Flying Control Log Book



Flying Control Log Book


A record of events and their times for the period 26 January to 2 March 1944 (72 pages).



Temporal Coverage




72 handwritten pages


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[underlined] S.O. Book 129 [/underlined]
Code 28-69-0.

G. [Crown] R.


JANUARY 26 to MARCH 2ND 1944.

T.4364. Wt. 7837. 2/43. 78,000 Bks. A.H. & S. Ltd.

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[underlined] WEDNESDAY JAN.26, 1944, [/underlined]

*cont’d from old book.

0900 / On duty / W.A.Warwick F/O.

0910 / Movement E-214 / Air Firing at R.H.B. & Whitby Bombing at Strinsall, Local F/A. & H t test for Hal’s & Lancs. from 1000 – 1800 hrs.

0915 / Met. / .429E at Wratting Common wishes to return. Weather re. met. O.K. up until 1130 or 1200 hrs. Base contacted & 3 Grp F/C who will notify us when A/C airborne.

0940 / Firing near Wombleton (extract from other log) / There will be firing by the Army 3 miles north of Wombleton from 2000 – 2100 hrs. on Jan 27, 1944. (Huncombe Park) 075022. Rockets of various colours.

1205 / HURRICANE 61 BASE / 61 Base report Hurricane S. of Dalton circling base Dalton at 1110 & then disappeared. R.O.C.L.O. notified & in return contacted York. 9.

1210 / HURRICANE 61 BASE / Hurricane S landed O.K. at base R.O.C.L.O. notified.

1225 / Base 61 aircraft. / Stacey handling his own diversion to time frames – advised that he had directed D.1664 to proceed to Leeming – informed Lmg himself.

Weather deteriorating – Middleton craft firing and Skipton still green.

1230 / Base 62 D/420 / Difficulties being encountered at [deleted][indecipherable word] [/deleted] Tholthorpe. Linton Red. Advised divert to Long O.K’d by Lmg vis 6 miles.

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JAN 26

1232 / D 1664 / Returned to Base and landed safely – Dishforth 12.30.

1240 / D/420 / Confirmed ex Base 62 that this a/c is diverted to Lmg – Lmg F.C informed.

1240 / M.S.G / – Yellow – Raining Craft still Green. – a/c recalled.

1245 / LMG / – Yellow – Raining Ref D/420 = Advised F.C Lmg to redivert to craft if necessary – ok’d by Base 62

1245 / – / Plotting [indecipherable word] opened to york 9 & 10

1250 / Base 61 / Happy about all their a/c

1301 / D/420 / Landed LMG. RED!

1430. / met.6. / Re disposition of weather this afternoon re.visiting [sic] A/C returning . Prospect not very good today & rather dubious about tomorrow.

1725 / W/C Huins / Ex 5 Group. W/C Huins – en route to Linton on Ouse in Proctor MM479 landed at Higsley because of adverse weather. Remaining the night.
Passed to Base 62.

1815 / AMLO / Jersey ref Category after following a/c y/428, I/428 – and B/428 as result of operation night 20/21st January

1825 / AMLO / Advised all three aircraft to be Cat A.C.

1830 / – / Off Duty – L A Justason F/L

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[underlined] Jan 26th [/underlined]

18.30 / On duty / F D Cleveland F/L

19.00 / No night flying in group. No ops. in Command.

[underlined] Thursday. Jan 27th 1944 [/underlined]

01.00 / Ident. Board changed.

09.00 / Off duty / F D Cleveland F/L On duty H.L Spencer P/O.

1100. / Petrol Diversion Bases / Requested of C.F.C. One definite Petrol Division Base for 433 Sqn (Middle Wallop area) and 6 additional provisional petrol divisions bases (central East Anglia & to south)

1130. / Petrol Diversion Bases / Ref. entry 1100 “Middle Wallop” requested in error. Changed to West Malling but C.F.C. say all a/c are being kept away from this station for discussion, and suggest Woodbridge.

1145 / Crash AFU/W Lindholme. Spitfire / 61 Base report crash 1 mile north east of Sessay Station. 1666/0 called Darky to report it. Topcliffe picked up message. Dalton taking action Pin Point 5411N 0116W.

1200 / Petrol Diversion Base / Cancelled request for one definite base & reduced request to 3 Emergency Petrol bases

1210 / M.S.G. Mark III Lightning / Completely U/S for 5 days due to Contractors carelessness in cutting cables; also affects Contact Strip, etc.

1255 / L.F.B. / Dungeness on 340° – 0010 – 0110 [inserted] 2310 – 0010 [/inserted]
Shoeburyness on 330° – 0025 – 0125 [inserted] 2350 – 0050 [/inserted]

1255 / Balloons / Dover, Canterbury, Chelmsford, Thames Estuary & London will be at 1500ft. with advice if any change from 0001 – 0130 hrs [inserted] 2330 – 0100 [/inserted]

1310 / Crash AFU/W Spitfire / From 61 Base:- Pilot F/L Hodson. From Lindholme en route to Dalton. Engine failed and Pilot crash landed. F/L Hodson O.K; Stbd Wing off, Port Wing cut, Prop bent, fuselage OK.1 Gp. F.C informed.

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1315 / Emergency Petrol Diversion Bases / From C.F.C & allotted as indicated
Feltwell – 408 Sqn.
Stradishall – 426 Sqn.
Wattling Common – 432 Sqn.
Passed to 62 Base with available “gen”

1500 / 419/Q Woodbridge / Air I authorised 419 Squadron to fly crew down to Woodbridge to bring back the mfn aircraft, provided the Station Commander does not feel the wind is too strong for them. M.S.G informed T.O. 1538 hrs.

1600 / L.F.B / New times:-
Dungeness 2340 – 0040.
Shoeburyness 2350 – 0050.

Balloon / New times for control – 2330 – 0100 hrs.

Passed to 62 Base.

1830 / Off Duty / H L Spenser P/O.
On Duty. F/L Justason. L & F/O Warwick. W.A.

1900 / 1679 “A” / Linton report ‘A’ as landing at Millom on 2 engines no further gen.

1915 / AIR.I. / Permission granted by Air I for W/C Langton to fly Com. Fly. Alford to Millom approx. 0900 in the morn. Base 62 not’f’d.

1940 / DARKY A/C W. / Mid. St. George report A/C called Darky in vicinity unable to get A/C’s R/T call sign.

1950. / R.O.C.L.O. / Contacted re any A/C in distress as plotted in our area. No gen.

1955 / BEAUFIGHTER (EASTMOOR) / A/C now serviceable & ready to go.

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[underlined] JANUARY.THUR.27. [/underlined]

2030 / Wellington “C” / Eastmoor report a Well. has [sic] having landed at 2010 from Haswell, with eng. trouble bad mag. drop on both eng’s 91 Grp. notified & staying the nite.

2035 / Re. DARKY “W” / Darky. A/C Dandy W” from Upper Heyford in our vicinity Leeming. Craft and Topcliffe lit up & looking out for him. A/C reported to have fired colours of the period RR near Winforth when coned by interesting Sandra’s. Leeming have been firing pyros but to no avail.

2040. / 1669 “A” MILLOM / A/C landed at Millom due to eng. failure, landed in two engines at approx. 1821.

2050 / UPPER HEYFORD / U.P.H. phoned re. Darky .W. & his endurance & whether U.H. could contact on Stn. HF/DF.

2105 / DARKY. / W. A/C disappeared from York area.

2115 / F.C. 93 GRP. / W/T. messages from 62 Base to F/C – 93 Grp.
[underlined] to-18 O.T.U =[/underlined] Finningley from SNZ/K. -99SY-AZDP, BFFY. =2000
XC – 5417N – 0022W.

[underlined]To 30.0.T.U. Hiyon
RNR/Q = 99.CB.SG.DP.W.R.2037, 5443° – 0051° W.

[underlined] TO 27 O.T.U. [/underlined]
Litchfield = KRK/I =
99. X.C. 5YTT. BIXJ – 2026.
Pos’n 5455 – 0125 W.

2120 / 3 GRP.F.C. / Re. our broadcast Periods on G.O.F. = Passed – 20-30 & 50-60

2130 / 93 GRP. / Re. Dandy “W” they had contacted him on Stn. HF/DF & homing him on such.

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[underlined] JANUARY 27. THUR [/underlined]

2135 / 61 BASE / Report Walton Outer Circle U/S until further notice.

2210. / 93 GRP. / From 62 Base W/T message to Litchfield
KRK.I. 99-1C.IE CMUA NC-2130
Pos’n = 5540 – 0312 W Passed to 93.

[underlined] JANUARY 28th [/underlined]

0020. / C.F.C / F/C re. diverting 4 Wellington from Bramcote & suggested Leeming: C.F.C notified weather O.K.

0025. / C.F.C / Leeming have a 40° – 50° X wind of 35-40 mph on runway in use & suggested Topcliffe. Gen already sent to A/C to divert them to Leeming. Leeming contacted & will re-divert A/C to Topcliffe by R/T. Top. Informed

0030. / Bramcote / 4 Wellingtons.
W/T = MHR. R/T = [indecipherable word]
A/C = E.U.Q.A. ETA = 0300

0040 / F.C.V.O.12. / R.O.C report A/C in power dive near mid. St. George. Mid St. Geo. notified but have no news of such.

0045 / C.F.C / Re- 2 A/C from Ashbourne, 1 Albesmeade –W/T - W.O.N. “V” R/T Allad., 1 Whitley W/T P.L.U “G” R/T Indus. arriving approx. 0140 hrs. diverted to Topcliffe.

0105 / Mid. St. Geo. / Re-entry of 0040. Mid. have checked with all concerned also Thornaby, but no indication of crash or A/C in power dive?

0110 / IDENT BOARD / Ident Board changed.

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[underlined] JANUARY 28, FRIDAY, 1944 [/underlined]

0130 / BASE 61 / A/C’s Whitley & Albemarle landed O.K. at base. Leeming notified

0135 / Wellingtons / One of scheduled Wimps [sic] ‘U’ landed at Stanton Harcourt 0050. Leeming & Top. Notified.

0140 / Bramcote / They have had 5 Wellingtons 4 accounted for, one which is believed to have blown up in mid-air. 0 still outstanding.

0220. / Bramcote / Diversion off. All A/C accommodated for, this information passed to Base 61 & Leeming.

0330 / 6 Grp. / 10 A/C outstanding on ops from total of 48 Lancs.

0400 / 6 Gp. / Repeating 0330 – retuned Linton and Eastmoor checked up on their dispersals the numbers missing was reduced to 8.

0830 / Ref Return of A/C away / Picture according to 6 Gp. met as follows: Weak warm from over this group past now – Expected to clear in about 2 hours time.

0845 / Instn to F.C. at groups where a/c are: / All of our a/c which are serviceable are to stand by ready for take off instructions as of 10.30 – 11.00 hrs approx.

0900 / – / Off Duty Justaston F/L
F/O Warwick.

10.00 / Return of aircraft. / Met. say weather here us Okay for return during next six hours – QBB 1500 ft vis. good. All aircraft away have been told to return immediately.

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[underlined] Friday January 28th, 1944 [/underlined]

14.00 / Landfall Beacon at Flamborough on bearing 270° T from 0740 – 0840.

Billingham Balloons. Close-hauled 2310 – 0110, 07.45 – 09.30 hrs (See entry 16.30 hrs)

15.00 / Middleton St George / :- Prem outer circle, funnels & flare path u/s. Temporary arrangement:- Contact strip is okay and they will use Money flares as funnels – Okay with Squadrons & Station Commander. Thornby is standing by Middleton. Informed CFC of this arrangement.

15.30 / Diversion Bases / [deleted] As [/deleted] Unless the weather in this Group should deteriorate diversions bases are not necessary, as it is just as short back to bases in 6 Gp. as to anywhere else in England.

15.30 / Fix. 424/0 / 56.37N 0043W III 13.22 from Inverness. Movement passed to 13 Group for checking purposes.

15.30 / Permission / by SASO for Oxford to take parts to C/1659 at Jwby tomorrow morning at 10.00.

16.30 / Billingham Balloons. / Now close-hauled 23.00 – 01.00, 07.00 – 09.00 hrs

1830. / Off duty / F/L Cleland On duty H L Spencer P/O.

2015 / Crash? Nr Eastmoor / Originally thought to be a crash by R.O.C. 12 Group & 6V Base Now considered to be part of Army exercises, White and Ref Flares and Vereys seen by Eastmoor to the south. Strensal [sic] Bombing Range confirm firing going on to west of them.

2100 / 1679/B / Landed at Pocklington. Fuel gauges showed zero. Called Darky. Staying overnight.

[underlined] Saturday – Jan 29/44 [/underlined]

0001 / Ident Board Changed

0440 / Bomber 343 / Noticed m/n coming from the east turned around & flew west. Informed.

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F.C.L.O. & suggested fighter be sent to lead him back in.

0445 / Bomber 343. / Fighter being sent to intercept.

0450 / Bomber 343 / 12 Group do not believe this a/c was flying west previously but are checking further.

0645 / Emergency Fix 431/N / Fix – 5358N 0555E 1st Class, 0632 ack. From Hull. Passed to Croft.

0658 / Impatient Fix 431.N / Fix. 5340N 0421E 2nd class 0649 ack. Passed to Croft.

0658 / S.O.S 434/S / FIX 5505N 0325E 2nd Class 0654. & message 61300. Croft informed.

0705 / S.O.S 434/S / FIX 5444N 0258E 3rd class 0655 Passed to Croft.

0710 / S.O.S 434/S / FIX 5437N 0212E 3rd class. 0706 ack. Passed to Croft. Also informed 12 Group F.C.L.O. & requested to reader any possible assistance.

0725 / S.O.S 434/S / FIX 5437N 0217E 3rd class 0715 Passed Croft

0725 / Emerging Fix W31/N / FIX 5320N 0226E 1st class 0723 ack. Passed to Croft

0735. / S.O.S 434/5 / Fix 5414N 0100E 1st. 0731 ack. Passed to Croft.

0740 / S.O.S. 434/S / Fix 5408N 0032E 1st. 0730 ack.

0800 / S.O.S. 434/E Fix 5400N 0004E 1st. 0749 ack. (Cancelled at 0753 hrs)

0800 / S.O.S 434/S / Fix 5407N 0009E 1st. 0743. ack

0850. / Crash 431/F / From Dishforth: aircraft crashed on landing – no petrol and 2 engines out. Crew OK.

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[underlined] Friday January 28th, 1944 [/underlined]

14.00 / Landfall Beacon at Flamborough on bearing 270 ° T from 0740 – 0840.
Billingham Balloons. Close-hauled 2320 – 0110, 07.45 – 09.30 hrs (See entry 16.30 hrs)

15.00 / Middleton St George:- / Prem outer circle, funnels & flare path u/s. Temporary arrangement:- Contact strip is okay and they will use Money flares as funnels – Okay with Squadrons & Station Commander. Thornby is standing by for Middleton. Informed CFC of this arrangement.

15.30 / Diversion Bases / [deleted] As [/deleted] Unless the weather in this Group should deteriorate diversions bases are not necessary, as it is just as short back to bases in 6 Gp. as to anywhere else in England.

15.30 / Fix. 424/0 / 56.37N 0043W III 13.22 from Inverness. Movement passed to 13 Group for checking purposes.

15.30 / Permission / by SASO for Oxford to take parts to C/1659 at Jwby tomorrow morning at 10.00.

16.30 / Billingham Balloons. / Now close-hauled 23.00 – 01.00, 07.00 – 09.00 hrs

1830. / Off duty / F/L Cleland. On duty H L Spencer P/O.

2015 / Crash? Nr Eastmoor / Originally thought to be a crash by R.O.C. 12 Group & 62 Base. Now considered to be part of army exercises, White & Ref Flares & Vereys seen by Eastmoor to the south. Strensal [sic] Bombing Range confirm firing going on to west of them.

2100 / 1679/B / Landed at Pocklington. Fuel gauges showed zero. Called Darky. Staying overnight.

[underlined] Saturday – Jan. 29/44 [/underlined]

0001 / Ident Board Changed

0440 / Bomber 343 / Noticed m/n coming from the east turned around & flew west. Informed.

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F.C.L.O. & suggested fighter be sent to lead him back in.

0445 / Bomber 343. / Fighter being sent to intercept.

0450 / Bomber 343 / 12 Group do not believe this a/c was flying west previously but are checking further.

0645 / Emergency Fix 431/N / Fix – 5358N 0555E 1st Class, 0632 ack. from Hull. Passed to Croft.

0658 / Important Fix 431.N / Fix. 5340N 0421E 2nd class 0649 ack. passed to Croft.

0658 / S.O.S. 434/S FIX 5505N 0325E 2nd Class 0654. & message. 61300. Croft informed.

0705 / S.O.S. 434/S FIX 5444N 0258E 3rd class 0655 Passed to Croft.

0710 / S.O.S. 434/S / FIX 5437N 0212E 3rd class. 0706 ack. Passed to Croft. Also informed 12 Group F.C.L.O. & requested to reader any possible assistance.

0725 / S.O.S. 434/S / FIX 5437N 0217E 3rd class 0715 Passed Croft

0725 / Emergency Fix 431/N / FIX 5320N 0226E 1st class 0723 ack. Passed to Croft.

0735 / S.O.S 434/5 / Fix 5414N 0100E 1st. 0731 ack. Passed to Croft.

0740 / S.O.S. 434/S / Fix 5408N 0032E 1st. 0730 ack.

0800 / S.O.S. 433/E / Fix 5400N 0004E 1st. 0749 ack. (Cancelled at 0753 hrs)

0800 / S.O.S. 434/S / Fix 5407N 0009E 1st. 0743. ack

0850. / Crash 431/F / From Dishforth. aircraft crashed on landing – no petrol and 2 engines out. Crew OK.

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0855 / 433/E Crash / Aircraft crashed 2 miles S.W. of Catfoss who are taking crash action.
F/S Stiler killed.
M.U.G. injured
Remainder O.K.

0900 / On Duty / L A Justason F/L : W.A Warwick F/O

0910 / 433/H. / Crew baled out 8 miles north of Thirsk. K.F.S & Thirsk Police are searching for crash 8 miles north east of Thirsk. Skipton checking further for definite location of crash.

0925 / 434/5 / From Croft. Crew baled out at Staxton Wold. Following accounted for
P.O. Fielding OK
P.O. Claton OK
Sgt. Thompson OK
Sgt. Dennis – Killed
Remainder unaccounted for at present.
-SX F.C.L.O.12: Crash near FLAXTON. FILEY (RAF)
Taking necessary guard action.

1010 / 434/S. / Ex Croft – all crew except P/O Brown (Bomb A.) accounted for.

1050 / 433E. / 4 Grp. F.C. re. position of crew, that crashed at Catfoss. Pilot F/S Stiles killed m/w seriously injured in Catfoss S.S.Q. remainder of crew O.K. Crashed due to lack of petrol at 0758. Position of A/C near Officers Mess at a place Burandes [sic] Burton. Catfoss providing guard.

1055 / 433/H / 5 of crew accounted for & are picking up such Flt. Eng & R/G to be accounted for.

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1110 / 433/H / Position of A/C near Coolsby [sic] Hall. Skipton have arranged for guarding of such. Member of crew found in A/C was P/O Cox. Sgt Lumsdon F/E Steel unaccounted for. [inserted][deleted] (2000 hrs all crew [indecipherable word] O.K) [/deleted][/inserted]

1125. / 431/N. / F.C.L.O. 12/ Grp phoned re 4 men picked up by trawler “Swallow” 2 of the crew Sgt Webber & Sgt Parker. They respond with crew list. Croft notified.

1130 / M.L.O. South Downs. / Sqd. Sorties re losses etc passed.

1140 / 16 Grp / They give approx. position of crew picked up by trawler as 5300N – 0110E approx. No further news as to when & names of other two bods. as “Swallow” is transferring them to other boats dispatched from Humber. Will phone in further gen.

1155 / SKIPTON Re Search sanctioned by W/C McCathy / Skipton request to fly an A/C in an area around Thirsk to possibly pick up visual parachute of missing Flt. Engineer Sgt Lumsden, who is still no [sic] accounted for.

1220. / 16 G.R.P. / Phoned if it would be possible for us to put up 6 A/C on Sea Search.
[underlined] Area [/underlined]
52:55 – 0130.
53:15 – 0110.
53:23 0210.
5313 0230.
Parallel track Search from S.W. to N.E. working N.W. at 1 /4 mil vis. usual A/S/R. briefing. Call sign W.C.F. & 47 to 52 inclusive

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[underlined] SATURDAY JAN. 29/44 [/underlined]

1230 / 61 Base / Contacted them re, A/C standing by for A.S.R. & that we required 6 A/C. Area passed & numbers allotted. 3 A/C from 1679 & 3 from 1664.

1240. / 61 Base / Asked if it would be possible to put up another A/C up for A.S.R. Told them to stand the A/C down until 16 Grp. contacted & new no. allocated. W.C.F – 72.

1245 / 16 Grp. / Re. one extra A/C for A.S.R. OK & allotted. W.C.F. [symbol] 72. Also correction in 3rd boundary line of area. Should read 53-33 – 0210 instead of 53-23 – 0210. 61 Base notified immediately.

