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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Two men and two men dressed as women wearing long period dresses. One man is wearing a naval officer's uniform. He is standing behind a woman and holding her arm. The second man is wearing a period costume with a sword. He is holding the arm of the…

A group of 13 actors including several men dressed as women. In the centre a woman holds the hand of a schoolgirl. On her other side is a schoolboy. On the right are two actors dressed with flower masks. Behind is a castle backdrop with portcullis.

Two men in period costume, one dressed as a woman in a long dress, stand in front of a castle backdrop. They are holding hands.

Two men dressed in swimming trunks are engaged in a acrobatic routine. One man is partly squatting and the second man is balanced on his knees. He is facing away from the lower man and holding his hands for balance. Behind is a curtain backdrop.

Three men and a man dressed as a woman. They are dressed in period costume. One is wearing a long dress and is holding the hands of one of the men. The other two men wear long cloaks. Behind is a painted medieval backdrop.

Four men and three men dressed as women standing in front of the sheet music backdrop. One is wearing a long dress, and two are dressed as schoolgirls.

A panoramic view of part of the camp taken through trees. Four huts and a watchtower are visible. A road leads to a village behind which is a forest.

A watchtower at Stalag Luft 1. It is at the corner of fences. In the distance is a church and village.

Four men, three carrying milk churns. behind is a hut.

The German guard carrying a rifle is standing in his sentry box. He is seen through a barbed wire fence. Behind is a house.

A panoramic view of the camp from the roof of a hut. Several huts can be seen.

17 rugby players. 16 men in rugby kit. One dressed in airman's uniform. They are arranged in three rows, one kneeling, one stooped and the third standing. The are positioned in front of the rugby ball. Behind is a hut and some bare trees.

A winter photograph taken of huts at Dulag Luft. The huts are framed through icicles. There is snow on the ground.

Seven airmen seated round a table. They are about to have Christmas dinner. The table is set with cutlery, glasses of beer, presents and a cake.

A watchtower positioned above barbed wire fencing. There is a guard in the watchtower. The ground is covered with snow.

A group of men in various states of dress, some as jockeys, some topless arranged in front of a hut with 'Totalisator' on it.

Three men dressed as a cheerleader, Uncle Sam and a Nurse. They are watched by a group of men, mostly topless. Behind are two huts.

Three rows of men dressed in a variety of American fancy dress. There are cowboys, Native Americans, a man dressed as Uncle Sam, men dressed as sportswomen. The front row is seated, the middle row standing and the back row standing on a raised…

Group of men in fancy dress. In the front row is a man dressed as a woman in Welsh national costume, a man dressed as an elegant woman and a jockey. One of the group is wearing his airman's uniform. Many of the spectators are topless. Behind is a…

A group of men dressed in long johns, scarves and balaclavas. They are marching in a line and playing a drum and wind instruments. In the background are groups of spectators.

Group of men dressed as jockeys, maharajahs, Uncle Sam and ladies. They are arranged loosely in two rows, the front row is the four jockeys and they are kneeling. The rest are standing behind.

Group of men dressed as Native Americans and a cowboy standing in front of a teepee. There are several spectators and a hut further behind.

A group of men dressed as jockeys arranged in two rows. Behind is a hut.

Group of men arranged round a table with a board and markers. Most of the men are topless.

Group of men seated and standing outside a house decorated as a Maori hut. They are mainly topless and are wearing Maori headbands. One man seated at the front has a guitar and another is holding a long spear. A group of spectators is watching.
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