Recommendation for Honours and Awards



Recommendation for Honours and Awards


A document recommending T O Prickett receives a DSO.



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One typewritten sheet


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[underlined]NON-IMMEDIATE [/underlined]
Christian names THOMAS OTHER Surname PRICKETT D.F.C.
Rank SQUADRON LEADER Official Number 40427
Command or Group No. 1 GROUP Unit NO. 103 SQUADRON
Total hours flown on operations 329.34
Number of Sorties 52
Total hours flown on operations since receipt of previous award 142.04
Number of sorties since receipt of previous award 20
Recognition for which recommended D.S.O.
Appointment held FLIGHT COMMANDER
Particulars of meritorious service for which the recommendation is made:
Squadron Leader PRICKETT joined No.103 Squadron on the 8th April 1943 for his second tour, since when he has completed 20 operational sorties, comprising in all 329.34 operational flying hours. Almost all of his operational sorties have been against the most heavily defended German targets, in particular those in the RUHR.
During the whole time Squadron Leader PRICKETT has been with this Squadron he has shown the most unflinching determination and magnificent courage in the manner in which he has at all times pressed home his attacks in spite of heavy opposition and hazardous weather conditions. He has on no occasion whilst with this Squadron had an aborted sortie this successful achievement being very largely due to the superb co-operation and confidence which he has instilled in his crew together with his outstanding skill and airmanship. Throughout his second tour and particularly towards the end he has suffered from spinal arthritis, a serious handicap, especially long sorties, which he has endured uncomplainingly and with great fortitude.
As Officer Commanding “B” Flight he has displayed exceptional qualities of leadership and organizing ability and he has had a strong and valuable influence in the Squadron. By his constant cheerfulness and enthusiasm and his fine offensive spirit he has set a very high standard of morale not only in his own Flight but amongst the air and ground crews of the whole Squadron.
His keenness and cheerful devotion to duty have been of the very highest order, and in recognition of his fine record of service I have no hesitation in strongly recommending him for the immediate award of DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER.
Wing Commander, Commanding,
No. 103 Squadron, R.A.F.,
[underlined] ELSHAM WOLDS, BARNETBY[sic], LINCS.[/underlined]
[underlined]Remarks by Station Commander [/underlined]
Squadron Leader Prickett has now completed his 2nd Operational tour. During his stay with the Squadron, he has shown the highest qualities both as a Flight Commander and as captain of aircraft. he has carried out his attacks regardless of heavy opposition with undaunted courage and determination. He has been an outstanding example to the squadron and has done much to maintain morale at a high level. In the absence of the Squadron Commander at various times he has filled that post with distinction and ability. Strongly recommended for the award of Distinguished Service Order.
Group Captain, Commanding,
Royal Air Force,
[underlined] ELSHAM WOLDS LINCS.[/underlined]
24th Aug 1943
[underlined] Remarks by Air or other Officer Commanding: [/underlined]
Strongly recommended for the Immediate Award of the D.S.O.
Air Vice Marshall,
Air Officer Commanding,
[underlined]No, 1 Group, R.A.F.[/underlined]
31st August 1943.


Command Officer 103 Squadron, “Recommendation for Honours and Awards,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,

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