1355 / 4 Grp 434/S / Phoned re position of crew S. near Filey 5 of the crew OK & at Filey Mess, 2 of the crew [inserted] Sgt [/inserted] Egale & Godney injured & in S.S.A. at Filey & one dead Sgt Dimers. Pos approx. on Top Sheet 23. ref 518998. This information passed to Croft

1410. / 432/V / Who is at Wratting Common is now Service & D/C at W.C. advised. Weather checked OK.

1430 / 433/D / Report from M.S.G. that the crew of D-433 of been picked up at Hartlepool. F/O Gray & Crew. No further gen.

1455. / A.S.R. /16 Grp re crew of 434/N should be in Grimsby some time this evening, they will notify us when further gen is obtained.

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1534 / A.S.R. / Re sighting two wheels floating in the sea with N. painted on them. From N of 434 (Imagine):

1650 / 433/D / Transportation sent to Hartlepool & all of crew O.K.

[deleted] 1700 / 433/11 / According to W/C Sinton & F/L Cuke, all the bodies are accounted for. [/deleted]

1830 / – / off Duty L A Justason F/L F W.A Warwick F/O

18.30 / On Watch / F D Cleland F/L.

20.34 / A.S.R. / All 1659 & 1664 aircraft now down. No sightings Passed to MLS 12 – 16 Group.

20.50 / 431/N / See entry 11.25hrs. Flag Officer (Humber) phoned to us give names of 4 crew members picked up. They were not able to land them until this evening for operational reasons. They were picked up 2 1/2 miles SE of Cromer Light and are now all at Grimsby Naval Sick Bay
They are: F/S Charlebois
Sgt Cole
Sgt. Webber
Sgt. Parker
All are ok but suffering from shock & exposure. Said they ditched due to shortage of petrol. Passed this gen. to Croft.

23.12 / All Aircraft in Group down

[underlined] Sunday. January 30th 1944 [/underlined]

01.00 / Ident Bd / Changed.

08.00 / 408N Attacked by Beaufighters while on X-C. / (1) At posn. 55°N 0220W – 17000ft at 19.27 hrs
(2) At posn 5530N 0300W – 17000ft at 19.38 hrs. The Beaufighter did not open fire – but made two determined attacks. The Lanc. was just burning Resin lights at first posn. but upon being attacked switched to Nav. Lights & recco light. In spite of this they were attacked again at posn (2)
Dangerous for Beaufighter as Lancs. guns were loaded & gunners were ready to fire if he did not break off.

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[underlined] Sunday. January 30th 1944 [/underlined]

08.05 / N/408 / Passed this information to 12 Gp. who say there was a Bullseye (local) scheduled for last night. This was probably the reason for the attack. FCLO 12 will confirm this later after investigating.

09.00 / Off duty. / F D Cleland F/L On duty H.L Spencer F/L.

1000 / Dalton “Mag” / Permission granted by Air I to fly Pilot of crashed Spitfire from Walton to Lindholme.

1015 / R/428 / AIR I authorized two crews to be flown to Grimsby to pick up 2 aircraft there.

1020 / Comm. Flight Proctor / Reserved for Mc Saunders & S/L [indecipherable name] for 1050 hrs – for day.

1130 / L.F. B[symbol]2 On / bearing 270° from 2330-0030 hrs.

1145 / Emergency Div. Petrol Base. / Requested one base (for 433 Sqn.) Suggested Docking in East Anglia area.

1255 / U.S. ARMY MUSTANG / m/n a/c, A7C, Lieut. BRONSTON landed. Croft, who advised U.S. Station GOXHILL.

1320 / Emerg. Petrol Div. Base / Docking allotted by C.F.C. “Gen.” passed to Stations.

1405 / 2nd Proctor / Reserved for S/L Rawson for 1445 hrs

1420 / U.S. Army Mustang / Took off from Croft for Goxhill at approx. 1420 hrs.

1510 / Possible Diversion to 6 Gp. / To C.F.C, the following stations with their numbers as follows, with the reservation that our weather was the same as forecast this morning. The figure could be increased.
61 Base – Wombleton 15
Dishforth 25
62 Base – Linton – 5
Eastmoor – 15
Skelthorpe – 15

Leeming – 25
Skipton – 15

Croft – 25

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[underlined] SUNDAY JAN.30/1944. [/underlined]

1830. / On duty F/L Justason L.A F/O Warwick W.A.

1900. / 1 GROUP / Re. an S.O.S. at sea approaching 1 Grp. area & phoned if possible our ‘A’ of 426. F/C given R/T call sign of O.

1925 / 1664/Y (CRASH) / [inserted] DG308 [/inserted] / Pranged at Dishforth blocking no. 22 R/W. Cat ? B no one hurt, U/C collapsed & back broken.?

1950. / 431/L (CRASH). [inserted] DL245 [/inserted] / Pranged on main R/W obstruction U/C collapsed. Possible cat. A/C may be able to remove A/C tonite. [sic]

2135 / 420/T. / Returning from base due to O.E. u/s. Carrying live bombs & asking permission to go to sea to jettison.

2150. / F.C.LO & M.L.O.12. / Notified re A/C T. going out to jettison about 50 miles off Flamboro Head. also on 3 engines W/T. NLZ.

2230. / 435/S Crash 29th nr. Filey. / 4 Grp. F/C phoned re. position of S that crashed main of 29th near Filey .ref. sheet 23 – 515994. & as they wondered how long guard required as it was supplied by Northern Command. Croft. C.T.O. phoned as was under the impression that A/C had crashed in the Sea. But if has crashed on land the nearest R.A.F. Stn. should send Crash Signal as to Cat. F/C Croft notified for C.T.O. to contact Filey at Hunmamby 291. to see if signal sent & whether Cat A/C & M.U. notified for pick up N. Command would like to

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[underlined] SUNDAY JAN. 30.1944 [/underlined]

2230 / 434/S / Know how long guard required. Posn. 1/4 miles N. of Flaxton.

2250. / 420/T, / Who was sent to Jettison has not been heard from as yet. F.C.L.O & M.L.O. notified & have no news of anything in distress.

2310 / 420/T. / Is now up on R/T. M.L.O. & F.C.L.O notified.

2350 / 4 GROUP. / Re, diverting an A/C to Dishforth a Con. Unit A/C. 61 Base notified & Dishforth standing by.

[underlined] MONDAY JAN. 31/44. [/underlined]

0010, / C.F.C. (DIVERSON) / not required for diversion of 8 Grp. A/C Stations standing by contacted to stand [deleted] by [/deleted] down.

0040 / F.C.L.O. / All operational A/C down O.K. with exceptions of L.433 .asked F.C.L.O if any news of such. no joy.

0045 / GROFT [sic] W/433 / “W” of 433 landed at Croft & staying overnite [sic]. Croft taking care of Int. etc. This passed to Skipton Flying Control.

0100 / 4GRP. 420/R / F/C phoned re a[deleted]n[/deleted] “Climax” R. had overshot one of their drones & landed in a field. No further gen.

0105 / 62 BASE. / Re. an R-420 who had called on Channel “A” saying short of petrol. Instructed to switch to Darky “D” & call. Presumably entry 0100 hrs.

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[underlined] MONDAY JAN. 31. 1944. [/underlined]

0120 / 4 Grp. (CRASH) [inserted] R420 LW383 [/inserted] / A/C R.420 Sgd. crash landed at Rufforth, made a belly landing went thru. a hedge Cat B. All crew O.K. and in the S.S.A. as no other room available. This information passed to 62 Base.

0130. / 62 Base. / Re. Linton HF/DF picking up a continuous steady note on 130°T bearing (0130) Signal strength very strong & could be possibly 3038 – 2 K/C’s lower than 3040.

0210. / 62 Base. / No Gen. on entry 0130 imagine it may be R/420 that crashed near Rufforth.

0410. / M.L.O. Bom. Com. / Report a Hal. Crashed at Catfoss at 2221 & as we are 1 of 433 Hali’s down wondered if it was ours. Told M.L.O would contact Catfoss immediately

0520. / F/C CATFOSS. / A/C crashed near aerodrome all killed but one, seriously injured & in Beverly Hosp. His name being P/O Andrews this is the only gen available & does not sum up with crew list of 433/L.

0530. / A/S/R. 16 Grp / 16 Grp require 7 A/C for Sea Search in the morn.

0535 / 61 Base Re- A/S/S/ / 61 not’f’d. re. Sea Search this morning. have 7 A/C laid on for such emergency. Can not be ready until 1000 hrs.

0540. / A/S/S 16 Grp. Contacted & told them we could put op [sic] 7 Halis from 1679 (4) & 1664 (3).

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[underlined] MONDAY JAN. 31/44. [/underlined]

0550. / A/S/S/AREA / 16 Grp. re. Search Area
(1) 5320 – 0235
5336 – 0248
5345 – 0125
5400 – 0140
(2) N.W. to S.E. parallel track creeping N.E 1/4 mile vis. usual A/S/R. briefing.
(3) [underlined] CALL SIGN [/underlined] = W.C.F.[symbol]5 78 – 84 incl.
(4) Area to the South will have 8 Stirlings of 3 Grp.
(5) 2 boats at posn. 5334 – 0100 + R.M.L. – 520 – C/S – M.H.B. – 11 & R.M.L. – 523 – C/S M.H.B. – 14.
(6) There will also be Anson’s near our area.
= all this gen passed to 61 Base.

0555. / IDENT. BD. / Ident board changed at 0140.

0600. / MET. G. / Consulted re. possible weather in Search area. Quoted vis fairly good, & cloud base between 2-3000:

0630. / 62 Base. / All Wombletons A/C returned to Wombleton (0130) by Sgt. Watch Keeper.

0815. / A/S/S. / 61 Base advise can only put up 1679. (3) 1664 (3) 16 Grp. advised.

09.00 / Off Duty / F/L Justason & F/O Warwick
On duty / F.D. Cleland F/L.

10.00 / Gardening Effort / Routeing in and out via Middlesboro Authorised by MLO 12 Gp. Also OK’d by BLO 12.

10.30 / Crashes last night / (1664Y – 431L – 420R)- All interested partied informed – SASO, Controller, Air I, Equip, Eng, GTI I, Group Acc, Investigator

12.30 / No LFB / ordered for tonight.

14.30 / Billingham Balloons. / Close-hauled {23.00 – 00.01 hrs
{06.00 – 07.30 hrs.

[Page Break]

[underlined] Monday Jan. 31st 1944 [/underlined]

14.30 / Diversion Base / for Middleton tonight is Dyce. 13 Group informed Will pass call-signs later. Prov. petrol only.

16.00 / Diversion Base / Cancelled

16.00 / Balloons / Cancelled

16.30 / Diversion Base / (Dyce) cancelled.

16.30 / 434 S (Crashed on Jan. 29th/44.) / At Filey now being guarded by Filey & Northern Command. In answer to query from 4 Gp the following was ascertained from Croft:-
Aircraft is Cat E – partially burnt. The M.U are taking over and hope to have it cleaned in 3 days.
Incidentally, time of crash was 08.25 according to RAF Lissett. An unidentified Darky Call was heard at 08.08 by Driffield. This probably was S/434 who were calling about that time.

16.30 / 420R (Crashed on Jan 30/44) / Seems to be due to finger trouble. Group Accident Investigation states that, although pilot reported only 5 mins. more petrol, there were at least 300 gallons found in the crash. The pilot belly landed because he thought undercart would not come down whereas it could have been manipulated Also was calling Darky on LAC and had to be told by Tholthorpe to use Button “D”.

18.00 / Overdue A/C 1664 H DK 185 / Supposed to proceed on X- Country on return from Sea Search – Did not report to station at all. Crash has been reported to ROCLO 12 – Supposed to be Halifax Aircraft bear Ilkley. 9 Group have been looking after this but 4 Grp (Marston Moor) have been asked to guard it. No details at all yet but 9 Gp or 4 Gp will contact us as soon as they learn about it.

1830 / Off Duty F/L Cleland. On duty H B Spencer P/O.

2030 / Crash 1664/H (DK 185) / At approx 1950hrs Ilkley Police indicated this aircraft in entry 1800 hrs belonged to Driffield. On checking learned from 4 Group they were not missing any. Subsequently it was learned the aircraft was 1664/H. Crash occurred at VE-5769 a few miles north west of Ilkley. Local police &

[Page Break]

20-30 / Crash 1664/H (Cont’d) / N.F.S. on job, with Marston – moor [deleted] guarding a/c [/deleted] [inserted] taking crash action, Army are guarding ok (9 Gr. arranged) [/inserted] Crash occurred at approx. 1730 hrs & a/c burned. Of the crew 6 were killed and one injured. Latter taken to High Royals Hospital, Menston-in-Wharfedale, and is Sgt Byrne (?) ([symbol] 1553021) Flight Engineer. Flying Control 4 & 11 Groups in picture, also 61 Base
Crew list –

2130. / Crash 1664/H (DK -185) / Pilot – F/S McLeod D.G. R156986. killed.
Nav – Sgt. Riggs. L. R148524 killed.
B/A Sgt Rahn, R.H. R155420 killed. Identified
WOP – Mo King. W.G. R93560 killed.
MUG – Sgt. Martin, G. R163414 killed. Identified
R.G. – Sgt Mullen, A.L. R192035 killed. Identified
F/E – Sgt. Bryan, F 1,553,021 [inserted] (Identified) [/inserted] Injured – taken to hospital as noted above. Passed to 4 Group for checking purposes.

2130 / Pundit [symbol] 274. (Area L-13.) / 61 Base report Topcliffe requesting Loan of Reserve Landmark Beacon from Linton-on-Ouse. [inserted] (AF3 31 Jan.) [/inserted]

2215 / Air-Sea Recue Search / 16 Group request 8 A/C for Search tomorrow morning, area as follows:-
5320N 0120E
5350N 0120E
5350N 0210E
5320N 0210E
61 Base asked for offers.

2230. Possible Diversion from 1 Gr. / Weather closing in on 1 Group, and we may be asked to co-operate. Met feel our northern stations should be OK until midnight at least & possibly later. Croft warned of this possibility. M.S.G. MkII Lighting still U/S. Met should be viz at least 3 miles, cloud 5/10 2000 ft.

2300 / A/S/R Search / Offers – 1664 – 3 a/c
1659 – 5 a/c
16 group informed.

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2300 / A/S/R Search / Call signs – W.C.F.
Numbers – 46-53 (Incl)
Work. Section “J” 385kes & 500 kes
(385 at the hour & half hour for 5 minutes).
Parallel track search, north to south, creeping east to west, at 1/4 mile viz.

1659 a/c Area – 5 A/C
5320N 0120E
5350N 0120E
5320N 0150E
5350N 0150E

16643 A/C area – 3 A/C

5320N 0150E
5350N 0150E
5320N 0210E
5350N 0210E

Passed to 61 Base. T.O. – APPROX – 1030-1100 HRS

2325 / 1 Group Diversion / They’re coping ok. Croft stood down.

[underlined] Tuesday – Feb. 1, 1944 [/underlined]

0001 / Ident / Board Changed.

0040 / A/S/R Search / Ex 16 Group – Surface Craft c/s M.H.B – 12. 61 Base informed 0750 hrs.

0830 / A/S/R Search / Met say weather should be fair at first, cloudy, with rain spreading to bases at mid-day, and out to the sea area during afternoon viz will remain reasonable, not less than 2,000 yds even in rain at first but will come down as wind backs to south, by mid afternoon, 1000-3000 yds in base area with 1-2 miles viz with rain in the [indecipherable word] mid afternoon. On return to bases approx. 1600 hrs, continuous & heavy rain.

0900 / Off Duty H.L Spencer P/O.

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[underlined] TUE.FEB.1.1944. [/underlined]

0900 / On duty F/O Warwick W.A.

0910 / A/S/R re met.6. / Met figure O.K. for search but on return, in weather bad north of Grp. Should be O.K. 61 Based notf’d.

1000 / CRASH 1664/H / Following notified
Air.I. (B.C. until tomorrow)
W/C. Saunders

1005 / EASTMOOR / Wish permission to take a Lanc. down to Middle Wallop to pick up A/C. leave approx. 1030.

1010 / EASTMOOR / 6 Grp. met. contacted re. Lanc. to Middle Wallop. weather very duff for the whole day. F/C Eastmoor told to scrub.

1015 / MOVEMENTS E-27 / Air Firing R.H.B. & Whitby. B. of Stunsall, Local F/A. & hb. test for Hali’s & Lanc’s from 1030 – 1800 hrs.

1030 / 1664/H (CRASH). / One survivor of crew of H. died at 0820 this morning. 61 Base advised.

1050. / F.C. 12 GRP. / Report that R.O.C. post R,I. n of Wombleton reported sighting a Lanc. overhead A/C went out of sight & then heard a crash & noticed a vivid flash. Approx position -2511. 8 miles N.E of Wombleton near village of Crompton

1055 / BASE 61. / To check with Wombleton.

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[underlined] FEB.1. (TUE). 1944. [/underlined]

BASE. 61 (cont’d) / if they had any Lancs. flying they had two but both in circuit & on R/T & W/T.

1100. / BASE-62. / Contacted & have all Lanc. A/C accounted for.

1110 / R.C.L.O. / Phoned re. track of A/C. & R.I. post saw A/C overhead & proceeded N.E. & then [deleted] saw [/deleted] heard crash. Requested back track of A/C from York. I will phone later.

1115. / M.L.O. 12. / Re. any Lanc. which was flying in our area. They checked & no A/C detailed.

1130. / Base 61. / Re. presumed crash, they have detailed one A/C to search area & also two cars in the area.

1145. / 5 Group / Asking them if they have any Lanc flying into or thru our area, they checked & all O.K.

1225 / 61 Base. / Wombleton search A/C report a Brush or Heath fire approx. 4 miles East of Crompton.

1230. / POLICE PICKERING / Contacted Police at Pickering near Compton & they have search cars out but no news as yet, will notify us as soon as they have any gen.

1350. / 61 Base. / Re. any development of Search by car, & no news as yet.

1445 / 61 Base. / Car returned to Wombleton with no news or sign of any A/C.

1600 / R.O.C.L.O. F.C.L.O. / Notified re. finding, no sign of A/C & all A/C accounted for in our Grp. & 5.

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[underlined] TUESDAY FEB. 1. 1944 [/underlined]

1620 / C.F.C / Put in the picture re. our XC’s scheduled for tonite [sic]. Number & area.

1830 / off Watch F/O Warwick.
On Watch F D Cleland F/L.

19.30 / E/429 [inserted] (LL196) [/inserted] / Due on X-Country. Swung on take-off. Cat AC.

20.54 / Well L/82 OTU HE424. / Landed at Croft. One engine giving trouble. On X-Country from Gamston. 93 Group informed.

21.03. / Fix on 427 Q / 5330N – 0330W II at 21.03 hrs ack. (Sealand) Passed to Leeming.

23.00 / Crash Q427. LV828. / Ex Leeming. Two members of this crew telephone Leeming to say they had parachuted near Abington. Checking with 12 Gp:- a crash has been reported at 22.20 hrs and is being attended by Grafton Underwood (1st US Bomb Div.) This is very close to the position of parachutists.

2320 / Crash Q427 LV828. / 12 Gp. say serial number checks – LV828.

23.45 / Crash Q427 LV828. / Crew List :-
Cap. F/O Matherly JM. J22428.
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] Nav. F/S Henning C. Littleford [inserted] Littleford Hospital [/inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] B/A F/O Albers MM – At [deleted] Kettering] [/deleted] [inserted] Grafton Underwood] [/inserted] [inserted] Littleford Hospital [/inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] W/Ag W/O Stephenson GT – At Thrapston 25. [inserted] Littleford Hospital [/inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] M/U Sgt. Hall WC At Gt. Underwood [inserted] [symbol] [inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] R/G Sgt Frayling DW At Gt. Underwood [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] F/E Sgt Coleman GW At Thrapston 25 [inserted] Littleford Hospital [/inserted]

23.50 / Crash Q427 LV828. / Report from Flight. Eng. Both port engines fell out. Pilot unable to control aircraft.

[underlined] Wednesday. Feb 2nd 1944 [/underlined]

01.30 / Crash Q427 LV828. / Still no news of Pilot & Navigator. All other crew members accounted for as noted above.

02.00 / Crash Q427 LV828. / Leeming say that one body (unident.) has been found in the crash.

03.15 / Division Stirling “F” / From Wigsley. On X-Country. At present above 30 mi E of Flamborough. 5 Gp. ask to divert him to Leeming OK as far as Met goes

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[underlined] Wednesday. Feb 2/44. [/underlined]

03.45 / Division Stirling “F” / The plot of this aircraft has moved from E of Flamborough in over Hull and S.W. as if en route to Wigsley despite fact that “F.” Acknowledged the diversion to Leeming at 03.18 hrs.

03.50 / Division Stirling “F” / Now over Wigsley – Diversion off.

04.00 / Report from 62 Base re “Granite” / Observer Corps report that aircraft which landed at Tholthorpe at 0205 hrs. had been flying quite low over Leeds, Bradford area. The hills were obscured by low cloud ahead of his course as they lit a red flare which they think he saw. A/C gained height and altered course.

