Browse Collections (1857 total)

Serafini, Anna Maria


One oral history interview with Anna Maria Serafini (b. 1922) who recollects her wartime experiences in Bologn and Imola.

The collection was…

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Shackleton, Henry Leslie


An oral history interview with Henry Shackleton (b.1922, 68185 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a pilot with 405 Squadron.
The collection was…

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Shakesby, Norman


An oral history interview with Francis Shakesby (b.1924, 2207370 Royal Air Force). He worked on H2S and Gee as a member of ground personnel with 582…

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Shakespeare, Harry


One item. The collection concerns Harry E Shakespeare (426442 Royal Australian Air Force) and contains a memoir.

The collection has been loaned…

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Sharland, Robert George


20 items. The collection concerns Flying Officer Robert George Sharland DFC (1921 - 1944, 138832 Royal Air Force) and contains documents and…

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Sharpe, L V


Two items. The collection consists of photographs related to Sergeant L V Sharpe, who was billeted at A Newstead’s home.

The collection has been…

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Sharrock, Bob


Six items. An oral history interview with Flight Sergeant Bob Sharrock (1924 - 2019, 2210141 Royal Air Force), his log book, a photograph and…

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Shaw, Stanley R


37 items. An oral history interview with Stanley Shaw (3002545 Royal Air Force) Photographs, documents and his log book. He served with a Repair and…

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Shaw, Stanley R. Album 1


65 items. An album containing photographs of Stan Shaw and his time in a cycle club.

The collection has been licenced to the IBCC Digital Archive…

View the items in Shaw, Stanley R. Album 1

Shaw, Stanley R. Album 2


46 items. Photographs concerning Stan Shaw's service in the RAF.

The collection has been licenced to the IBCC Digital Archive by Stanley Shaw and…

View the items in Shaw, Stanley R. Album 2

Shaw, William Horace


An oral history interview with William Horace Shaw (1892171 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator / air gunner with 37 Squadron.…

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Shenbanjo, Akin


13 items. An oral history interview with Neville Shenbanjo (b. 1945), the son of Flying Officer Akin Shenbanjo DFC, and 12 photographs.


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Shepherd, Frederick Harold

An oral history interview with Frederick Harold Shepherd (b. 1921, 152660 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a bomb aimer with 2018 and 15…

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Shipman, John


43 items. An oral history interview with John Shipman (1923 - 2020, 1694683 Royal Air Force) his diary, documents and a photograph album. He served as…

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Shipman, John. Album


33 items. An album of photographs from his service in the Middle East and India.

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Short, John


12 items. The collection concerns John Short (b. 1922, Royal Air Force) and contains correspondence and photographs.

The collection was loaned to…

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Shuttleworth, Joe


One oral history interview with Hugh Joseph "Joe" Shuttleworth.

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Siddle, William Elliot


Two items. The collection concerns Sergeant William Elliot Siddle (1038438 Royal Air Force) and contains documents and research. He flew operations as…

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Simmonds, Jack Edward


An oral history interview with Squadron Leader Jack Simmonds (1920 - 2020, 67595 Royl Air Force). He flew operations as pilot with 77 Squadron until…

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Simms, Lester

An oral history interview with Lester Simms (1924 - 2017, 1812002 Royal Air Force). He was posted to 106 Squadron at RAF Metheringham as ground…

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Simon, Francis William

Ten items. An oral history interview with Jillian Saunders about her father, Francis William Simon (b. 1917, 2211910 Royal Air Force), his log book…

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Simon, Frank. Newspaper cuttings

21 newspaper clippings about bombing operations.

In accordance with the conditions stipulated by the donor, these items are available only at the…

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Simonsohn, Wilhelm

One oral history interview with Wilhelm Simonsohn (b. 1919), a Luftwaffe pilot.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Simpson, Frank


Five items. An oral history interview with Frank Simpson (1924 - 2019, 2203970 Royal Air Force) his log book, service and release book and…

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Simpson, Henry


42 items. Collection concerns Henry Evan Wade 'Harry' Simpson DFM (1806333 Royal Air Force) a flight engineer on Lancaster of 166 Squadron whose…

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