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  • Tags: Lancaster Mk 3

LH page, target photograph rural area with road running left to right and several buildings in top left. Many bomb explosions visible, captioned '429.EWS.30.7.44.//8" 2500 200(degrees) 0832.CAHAGNES MTT/TGT. U. 20 X 500.C.23 secs. F/Lt Josey. U.103'.…

LH page target photograph caption ' 4231. EWS. 29/30.8.44//nr?8" 12000 230(degrees) 0200 Stettin U 1 X 4000 7 X 4 6 X 30 28secs F/L Josey U 103'. Handwritten caption 'Taken right at the start of a night attack on Baltic port of STETTIN.
TIs can…

Five ground crew standing in line by the rear fuselage of a Lancaster registration 'ED532'. Engine trestles in the background.
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