[underlined] DFCO note – [/underlined] Tholthorpe have been asked to check if any of their aircraft saw the flare & realized the significance – Will [underlined] DFCO [/underlined] tomorrow pass any gen. about this to FCLO & ROCLO 12??

08.30 / 427/Q / All crew OKay except Pilot who was killed in crash.

09.00 / Off Duty F.D. Cleland F/L.

0930 / Crashes E429 Q429 / All concerned informed – S/Ld Gouderton to inform W/C Saunders

1055 / 429/a/c M / Air I authorised flight of Halifax to Watling Common.

1100 / 431/X Test. / Croft planning test (ht.) of several aircraft. Intend carrying 8 – 1000lb Bomb containers filled with sand and do not wish to land with load. 12 Gp. M-L.O. suggest dropping load at 5320N 0200E. Croft to inform us if satisfactory.

1130 / 429/B. / W/C Turnball authorized to fly to Grafton Underwood re crash of 427/Q.

1150 / Balloons. / Billingham & Middleborough will be close hauled 0130 – 0240 hrs & 0700 – 0900 hrs.

1349 / Mayday Call / 61 Base ex Topcliffe – Mayday call picked up & answered by Ground Station whose o/c approved to be “Hamlet”. Passed to F.C.L.O. 12 Group.

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[Underlined] Wednesday – Feb. 2/44 [/underlined]

1400 / Report from 62 Base re ‘Granite’ / Reference entry 0400:- None of 425 Squadron appear to have seen the flare. 425/F Capt. stated he change course in that vicinity but on instruction of his navigator, not through having seen the ref flare. 12 Group informed.

1745 / Night Flying / Summary passed to C.F.C.

1830 / Off Watch H G Spence P/O
On watch F/O Warwick, W.A.

2135 / F.C.L.O 12 Grp. / F.C.L.O reports by R.O.C. plot of crash of E-9185, just E of Boroughbridge

2140. / CR.A.SH 61 Base / re. F/C Dishforth heard a 4 eng. A/C. pass overhead with engines spluttering & pre-determined a crash & had crash tender ready as A/C losing ht. rapidly Crash heard & fire seen to break out. Crash-tender dispatched, also 72 F.S at Boroughbridge.

2200 / R.O.C.L.O / Contacted to get impact position of crash, hoping not two A/C involved.

2205 / Local Police Bor’gh’b’ge / Report A/C crashed at Village Green, Aldborough 1 mile S.E. of Boroughbridge on Boroughbridge & York Rd. 100 yds, from road burning badly map ref 887858. Army guarding temp.

2210. / Re. Crash. / Dishforth dispatched Ambulance & Fire Tender N.F.S. Boroughbridge on the job. Linton Crash tender sent.

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[underlined] WED [deleted] NESS [/deleted]. FEB.2. 1944. [/underlined]

2225 / F.C.L.O. / Phoned re. a Lanc. on 3 eng. from 5 Grp that had been on a Bullseye & heading in our direction. All stations in 6 notified call sign Pompey or Candid F.

2245 / [underlined] Re. CRASH 432/F (LL-686) [/underlined] / Boroughbridge Police phoned re. crash, it was a Lanc. Reg No. LL=686 from Eastmoor, 5 bodies found near A/C with chutes none spilled no names of crews.

2300 / [underlined] Re. CRASH 432/F (LL-686) [/underlined] / Dishforth providing guards on crashed 432/F & bodies of A/C at Dishforth.

2305 / Re. entry 2225. / All 6 Grp Stations lit up for Pompey F, as we are plotting him & is flying around in ever increasing circles.

2320. / 5 GR.P. / Phoned re. Pompey F & O & are very happy re. the position of these A/C. Our Stations notified & standing down.

2335 / 408/W re. A/C Slemon / M.L.O. 12 notified re. A/C Slemon airborne at 2335 for Gransdon Lodge.

2345 / F.C.L.O. / F.C.L.O. notified re 2 a/c J.K. of 1679 overdue 1 hr. no news of any A/C. wizard nite, no cloud & bags of vis.

2350 / F.C 92 Grp. / W/T message for 12 O.T.U. A/C JQN/N – 1. Grp. 3. Imp 99 – PURF RFN00G – TOR 2235. Passed to 92.

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[underlined] WED FEB. 3/1944 [/underlined]

2355 / CRASH 432/F / Local Police Boroughbridge report 7 bodies recovered rem. 2 found in a field 1 mile away with chutes open. No names of crew bodies being sent to Dishforth.

[underlined] THUR. FEB.4. 1944 [/underlined]

0025 / CRASH 432/F. LL686. / Crew list of A/C – F.
[underlined] Pilot [/underlined] = F/S Seibin JG – R – 139783.
[underlined] Nav. [/underlined] = F/O Kerr. D.S – J – 22198.
[underlined] B/A [/underlined] = F/S Wolf W.L – R – 148977.
[underlined] W.O.P. [/underlined] = Sgt. Pratt- Robinson R. R.A.F. 1480812.
[underlined] M/U [/underlined] Sgt. Finch. DD = R – 183578
[underlined] R/G [/underlined] F/S Power P.J. = R – 153715.
[underlined] F/E [/underlined] Sgt. Huggins = R.A.F. – 1684923.
All above Killed but no one in the A/C all clear as A/C burned out.

0300 / Met. / Picture for return quoted O.K.

0650 / Met. / Maybe a few isolated showers? But cloud base around 2500 & vis not less than 6 miles.

0740 / F.C.L.O. 12 / Re. Bomber 302 who went off board & said O.K & proceed south again.

0755 / F.C.L.O / B.302 now coming into York 9 area should be over Middleton.

0830 / THORNABY 428/A. / A/C A – 428 landed Thornaby no reason. Middleton notified they will take action re. his return.

0840 / 428/E / Still outstanding, plot approaching Middleton – hoping also “A” returning to base R/T U/S having landed at Thornaby.

[Page Break]

THUR. FEB. 3/1944.

0900 / Off watch F/O Warwick
On watch. FS. Cleland F/L.

10.00 / 0/434 / At Feltwell, now serviceable. Request permission to fly down to pick up this aircraft. Permission refused by Air I.

10.30 / New a/c for 428 Sdn. / At Graveley Air I says to send crew down by train.

12.00 / Jettisoning of Bombs / Permission given by MLO 12 for aircraft of 420 & 425 Sq to jettison 1000lb bombs 30 miles off coast of Flamborough Head tonight after Bullseye.

1200 / Jettisoning of Bombs / Permission also for 431 Sq – 2 aircraft to jettison 3 – 1000lb bombs (safe) at posn 57N 0100E and 5340N 0200E at 22.00 hrs tonight. Also ok for 431 & 434 aircraft to drop Recco flares, TI’s & flash bombs at above positions

13.15 / Balloons. / Billingham – close-hauled {00.45 – 02.15 hrs. [symbol] {0815 – 10.00 hrs . [symbol]
Cardiff, Newport. 02.30 – 03.30 hrs.
Southampton, Portsmouth. 06.30 – 08.00 hrs [symbol]
Langley} 0645 – 08.15 hrs {symbol]
Weybridge} 0645 – 08.15 hrs {symbol]

L.F.B. / Selsey Bill – bearing 360°T from 07.00 – 08.00 [symbol]

Diversion Base / Food for emergency diversion only.

15.45 / Movement E479 / Barracuda from Leeming to trail via Ouston & Holy Island. Normal height – Passed to MLS.

17.50 / G/433 / On Radar X-C [symbol]28. Took off 13.20 due back at 17.08 hrs. Skipton want any news.

18.00 / G/433 / [deleted] Now [/deleted] [inserted] No [/inserted] news from 12 Gp. but they will check.

18.24 / G/433 / Now in Skipton’s circuit

1830 / Off Duty F/L Cleland. On duty H L Spencer P/O

1930 / Night Flying / Summary passed to C.F.C

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1940 / Squadron R/2 & W/2 [underlined] Call signs [/underlined] D.F.C.O’s TO [underlined] NOTE [/underlined] / Signals Security Officer is arranging to provide Group Flying Control each week with W/2 & R/2 Station Aircraft call signs for ensuing period.

2315 / A.S.R. Search / 16 Group request 6 a/c for search tomorrow morning. Asked for offers from 61 Base.

[underlined] FRIDAY – FEB, 4. 1944 [/underlined]

0001 / Ident Board changed.

0109 / 1659/V / Landed at Eastmoor – servicing being done on brake pressure before returning to Topcliffe.

0225 / 1659/V / Landed at Base.

0900 / Off duty H.L Spence P/O
On duty W.A Warwick F/O.

0920 / Movement E-25 / = Air Firing R.H. Bay. Whitby B at Strensall, Skipsea, L.F./A. & ht tests for Halis & Lancs. from. 0930 – 1800 hrs.

0925 / A.S.R. Search / 1659 A/C = S = 63, J-64, M = 65. no numbers allotted as yet & A/C from Skipton. = 424 Sqn = U = 60. D = 61 = K-62

0930 / A/S/R. / All A/C & letters & no allotted passed to 16 Grp

0935 / Bullseye. / Command Bullseye tonite. No route. Sqd. offers as
1666 – 3 A/C
426 – 2 A/C 2 A.A.O.
425 – 10 A/C
432 – 4 A/C 2A.A.O.
408 – 3 A/C
424 – 8 A/C
433 – 5 A/C
420 – 11 A/C 11 A.A.O.

0940 / Bullseye / Only non-operational crews on Bullseye.

[Page Break]

[underlined] FRIDAY FEB. 4. 1944 [/underlined]

1015. / A/S/R. / Top report 5. U/S [symbol] 63. & trying to get sub. from 1664. 424 Sqd. also scrubbed U[symbol] 60 U/S. Wondering re. replacements.

1030 / 61 Base A/S/S. / Re – 1664 can put up 3 A/C for A/S/S. subs. no's – 60 & 63 alloted [sic] & another number required from 16 Grp. for 7th A/C.

1035. / 16 GRP. A/S/S. / New Number alloted [sic] 75 for 7th A/C. 61 Base informed possibly airborne around 1200 hrs.

1130. / A.A.O. Mid. St. Geo. / 420 require 11 A.A.O. making a total = 15 A.A.O. 43 AA Brigade notified.

1250 / A/S/S. / All A/C off accept [symbol] 60 of 1664 Con Unit.

1255. / DARKY / 61 Base report 2 Forts. R/T whisper asking for asm from Burton Wood, this given by 61. Weather & Vis wizard?

1256. / Mid. St. Geo / = Re. A.A.O. all they could get was 5 obs. – 2 allotted 426, 2-432 & 1 to 420 Sqn.

1350. / [underlined] 1679-1666 [/underlined] / These two Con. Units have amalgamated & become C.U. [underlined] 1666 [/underlined] from. Jan. 27. 1944.

1420 / W/TRm. A/S/S / = A.S.S No 630(?) = W.C.F. NLI. GR.I E.V. (1425) – (returning to base.) 61 Base notified

1530 / Met. / Picture for returns of B/E A/C seems to be very Good. few slight drizzles, but vis Good.

1535 / Ops. B. C. / No. & ETA. & ET.R. of B/E passed.

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[underlined] FRIDAY FEB. 4. 1944 [/underlined]

1540. / 3 Grp. F/C / Phoned re 434 ‘O’ airborne for base from Feltwell at 1530 Base notified.

1610. / B.C. / Bullseye definitely scrubbed.

1630 / 62 Base / whether 420, & 425 could do Bullseye Route as X.C. told them sanction from D.C. as Air I, not around, so ok’d by S/L Rawson. Also carrying Bomber ops. Code & ok’d but use to minimum.

[underlined] 1650 [/underlined] / [underlined] EXPLOSION [/underlined] NR. CATTERICK / After series[deleted]es [/deleted] of phone calls originating from Mid. St. Geo. Leeming. Croft. Catterick phoned re a petrol dump & [deleted] petrol [/deleted] [inserted] bomb [/inserted] dump exploded, no further news. R.O.C.L.O. & F.C.L.O. notified.

1630. / 62 Base. / Possible XC. re. B/E route scrubbed & they are going on a short trip.

1645. / A/S/S. / 2 A/C still outstanding from S/S. 16 Grp & F.C.L.O. query & found no news of such.

1730. / A/S/S / A/C contacted & O.K.

1800 / 16 Grp. / Phoned re. return of all our A/S/S A/C.

1835 / Off duty F/O Warwick W.A
On duty FD Cleland F/L

[underlined] Saturday. Feb. 5/44 [/underlined]

0001 / Ident Board changed.

01.30 / Flying. / In Group finished.

08.10 / Morning Offer / Passed to Southdown.

09.00 / Off Duty. FD Cleland F/L
On duty. H.L. Spence P/O

[Page Break]

[underlined] Saturday – Feb. 5/44 [/underlined]

1140 / Balloons. / Middlesboro & Billingham balloons will be close-hauled from 1615 – 1730 hrs & 2245 – 0030 hrs.

1220 / Balloons. / New times – 1630 – 1800 & 2315 – 0100 hrs.

1330 / 431/D. / Authorised by M.L.O. 12 Group to drop bombs at 5320N 0200E between 1530 & 1600 hrs. today. Croft informed.

1830. / Off watch H.L Spence P/O
On Watch W.A Warwick F/O.

2240 / 428/D. / Sent message, one engine U/S & position, next message. 2 engines unfit giving A/S, ht. & Co. F.C.L.O. notified but A/C not as yet sending S.O.S.

2300 / F.C.L.O. 12 Group. / Notified re. A/C approaching coast so everything re assistance of A/C put on. plots at sea appear to be O.K. R.O.C.L.O. notified to contact us when A/C made landfall & ht. midd. notified.

2350 / 428/D / Mid. St. Geo. Re. A/C up on R/T. F.C.L.O. notified & A/C landed at 2356.

[underlined] SUNDAY FEB. 6/1944 [/underlined]

0002 / W/408. / Last X/C A/C down, had been receiving A.D.M’s from Stn. HF/DF. but was 2 hrs. overdue.

0045. / Flying / In Grp packed up also nothing very much in Command.

0050 / Ident. Board changed.

0230. / All quiet.

0900 / Off duty F/O W.A Warwick.
09.00 / On duty F D Cleland F/L

[Page Break]

[underlined] Sunday. Feb 6th 1944 [/underlined]

18.00 / No day-flying in Group today.

18.15 / Night-flying / No X-C’s from any stations. Wombleton are undecided about some C & B’s.

1830 / Off duty F/L Cleland. On duty H.L. Spence P/O

2100 – 2110 / 16 Group Diversion / Offered M.S.G. or Croft to 12 Group for possible diversion from 16 Group. 2 Beaus due at Thornaby 2140, are crossing coast now. 1 Wellington due Thornaby 2225hrs. If unable to land at Thornaby will divert to M.S.G. Met picture – QBB. 2000’ patches below – QBA 3,000 yds & chance of slight drizzle. Middleton informed.

2235. / Whitley D/4689 Kinloss / Landed at Leeming – Eng & R/T u/s staying overnight 91 Group F.C. informed.

2340 / 16 Group Diversion / The 3 a/c involved have all landed M.S.G. Stood down.

[underlined] Monday, Feb. 7/44 [/underlined]

0001. / Ident Board Changed

0830 / Off duty H.L Spence P/O
On duty .W.A Warwick F/O.

0910. / B.C. / Make & mend today.

0920. / Permission. / Leeming wish permission for Central Maintenance Engineer to fly to Chedborough to inspect u/s 427 A/C Permission granted by Air 1.

0945 / Movement E-445 / Air Firing. R.H. Bay & Whitby B. at Strinsall, Local F/A & HTU tests for Hali’s & Lanc’s from 1030 until 1815.

1308 / F.C.L.O / Reports Halifax blowing up in mid-air near Leeming

[Page Break]

[underlined] MONDAY. FEB. 7/1944 [/underlined]

1310. / CRASH E427 (LK-758) HAL III / E/427 A/C making approach normal like & then suddenly dropped a wing & spiralled into the deck immediately burst into flames. NFS. North Allerton phoned, also Skipton reserve fire-tender despatched.

1340. / CRASH. E/427 / A/C burned our & no survivors all burned. A/C completely burned out. Pilot F/S Nichols no names of remainder of crew yet available.

1350. / F/C 11 GRP. / Re. a Beau that left Eastmoor on 3rd. Feb. Pilot Sgt. Andrew for Fairoaks. Eastmoor contacted & the only Beau in question was A/C V-8561, “NG” N Sgt. ? Chezk from Montrose & his base was Valley in Anglesy N. Wales left at 15:12 for Valley. All this gen passed to 11 Grp.

1350. / Re. CRASH / Notified S.A.S.O. [inserted] (away) [/inserted] P-4. [symbol] Air I [symbol] W/C Saunders [symbol] Equip [symbol] Eng [symbol]

1450. / CRASH. E/427. / Crew list.
Pilot = F/S Nichols A.W. – R-139309.
Nav =? [inserted] No nav in A/C [/inserted]
B/A = F/S Polairy. V.R. – R-159089.
W/Op = Sgt. Robertson DD = 1438554 (RAF)
M/U = F/S Vidal J.W.H R-96518.
F/E = Sgt. Short, S.H. = 1001749 (RAF)
R/G = Sgt. Howard D.W = R-186134 (P)

1700 / 434/Q. / Croft phoned to say A/C had left Topcliffe for Croft at 1458 & no news of such. Search thru out 6 Grp Stns. on before notifying F.C.L.O.

1712 / F.C.L.O. Re [inserted] 434 [/inserted] Q / No reports of crashed A/C from F.C.L.O. or landing away.

[Page break]

[underlined[ MONDAY FEB. 7/44 [/underlined]

1730 / Q/434. / Having landed and was authorized by Flt. Com. to go on a detail. Unnecessary action involving scores of people & tying up of telephones.

1735 / C.F.C. / Pictures of our Nite [sic] Flying passed & also a picture from our met. that is very good.

1800 / off Watch F/O Warwick.

1800 / On watch. F D Cleland F/L.

21.20 / O/420 / Landed at Riccal after calling Darky. They will refuel him and send him back to Tholthorpe.

2230 / O/420 / Both compasses U/S Staying overnight.

0007 / Indent Board changed.

[underlined] Tuesday Feb 8th 1944 [/underlined]

00.16 / X-Countries down. C & B’s Dish & Wombleton continuing.

03.30 / All flying in Group finished. Ninety-seven aircraft detailed for X- countries last night. All down safely.

0900 / on duty S Rouyman F/L.

0955 / Oxford to Grafton Underwood / Air I O.K. to take S/L Stinson down to so an Accident Investigation.

1035 / Live Bomb at 5358N 0010W / M/n O.K. for 433 Sqdn

1055 / Barrage Balloon / Ex Wombleton.
Barrage Balloon on Ground at 5405N 0046W. All necessary action outlined in AP1975.

1440 / Low Flying Incident / S/L Everett from Boston Spa. Reported a Lanc. using letters NA-S “shot up” Tower Breweries, Tadcaster at a height of 350 feet.
We have no Lancs. with those markings but those are the squadron letters of 428 Sqdn. Who had an a/c “S” in the air at the time.
Pilot of 428-S was
Passed to Air I & Station Commander.

[Page Break]

H25/T LW424 / At Tholthorpe, making 3 engine landing. on a runway with approx. 10-12 m.p.h. crosswind. u/c collapsed and both outer engines torn out. Crew O.K.

1830 / off duty S Rouyman F/L.
On duty W.A Warwick F/O.

1840. / 62 Base. / 432 Sqd. non-effective w.e.f. – 1800hrs 8-2-44 until 22-2-44, Converting to Hali. III’s

[underlined] WED. FEB. 9/1944 [/underlined]

0055. / FLYING. / All Bullseye. & X/C A/C down OK.

0100. / BullsEYE [sic] / [deleted] Officers [/deleted] re. offers for todays B/E subject to change offers listed in Ops Log Book.

0105. / C/&B’s / Wombleton C&B’s until 0330 hrs.

0120 / Mid. St. G. / Report Anson flying in vicinity with Inter. Com. on Tr. I. & disclosing Pundit Positions & letters flashing. Also his position & direction. If by chance he works. Mid HF/DF to phone Grp & action will be taken. D.S.O. notified & taking action on such.

0155. / 425/T. (LW-424) CRASH / Cat. of Crash. Cat. “B” nobody injured.

0155 / Indent Board changed.

0207 / ANSON-57 (MILLOM) / Landed Mid. St Geo. having trans. trouble, is staying overnite, Millom not’f’d by mid.

0350. / ANSON K2 MG/239/K2 / Anson from West Freugh landed at Topcliffe at - 0343 with W/T U/S. Capt. Sgt. Pickles staying overnite base notified.

0400. / F.C.L.O. / Notified re-entry 0207 & 0350 hrs.

[Page Break]

[underlined] WED. FEB. 9/1944 [/underlined]

0830. / off watch F/O Warwick.

0920. / Movement E-10 / Air Firing R.H. Bay & Whitley. B. at Strensall. Local F/A. & Ht. tests for Halis & Lancs’ 0900 – 1830.

09.45 / On watch. F A Cleland F/L.

