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Aerial vertical photograph showing railway running from left to right with a large marshalling yard in the centre. A small river wanders along the bottom of the railway from left to right. Above the marshalling yard are long buildings with possible…

Two copies of a target photographs taken on an operation to Brück. Smoke from explosions and light trails from tracer. Both copies are captioned:
'2723 104/77. 19/20-MAR-45. F8 NT//9000' → 355°. 22.021/2 BRUCK M/YDS.
G. 4x1000. 8x500 Mk III 21.…

Target photograph of Bremen. Edge of the city visible but mainly open country, bomb craters, a rail line running across, a river or canal, streets and field boundaries all visible. Captioned '3', '4819 SKELL.22.3.45//8". 16400' 068° 1409 BREMEN.S…

Target photograph of Bremen. Almost completely obscured by light streaks, no detail visible. Captioned '3°F', '6B', '3109 SKELL.6/7.10.44//NT.8" 16500' [arrow] 216° 2034 BREMEN RD.D. 27 X 4. 27secs. F/O. GREEN. D.61.'. On the reverse 'F/O. GREEN.…

Target photograph of Bremen. Explosions in the middle of the frame obscure the road and railway bridges over the river Weser. The photograph covers a largely built-up area: gas works, Bremen Hauptbahnhof and Bremen Neustadt stations are visible, the…

Target photograph of Bremen. Edge of city towards rural area. Explosions at top right, bomb craters below on fields. River on left and gas works top left. Flaring on left and right of the photograph. Captioned ' 4804 SKELL. 22.3.45//7". 17000' 070°…

Target photograph of Bremen. No details clearly visible, a small number of light streaks and many pin points of light visible. Captioned '3° F', '6B', '3123 SKELL.6/7.10.44//NT.8" 16250' [arrow] 202° 2033. BREMEN RD.A.27X4.27secs.F/O BOON.A.61.'.…

Target photograph of Bremen. Obscured by numerous light streaks. Captioned '3°F', '7B', 3095 SKELL.6/7.10.44//NT.8" 16250' [arrow] 195° 2030 BREMEN RD.F. 21 X 4. 21secs. F/O. NISBET. F.50.'. On the reverse ' [underlined] F/O NISBET 6/7.10.44.…

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bombs over most of frame and built up area top left. Captioned '3640, L.SGN, 21.3.45 " 8'.16800'103 BREMEN OSLEBHAUSEN Oil Refinery, S, 13MC500DT:4ANM64DT, C34 SECSI. F/O Quine; S: 582'.
Bottom - target…

Vertical aerial photograph of Bremen bridge. Street patterns and a river with bridges are visible but central top of the image is obscured by bombs and smoke. Captioned at top right ‘4B 4B’. Captioned along the bottom ‘‘3258 Lud.M 23.3.45 …

Target photograph of Bremerhaven. No detail visible. Large number of light streaks. Captioned '2930 SKELL.18/19.9.44//NT(C)8" 14000 [arrow] 169 2103 BREMERHAVEN RD.T. 27 X 4. 25secs. S/L STUBBS. T.50.'. On the reverse '[underlined] BREMERHAVEN.…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Bremerhaven. Indistinct ground images can be seen. It is captioned '2940 Skell. 18/19.9.44//NT. 8" 15500 <-- 168° 2102 Bremerhaven RD.H.1x2000.12 "J" x30.25 secs. F/O Drinkell. H.50'. On…

A target photograph for an operation to Bremerhaven. On the right there is illuminated smoke or cloud and some light trails. The rest of the image is dark and there is no ground detail. It is captioned:
'2922 SKELL. 18/19.9.44// NT. 8" 15000…

Vertical aerial photograph of Brescia. In the lower half the Breda works and the railway line are visible; the top half is obscured by tracers, explosions and bright lights. Captioned '1972 40/2 17 Sept 44 F8//NT 7100' [arrow] 300° 2046 Brescia R.…

Aerial vertical target photograph of Brescia, orientated with south west at the top edge. The image shows
good detail of the town's streets with the distinctive Cimitero Vantiniano in the centre. In the upper centre is a glare from a large fire or…

Low quality copies of target photographs of Brescia and supply drop at Crnomelj.
The Brescia image shows some ground detail in which the distinctive Cimitero Vantiniano is identifiable. Around half of the photograph is obscured by glare. It is…

Target photograph of Brest. Port area, breakwaters, quays roads and buildings clearly visible. Bomb explosions in water. Captioned ' 3° F', '5B', '2075 SKELL.14.8.44.//.8" 15500' [arrow] 305° 2021. BREST 'B' RD.Q.11X100.4X500.C.33secs.P/O…

Target photograph of Camaret-sur-Mer. Area of land visible mainly rural with many craters. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '2571 SKELL.5.9.44//8" 8000' [arrow] 280° 2002 BREST"C".T.2X1900.11X1000.C18secs.F/O HARROP.P.50.'. On the reverse '[underlined] F/O…

Target photograph of Brest. Port area, breakwaters, quays, docks, industrial installations, river La Penfeld all clearly visible. Bomb explosions straddling a breakwater. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2069 SKELL.14.8.44.//.8" 15500' [arrow] 010° 2028…

Target photograph of Camaret-sur-Mer. Coast line with base of breakwater with small boats clearly visible. Upper part of photograph open country, many craters, lower right more industrialised. Centre partially obscured by smoke and dust. Captioned…

Target photograph of Camaret-sur-Mer. Port area with quays a breakwater and moored boats clearly visible. Roads and industrial area lower right. In open country on left, many craters visible. Disturbed water from a bomb explosion. Captioned '8°F',…

Target photograph of Bourg Leopold. Partially obscured by smoke and light streaks, two aircraft silhouetted below, rural area. Captioned '7B', '791 SKELL. 11/12.5.44. //NT 8" 15750 [arrow] 179° 0015 BRG.LEOPOLD RD.J.1X4000.6X1000.8X500.27secsP /O…

Target photograph showing snow-covered landscape with river running bottom left curving to top right. In the centre a bridge with bomb explosions on both banks. Captioned '2490, 104/47, 5 Jan 45, F8, 7100 ft,→ 11.06, C.F. Doboj. Annotated on page…

Two target photographs for separate operations to Brod in former Yugoslavia.
1st photograph: Darkness, smoke, light trails and Flak bursts hide much of the ground detail but some roads can be seen. It is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1506. FOG.…

Vertical aerial photograph of the Adige river south of Bronzolo. The Lusina stream is barely discernible. Captioned ''A4 2085. 40/14 12 Oct 44. F8//NT 11000' [arrow] 035° 2020. Bronzolo F 9x500 5x250 Mk III 24 Sgt. Hanson. F. B/A Sgt. Bouchen'.
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