Letter to David Donaldson from his wife Joyce
Letter to David Donaldson from his wife Joyce
Writes about scarf, laundry and bicycle clips. Catches up with family and acquaintance news.
Three page handwritten letter
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10th March
Dear David,
I am posting back your scarf as I think perhaps you will need it and I shall not be able to send the trousers back for ten days or a fortnight as I am going to send them to the Laundry for you. Thank you for the bicycle lamps that came as well. I will keep them for you as we rarely bicycle in the black out.
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Your Mother has just rung up she said the snaps have come out very well &she will send you copies in due course She said they were both well. She had heard from Ian who she thinks [deleted] at [/deleted] is [deleted] I [/deleted] waiting to come home. Norman had written. I imagine from what she told me he is on Army Co-op [indecipherable word]. as he is surrounded [deleted] by [/deleted] he says by lovely W.A.A.F. who he has to call Maam [sic] and from the Postal address I deduced it was G.C. [indecipherable word] I [deleted] m [/deleted] was told when in the W.AAF by [indecipherable word] friends that it is a sumptous [sic] block of
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flats [deleted] whith ]/deleted] with H&C. in every room also central heating.
Frances is very well / eating lots, her teeth bother her quite a bit.
Not much else of importance has occurred I hope your boil is quite better and that you are allright [sic] and found the place still there when you returned.
I am sorry about the writing but I am very sleepy as it is past my bed time so must close.
With all my love darling
from Joyce.
10th March
Dear David,
I am posting back your scarf as I think perhaps you will need it and I shall not be able to send the trousers back for ten days or a fortnight as I am going to send them to the Laundry for you. Thank you for the bicycle lamps that came as well. I will keep them for you as we rarely bicycle in the black out.
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Your Mother has just rung up she said the snaps have come out very well &she will send you copies in due course She said they were both well. She had heard from Ian who she thinks [deleted] at [/deleted] is [deleted] I [/deleted] waiting to come home. Norman had written. I imagine from what she told me he is on Army Co-op [indecipherable word]. as he is surrounded [deleted] by [/deleted] he says by lovely W.A.A.F. who he has to call Maam [sic] and from the Postal address I deduced it was G.C. [indecipherable word] I [deleted] m [/deleted] was told when in the W.AAF by [indecipherable word] friends that it is a sumptous [sic] block of
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flats [deleted] whith ]/deleted] with H&C. in every room also central heating.
Frances is very well / eating lots, her teeth bother her quite a bit.
Not much else of importance has occurred I hope your boil is quite better and that you are allright [sic] and found the place still there when you returned.
I am sorry about the writing but I am very sleepy as it is past my bed time so must close.
With all my love darling
from Joyce.
“Letter to David Donaldson from his wife Joyce,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/11947.
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