10.30 / 9 Group. / Flying Control 9 ask us to recall all Cask aircraft immediately via M.S.G. & Topcliffe DF Collective c/s is ”KYZ”. The message we are asked to send is “BBA” (return to base).
Passed this information to M.S.G & Topcliffe and DSO at Group.

11.30 / 9 Group. / MSG & Topcliffe still giving our recall to the above aircraft. 9 Group unable to give us any more details re how many aircraft are outstanding. Two WT messages received by Middleton from “B” – at 10.57 – 33 BA-MA-LN-GM At 11.00: 33-XR Neither of these messages makes sense – passed to 9 Group.

11.30 / Low flying incident [inserted][deleted] This statement should have been [indecipherable words][/deleted][/inserted] / See 14.40 hrs entry Tuesday Feb 8 – W/C French called to say that the offense will call for a Court Martial and can we get a sworn statement from the witness S/L Everett at Boston Spa. Contacted S/L Everett who will forward statement to W/C French direct.

13.30 / Cask A/C / Now have landed OK. MSG & Topcliffe DF stood down.

13.45 / Accident – Feb 9/44. / Halifax DG 247 – T/1664. – on Feb 9/44 at 11.45 hrs Ground looped on landing and undercarriage collapsed. Cat. E. No one injured.
Eng. Informed.
Controller informed.
Equip informed.
GTI informed.
Air I Away. .
W/C Saunders Away.

15.20 / Well/H Upper Heyford / Landed at Linton after advising his base. Reason weather – 92 Group say for him not to take off until they give the word. Probably tomorrow.

17.45 / X-Countries tonight. / Met. are not happy about the weather tonight. Will have a better picture after the six ‘oclock chart.

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[underlined] Wednesday. Feb 9th 1944 [/underlined]

18.30 / Weather. / Met. now happy about X-Country tonight.

18.45 / Off- duty. F D Cleland F/L on S Rouyman F/L.

2055 / Weather / Met. say Front passing Thru. 408 a/c on x-c will encounter some Cu nimb. with icing. Controller says send message – “Maintain height & descend over base”. Base [symbol] 62 and D.S.O. told to Take action.

2215 / 408/O / m/n a/c over base – couldn’t land and so landed at Gormston sot. of Ossington. Told to return early in the morning.

2200 / [underlined] Wombleton [/underlined] 1666/XU / 1666/F late t.o. on X-Country because a C&L a/c burst a tire on landing & had to be cleared before m/n a/c could t.o.

[Underlined] Thursday. Feb. 10. 1944 [/underlined]

0102 / Ident Board changed.

0710 / Miss Beau. / From 12 Gp. missing Beaufighter somewhere in your Group. Last seen Z81. Stations have heard or seen nothing.

0900. / off duty S Rouyman F/L.
On duty W.A Warwick F/O.

0950. / Gardening tonite 6 A/C. 419.

1000 / F.C.L.O. / Re 3 Mustangs that left Catterick for Clifton near York, any news of such.

1050 / F.C.L.O. / Re. Mustangs put down at Linton F.C.L.O. notified.

1150 / Bal. B.L.O.s / Billingham bal. close hauled
1730 – 1900
2345 – 0145

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[underlined] THURSDAY. FEB. 10/1944 [/underlined]

1205. / BALLOONS. / Cardiff – as:
1900 – 2000 } CANCELLED
2230 – 2345. } CANCELLED

1220. / L.F.B. [symbol] 18. / Arranged for 1 hr. 2200 – 2300 on a bearing of 007° (T)

1300. / BALLOONS / Route changed. Cardiff scrubbed & Yeovil close-hauled at a controlled height of 1000 ft. = 2200

1310. / L.F.B. / No. 18 bearing changed from 007° to – 050° from, 2200 hrs. 2300 hrs.
Stn. notified on scrambler & con. Signal being sent.

1315. / C.F.C. / Re. Possible Weather Diversion Base. suggested Colerne & gave O.K. 10 Grp F/C phoned & details passed.

1350. / 10 Grp. / Cannot let us use Colerne as they are rather crowded & suggest we obtain some other drome.

1400 / Met. 6. / Suggest anything W. of 1°W & Southerly, suggested Exeter. C.F.C notified & will call us back later.

1500 / DIVERSION (EXETER) / 10 Grp. OK & C.F.C re Exeter information passed to Stn.

1650. / 10. Grp. / Re – EXETER. if wind remains in the north the runway in use will slightly out of wind & short runway 1000 yards. Info passed to Mis. St Geo.

1710. / 427/H. / 3 Grp. re. return of A/CH. now serviceable & if weather permitted his return. Advised weather not fit & to remain today.

[Page Break]

[underlined] THUR. FEB. 10/1944. [/underlined]

1830 / off duty F/O Warwick W.A.

1830 / On duty F S Cleland F/L

1900 / Weather. / Met. are happy about weather tonight. At times stations may be yellow but only for about 10 minutes at a time.

[underlined] Friday. Feb. 11th 1944 [/underlined]

0100 / Ident Bd changed.

0109 / Gardening Aircraft / All down safely.

01.42 / Night Flying / finished

09.00 / Off duty. F D Cleland F/L.

0900 / On Duty L A Justason F/L.


0910. / 408/O / Requested of F.C 93 that this aircraft be instructed to return directly.

0945 / 427/H. / Serviceable. THQ O.K. for return passed to F.C. 3 Gp.

1015 / 431/X / Arranged with ML012 for this a/c flying at maximum ht to x-c out at Flamboro – proceed to position 53°30’N 02°20’E there to jettison 8 x 1000 dud bombs – cleared with MLS at 1025 – Craft given ok.

1125 / BALLOONS / Billingham arranged with BLO12 to be close hailed from 1715 hrs to 1845 hours and from 2300 to 0100 hrs.

Cardiff – Devonport. Barrage Balloons. 500ft 1850 hours to 2240 hrs.

[Page Break]

FRIDAY – 11.2.44

1140 / LFP No 18. / Arranged with FCLO 10 for this Beacon to operate on a bearing of 010° T from 2115 hrs to 2215 hrs. Passed to Stns at 1200 hrs.

1230 / ANSON DJ.148 / To FCLO 9. W/O Carter airborne from Middleton for Millom at 1204.

1825 / DVNS. / Request Ex C.F.C. for use at Middleton, Linton and Dishforth for possible diversion from 91 Group tonight. Granted. Times of our a/c returns passed to C.F.C with summary of our total night flying effort, Controller – met – Stns

1830 / – / off Duty L A Justason F/L
On Duty W.A. Warwick F/O.

1900. / DVNS C.F.C. / Re. Dishforth not very good for Diversion, offered him Leeming. Stns notified, also Controller.

2000 / 93 GRP. DVNS. / Re. permission from C.F.C if it would be possible to send 18 Wellingtons to Middleton, as bases very duff down South. 6 Grp Met. advised & said the South of 6 Grp. would be rather duff around 2359 but extreme north. Croft & Middleton could cope. 93 Grp. will notify us later.

2010. / BRAMCOTE DVNS / Phoned re. possible diversion of 6 Wimps. on X.C & if they became much worse re. weather, they would divert them to Linton from a point “York” on W/T approx. E.T.A. of turning point YORK. 2/30.

[Page Break]

FRIDAY – 11-2-44.

(cont’d) Linton advised & Standing by.

2100 / [underlined] 93 Grp DVNS [/underlined] = / F/C 93 Phoned with W/T R/T. C/S of various A/C, “Provisionally” approx. number now 14. All immediate information passed to Middleton & Croft, as mid. Parent Stn. & only carried in B Code, also if weather became much worse down South they would divert them from “Newcastle” turning point on B/E route, approx. E.T.A. 2300 hrs.

2200 / Bramcote (DVNS.) / Phoned figuring they could cope with A/C at own base if not on A/C’s return to base would contact 6 Grp. &we could lay on a base & they would divert said A/C by R/T on receipt of our instructions.

2220. / 93 Grp. (DVNS). / F/C phoned that diversion would be on for sure. Mid & Croft notified immediately.

2230. / B.L.O. 12. / Ref: entry (1125 Balloons) as Billingham close hauled from period 2300 – 0100 hrs. would they extend period from 2245 – 0100, as 93 Grp. diversion from Newcastle would possibly interfere with period laid down. Permission granted.

2245 / Re-call (1659). / W/C Ferris of 1659 Con. Unit not happy re. weather on return of B/E A/C & requests recall of 1659. S/L Forbes D.C.O granted permission.

2250. / 93 GRP. DVNS / F/C re. all 93 Grp A/C had. Ack. diversion signal, mid. & Croft notified.

[Page Break]

[underlined] FRIDAY 11-2-1944 [/underlined]

2300. / Bramcote DVNS / F/C re- possible diversion & they are very happy & can cope. Linton advised & standing down re. diversion.

2315. / Re-call General All Con. Units / General Re-call of all Con. Unit A/C re. weather. S/L Forbes sanction.

2320 / 93 Grp DVNS / Croft have first Wellington up on R/T.

2348. / Operation / Last. Gardening A/C down O.K. at Mid. St George & if they possibly could would try & land some of the Wellingtons.

[underlined] SATURDAY 12-2-44. [/underlined]

0005 / CRASH F.C.L.O. / R.O.C.L.O. reported crashed A/C to F.C.L.O. near Leeming.

0007. / CRASH. (LEEMING) / Leeming F/C report an A/C coming overhead at approx. 0001 hrs. & flashing on his downward reco. Aerodrome was lit up at the time so a green was flashed to the A/C. A/C mase a normal approach & at a ht. of about 200’ in the fog funnel turned abruptly to stbd, losing ht & was heard to crash at approx. 1 1/2 miles at the bearing of 110° (M) from Leeming. S/L Dunham D.F.C.O. Leeming was under the impression that A/C lost two engines but could not maintain ht. Ambulance & Fire Tender dispatched. Top. notified & figured might be one of their A/C F who had been on R/T [inserted] at 2347 [/inserted] & was one of 3 outstanding. they also sent ambulance & Crash tender.

[Page Break]

[underlined] SATURDAY 12-2-1944. [/underlined]

0130 / OUTSTAN’G A/C. / Only 2 A/C at yet outstanding in 6 Grp. 425/O & 1659/F, possibly one of the above two a Hali that crashed neat Mamby (Leeming) F.C.L.O. notfd.

0135 / [underlined] 93 GRP. [/underlined] / Position of 14 Wimps & landing times of such passed to Flying Control. 6 at Croft. 6 Middleton 1 at Thornaby 1 at Seaton.

0200. / [underlined] CRASH 425/O (LW-395) [/underlined] / 9 Grp. called re. A/C had crashed at a place Handbury near Droitwich, & told that A/C was 425/O which was 2 hrs overdue. Also eight bodies recovered & in Droitwich Mortuary. Pershore providing guard.

0210 / [underlined] CRASH 425/O (LW-395) [/underlined] / Crew List of 425/O.
PILOT = Sgt. G.P. Aubin R.118590
NAV = F/S H Milton – 1319639 (RAF)
W/op = Sgt. Dubray R-54360
M/U = Sgt. Fleury R-174119
R/G = Sgt. I. Mayülle – R-141896
[Symbol] [underlined] PASS [/underlined] = Sign’m’n. J.R. Dubary no = C-100506, No 1. Canadian Line of Communications. R.C.C.S. Canadian Army Overseas.

0230. / [underlined] CRASH 1659/F [/underlined] (DK-129) / A/C definitely F. A/C burned out. 3 bodies found in crash by N.F.S. N. Allerton & 4 crew alive, one member Sgt Tasker thou severe shock etc. was picked up near Leeming Bar wandering [underlined] Crew List [/Underlined].
PILOT = Sgt. Fairhead R-149481
NAV – Sgt. Fox R-160403 [underlined] serious [/underlined]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] A/B – Sgt Ingulden 2293 A. (R.C.A.F) [inserted] alive [/inserted]
W/op. Sgt Jennings 1540656 (RAF)
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] R/G – 1593011. Sgt Dennis [inserted] Bennett [/inserted[] (RAF) [inserted] (alive) [/inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]M/U. Sgt. Tasker 1590052 (RAF) [inserted] (alive) [/inserted]
[inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] F/E Sgt Gates [inserted] 650149 (RAF) – (alive) [/inserted]
(contd O.L.)

[Page Break]

[underlined] SATURDAY 12-2-44 [/Underlined]

(contd) CRASH. 1659/F. / Have not determined who killed as yet. Leeming supplying guard & possibly Skipton today as in Skiptons crash area.

0250. / [underlined] CRASH 425/O (LW-395) [/underlined] / Full Crew List:
NAV = F/S Milton – 1319639. } ALL KILLED
R/G = F/S T.F. Mayville R-141896 } ALL KILLED
PILOT = Sgt. Aubin G.P. – R-118590 } ALL KILLED
A/B = Sgt Albert J.H.Y = R-125906 } ALL KILLED
W/op = Sgt Dubray = R-54360 } ALL KILLED
F/E = Sgt. Shanahan = 1801992 } ALL KILLED
M/U = Sgt Fleury – R-174119. } ALL KILLED
See entry 0210. [Symbol] / [underlined] PASSENGER [/underlined] Sign’n’m J.R. Dubray C. ARMY. R.C.C.S. no. C-100506. } ALL KILLED

0300. / Re-0100. / Ident Board changed.

09.00 / Off Duty. [deleted] FD Cleland [/deleted] F/O Warwick.
On Duty. F.D. Cleland F/L

10.00 / Crashes last night. / All concerned informed: Air I, Controller, Equip, Engineering, P4-GTI – (W/C Saunders on sick leave.)

10.00 / 425/O – / Queried authorisation for passenger. This authority was given by S/L Blenkinsop: Air I informed.

11.30 / Reported flak damage by K/420 / Enemy activity on route last nights’ Bullseye. Message received here from Fighter Command at 1943 – tell aircraft to proceed direct to Birmingham & continue route from there. Due to various signals delays this did not reach aircraft until too late. K/420 was the only one to report damage by Flak.

11.35 / Landfall Bacon / Flamborough Head – Ordered on bearing 270° T from 21.45 – 22.45 tonight.

11.35 / Billingham Balloons / Close-hauled from 17.15 to `18.45 hrs.
22.00 to 23.45 hrs.

[Page Break]

[underlined] Saturday Feb 12th 1944 [/underlined]

12.30 / Diversions to us last night. All Wellingtons / Complete picture of aircraft diverted to us last night:-
[underlined] At Middleton [/underlined]
J } 30 OTU from Hixon
D } 30 OTU from Hixon
B } 30 OTU from Hixon
C 82 OTU From Ossington
Q 18 OTU from Bincotes
B 18 OTU from Worksop

Diversions to us last night. All Wellingtons / [underlined] At Croft [/underlined]
O 27 OTU from Church Broughton
M 82 OTU from Ossington
R 82 OTU from Ossington
P 82 OTU from Ossington
L 18 OTU from Worksop
F 30 OTU from Hixon

Diversions to us last night. All Wellingtons / Also Wellington V/21 OTU landed at Middleton due to engine trouble. Base: Morton in Marsh.

12.50 / Re above. / Contacted 93. Group about these aircraft returning. OK for these from Hixon & Church Broughton to return immediately. They will call us about the others.

13.00 / Re above. / Contact 91 Group re Well V/21 OTU retuning. Instructions received are: It is OK for him to return but he must do Air Test first and if satisfied proceed back to base.

Passed above information to Middleton & Croft.

14.30 / Re above. / OK for Ossington a/c to proceed to base if they can be there by 17.00 hrs. Also OK for Bincotes a/c to

15.20 / Well DF632. / Left Dishforth for Hullarington. Hullarington advised.

16.50 / Diverted a/c / All back to their bases except:
V/21 OTU at [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] M.S.G. – Engine trouble
L/18 OTU at Croft – Too late for take-off. OK.

17.41 / Martinette / With G/C Edwards left Croft for Binbrook 1 Gp advised.

18.00 / CFC re OTU Diversion / Wish to know if we can take any OTU diversions before midnight. We offered Topcliffe until midnight Vis: 3 miles. Cloud. 1500 ft or better.

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[Blank Page]

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[underlined] Saturday. Feb 12th 1944 [/underlined]

17.50 / Crashed Glider. / Reported to us by 12 Group. No one hurt but aircraft needs guarding. Position A. 288909 1 1/2 miles from Norton.
Wombleton are going to guard this aircraft.

18.00 / Landfall Beacon / See entry 11.35 hrs.
Times now changed to 21.30 – 22.30 hrs.

Balloons / See entry 11.35 hrs
Times now changed to {17.15 – 18.45 hrs
{21.30 – 23.30 hrs
Passed to M.S.G. by Controller

18.30 / Off Duty F D Cleland F/L

1830 / On Duty – L A Justason F/L

Summary N/F / Passed to C.F.C

2100 / MARTINES MS550 / Report Ex F.C. Base 61 that this aircraft struck a pylon while making an approach to land at Croft [deleted] to do [/deleted] through out the afternoon Pilot ok. Damaged a/c at Croft.

2230 / S.O.S Plot B/437 / ROC Plot B437 plot appeared in area north of Humber – proceeded towards Wombleton. Base 61 in the picture.

2240 / S.O.S Plot B/437 / Plot lost in Wombleton area. Presumed landed there. Base 61 advise that this is not so. Nor did Wombleton see anything of the aircraft

2245. / S.O.S Piot B/437 / Plot reappeared near Wombleton – where pyrotechnics were fired etc. Finally confirmed that the reappeared plot had been confused with the original S.O.S.

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[underlined] SAT. FEB. 12-1944. [/underlined]

2330 / B437 Plot / Removed from Board. – The original SOS plot was on the board at the time when 419 [indecipherable word] a/c were returning. R/419 is outstanding. Some doubt as to whether this plot might have been R/419. F.C.L.O. 12 no knowledge of any crash in the hills.

0001 / – SOS plot unsecured.

[[underlined] Sunday Feb’y 13 [/underlined]

0100 / Ident Bd corrected.

All quiet

0830. / off Watch F/L [deleted] J [deleted] [inserted] L [/inserted] A Justason.
On Watch F/O W.A Warwick.

0930 / Re.B.437. / Query re. S.O.S. Bomber, seems rather a peculiar set up. as 61 Base checked again & no news or sight of an A/C at time or place.

0940. / Ops. / Goodwood on Hali III’s & Lancs. Only.

0950. / R.O.C.L.O. / Re. S.O.S. B-437 Contacted York. 9 & 10 & following pin-points given.
[underlined] YORK-10 [/underlined] = A – 7753
A – 6755
A – 5959
A – 5169
A – 4175
A – 3377
A – 2585

[underlined] YORK-9 [/underlined] = A-1599. then A/C lost near Wombleton as they had C & B’s on at the time.

This information passed to 61 Base & Mid. St. George.

1000. / [underlined] SEARCH [/underlined] / Air. I. with Duty Controller laid on a search area for [underlined] B-437 [/underlined] of = 54-28N – 0110W.
54-28 – 0040W.
54-10N – 0110W.
54-10N – 0040W.
61 Base & Mid. Not’f’d & to offer [symbol] A/C.

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[underlined] SUNDAY FEB. 13. 1944 [/underlined]

1030. / SEARCH. / Mid. St Geo. can possibly put up 5 A/C or 6 on the search.

1055. / C.F.C. D’V’N’S. / offer passed to C.F.C. re. definite petrol diversion for each Hali Sqd. no 37 & Weather for 32 Lancs. Would phone us after C.F.C. conference.

1130. / Search. / Mid. St. Geo. putting up 6 A/C on search, times & A/C later.

1145. / L.F.B. (SCRUBBED) / Flamboro Head 270 (T) from 2315 – 0015 laid on.

1200 / Search / Mid. 6 A/C = A.E.G.S. W.V – 1300 hrs. on until possibly 1600 hrs. Will close-haul Billingham Balloons.

1220 / B.L.O. 12. / Billingham Balloons close-hauled from 1300 hrs. until 1600 hrs.

1240. / C.F.C. D’V’N’S / C.F.C. have granted Stn. for Prov. weather Diversions:
– 100 Grp. Skellthorpe = 420 Sqn
Fulsham = 433 – 424
Little Snoring = 427
3 Grp [deleted] Mildenhall [/deleted] [inserted] NEWMARKET [/inserted] = 426
Tuddinham = 408
alloted [sic] to following Sqds

1310 / Search / All Mid. A/C off on Search but recalled due to bad weather in Search area.

1350. / Search / A/C all down from Search.

1420. / BL. O. 12. / Billingham balloon control no longer required.

1430. / DIVERSIONS / Now definite unless otherwise told on G.O. Wave broadcast 3 Grp. & 100 Grp. informed also stations. Further Gen passed.

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[underlined] SUNDAY FEB.13.1944. [/underlined]

1445 / 3 GRP. & GRP. 100 / Phoned re. control they have on balloons, & by all reports the control will not bother our A/C as they are approx. same coast in etc.

1520. / Ret. Sig. HW-147 & 6G/S. 251/1/AIR / All Stns. reminded re. margin ref. on Scrambler.

1550. / Operations / Scrubbed Dv’n’s Stns. of 3 Grp. & 100 notified.

1600. / L.F.B. / Flamboro Head L.F.B. cancelled.

