Lincolnshire,
England. April 28th 44.

My darling. Hello again, and all my love. I hope you are well, contented and receiving mail regularly. I had three postcards from you this week – It is so good to hear from you. You had not heard from me at the time of writing, I do hope dear that plenty of letters are reaching you now, and shall be pleased when the air mail service is once again resumed. David and I are perfectly okay, he is really lovely, and now weighs 10lbs. 6ozs. Dorothy and I are trying to cultivate a wave in his hair, but he refuses to cooperate. I heard from Frank again this week, he sent three photographs of you as a child, and it is easy to see the strong likeness to David at that age. I am having David photographed next week, so will send it along as soon as I can. I went up to Thorneydene a few days ago, and walked both ways, a good effort I thought. I had an enjoyable time. I took David along to see the Lee's and Mrs Kenny, they made a terrific fuss. I also saw Tommy Grey who asked all manner of questions about the baby and also wished to be remembered to you. He calls me Mrs. I cant say that I altogether approve. Auntie Isabel gave David 10/- which I shall put into savings for him, he has been very lucky. Alice has bought him a very nice white woollen pram set. Mrs F. has gone to stay at Leamington Spa for a few days. Miss Ellis has gone with her and they are staying with a cousin of hers. We havent had any news

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of Dick yet. Sid Wright is expecting to commence training as a [underlined] flight engineer [/underlined]. I saw Jackson a few days ago, her baby is very hefty. Alice came down the day before yesterday to go for a walk. I didn't enjoy it much, she insisted on pushing David's pram, and her navigation isnt very good. I was in pain most of the time, I thought any moment now David, pram and all, would pile into the nearest ditch. I owe Frank a letter – one of your workmen has been killed in a crash – He was undergoing training as flight engineer His name was Sidney Chappell maybe you knew him. I havent been to the pictures this week there was nothing very exciting being shown. I shall definately [sic] go next week – there is a real good 'weepy' 'Jane Eyre'. I hope your red cross parcels reach you safely. I send the next one in June. Tell me of anything you particularly require

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dear. I want to do everything I can for you, and unfortunately I have little opportunity. Write as much as you possibly can, and tell me all about yourself. We are always talking and thinking of you darling. I know your thought’s must be with us too. Anyway my love, do be as contented as possible, it wont be so very long before you come home again. I went for a walk with Betty Scothern a few days ago, we discussed our baby's at great length, and had a real good gossip I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am meeting her again next week. I had tea at Mrs Christopher's during the week, she is a grand person. I like her a lot. She celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary (silver wedding) yesterday. I had a letter from Mrs M'Kinna a few days ago, and she sent two bibs for David which I thought was sweet of her. She has received confirmation of her husband's death, but no particulars, I feel so sorry for her. I think she must be a grand person judging from her letters. I have written asking Lois to come over, so hope to be seeing her soon. She is working, but I dont know what she is doing. I have received payments for March from the RAF. I hope to have some letters from you before long. I am always thinking of you my darling. I went to have a look at a sewing machine which was advertised in the Journal, but turned it down as the people were asking for far more money than it was worth. The weather is lovely and the country side looks beautiful. We take walks towards Harlaxton and it is very pleasant. Derek John takes a keen interest in picking daisies, although he is not exactly expert, and more often than not gathers a handful of heads. David is asleep in the garden – he really is a very contented babe. Naturally he has a howl now and again, and if he chooses 3-0 A.M. in the morning, is he popular!? Derek John has just gone to bed after kisses all round. Shirley is here for the evening. I have insured David for drawing out when he is fifteen – the man explained the whole affair, but I am not very wise about it – I never am. Chalky's girl wrote and sent me several views of Enfield and Waltham Cross – she is

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a nice kid. I like them both very much, and must say they have been very kind to me. I hope the air mail service will soon be resumed darling. I am always wondering if my letters are reaching you darling, and too if you know of David Ian's arrival. Please never worry about me will you. I long to have you with me more than anything in the world, but patience has has [sic] been given me, and there are so many thousands of husband’s and wives parted that I feel I cannot complain. We are fortunate too that you suffered no injuries, when just anything might have happened. Derrick and Margaret have bought themselves a tandem much to our amusement and surprise. I doubt if we shall be honoured with a visit. I guess they look very funny on it as she is twice as fat as he is. Phil and Fred came last week – she is still queer, one of these days I think she will go completely haywire. I feel really sorry for Fred I bet she leads him a dance. Joan Greetham came up a few days ago, and stayed until late evening. She makes a lot of David – actually I think she is really envious. She and Jack have been married for 3 1/2 years, and in all that time have spent about a month together. She hears very regularly from him, and he has sent her some excellent photographs. He isnt camera shy like my husband. Do try and get yourself on a picture darling.

I had a letter from Effie yesterday. Ruth's husband is joining the navy, and Ruth is giving up her home to go and live with her mother. She has sent a parcel for David – but I havent received it yet. I have written to her, and shall send photographs when I get them, she asked me to say hello to you from the family. We are having another savings week from May 6th to 13th. I shall get David two certificates. I am going to a red cross next of kin meeting on May 5th. I expect I shall find it interesting. There is to be a rise in the allowance paid to service men's wives with children. As far as I can ascertain I shall get an increase of 10/6 a week. I had a look at the things in the sale of Sheriff's furniture etc. but did not see anything

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we particularly required. The books were very musty and ancient, and I left the fishing tackle alone as I know so little about it. Dorothy and Shirley have been to a few dances lately, and are going again tomorrow night. The padre keeps Dorothy informed of Andy's whereabouts. Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby often feature in the same radio show – Sinatra is okay but I much prefer Bing. I have done quite a lot of sewing lately, somehow I cant give my mind to reading – Have just had a rest, Ive developed writers cramp, and also trying to think up more news. Mum, Dorothy, and Shirley send you heaps of love and hope to be seeing you soon. Gosh! shant we have a lot to talk about, what a great day it will be. Please remember me to Robbie if he is still with you. I keep wondering if your commission means a change of camp. Are you doing any kind of studying? Will you join the theatrical society? Describe your activities as much as you possibly can dear. When I get to the questioning stage it means that news is very scarce, so my love I'll say goodnight and God bless you.

Keep smiling for me.
Ever your devoted wife



Joan Layne, “Letter to Wally Layne from his wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/30780.

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