1700 / SEARCH. / Wombleton & Top. & Mid. on ground search & Army & Police ref. Kirby Moorside. reported to F/C LO – 12 Grp. no news as yet.

18.30 / Off duty. W A Warwick F/O
On Duty F.D. Cleland F/L

19.00 No flying in Group tonight.

01.00 / Ident Board changed.

[underlined] MONDAY FEB. 14.1944 [/underlined]

09.00 / Off Duty. F D Cleland F/L

09.00 / Search. / No news about search – no calls from Police or Army. Topcliffe report W/C Ferris searched in a car with no avail.

0900 / On Duty – A Justason F/L

0910. / Search / – Parties at Wombleton stood down on order from the controller.
– Base 61 advised to have aircraft standing by for afternoon takeoff [sic] on Wombleton. Clearance Hill Search.

1055 / Search / 61 Base offers two Halifax a/c
419 Sqdn offers six Halifax a/c
Search area as in entry 1000 hrs 13.2.44.

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Summary of visiting aircraft Landed in Group today. Because of the weather.

[underlined] FROM [/underlined] [underlined] AT [/underlined] [underlined] En Route [/underlined]







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[underlined] MONDAY. FEB. 14. 1944. [/underlined]

I.O. will be probably 1400 hrs. Middleton F/C will advise times for Billingham balloons to be close-hauled. Soc and 61 Base, M. St. G. Ops and Met advised.

12.15 / Jett – Live Bombs / – Position 54°40’ N 01°00’ E passed by MLO 12 as ok for 2 HALS EX lmg. in which to Jett – live bombs.
Position 53°30’ N 0220 E O.K. by mso for HALS from Croft – Jettisoning 8 x 1000 some filled dud bombs – Stations advised.

1515 / Search / Because of adverse weather – search aircraft did not take off.
G/C [indecipherable word] Wombleton felt something should be done so set out in his car for a bit of a hunt.

1525. / NIGHT FLYING. / As a result of met conference – the controller broadcast to stations suggestion that all night flying be cancelled.

1815 / 4 Grp Divn / Base required for Hal EX m. Moor
– met consulted.
– given Eastmoor.
– Landed Rafforth.

1830 / – / off Duty – A Justason F/L
On Duty W.A Warwick F/O

1950. / Re. Search. / 61 Base re. continuation of Search by Police in Billsdale West Moor due to a clue from local inhabitants. FCLO notified.

2205 / Flying / All flying in Grp ceased also. B.C. scrubbed at 1630.

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Changed at 15.00 hrs. –
See next page –

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[underlined] MONDAY FEB. 14. 1944. [/underlined]

2300 / All quiet

[underlined] TUESDAY FEB. 15.1944 [/underlined]

0100 / Ident. Board changed

0900. / off duty W.A.Warwick F/O.

0900 / On duty F D Cleland F/L.

10.00 / Search for R/419. / Wombleton doing Ground Search today. Two lorries – one to Kirby Moorside Police Station will pick up civilians there to search Bilsdale West Moor as far as Snilesworth. The second will pick up civilians at Norton Police Station to search Arden Great Moor as far as Snilesworth. Wombleton also tell us that the Northallerton Police are also arranging a search today.

10.55 / Dakota C47. / Overheard calling a Control & asking QSM to Bottesford. Was given 180° – no distance. Wombleton reported this and we warned 12 Gp. about it. They will look out for plots.

11.03 / Dakota E-250. / At Leeming for several days, left for Doncaster at 11.03. Route passed to 12 Group – not to be confused with Dakota m/n at 10.55 hrs.

11.15 / Diversion Bases. (Weather) / C.F.C asked at 10.30 hrs to provide us with 10 diversion bases for tonight. They will call us later after the met. conference.

11.15 / Thunderbolt WL/N / Landed at Tholthorpe at 11.00 hrs en route to Melfield from Cranwell – Weather reasons. Melfield has been signalled. Taking off again when weather improves.

14.30 / Division Bases (Weather) / 420 Sq. to Shipdham 2nd USBD 426 Sq to Kimbolton
424 Sq. to Bungay 2nd USBD 408 Sq to Ridgewell
433 Sq. Hardwick 2nd USBD
429 Sq. Hethel 2nd USBD
427 Sq. Wendling 2nd USBD
428 Sq. Old Buckenham 2nd USBD
419 Sq. Seething 2nd USBD
431 Sq. Attlebridge 2nd USBD
434 Sq. Thurleigh 1st USBD

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15.45 Out of these 9 aerodromes given to us by CFC with no choice – 3 are U/S - - -
[underlined] Chelveston [/underlined] : they are working day & night on the mark II lighting and it may not be usable.
[underlined] Polebrook [/underlined] : Have only one serviceable runway, which may be out of wind.
[underlined] Podington [/underlined] : Definitely U/S – All runways

We have substituted Molesworth for Podington and [symbol] 2 USBD say they will do their darndest to have Chelveston & Polebrook OK.

VISITING AIRCRAFT as of 1830 hrs. 15.2.44

1. Beaufighter – Dishforth.
1. Thunderbolt – 10343 – Ex Gosfield at Tholthorpe
1. Hurricane – KX199 – Ex Milfield, at Tholthorpe

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[underlined] Feb 15th 1944 [/underlined]

[inserted] Changed by CFC to the following [/inserted]
15.00 / Diversions (weather) / 433 Sq – Bassingbourne 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
420 Sq } Hethel 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
424 Sq } Hethel 1st US.BD –
426 Sq Kimbolton 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
427 Sq Chelveston 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
419 Sq } Polebrook 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
428 Sq } Polebrook 1st US.BD –
434 Sq Thurleigh 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
429 Sq Grafton Underwood 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
408 Sq Ridgewell 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
431 Sq [deleted] Podington [/deleted] [inserted] Molesworth [/inserted] 1st US.BD – [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]

427 Squadtron told they can use Hethel in emergency also.

15.15 / Landfall Beacon / [symbol] 2 on bearing 270° T from 23.30 – 00.30 hrs
Billingham Balloons / Close-hauled from 16.15 – 18.00 hrs.
from 23.30 – 01.45 hrs.

16.30 / Alleged Crash Dakota. / – Near Layburn – Aysgarth district reported to Leeming, Topcliffe & Croft by various N.F.S & Police stations. Finally traced rumour down to a mere enquiry by 9 Gp. as to whether a crash might have occurred or not. Informed stations.

18.30 / Diversion base for early returns – Binbrook.

18.30 / Search for R/419. / See entry 10.00 hrs today – 12 Group suggest calling off the search until more information is available. Controller agrees. 61 Base informed & will have police etc. stood down.

19.00 / Broadcast to Stns / Re Binbrook as diversion base.

1830 / On Duty A Justason F/L

1910 / O/431 / Early Ret’n – Landed safely at Croft – Passed to F.C. 1 Gp

2000 / Early Returns. / Weather holding – so far all early retn being coped with at own bases.

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Feby 15th

Provisional changes of Sqn allocation to new Division Bases as following :

419. – [deleted] Shipdham [/deleted] [inserted] Bury St Edmonds [/inserted]
428. – Shipdham
431. – Henaling
434. – Bungay
III 420. – Hethal.
III 424. – Hethal.
III 433. – [deleted] Bury St Edmonds, Shipdham [/deleted] [inserted] FOULSHAM [/inserted]
III 427. – [deleted] [undecipherable word] [/deleted][inserted] N. Raynham [/inserted]
429. – [deleted] Thorpe Abbot [/deleted] [inserted] Scunthorpe [/inserted]
408. – [deleted] West Raynham [/deleted] [inserted] Marham [/inserted]
426. – [deleted] Sculthorpe [/deleted] [inserted] Thorpe Abbott. [/inserted]

Bungay } – not on Diversion Flimsey.
Wendling } – not on Diversion Flimsey.

Bungay – 52° 25’ 01° 25’E
Wendling – 52° 41’ N 00° 50’ E Lat and Long Positions of these 2 Bases sent on W/T with DVN Broadcast.

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Feby 15th

2010 / FORUM “S” / Ex. F.C. 61. Darky Call FORUM S. not contact. This should be an aircraft from Driffield – Passed to F.C.4.

2030 / DVN. BASES. / 6 Gp. Met. unhappy over conditions at present. Diversion Bases.
Request for reallocation of Bomber Bases requested of C.F.C. – who named the following places:
Shipdham } No 2 USA B.D.
Bungay. } No 2 USA B.D.
Hethel } No 2 USA B.D.
[undecipherable word] Buckenham } No 2 USA B.D.

Bury St Edmunds. } No 3 USA B.D.
Horham, } No 3 USA B.D.
Great Ashfield. } No 3 USA B.D.
Framlingham } No 3 USA B.D.
Thorpe Abbotts } No 3 USA B.D.

Because some of these stations are neither on the Diversion [indecipherable word] nor covered in Bomber Code, further requests were made of C.F.C. who made further allocations as follows:

Foulsham. } 100 Gp.
W. Raynham. } 100 Gp.
Sculthorpe. } 100 Gp.

All [indecipherable word] and alloc’n (left page) approved by SASO, S.O.C., Duty Controller and Snr. met Officer.

2130 / Corrected Diversion / Broadcast Stations by S/L Weedon D. Cllr.

2055* / Beaufighter / Plot in A.49. Searchlights on Dishforth – Passed to Base 61 A.F.C.O.

21.50. / To C.F.C. / Confirmed Stations to be used for Diversions.

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Feby 16th

[underlined] For Sea Search [/underlined]

1659 – 3 .432 – 5.
1664 – 3.
1666 –
425 – 2.

[Underlined] AREA 1. {/underlined]

6 a/c = C/S WCF – 68, – 78 Incl.
54° 05’ 0030 E 5430 0030 E
54°30’ 0130 E 54 05 0130 E.

Parallel Track W [symbol] E
Creeping North.
1/4 mi vis
Standard Sigs Procedure

6 a/c = C/S WCF – 74 – 79 Incl.

[underlined] Area 2 [/underlined]

53° 40’ N 01°00’E 54°05’ 01°00’E
54° 05’ N 02°00’E 53°40’ 02°00’E

Same Ruling

[underlined] ALLOCATION [/underlined]

1659 } AREA I.
1664 } AREA I.

425 AREA II.
432 AREA II.

Gen passed to Bases 61-62 at 0530 hours
– 6 Gp met advised at same time

– 5353N –(MHB.) MTB – 13 &14.
– 0100E –(MHB.) MTB – 13 &14.

5 miles of S.W. Corner

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Feby 15th

2200. / Beaufighter / No news. Lights Dowsed. Ex. F.C.L.O. affect unseen – Searchlighting [sic] to Dishforth Abandoned. –
F.C. Base 61 informed.

2210 / ASR. / Request from AS Rescue 16 for 12 aircraft – stand by for sea search as of dawn. – Granted by Controller.

2230 / Diversion GEN / Diversion Definite Diversion particulars passed to No’s 2 and 3
– 6SA – B DVN and to F.C. 100 Gp
– C.F.C. advised.
– M.L.S. Informed.

P/102 / Pocklington aircraft – Landed Eastmoor. 4 Group advised.

K/424 / Landed Colby Grange
Said he receive message diverting him to Woddington [sic] – messages checked.
– W/T message sent read “Landed Hethel” – misinterpreted by wop cleared giving ex F.C.5.

J/424 / Message: Short Petrol Proceeding to Hethel passed to F.C. [symbol] 2USABD.

2310 / 1st U.S.A.B.D. / Not advised by C.F.C. of change in Diversion Bases Diplomatic Relationships maintained with profuse apologies. 1st USA B Diversion stood down with thanks.

2320 / Lanc Diversion / Air Comms forced (SASO) in com situation with , ordered [inserted] through the duty controller [/inserted] that the 2 Lanc sqns be brought home by rediversion on R/T Horsham.
– order passed to F.C. 3rd USA BD.

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[underlined] February 16th [/underlined]

[underlined] CRASHES [/underlined] –

1. SQN. A/C LTR. [underlined] POSITION [/underlined]
420 T. RASKELF Q SITE SHEET 22 – 966973
[underlined] CREW [/underlined]

F/O TAYLOR – NAV. } N Allerton Hosp.
F/O DAMGAARD. PILOT. } N Allerton Hosp.
F/S MASUR. B/A. } N Allerton Hosp.
SGT FLETCHER F/E } N Allerton Hosp.
SGT HARVEY. MU/AG. } N Allerton Hosp.



2.SQN A/C LTR. [underlined] POSITION [/underlined]

SHEET 16 – 4621.
[underlined] CREW [/underlined]




3. ? ? Nr SUNDERLAND. ? ?

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Feby 15th/16th

23.30. / Lanc D.V.N / To Base 62 – Lancs being redirected on r/t from Nouham to Linton
-M.LS. informed.

0001 / – / [underlined] Wednesday Feb’y 16th [/underlined]

0015 / Lancs Linton / Deterioration steady. Base 62 unhappy. Duty met unable to give continued optimistic picture.
Discussed by Controller with SASO.
[symbol] / Decision: 3rd USA BDVN to be advised to land all further Lancs which should go there.
[symbol] / Diversion passed to F.C. 3rd U.S.A .B.DVN.

00.45 / Lanc Div’n / Heather in this Group Bloody!
Base 62 unable to cope
– screaming for immediate fir base near at hand.
– Request made to C.F.C.
– 6 Gp met finally advise that a/c should not go farther north but southwards to 4-1-5 groups.
– Topcliffe was showing 3000 yds – but before some of the Lancs reached it the weather there had backed up.
– 4 Group unhappy and unwilling to assist though met gave Lissett and Holme as still fit.
– Through C.F.C. 5 Group offered WIDSLEY and WINTHORPE. – This information was passed at once to Bases 62 – 61 and [indecipherable word] all of who, were trying in vain to cope.

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Feb’y 16th

0045/0100 / 420/T. / 10 min. Petrol. en R/T THOLTHORPE Immediate diversion demanded by Base 62 – 6 Gp met deathly slow – when Lisset was finally agreed upon the aircraft had stooged away from Base and no contact could be made.

0115 / At 0115 learned from Base 61 that T/420 had Crashed near RASKELF Q Site. Crash Action was taken by Dishforth N.F.S. Thirsk and an additional Ambulance was dispatched from Tholthorpe.

2 Killed in Crash.
5 in North Allerton Hosp.

0045/0100 / 62 Base Solution / The following plain language message was sent from HF DF Linton:
“Proceed South. Land at first available airfield”
– They did.

0100/0130 / SOS. Plot / [indecipherable word] near Middlesboro’ Aid requested by F.C.L.O. 12 Northern Stations lighted. Plot wondered – weather rotten, Aircraft crashed just west of Sunderland. Thornsby took Crash action (no gen by 0500 hours)

0120 / R/640 / Landed at Wombleton – 4 Gp F.C. informed

0230 / – / Pathetic Effort to get Landing times.

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Feb’y 16th

= SHEET [symbol] 16 – 4621
Aircraft = Halifax.
= Burned out
Crew – Thought to be 4 Group because F/O Yuen (Canadian) because only 20 gals remained in tanks balled his crew out in the area off Ravenscar, headding [sic] the a/c out to sea. The crashed burned out aircraft is heading IN from the sea. F/O Yuen so far is only one of this crew accounted for.
3 bodies in the aircraft were taken to MORTUARY WHITBY F/O Yuen at Mrs STEVENSON’S CLIFF TOP FARM, ROCK LANE, [deleted] GRANSDEN [/delteed] [inserted] BURNISTON [/inserted]
M/O. (RAF) Scarborough in attendance. Engineering officer Wombleton requested to take necessary Crash action.

Army Guarding at present.

0530 / All gen passed to F.C.L.O. 12.

0530?/0600 / A.S.R. / Area ALLOCATION etc. Ex. F.C.16 Passed to Bases 61 & 62. 6 Gp met unhappy over Search area until afternoon when the Frontal Conditions Pass.

0630 / RAVENSCAR CRASH / – To satisfy 4G and FCLO 12 Wombleton were instructed Through BASE 61 to take All necessary crash action.

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Middleton St. Geo.

Landed 5 Spits, 1 Master from Dumfries
– Cranwell

No’s Spits – 4390, 8646, 4616, 8168, 7440 Staying overnite Bases advised.
Master = M-838

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Feby 16th

0700 / T/420 / Engine of this a/c constituting obstructing on railway [inserted] branch [/inserted] line to Thirsk. Position – etc. passed to LNER Intelligence York by F/L Stacy Base 61

0815 / C.F.C. / Complete summary of Diversion materialization passed to C.F.C.

0830 / Return of Dvn A/C / Met advise conditions unfavourable for return before noon. Respective Groups advised to await further inst’ns from this H.Q.

0900. / off duty – A Justason F/L.
On Duty W.A Warwick F/O.

0910. / DVN A/C. / After consultation re. Met, all probs. of our A/C returning nil this morning.

0950. / DVN A/C. / Trying very hard to bail down individual Grps. in which A/C landed & contacting same to hold fire re. met. Sanction.

1000 / F/C – 12 Grp. / They have 4 Hudson’s they might possibly sent to Mid St. George.

1045. / 434/Q / At Woodbridge instructed them to tell crew to return by rail. A/C damaged badly.

1105 / Re-entry 0350. / Crash at Ravenscar – Hali (P) from Driffield, Position 452212, 7 bodies recovered & sent to Driffield & they will take casualty action Wombleton Crash action.

1400 / Return A/C / Weather in U.S. Bomb Diversion still duff.

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19.10 / Croft advise that B.D.S. Darlington report bombs fell in a field behind Lime Kiln Wood, 500 yds east of Pierce Bridge on West Aukland Road – Approx. 1 mile north of Denton X-Roads.

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Feb. 16, 1944.

1135 / 4 GRP. / Re = P-102 Sqd at Eastmoor to stand by before taking off for Pocklington re. OK from base. Passed to 62.

1210. / DVN A/C / All Grp’s & Stn’s phoned re disposition of our A/C. tally card compiled & everything under way.

1350. / [underlined] PERMISSION NORTHOLT 61 Base Oxford. [/underlined] / A.O.C. 61 Base wishes permission to go to Northolt in the morning S.A.S.O granted permission.

1400. / DVD A/C / 5 Grp 4 Grp Contacted to let our A/C take-off as soon as they are fit, 100 Grp. 2nd, 3rd. & 1st U.S.B.D. still duff & holding up.

1430. / 2nd U.S.B.D. / That 427/N had taken off without permission of 6 Grp or 2nd U.S.B.D.

1500. / L.F.B. & B.L.O. 12. / L.F.B. & Billingham Balloons scheduled for tonites op’s cancelled as ops scrubbed 1458.

1540. / 431/B = [underlined] BOMB JETT. [/underlined] A/C on ht test on take off lost his St’b’d Inner & Jettis = 7 x 1000 lb bombs
4 x 1000 GPs
3 x 1000 M.Cs
at position 5435 N – 0140 W N. of Darlington, North of a place Denton, observed to fall in an open field. B.D.S. Darlington advised & taking action.

1620. / Return of DVN A/C [inserted] NB [/inserted] / W/C Pattison of 429 instructed his A/C to stand by 0730 in morn. W/C Turnbull 42 [deleted] 9 [/deleted] [inserted] 7 [/inserted] A/C to Stand by until 2100 hrs. tonite ready to return of weather permits, if not return by 0730 in the morn.

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Crew List of B/432 – LK 761
Pilot S/L Strachan W. J9863
Nav P/O Martin M.A. J18871
B/A F/O Baron N.J. J21045 Ident. Killed.
W/OP P/O Stuart R.C. J18402
M/U Lt. Rorke A.L. 0886242 Ident. Killed
R/G P/O Stewart H.M. J19066 Ident. Killed
F/Eng Sgt Gilliard J. 616713.

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Feb. 16/1944.

1730. / DVN A/C All rem, A/C in respective Grps not happy on return of A/C tonite Sqd Com. contacted & think it fit for them to return in the morning at 0730 be ready & to phone 6 Grp before starting off.

1820 / 431/A/C / S/L Daw figures OK for his A/C to return by approx. [underlined] 1915 [/underlined]

1830 / off watch W.A Warwick F/O On:- F D Cleland F/L

18.55 / G/408 / At Wendling – As 431 a/c are returning from there tonight, suggested that G/408 return also. Permission granted by 408 Squadron. Advised 2nd USBD of this decision & they will let us know if the aircraft takes off.

19.49 / Crash / Presumed to be B/432 taking off on X- Country Eastmoor can see glow of fire in distance & have sent out Ambulance and crash-tender. ROC state crash is about 2 miles NW of Eastmoor. Called Stillington Police who say crash is just N. of Huby. Easingworld NFS are notified.

20.25 / Crash / Linton are going to send ambulance also.

20.45 / 431 a/c 408/G / S/L Dow now decides not to come back tonight. Doesn’t like weather. Cancelled G/408 also and left word for all crews to be ready to take off at first light tomorrow.

21.55 / Crash B/432 / See entry 19.49 hrs. Now positively identified as B/432 (Hal III) 5 [deleted] 3 [/deleted] Bodies recovered 2 more in a/c. No reason for crash – B/432 had only been airborne about 2 or 3 minutes.

22.00 / 431 a/c / W/C Newsome wants S/L Dow at Wendling to arrange pick up crews of U/431 at Upwood & Crew of X/431 at Wittering on way back tomorrow. Passed to 2nd B.D. and also message for S/L Dow to call these crews and let them know when he will pick them up.

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[underlined] Wednesday. Feb 16th 1944 [/underlined]

22.25 / Air Sea Rescue [underlined] 432 Sq [/underlined] / As 16 Group have asked us for eight aircraft on Sea Search tomorrow we have arranged with 432 Squadron to provide these. The search may not be practicable until after 11.00 hrs so we explained situation to 62 Base, stressing that if it was going to interfere with training to make no offer. They understand this.

[underlined] Thursday Feb 17/44 [/underlined]

01.00 / Ident Bd. Changed

06.00 / Met. Picture / for aircraft away – very hopeless – 10/10 cloud at 1500 – 1000 or lower. Freezing level very low – also bad conditions at diversion bases.

07.30 / Met. Picture / for aircraft away. Bases here may be bad also. Front approaching from east. Threat of rain and snow flurries. Route conditions very bad in Lincolnshire now. Cloud base very low and freezing level uncertain.

08.00 / A/C away. / Told to stay put until we advise them

09.00 / Off Duty F D Cleland F/L

0900 / On Duty – A Justason F/L

1000 / Ref. Retn of a/c away / SASO decision with Sn met O that aircraft at diversion bases are not to take off unless cloud base be 1000 ft and with a reasonable vis [inserted] of 2 miles [/inserted] underneath both at the diversion base and on route.

Broadcasts / 1. To F.G.s at Groups where our a/c are located: “All aircraft to be standing by to take off as soon as weather conditions at DVN Bases and along Route to read 2 mi vis 1000 ft cld Base. Further confirmation to be passed by 1100 hrs.

2. Same broadcast to 6 GP Stn F.C by S/Ldr Stanley.

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Thursday Feb’y 17th

1130 / Ref- Retn DVN A/C / Route Forecast – Eat Anglia to Base – cloud – 10/10 – 800 to 1000 ft.
Slight rain, sleet.
vis – 2000 yds
Lincolnshire 600 ft 10/10.

– / F.C. At all groups advised to hold our aircraft for the present.

1305 / Diversions Definite / Allocated by C.F.C. [deleted] [undecipherable word] [/deleted] as follows:
1. West Raynham – Leeming
2. Little Snoring – MSG & Croft
3. Hethel – Tholthorpe
4. [deleted] Bungay [/deleted] [inserted] Tibenham [/inserted] – Linton.
Passed to [inserted] land Ok’d by [/inserted] SASO., SOC, Snr Met O

[deleted] 01 [/deleted] [inserted] 13 [/inserted] 15 / L.F.B. [symbol] 2 Bearing 270° T
Timing from 23.30 to 00.30 hrs 0220 to 03.00 hrs
Arranged with ops 12

[deleted] 01 [/deleted] [inserted] 13 [/inserted] 15 / Balloons. / Billingham – close hauled from [deleted] 15.30 1800 [/deleted] 15.30 to [deleted] 17.30 [/deleted] 20.00 hrs
[deleted] Arranged with BLO 12 [/deleted] also for return times as follows :
23.30 hrs [symbol] [inserted] to [/inserted] [deleted] 0130 [/deleted] hrs.and [deleted] 0220 [/deleted] hrs – 0400 hrs.

[symbol] 1320 / Diversion Bases / Ex C.F.C. replace Bungay by TIBENHAM – Linton

13.45 / Sea Search / East Moor S/S scrubbed.

14.00 / Ref Return of A/C / 2nd Division stood-down for today after consultation [deleted] of [/deleted] with Met. with S.A.S.O’s Approval

14.10 / Diversion Bases / Information passed to MSG. Leeming, Croft, Linton & Tholthorpe concerning pundits.

14.25 / S/Lr Tyne & Tees / 12. Group advise they can no longer provide searchlight homing in this area due to withdrawal of S/L Batteries.

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Thursday Feb’y 17th

1430 / Ref – Retn a/c / with SASO’s Approval – in consultat’n with met – All groups in which our a/c have landed away were advised to stand down the a/c for today, but to pass provisional warning to stand by for early return tomorrow.

1555 / Cancellations. / Balloons and L.F.B.’S earlier requested were cancelled because of Cmd scrub.

1600 / DVN – Bases / Cancelled with C.F.O. with thanks.

1730 / BL/G. / Training a/c ex Lindholme landed Linton – W/T U/S.- Contacted his base who rules he should remain the night – Linton informed.

1740 / Mag Drops. / Aircraft with the American stations developing mag drops – not repairable by the Americans – Engineer from Mildenhall going down to Bury St. Edmunds to fix the one there. Question of repairs of Hethel discussed by SOC with SASO.

1830. / off Duty L A Justason F/L.
On Duty W.A. Warwick F/O.

2050 / Met Report. / Grp Met report cloud base down to 500 – 700 ft in places and suggest all a/c be called in 61 & 62 bases informed.

2050 / Report of Flash by Linton. / Linton Base control report large flashes like an aircraft exploding, being seen NW. pf Linton. ROC LO contacted – nothing reported but will call back.

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[underlined] 2330 [/underlined] Sea Search:

Area I.

53:39 N – 0050 E
54.00N – 0050 E
5400N – 0155 E
5339 N – 0155E

C/S – W.C.F. Nos – 72 – 77 inclusive

1/4 vis parallel track, West to East creeping North Usual A/S Briefing W/T. MF/DF Section “J” – 385 14.0

6 A/c, A/C to the N – W. & E Well.

1659 – 3 A/C 72-75
1664 – 3 + (3) 76-77

1664 Wish to put up 3 more (6) new numbers allotted = 90, 91, 92 from 16 Grp.

Area’s divided, as :-

[underlined] 1st [/underlined]
53-39 N – 0050 E
53-45N – 0050E
5339N- 0155E
5345N – 0155E

[underlined] 2nd [/underlined]
5345N – 0050E
5353N – 0050 E
5345 – 0155E
5353 – 0155 E

[underlined] 3rd [/underlined]
5353N – 0050E
5400N – 0050E
5353N – 0155E
5400N - 0155E

1st area for (3) A/C 1664. 2nd (3) A/C of 1664 3rd. (3) a/c 1659

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Thursday February 17th

21.05 / Flash / R.O.C.L.O. reports that they have no report of the flash but Linton and Topcliffe report having seen it in the Dishforth direction lighting up the whole sky. Dishforth ACP has seen nothing.

21.15 / Night Flying / All 6 Grp aircraft have Landed and all night flying has ceased.

2330. / Met. / Outlook tomorrow for our A/C return looks very promising Met. PREDICT Cl. B about 1500 – 2500, Vis = OK with slight hail and sleet storms, this will prevail the whole route back to base.

[underlined] Friday February 18th [/underlined]

0010 / Ident Board changed.

0025. / A/C AWAY / 3rd, 2nd & 1st Amer. B.D. notified that if weather fit A/C to be ready to return first thing in the morning. Will notify them re our Bases.

0100. / A/S/S / Duty Controller S/L Weedon divided area for Search into 3 parts, information passed to 61 Base.

0600. / A/C AWAY / Met. Picture – re: return of A/C away, stated Cloud Base – 2000 – 1500’ – Vis 2 – 6 miles, en route slight showers of sleet and snow en-route looks fairly favourable.

0700 / A/C AWAY / 2nd & 3rd [inserted] & 100 Gro [/inserted] U.S.B.D. F/C re. state of weather this morning state of aerodromes in area Red at present, hoping to improve. Assured us that Stns. warned re. our A/C to be Keyed-up for immediate take off when weather permits.

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S.F.C.O = F/L Hammell, Dishforth requested gen & auth on following
(1) Q site dousing re. Op r’tn’s
(2) Firing of gun vary from A/C to ground re. [indecipherable word] to land.

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[Underlined] Friday February 18/1944 [/underlined]

0730. / A/C AWAY. / 100 Grp F/C. re. state of weather vis 3-4 mi. Cl Base 1500 – 2000 & they figure A/C could take off but warned by us that they should obtain a route forecast as F/L about 1000 ft en. route & showers of snow & sleet.

0820 / A/C AWAY. / All Grp’s. concerned re. return of our A/C also warned to give crews a picture of the met. & if possible issue each pilot with a route forecast.

09.00 / Off watch F/O Warwick
On Watch F.D. Cleland F/L

10.00 / A/C Away / Several on way back. 3rd Bomber Division stations experiencing sleet and snow. 100 Gp are able to get majority of our aircraft off.

1130 / Met. Picture / Now very poor. Freezing level in E. Anglia & on route home about 500ft – Slight snow all over. On consulting Controller decided to stand-down aircraft no already off until 13.30 hrs until met. picture is clarified.

11.30 / Croft re A/C returning. / Unable to land at Craft. Advised Craft to Divert A/C to Linton. Also message sent by W/T from Middleton – “Proceed Linton.”

12.30 / Land fall Beacons. / Flamborough – bearing 270° T – 05.40 – 06.40 hrs

Billingham Balloons / Close-hauled { 21.30 – 23.30 hrs
{ 05.30 – 07.30 hrs

14.30 / A/C Away. / All have now been ordered to return at once.

1700 / A/C Away / Told to stand down for tonight ready for early return tomorrow morning.

18.00 / DFCO Note / S/L Stanley will be away tomorrow [inserted] all day [/inserted] any telephone calls for him will be routed here.

18.00 / Off Duty F D Cleland F/L On duty P G Weedon A/C.

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[underlined] Feb 18th [/underlined]

Visiting A/C. (weather)

Baracuda [inserted] BV-947 [/inserted] = Sherburn – landed Croft

Dominic [inserted] R9959 [/inserted] = Halton (Petrol)

Swordfish [inserted] NF 194 [/inserted] – High Escall

Reliant [inserted] FX-911 [/inserted] – from Tivatt

2 Sea Fires from Lee-on-Solent, to Millfield, Staying the night = NO’S = 302 & 927.

[underlined] Sqd. [underlined] = [underlined] Station. Group. [/underlined]

419 } West Raynham = 100 Gp
428 } West Raynham = 100 Gp
431 } Coltishall =
434 } Coltishall =
427 } Little Snoring = 100 Gp
429 } Little Snoring = 100 Gp
424 } Docking =
433 } Docking =
420 } Lakenheath = 3 Gp
425 } Lakenheath = 3 Gp
408 } Foulsham = 100 Gp
426 } Foulsham = 100 Gp

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Feb. 18th 1944

1830 / On Duty L A Justason F/L

[underlined] Feby 19th 1944 [/underlined]

0100 / – / Ident Bd Corrected

0800/0830 / Ref. Ret. a/c away / All groups in which we have aircraft still away were advised to have them return directly. O.K.’d by 6 Gp Met.

0900 / – / Off Duty L A Justason F/L
On Duty W.A Warwick F/O.

0940. / – / Permission granted for W/C Langton to take a Hali to Foulsham.

Operations tonite. Haddock

0945 / MOVEMENT (E-218) / Air Firing at R.H.B. Whitby. Bombing at Strensall. Local T/A & ht. test for Hals & Lancs from 1100 – 1830

1100. / C.F.C. / Possibility of Petrol Diversion tonite asked for offer of 4 Stns pref. East Anglia for Hali’s only.

1200. / L.T.B. / L.T.B. Flamboro at a bearing of 270° (T) from 0610 – 0710.

1200 / Balloon / Billingham Balloons close-hauled
2230 – 0030
0545 – 0815.

1600. / C.F.C. (D.V.N) / Allotted Provisional Petrol & Weather Diversion Bases.

1730 / D.V.N. BASES / Individual gen passed to Stn’s on scrambler

1830. / off Duty F/O Warwick. W.A.

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[underlined] Crash at Dishforth. [underlined] 20.10 hrs Feb 19/44.
Halifax D/1664 – DG 385 – Cat. E.

Landing with 3 engines. Made normal approach but bounced on landing – the port outer engine fell off and aircraft swerved off runway & burst onto flames. With the initial bump the rear turret broke off, with rear gunner in it.
Crash crews were right on the job and all crew got out and fire was put out quickly.
Rear gunner is injured and now in Harrogate Hosp. Two more crew are slightly injured – now in SSQ.

Will DFCO Inform interested partied
SASO has been informed
Eng. Ground Accident Inves’n

[underlined] Aircraft landing away from base [/underlined] Feb 19/20/44

L/424 – landed Linton. } All these a/c have been told to refuel and return to base immediately if serviceable.
C/424 – landed Downham Mkt. } All these a/c have been told to refuel and return to base immediately if serviceable.
B/433 – landed Coltishall. } All these a/c have been told to refuel and return to base immediately if serviceable.
0/433 – landed Tholthorpe. } All these a/c have been told to refuel and return to base immediately if serviceable.
N/420 – landed Coltishall. } All these a/c have been told to refuel and return to base immediately if serviceable.
F/434 – landed Riccal. } All these a/c have been told to refuel and return to base immediately if serviceable.

[underlined] Landed. [/underlined]
F/434 – back at base 09.15.
L/424 – back at base 09.51.
O/433 – back at base 09.32.
B/433 – took of 1045 11.56.
N/420 – landed back at base 1301.
C/424 – took off 10.50 12.09.

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[underlined] Saturday. February 19th [deleted] Feb [/deleted] 1944 [/underlined]

18.30 / On Watch / F D Cleland F/L

19.20 / D/1664 / Reports on RT that he is on 3-engines.
Told to break cloud on Leeming beam.

20.10 / D/1664 / Crashed on landing. Details opposite

22.30 / Diversion Bases. / Passed on all gen to Groups concerned.

00.01 / [underlined] Sunday February 20th 1944 [/underlined]

00.05 / 100 Gp. / Worried because we have allotted 321 a/c to L. Snoring, 29 to W. Rayham and 31 to Foulsham.
They don’t think they can cope as they are fighter stations.
We told them that it was not a definite weather diversion, but merely a petrol diversion and that they can expect only a small fraction of that number. However, if this becomes a weather diversion we will have to ask CFC for 3 more bases.

00.45 / Tholthorpe A/C / After 4 aircraft had taken off F/420 bogged at entrance to runway. Two other aircraft managed to get off by taxying down another runway and using remainder of runway in use for take-off. This meant 12 aircraft were unable to take off although time of take off was advanced by Controller to 00.40

00.45 / Skipton A/C / D/424 Squadron taxied into W/424, killing the rear-gunner.

08.30 / W/T Messages – / All aircraft who send any W/T messages or got fixes last night are accounted for at bases.

08.40 / A/C away from base / Passed to C.F.C.

09.00 / Off duty. F D Cleland F/L.

0900 / on duty – L A Justason F/L

Aircraft Away / Groups contact and requested to send back all serviceable aircraft landed away

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Diversion Summary.

MKs – Sqn. – Dvn Base. – Gp – Type of Diversion – QDM. – DIST
III - 420 } HARWELL – 91. – DEFINITE – 018° – 6 mi
III – 425 } HARWELL – 91. – DEFINITE – 018° – 6 mi

III – 424 } STANTON HARCOURT – 91. – DEFINITE – 312° – 2 3/4 mi
III – 433 } STANTON HARCOURT – 91. – DEFINITE – 312° – 2 3/4 mi

III [symbol] – 427 – MORETON – 91. – DEFINITE – 096° – 3 1/2 mi

II & IV – 419 – WING. – 92. – PROVISIONAL PETROL – 172° – 4 1/2 mi
II V – THORNEY ISLAND. – 16 – PROVISIONAL PETROL – 357° – 3 1/4 mi

[symbol] 427

II & V – 429 – SILVERSTONE – 92. – PROVISIONAL PETROL – 191°c– 5 mi

II & V – 431 } CHIPPING WARDEN – 92. – PROVISIONAL PETROL – 087° – 3 3/4
II & V – 434 } CHIPPING WARDEN – 92. – PROVISIONAL PETROL – 087° – 3 3/4
Lanc II { 408 – GAYDON – [deleted] 92 [/deleted] [inserted] 91 [/inserted] – PROVISIONAL PETROL 115° – 2 1/2
Lanc II } 426 – WELLESB’N MTFD. – [deleted] 92 [/deleted] [inserted] 91 [/inserted] – PROVISIONAL PETROL – 278° – 3 1/4 mi



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February 20th

1240 / Diversions. / To C.F.C. request for 3 definite bases to accommodate Halifax III’s tonight and 6 provisional bases for remaining Sqns. Harwell and 3 group area agreed upon, with special request for a couple of bases nearer the coast en route for those crews short of petrol.

1330 / Diversion Stn & Sqn Allocn. / Stations in 91, 92 and 16 Groups allocated by C.F.C. as set our opposite. Broadcast to stations.

1335 / Balloons 11 group. / Langley, Steybridge will fly at 1500 ft 0530 – 0730 except in case of Enemy activity when height will become 6500 ft

1350 / Billingham / Close hauled – 2220 hrs to 0020 hrs
– 0630 hrs to 0845 hrs

1405 / L.F.B. / Beachy Hd –
Bearing – 310° T
Time – 0545 to 0645 hrs

1610 / HALS II and V. / Cancelled from ops by H.Q.B.C.
Stood down use op WING – SILVERTHORNE – CHIPPING WDN – and THORNEY Is. with C.F.C.

1620 / THORNY ISLAND / Stood down with F.C 16.

1745 / Diversion / Changed from Definite for Hal III to Provisional Petrol

1748 / Diversion / 91. F.C. Informed

1750 / Diversion / C.F.C. In the picture.

1752 / Diversion / F.C. 92 informed that their bases not required.

1820 / Balloons. B.L.O. 12. / Billingham Requests cancelled.

1830 / off Duty F/L L A Justason

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[underlined] Crash [/underlined] W/427 Sqd = (LV.836)


[Underlined] Crew List [/Underlined]
PILOT = F/O Laut R.H. J.22723. Identified
NAV = F/O Hegy W.N. J-20660
B/A = F/S Moody R.W. R.164683
WOP/AG = Sgt. Jones C.H. 1420376
M/U = Sgt. Harris A.C. 545284
R/G = Sgt. Fritton AF 2209093
F/E = Sgt. Rowe E.J. 1271083

All members of crew killed

To be notified
P. 4.

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[underlined] February 20th, 1944. [/underlined]

1830. / On Duty W.A. Warwick F/O

1900. / DVN GEN. / All A/C R/T & W/T C/S passed to 91 Group Flying Control. ALL Squadron under the impression that a definite d’v’n but inexperienced crews instructed that if not happy re petrol to use Stn’s allotted.

1950 / Met. / Picture re. met for return of B/E & Ops A/C, Vis 2 – 6 m Cl B 2000 – 3500. Icing light at F/L of 1000

0002 / CRASH. / Leeming F/C Report Crash approx. 5 miles E. of aerodrome North Allerton N.F.S. notified & Leeming Crash Crew & Ambulance dispatched N.F.S. notified possibility of bombs on A/C.

0005. / R.O.C.L.O. / Reports Crash in approx. Z-7709 1 1/2 miles E of Leeming tallys with entry 0002 F.C.L.O. also notified re. action taken.

0020 / Ident Bd. Changed.

0030 / 62 Base (re. CRASH) / N.F.S. North Allerton reported A/C approx. “HECKELOW GRANGE. 1 mile East of YAFFORTH VILLAGE, not identified as yet.

0015 / 62 BASE / Figured crash close to E.M. & sent C. Crew & Amb. without our authority.

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DIVERSION. FEB. 20/21/1944

[Underlined] A/C SQD PLACE GRP LANDED STATE OFF BASE [/underlined]

O 433 Stanton HARCOURT 91 0635 – – 12.23
U 427 Moreton-in-Marsh 91 0640 U/S – Oil Leak
L 424 Enstone 91 0655 – 13.17 14.21
N 426 Wellsbourne 91 0650 – 0903 09.54
D 433 SYERSTON. 5 GRP 0715 – – 10.44
G 427 HARWELL. 91 0737 – – Duty S/E Change
D 425 HARWELL. 91 0716 – 17.10 –
J 433 HARWELL. 91 0715 – 14.33 16.09
V 425 HARWELL. 91 15.19 16.45
R. 420 HARWELL. 91 0747 – 11.50 1309

D/425 = overshot and rolled over roadway but no apparent damage Instructed all Serviceable A/C to refuel & return to Base.

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[underlined] Feb. 21/44 Monday [/underlined]

0110 / CRASH W/427 (LV-836) / F/C re N. Allerton police identified a F/O Laut, Capt. of 427/W, no further news on ident of remainder of crew. F.C.L.O. & R.O.C.L.O. notified.

0210. / CRASH W/427 (LV-836) / 7 Bodies recovered & sent to Leeming F/C arranged guarding of crash.

0611 / B/E & XC / All A/C down O.K.

0650. / DVN A/C / 91 Group re. our A/C landing at said d’v’n bases, instructed to refuelled immediately & return to base re D.O.C. W/C McGarth

0800 / OPS / Still light 6 A/C, but 91 Grp have some of ours at Harwell but do not know which ones.

0830 / 91 GRP. D/425 / Have accounted for 5 of 6 A/C. 425/D overshot & ran thru a hedge unto a road, no apparent damage.

0900 / [deleted] Cro [/deleted] Off Duty F/O Warwick
On Duty F D Cleland F/L

11.30 / [underlined] Croft [/underlined] / U/S tonight. All Drem lighting controls are being changed over. Will be ready again by 18.00 hrs. tomorrow

12.15 / LFB / Selsey Bill – bearing 360° T from 23.00 – 23.59

Balloons / Billingham : Close-hauled 18.00 – 19.00 hrs
00.30 – 02.00 hrs

Langley } at 1500’ from 19.15 – 20.15 23.15 – 00.30
Weybridge } at 1500’ from 19.15 – 20.15 23.15 – 00.30
Southampton } at 1500’ from 19.15 – 20.15 23.15 – 00.30
Portsmouth } at 1500’ from 19.15 – 20.15 23.15 – 00.30

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[underlined] Monday Feb 21st 1944 [underlined]

1245 / Typhoon JR360 / Landed Wombledon from Scorton. Pilot Sgt Drew

1240 / V/425 / At Harwell told to return as soon as possible with crew of G/427. The Navigator of G/427 will sub for nav of V/425 who is in hospital with frozen foot.

14.25 / Emergency Diversion Base / for 10 Hals of 428 Sq. is Langmere

14.30 / [underlined] Searchlight Marker Beacon [/underlined] / Ordered to be illuminated from 23.30 hrs [underlined] DFCO is to tell Church Fenton when to douse [/underlined]. 4 Gp. do not require beacon tonight.

17.00 / Diversion 428 Sq. / Call-signs, etc. passed to 11 Gp.

1830 / Off Duty F/L Cleland
On duty H L Spencer P/O

1930 / Night Flying / Summary passed to C.F.C.

2120 / 425/J / 62 Base query re this a/c missing from last night’s ops. Capt. of 425/D (F/L Brysan) believed he heard Hillguard “J” come up on R/T at Harwell & was answered. On checking F.C. Harwell they had no record of it, although Peaspudding “J” was landed at 0715, a minute or so ahead of Hillguard “D” Presumably it was this a/c F/L Bryson heard. 62 Base informed.

2300 / Intruder Activity? / On query of M.L.Q. |Stanmore advised our a/c would be coming in above cloud, approx. 10 – 12,000 ft. They had picked up some a/c presumably at 20,000 & were checking in view of enemy activity.

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Diversions (Petrol)

427 – Manston – 11 Grp
424 – West Malling – 11 Grp
433 – Odiham – 11 Grp
420 Hartford Bridge – 2 Grp
425 – Gravesend – 11 Grp
408 – Thorney Island – 16 Grp
426 – Bradwell Bay – 11 Grp

All Stns. & Dvns Stns informed & information passed.

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[underlined] Tuesday – Feb 22/44 [/underlined]

0001 / Ident Board changed

0123 / Op. a/c / All operational a/c landed at base

0900 / Off duty H L Spencer P/O
On Duty W.A. Warwick F/O

0945. / Movement (E-23). / Air Firing at R.H.B. Whitby. Bombing at Strinstall, local T/A & Ht tests for Hals & Lancs from 1000 hrs. to 1830 hrs.

1000. / OPS. / Goodwood & Gardening.

1210. / D.V.N. C.F.C. / Passed our offer of 7 Stn’s as far South East as possible. Controller states definite petrol diversions.

1205. / F.C.L.O. / Re. report from Linton F/C re. a Navy? Fortress [symbol] 529 R/T [indecipherable words] X Coast calling Darky, Report sent to Linton that A/C in East part of England.

1400. / D.V.N. Stns. / Allotted as on opposite page.

1430. / R.F.B. / Beachy Head – 0000 – 0100
0210 – 0310. (310° T)

1430. / Balloons / Langley.
Thames Estuary } for d’v’n A/C
Chelmsford. } for d’v’n A/C
Southampton } for d’v’n A/C
Portsmouth } for d’v’n A/C
All at control ht of 1,500 ft. from 0000 – 0400.

1500. / L.F.B. / Flamboro L.F.B. = (297°T)
from 2030

1500. / Balloons / Close hauled – Billingsham [sic]
{ 1500 { 2000
{ 1650 { 2330

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[underlined] Crash [/underlined]

Halifax. H/[deleted] 419 [/deleted][inserted] 431 [/inserted] – LK 626
All Crew OK [symbol]
Pilot: Sgt. Tinmouth. Category as yet unknown. [inserted] DFCO please inform all parties. [/inserted]

Cat. Now tentatively Cat. B. Aircraft belly-landed in field near Holywell. Reason: Post inner & starboard outer engines cut due to failure of CSU’s. Crew all OK and staying ion Hawarden S.Q.

[inserted] G.T.I [symbol]
W/C Guest [symbol]
Controller [symbol]
W/C Miller [symbol]
W/C Saunders [symbol]
Air I on leave
S.A.S.O [symbol]
S/L Grandenton [symbol]

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Feb’y 22 Contd.

1730 / ops / Cancelled – Recall to aircraft airborne.

BALLOONS L.F.B.’s Diversions / } Pre arrangements Cancelled.

Billinghams – / rearranged to be close hauled 1830 – 2130 hrs.

Cld Base Cl.m. Bn / Given by met as expected to be 1500 – 1000 ft 10/10 cloud marker beacon arranged for with S.L.O Church Fenton for Dusk. [underlined] TFN [/underlined]
Ops 4 and SLO. Watnall advised.

L.F.B. / Flamboro engaged – Bearing 270° (T) 1900 to 2000 hrs.

1830 / – / off Duty – L A Justason F/L
On Duty J D Cleland F/L

18.30 / Darky Call H/[deleted] 419 [/deleted] [inserted] 431 [/inserted] / Heard by Hawarden _ Jigger “H” called Darky. Message was heard by Hawarden who gave him QSM of 313° which was acknowledged.
Aircraft was plotted as being on two engines although H/431 did not mention it on R/T messages.

19.00 / Crash H/[deleted] 419 [/deleted] [inserted] 431 [/inserted] / Reported crash near Holywell in N. Wales – Landed with 2 Engines – aircraft did not catch on fire. All crew OK. Will be guarded either by Hawarden or Sealand. Had fired colours of period just before crashing.

19.50 / Recall / All X-Countries from Group ordered recall by SASO. 61 & 62 Bases informed at once.

20.30 / 61 Base / re recall. Think a/c out of reach of Station HF/DF Request recall via MF/DF. Duty Sigs here contacted to send message recalling them.

22.15 / C.M.B. / Cloud Marker Beacon now extinguished – SLO 12 informed Ops 4 informed.

[Page Break]

Advised of Crash 1664/O – Controller G.T.D W/C Saunders S/L Ganderton, W/C Guest. W/C Millor S.A.S.O.
Pocklington guarding aircraft
Dishforth taking all other action.
Pinpoint of Crash 205695 – Map 27 – 1” to mile
[inserted] Cat “B” [/inserted]

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[underlined] Feb’y 23rd 1944 [/underlined]

00.01 / Night Flying / Finished

01.00 / Ident Board / Changed

0900 / Off Duty F/L. Cleland
On duty H L Spencer P/O

0945 – 1015 / Mayday call Highball ”H” “Darky” / Picked up by Croft and Wombleton. Originally on Darky, changed to Mayday. calling “Oddjob” & requesting a bearing, Finally worked O.K. on his Base station. (Landed ion Scilly Isles.)

1110 / 431/B dropping pt for bombs / M.L.O. authorised m/m a/c dropping 7 – 1000 lb unused bombs at pos. 5415N 0200E Croft informed.

1100 / 431/A to Hawarden / Flight authorised by S.A.S.O. to investigate crash of H/431. Croft

1200 / Highball “H” / Ref. entry 0945 – 1015 hrs. Topcliffe H.F.D.F. was scoring to 6440 hrs. without result. On contacting St Mawgan, Croft learned they were working the a/c on H.F.D.F, previously they had heard his station working other aircraft on R/T but not this one which was in difficulty. Flying Control 16 Group, who were contacted previously, later came through to report that the aircraft had been vectored to a safe landing in the Scilly Islands.

1200 / 1664/0 Crash (DG-278) / 61 Base report crash 3 miles west of Pocklington on a farm. A/C did not burn, crew O.K.
Reason: 2 engines cut. Believe Pocklington taking crash action.

1620 / 431/ X return from Wittering 431/U return from Upwood. / Croft was advised to check Wittering to ensure that this a/c was survivable before permitting other 431 Halifax with crews, to take off for Wittering & Upwood. This was not done & 431/X is still U/S. On instructions of Croft. F.C.O. told 12 Gp. F.C. to have crew stay over as 431/X should be serviceable later today or tomorrow 431/U returned to base.

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[underlined] Message from A/C [/underlined]

T.O.O. 1907 T.O.R. 1929

[underlined] Message from A/C [/underlined]

[underlined] D.F.C.O (NOTE) [/underlined]

Re. polishing of ops room last evening only one body available would it be possible to lay on some bod’s for tonite, enquire re S.W.O. & have it shining like a niggers heel.

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1740 / 431/X / Returned to Croft from Wittering

1830. / off Duty H L Spence P/O
On duty W.A. Warwick F/O

1930 / S.O.S / A/C E of 1664 C.U. whilst on X.C. observed an S.O.S flashed from the sea at position 5437N – 0150E but continued on his XC. T.O.O 1907

1940. / 16 Grp. / Contacted F/C Chatam re. entry 1930 & gave him all details but wishes further gen from A/C if possible before [indecipherable word] any action.

1950. Sigs. / Request message to be sent to A/C. re. further gen re. S.O.S.

2010. / Sigs. / Report message from A/C as = “Gunner confirms by Bomb Aimer at position given. This passed to 16 Grp.

2327 / 1664/E. / Landed & report of S.O.S. also whether a D.R. or Gee fix. Gee fix had been obtained at 1852 & D R position at 1907. All this information passed to 16 Grp F/C.

2350. / 16 Grp. / Asked whether they wished an offer from us for a sea-search this morning, they stated NO.

[underlined] Thursday Feb 24/44 [/underlined]

0100 / IDENT Board changed

0900. / off Watch W.A. Warwick F/O

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[underlined Provisional Petrol & Weather Diversions [/underlined]

408 Squadron – 17 Lancs to Chipping Warden } 92 Group
426 Squadron – 18 Lancs to Westcott } 92 Group
427 Squadron – 11 Hals to } Oakley } 92 Group
424 Squadron – 10 Hals to } Oakley } 92 Group
420 Squadron – 14 Hals to Wing [inserted] DEFINITE {/inserted] } 92 Group
432 Squadron – 10 Hals to } Little Horwood } 92 Group
425 Squadron – 10 Hals to } Little Horwood } 92 Group
433 Squadron – 13 Hals to Barford St John } 92 Group

[underlined] II For Gardening & Spoof Aircraft. [/underlined]

419 Squadron 10 Hals } to Chedburgh
428 Squadron 11 Hals } to Chedburgh
431 Squadron 8 Hals } to Stradishall.
434 Squadron 7 Hals } to Stradishall.
429 Squadron 9 Hals } to Stradishall.

[underlined] 1664/N Crash [inserted] (BK-146) [/inserted] [/underlined]

Crew list – all killed.
Pilot F/O J.G. Broden – [symbol] J5048
B/A. F/S J.G. Stewart – R162323
Eng. Sgt. R.W. Cotrell – 1850661
R.A.G. Sgt. C.W. Gugins – R191070
W.O.P. Sgt. A.P. Reid – 1560936
M.U.G P/O. A.I. Sinclair – J38263

[underlined] Advised. [/underlined]
Controller [symbol]
S.A.S.O. [symbol]
P-4 [symbol]
Equip [symbol]
Eng. [symbol]
Acc Invest [symbol]
C of A ?

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[underlined Thursday Feb. 24th 1944 [/underlined]

09.00 / On duty F.D. Cleland F/L

13.10 / Landfall Beacon. (Gardening) / Flamborough 270° T – 23.30 – 00.30 [symbol]
Billingham Balloons – Close hauled 16.00 – 17.30 hrs
[symbol] 23.00 – 01.30 hrs

(Main target) Landfall Beacon / Beachy Head [deleted] 300° T [/deleted] [/inserted] 315° T [/inserted] – 00.30 – 01.30 hrs
0255 – 03.55 hrs
Balloons / Langley, Weybridge at 1500 ft from 19.00 – 06.00 hrs.

[deleted] 19.00 – 20.00 hrs.
21.00 – 22.00 hrs.
00.30 – 02.30 hrs.
03.00 – 04.30 hrs.

13.20 / Diversion Bases / Asked CFC for weather diversion bases for our effort tonight :- 45 Hals, Gardening, 68 Hals + 35 Lancs on Main Effort. Several bases on South Coast & remainder in E Anglia. C.F.C. will call us.

16.00 / Billingham Balloons / Now close-hauled from 16.00 hrs until 01.30 hrs

16.00 / Diversion Bases / Allotted as listed on opposite page.

17.10 / Surface Vessel Bombing / ACN 673 Passed to 62 Base & Leeming & Skipton Restricts bombing or jettisoning on route tonight from France to Beachy Head.

1830 / Off duty F/L Cleland
On duty H L Spencer P/O

2045-2050 / Explosions Nr Tholthorpe / Reports by Tholthorpe of a series of explosions & red flashes both east & west (20 miles) F.C.L.O. 12 believes these to be army activities.

2125 / H20 DIVERSION / S/L Kyles called to say 420 Squadron were briefed to make a Definite Diversion to WING.
92 Gp. advised of the above and told to have a/c ready for an 0830 T/O. Also 12 Grp

2110 / Crash 1664/N (BK-146) Hal V / 61 Base report a/c crashed shortly after becoming a/b. R.O.C.L.O. 12 give position as 5 miles N.W. of Dishforth in E-8397 near Baldersby. Later confirmed to be at Sixpenny Green between Baldersby & Raynton. Topcliffe to guard & Dishforth taking all other action. Crew of 6; all killed.

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[underlined] AIRCRAFT LANDED AWAY [/underlined]

All Groups in which our aircraft have landed have been requested to arrange for refuelling and have crews standing by at 0900 hrs., but not to take off until authorized by 6 Group.

[underlined] Re. pilot of 408/E [/underlined]
Reading Hosp
Tel. No. Reading – 3073


5415N – 0330E 5435N – 0420E
5435N – 0330E 5415N – 0420E

N/W – 30 miles away – 2 Warwicks
E – 40 miles away 7 Fortress

4 A/C required. West to East – East – North 1/4 mile visibility, no boats usual procedure, if sighting to circle.

[Page Break]

Friday – Feb 25/44.

0001 / Ident Board changed

0040 / 82 OTU/MYZ/O S.O.S. / 61 Base reported that at 2035 hrs, 1664/E on cross country intercepted S.O.S. call from m/n aircraft to M.F. Section F. Latter were working other a/c at the time and as message seemed to fade, at 2038 hrs. 1664/E relayed it to Section F. At 2041 hrs 1664/K heard the Section in contact with MYZ/O, who were given several fires. Final message heard by our a/c was that the distressed aircraft was low in petrol. Dishforth received thanks from D.S.O. of the Section for the assistance.
Subsequent check of 12 Group F.C.L.O. revealed that this a/c from Gauesden was landed ok at Foulsham.

0850 / a/c away / Following Group F.C.O’s informed our aircraft which are serviceable could take off for bases:- 91, 92, 11, 10, 8, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 U/S B.D, 3, 44 Grp’s

0900. / Off Duty [deleted] F/O W.A. [/deleted] P/O H.L. Spence
On duty F/O Warwick W.A.

1015. / Movement (E-326) / Air Firing RHB, Whitby Bombing Strensall, Local T/A & Ht. tests – for Halis & Lancs, from 1030 – 1830.

1100 / C.F.C. / offer for definite Diversion of approx. 80+ Pref South Coast 5+ Stns.

1120 / Permission / Granted by S.A.S.O for W/C Newson to use Hal. to send after crew to Foulsham to bring back extra A/C.

1200. / A/C AWAY / Each Grp involved re. A/C away kept in constant touch & trying very hard to get A/C back

1300 / C.F.C. / Passed 6 Station & if more required will phone us after next met. conference.

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Diversion Stations

427 = Hartford Bridge
433-424 = Odiham
426 = Beaulieu
408 = Hurn
420-425 = [deleted] Tangmere [/deleted] Sting
432 = [deleted] Thorney Island [/deleted] Middle Wallop

[underlined] D.F.C.O NOTE [underlined]

W/C Ferris o/c 1659 C.U wishes to know the policy re. taking up passengers as Welsh Guards (Tank Corp) will be visiting this wk. & will exchange ride in a tank for one in an A/C, have not contacted the S.A.S.O. re. above.

43/4 A/C = LK-907 SA.SO. V
AIR I – leave
Acc – Invest.

[Page Breal]

Feb 25/1944

[underlined] GARDENING [/underlined]

[missing number]305 / Balloons / Billingham Balloons – close hauled
1930 – 2030.
0130 – 0330. [inserted] amended 0415. [/inserted]

[missing number]310 / L.F.B. / Flamboro Head Beacon
0100 – 0300 hrs [deleted] 11hr – 0400 [/deleted]
270° T 070° elev.

[underlined] OPERATIONS [/underlined]

[missing number]420. / Balloons (11 Grp) / Weybridge, Langley, Southampton, Portsmouth. Balloons close hauled from
1900 hrs.
0600 hrs.

[missing number]440 / L.F.B. / Beachy Head –
0300 – 0415
310° (T) 070°(E)

[missing number]545 / D’V’N. STNS / met. picture re. Tangmere & Thorney Island as being subject to Fardon Smoke & would feel happy if we obtained bases West of a line.

1600. / C.F.C. / Re. offer Tangmere & Th. Island & would it be possible for 2 subs, Middle Wallop & Wing offered.

1645 / Croft. / Re. 434 A/C M. had the pilot severely injured by flying glass & the B/A was piloting A/C & to stand by all A/C in Group (dromes).

17.00. / CROFT CRASH 434/M (LK-907) / A/C landed O.K. came in too fast wiped off u/c & crashed bursting into flames. All crew O.K. but pilot who ran into a flock of birds bursting winscreen [sic] in his face. (no action taken) re opposite page

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[underlined] Feb. 25/44. [underlined]

[missing number]730 / D’V’N STNS [underlined] D.F.C.O. NOTE [/underlined] / All notified [underlined] but [symbol] of OFF. [/underlined] & ORs also instructions passed that they have all possible petrol & facilities laid on

[missing number]740. / 420/R / 92 Group re. return of R. at approx. 1830 hrs. F/C Tholthorpe contacted & O.K. for permission for him to take-off.

[missing number]745 / 95 GRP (WING) / Wing not very happy re. weather on E.T.A. of d’v’n A/C. Our met. quite happy & Stn informed & if a probable d’v’n elsewhere will be diverted by W/T Stn’s in the picture.

1830 / Off Duty W.A. Warwick F/O
18.30 / On watch F.D. Cleland F/L.

19.00 / Diversions / 425 + 420 Squadron definitely briefed to divert to Wing
433 & 424 Squadron definitely briefed to divert to Odiham.

19.05 / R/420 / Took off from Wing for Tholthorpe 62 Base informed

21.20 / Darky Call / Linton have a Darky overhead who requests emergency landing. Request diversion to Topcliffe if possible as they are in midst of a take-off.

21.30 / Darky Call / Okay by Topcliffe – and he has now been diverted.


21.40 / Piko“s / Now working Topcliffe DF. Good Show!

22.10 / Piko”s / Aircraft from Lossiemouth – Call sign NDG

22.25 / Piko”s / Landed Topcliffe. 91 Group informed.

22.20 / Diversion Base / 11 Group say Odiham is unfit for a definite diversion as it is waterlogged and aircraft can only be stood on disposals of which only a few are vacant. They suggest Tangmere. Told 11 Group to inform C.F.C. and let them make arrangements.

22.30 / Diversion Base / C.F.C. called and say Tangmere has been offered to 4 Gp as an emergency base only. They will try to see if 4 will trade for Odiham or another station.

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[underlined] Friday Feb 25th 1944 [underlined]

[missing number]3.30 / Diversion of 433/424 Sq. / Now OK at Odiham for 433 Sq and 424 will be diverted to Lasham, only 5 miles away. Conferred with Controller and decided it would not be necessary to redivert by W.J as Odiham can easily do this by RT.

[underlined] Saturday Feb 26th 1944 [/underlined]

01.00 / Ident Board changed.

03.18 / Gardening A/C / Last aircraft down – 2 missing.

05.30 / Main Effort A/C / Last aircraft down – 6 missing.

05.30 /W/J Messages / All aircraft who sent messages have landed safely.

06.30 / A/C Away / Met not happy about weather this morning for return, Grave risk of snow and sleet. May not be clear before noon. We have told all Groups the situation and if any aircraft wish to return they are to check with Group first.

07.00 / R/432. / W/C McKay at Middle Wallop very anxious to return. OK’d by is at his own discretion

07.00 / Re A/C away / 25 Aircraft landed away and one 158 Sq aircraft from 4 Gp landed at Eastmoor.

07.00 / Re A/C Away / Central Flying Control told about all aircraft landed away.

0900 / Off duty [deleted] H L Sp [/deleted] F/L Cleland
On Duty – H.L Spencer P/O

1020 / A/C Away / Upon consultation with Met & Controller decided to have a/c return if able to take off by 1130 hrs, otherwise to contact us further. Stations informed & following instructions passed to F.C.O’s 5,10, 44, 2, 11, 19, 91 + 92 Groups:-
Aircraft to fly above cloud to base and to break cloud on own or Leeming Beam or use regular G.C.B. procedure.

[Page Break]

Lesham = is 2 Group Station.

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1040 / 433/Q / Authorisation given to 433 Sqn to fly crew to Bassingborne to pick to m/n aircraft

1120 / Bomber [underlined] Code D.F.C.O’s To Note [/underlined] / Effective 1-3-44 Daily Change time of Bomber code is to be 1700 hrs G.M.T. [signature]

1200 / A/C Away / F.C.O. at all Groups told to stand down our away aircraft until 1930 hrs, at which further check will be made to determine possibilities of their return tonight. If outlook at that time is still duff or obscure, crews are to stand by at 0800 hrs. when instructions will be issued definitely for return.

1440 / 425 Sqn A/C / S.A.S.O. authorised Sqn Halifax (not operational) to go to Little Harwood tomorrow to pick up crew of 425/E.

1600 / A/C away / Met predict snow, sleet & rain with deteriorating weather & front to negotiate. On consultation with Controller decision made to stand down these aircraft for today; crews to be standing by at 0800 hrs. 27-2-44, ready to take off pending final OK from 6 Group F.C. Crews to be warned they may be required for tomorrow night. Instructions passed to F.C.O’s of all Groups concerned.

1830 / Off duty H L Spence P/O
On duty W. A Warwick F/O.

0015 [deleted] 1215 [/deleted] / [underlined] D.F.C.O. [/underlined] / Wymans worries are over, at last a baby boy - 7lbs “is he ever happy

[underlined] SUNDAY FEB.27.1944 [/underlined]

0100 / Ident B’d. changed

0645 / MET. / Re. picture for return of our a/c. Weather very unfit & slim poss. for this noon Front lying South, with a CL Base 500-1000’ V tops 15,000 & another layer above icing mod. F/L very low near the deck.

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Feb. 27/1944.

0730 / A/C AWAY / All Grp’s concerned notified re. weather at our bases & en-route & also definitely expressed that crews remain on the Stn. & to keep constantly in touch with F/C for immediate return. (if weather permits.)

09.00 / Off duty / W A Warwick F/O
On duty. / F D Cleland F/L

10.00 / A/C Away / Crews stood down today, to be ready to return tomorrow morning if possible.

10.00 / All Stations / busy with snow clearance.

10.50 / See [obscured text] 00.1[obscured text] 27/44 [Medal ribbon attached] / 1st Recco Report inaccurate – it is a baby girl! Get some recognition hours in, Sid. Two Cigars for that. The Mexicans have the same trouble at first too. They can’t tell the difference until they put them out in the sun – if they crack they’re girls – if they sprout they’re boys.
F/L Griffin also suggests that a recount should be made in view of possibility of error on numbers –

2130 / Accident to LW-389/420N LW-386/420A LW-381/425B. / Ex. F.C. 92 Group.
At 0955 hours today the brakes on LW.389 of 420 Sqn failed causing it to run backwards off its dispersal point and prang into both LW 381 & 386/420 Sqn. Extent of Damage as follows:
LW381/425 = Stbd wing tip
LW386/420 = Stbd Inner Prop.
LW389/420 = Port Elevator and outer hinge

Advised Base 62 [symbol]
S.F.C.O. [symbol]
Egmt [symbol]
G.A.I.O. [symbol]

Controller. [symbol]
Engineering [symbol]

[symbol] No one was near these a/c when the accident occurred.

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[underlined] Sunday February 27th 1944 [/underlined]

15.50 / Low Flying Report Bomber Plot B42Y. / From 9 ROC Posts P1 & P2 at 15.40 hrs Lancaster L/426 Squadron, bearing Squadron letters “OW”. Reported flying at 50 ft over Flamborough district. Traced to York where he climbed to 2000 ft. Pilot F/Sgt. Douglas. Reported by us to 62 Base and S.F.C.O. Controller and SASO. Being investigated by S/L Stanley.

16.30 / Sea Search G/426 / One Lanc. from Linton will unofficially search coast south of Flamborough. Passed to MLS as out at Flam. 17.00 and in at 17.30 – normal height. Took off 16.55 hrs.

16.58 / Harrow BJ/s / Landed Dishforth from Doncaster, Staying overnight.

1830. / Off duty F/L Cleland
On duty H.L Spencer P/O

1836 / Sea Search G/426 o/s K.Q.G. / Returned from Search. Reported sighting a dinghy on a bearing of 166° T from Bridlington Dock, distance 2 miles, at 1805 hrs. Flew as low as possible but sea was rough, and while there appeared to be something in the dinghy the Pilot did not believe it was personnel. A/C reported to Section H sighing of empty dinghy & gave approx. position calculated from D.R sums, as no “Gee” available in a/c. and asked for fix. There was electrical interference at the time, making W/T transmission & reception poor, but he sent his u/s several times with no reply from Pulham.
The above passed to F.C.L.O. 12 who state B.C. have 2 empty dinghies off this coast at position 5403N 0006W and 5259N 0018W, latter being 8 miles south of Wainfleet. The former position (5403N 0006W) coincides with bearing of 166° T from Bridlington Dock, distance 2 miles. Concurred with F.C.L.O. 12 Group that no action was required regarding this sighting.

[Page Break]

[underlined] Diversion Bases = Feb 28/29 [/underlined]

427 = Middle Wallop = 10 Grp
408 = Boscombe Down F.T.C thru 10 Grp
426 = Hurn = 10 Grp
420 = Ford = 11 Grp
425 = Ford = 11 Grp
433 = Tangmere = 11 Grp
424 = Tangmere = 11 Grp

[underlined] Visiting A/C [underlined]

Anson N/5166. P/O Eastmoor from Long Marston – Kinloss staying overnites.

[Page Break]

Monday, Feb 28/44

0001 / Ident Board changed

0700 / A/C Away / Met advised conditions at diverted stations to be fog and low cloud. En route weather should clear up rapidly, with 3-6/10ths cloud. well broken, freezing level 2-3000 ft. 6 Group Bases should be fit, but with occasional local snow showers. Conclusion:- Good chance of all a/c getting back as soon as it’s possible for them to take off. The front appears to have dispersed.

0830 / A/C Away / Instructions passed to F.C.O’s 11, 91, 92, 19, 1st U.S BD. to have all our a/c return to their bases at once.

0900 / Off duty H.L Spence
On duty W.A Warwick F/O

0945 / Goodwood on “Catfish”

0950 / Movement E-301 / Air Firing R.H.B. Whitby & Bombing at Strensall, Local F/A & Ht. test from 1000 – 1830.

1000 / C.F.C. / re. definite Diversion tonite require. 7 aerodromes in Southern aera as landfall Beachy Head & will be very pushed for petrol.

1230. / Balloons / Billingham Control:
2300 hrs. 0430 hrs
0030 hrs. 0600 hrs.

L.F.B. / Flamboro Head.
bearing – 270° (T)
0430 hrs.
0600 hrs.

1300 / Balloons / Weybridge, Langley.
[deleted] 2300 – 0030 [/deleted] scrubbed
Weybridge, Langley, Southampton, Northampton =
0530 – 0730

L.F.B. / Beachy Head – (320° T) = 0535

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Feb. 28’1944.

1600. / C.F.C. / Diversion Stns.. allotted & info. passed to Sqds. concerned.

1700. / 1664/M. / over an hour overdue, Action taken & found that A/C had landed at Warboys & staying overnite, no reason given for his staying overnite. Info. passed to 61 Base.

1710. [underlined] D.F.C.D NOTE [/underlined] / 61 Base / Re. A/C doing X/C & then proceeding out 30 miles from Flamboro Head to jett. bombs. His time might conflict with op. times A/C will orbit base & receive instructions on R/T on sanction from Grp F/C.

1830 / off watch F/O Warwick, W.A.

18.40 / All Ops scrubbed

18.45 / Landfall Beacons Balloons Diversion Bases } Scrubbed.

[underlined] Tuesday. February 29th 1944 [underlined]

01.00 / Ident Bd. changed.

02.00 / Last a/c / down in Group

09.00 / Off duty F.D Cleland F/L
On duty H L Spence P/O

1000 / 431/Y (O) Foulsham / S.A.S.O. authorised m/n aircraft to fly crew to Foulsham pick up aircraft.

1010 / 433/R / Authorised by S.A.S.O. to fly working crew & spare parts to Odiham, Hartford Bridge & Honeybourne.

1040 / 1664/P. / Authorized by S.A.S.O. to take parts & crew to Warboys for a/c landed there yesterday due to oil leaks & P.O.E U/S.

[Page Break]

1664/U – Crew O.K. & billeted in Hotel at Cardingham near Aberport [sic] told to report to F/C Aberport first thing in morning.

Advised of crashes 1664/U & 420 V.
Controller [symbols]
S.A.S.O. [symbols]
Air I on leave
G.T.D. [symbols]

[underlined] Crew List 420/V :- [/underlined]

Pilot R153784 F/S Hardy H.S Believed killed
Nav. J24011 F/O Henrick J Believed killed
A.G. R110817 Sgt Johnston,, L.G. Believed killed
B.A. R158319 Sgt Cummings R.E Believed killed
M.U.A.G. R163397 Sgt Nixon J.L. Believed killed
W.O.P. J26859 P/O James D.A. OK – baled out
F.E. 1288344 Sgt Willoughby D.H.C. OK – baled out

[Page Break]

1055 / G/420 to WING / SASO OK’s 420/G to Wing with spare parts.
62 Base advised T/O 11:30 hrs.

1120. / 1664 a/c Jett. / M.L.O. 12 authorized jettisoning at position 5422N 0200E.

62 Base Practice Bombing / M.L.O. 12 authorized dropping smoke floats & practice bombing thereon at pos. 5330N (no further south) 0210E.

1220 / 1664/a/c Jett. / M.L.O. 12 now OK pos. 5422N 0022E.

1225 / G/420 / Flight to Wing cancelled, Replaced by 420/K

1405 / Com. Flight Oxford / OK’d by S.A.S.O. to take parts to Middle Wallop for 432/A.

1600 / Com. Flight Oxford / Reserved for S/L’s Reason & Miller for 1015 hrs, 1-3-44; going to Woodhall Spa for the day.

1630 / [underlined] 1664/U [/underlined] Crash (LK-643 / Ex 61 Base – report from Aberporth – South Wales (No 70 Group)
a/c was coming in to land. P.O.E. was u/s; crash landed at 1440 hrs at Aberporth. Aircraft was damaged but crew are safe

1640 / [underlined] 420/V [/underlined] (LW-366) / Ex. 9 Group – Crashed at [deleted] E [/deleted] [inserted] A [/inserted] berystwyth (map ref. – VO. 0185) at 1510 hrs. 2 of crew baled out (W.O.P. & Engr.) others presumed to be killed a/c burned. 62 Base informed.

1830 / Off duty H L Spence P/O
On duty W.A. Warwick, F/O
1835 / 1666/T. / 61 Base report A/C T/JD. 386 as an hour overdue & wish to find out whether he had landed [deleted] E I [deleted] at any other drome.

1850 / F.C.L.O. 12. / Contacted re, any news of a crash etc, or A/C reported as landed. Route of A/C passed. Reports an A/C crashed near Elsham Wolds.

[underlined] 1666/T [/underlined] = (JD-386)

[underlined] Crew [/underlined]
PILOT = P/O Sigurdson J = ?(R=157133)Newlt [indecipherable word]
NAV = P/O Muskett G.L = J=26289
B/A = P/O Eaton J.B = J=28076.
WOP = F/S Healey J.M = R-96219.
R/G = Sgt. Zayets J. = R-124095.
m/u = Sgt. Wilf F E = R-192018
F/E = Sgt. Loughran R.T = 796421

“All above Killed”

To be Advised of Crashes = (overleaf)
420/V ( ) crew Killed but two.
1664/U – (LK-643) all crew OK
1666/T (JD-386) all Killed

Controller = [symbol]
Air I =
G.T.J = [symbol]
P-4 =
Com of Adjustment =
Acc. Invest. =

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[underlined] Mon. Feb. 29/43 [/underlined]

1850 / Cont’d’ / no reports whether a fighter 4 eng. ?

1855. / 1 Grp [underlined] (CRASH) [/underlined] / F/C contacted re. any news of crashed A/C & reports a 4 eng. bomber reported by N.F.S. Broughton & completely burned out. 1 Grp. dispatched Elsham Wolds. Fire tender & crash wagon. No. of A/C JD.386 & crew list of our A/C overdue, & also possible tie up re. X/C leg as last turning point before returning to base was Goole.

1900. / 1 Grp. [underlined] (CRASH) [/underlined] (1666/T [underlined] JD-386 [/underlined]) / Report it as definitely identifies by Eng. Off. Elsham Wolds as Hal II JD-386. also Elsham Wolds supplying guards.

1920 / 1 Grp. [underlined] (CRASH) [/underlined] (1666/T [underlined] JD-386 [/underlined]) / 1 Grp. have found a pay OK belonging to a W/O Healey J.M – R-96219.

1955 / 1 Grp. [underlined] (CRASH) [/underlined] (1666/T [underlined] JD-386 [/underlined]) / Crash approx. Ref. – 453301.
Bridge Farm near Village of Broughton. [deleted] All [/deleted] 3 bodies recovered but have not determined individual identification.

2030. / 1 Grp. [underlined] (CRASH) [/underlined] (1666/T [underlined] JD-386 [/underlined]) / Re. Crash report.
A bomb [inserted] [undecipherable word] “Laughton” from Scunthorpe Search lite Battery – no-103 S.L.B. on duty as Air Sentry observed an A/C dived out of cloud, (base about 3,000) making a terrific noise & doing a spiral dive to pose no visual signs of fire, & all engines going, & then hit the deck & burst into flames.

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[underlined] 16.30 hrs. Emergency Diversion Bases Mar 1st 1944 [/underlined]

– 432 Sq. 11 Hals. } To Wing 92 Gp.
– 433 Sq. 15 Hals. } To Wing 92 Gp.
– 424 Sq. 10 Hals. } to Westcott 92 Gp
– 420 Sq. 11 Hals. } to Westcott 92 Gp
– 425 Sq. 11 Hals. } to Thorney Island 16 Gp.
– 408 Sq. 13 Lancs. } to Thorney Island 16 Gp.
– 429 Sq. 16 Hals. } to Hurn. 10 Gp
– 428 Sq. 12 Hals. } to Hurn. 10 Gp
– 426 Sq. 18 Lancs. to Boscombe Down 10 Gp

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[underlined] Mon. Feb. 29/1944 [/underlined]

2035 / 432/V. / Calling Darky & presumed lost in 6 Grp, area, all Stns. advised & lit up in case A/C about had circled base & disappeared. Cloud base low but vis O.K.

2135 / 432/V. / Landed O.K. at base.

[underlined] Tuesday Mar 1, 1944 [/underlined]

0036 / All flying in Grp. has finished.

0100 / Ident Board changed.

0800 / [underlined] CRASH 1666/T (JD-386) [/underlined] / Contacted Elsham Wolds F/C re. last nights crash and only 3 bodies found & so mutilated they are unable to identify them. They have dispatched a party at daylight to search for rem. of crew. A/C seemed to hit the deck with a terrific force & the whole A/C went straight in as observes by S.L.B.

0900. / off Duty W.A Warwick F/O.
09.00 / On duty F.D. Cleland F/L.

10.30 / L.F.B. / Beachy Head. 310° T :- 05.25 – 06.25 hrs.
L.F.B / Selsey Bill 360° T – 0415 – 05.30 hrs.

Balloons / Billingham – close-hailed { [deleted] 22.15 – 2330 hrs [/deleted][inserted] 2130 – 2300 (Revised) [/inserted]
{ 05.30 – 07.30 hrs

Southampton } At 500 ft from 04.00 – 07.00 hrs
Portsmouth } At 500 ft from 04.00 – 07.00 hrs
Langley } At 500 ft from 04.00 – 07.00 hrs
Weybridge } At 500 ft from 04.00 – 07.00 hrs

16.00 / Cark A/C / 9 Group requests us to send BBA on Middleton D/F to all Cark A/C – call sign “KYZ”. They have been briefed to listen to M.S.G. while on flight.

16.50 / Cark A/C / Ex 12 Gp – Cark have diverted an Anson (one of the above) to Topcliffe – KYZ-N R.T. “Fingertip”.

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[underlined] Wednesday March 1st 1944 [/underlined]

17.00 / [underlined] D.F.C.O. Note [/underlined] / During cold weather with risk of snow Central Flying Control would like a summarized report of aerodrome serviceability every morning about 08.30 hrs.

1830 / Off duty F/L Cleland
On duty H L Spencer P/O

1840. / KYZ-N / Landed at Leeming. Cark informed direct by Leeming. Learned of this landing from F.C.L.O 9 Group when checking for Topcliffe, to whom he had been diverted, but who had no contact with the A/C. In error 61 Base had previously reported this a/c as having landed and this information was passed through to 9 Group & further efforts to contact him were cancelled. 9 Group were quite annoyed (almost incensed in fact) because of the mistake. Fortunately the aircraft landed safely.

2140 / Balloons / Close-haul of Billingham balloons cancelled.

2300 / 420/Q / 62 Base reported this a/c having taken off on Ops. later, after Southdown had been informed, they stated it was an error. F.C. Tholthorpe only having assumed he had taken off whereas he was still taxying. Communication between Watch Office & A.C.P. was apparently practically U/S during take off, 5 times being passed to us after 2338 hrs, at which time we understood all who could take off had done so.

2340 / Red Glow S.E. of Linton & Tholthorpe / Both m/n stations reported having seen red glow for 30-40 seconds in the sky. F.C.L.O. 12 Group advised there had been a crash near Holme-on-Spalding, but nothing on our Group.

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Thursday. March 2, 1944.

0001 / Ident Board changed.

0230 / Hostiles 10 Gr / C.F.C advise these to be in vicinity of Bournemouth at the moment. Balloons now flying at 6,500 feet.

0300 – 0330 / S.O.S. A28K (420/R?) (425/W? [symbol] (425/J?) / Ex 12 Gr. m/n was plotted out at Filey & over to Dutch coast & back, then west overland; then south; turned north towards, Wombleton; then over Dishforth; south to Manston Moor; turned north up to Tholthorpe and finally landed there. 62 & 61 Bases Stations were lit up to render assistance At the same time Tholthorpe had 2 & R’s on R/T but no contact with 3rd aircraft. Finally 3rd a/c came up and reported navigator trouble all 3 landed – 420/R at 0315; 435/J at 0323 and 425/W at 0326.
Controller 12 Group say the aircraft went out from Flamborough due east [deleted] for approx. 120 miles [/deleted] at 20,000 ft crossed Dutch coast at Terschelliag where he seemed to fade. Believe he turned south & then back north for he was picked up again 40 minutes later coming back & showing broad S.F.F. When about 30 miles off English coast he was showing ordinary I.F.F. Beacon at Flamborough was lit for him as well as aerodrome to South [inserted] Lisset & [indecipherable word]) [/inserted]. Finally came in at Flamborough, over to Lissett where he circled, following which he stooged off into the 6 Group area & was plotted by R.Q.C. to Tholthorpe as noted above.
62 Base requested to pass us the full story on this. 420/R was a/c which reported “Navigator trouble” [inserted] (See entry 0550). Both 425/N & J had previously been in contact with Southampton. Controller at 12 Group wishes Pilot’s story.

N.B. / Quite some delay was experienced in getting 61 Base & Leeming Ops. [deleted] on [/deleted] [inserted] to answer [/inserted] their switchboard at the time the above “flap” was on

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0550 / S.O.S. A28K / Ref. Entry 0300 :- Tholthorpe now declare 425/J is a/c who had navigation trouble. They also state definitely neither 420/R nor 425/J showed broad I.F.F nor were they on the route outlined 425/J did some stooging between Fleet & Beachy Head to consume petrol.

0630 / S.O.S A28K / Tholthorpe report crew of 425/W state they went from base to Peterborough, has compass trouble and made a rough D.R. when they encountered predictor flak, fixed their position as 5100N 0230E. They turned back & flew to 5125N 0120E then by the north Star to 5330N 0000E; thence to base by way of Leeming. They definitely state they did not make landfall at Flamborough Head.

0650. / Leeming Pundit / Reported U/S

0845 / Diversions / C.F.C. put in the picture re. our A/C away from Base.
All A/C away from Base told to refuel and get to base as soon as possible. Groups confirm they are being hustled home.

0900 / Summary of Ops / Broadcast to Stations.

0900 / Aerodromes / O.K. expect Leeming which has ice on runway until 1100 hrs C.F.C. advised.

Off Duty H.L. Spencer F/O.
On Duty. W.A. Warwick F/O.

[underlined] Continued in new log. [/underlined]


“Flying Control Log Book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,

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