Browse Items (552 total)

  • Collection: Hudson, Douglas

On the address side a small photograph of a woman in Arab dress exposing a breast. Captioned 'Belle Mauresque'. Hopes they will excuse postcard but he could not get a plain postcard. Catches up on letters sent and received and says he is writing a…

Catches up on mail sent and received and sends thanks to all who have written. He continues with pay and that he is trying to increase his allotment to them. Says he is still well and mentions weather. Thanks relative for birthday money sent to…

Writes about mail received and that airmail was best method. Continues with commiseration about situation with his dad, Hopes she will get allotment from his pay which he has tried to increase three times. He suggest she contact the air ministry to…

Writes he has not received any mail since his last letter and reiterates that airmail is best. Hopes she is settling down to new home and commiserates over family issue. Comments on recent weather and says he has no news.

Writes he has had no news from them for three weeks and mentions he is writing letter as well. Comments on how he hopes they are doing and about the current weather. Asks to be remembered to all especially one correspondent who has sent him many…

Writes that he has not had any mail for some time but he hopes that family affair has settled down. Has difficulty associating his mothers new location with home. Writes of his visit to a dentist. Contrasts the countryside to the last time they…

Mentions that he hurriedly added a postscript to his last letter announcing the arrival of mail from them for him. Writes he is glad that all is well and that his increased allotment to them has come through. Acknowledges the arrival of more mail,…

Acknowledges the arrival of a number of letters. Writes he is moving to Algeria and gives address of new camp in Médéa. Hopes conditions will be better there. Comments on the current weather and that everything is looking green. Hopes they will…

Catches up with mail received and reminds them that to arrive by airmail it must be so marked on the envelope and have correct stamps. Mentions airmail is much quicker. states that he has sent them letters fortnightly and hopes they have arrived.…

Records mail he has received and those that are missing. Comments on weather and that it is getting hotter. Writes that they can see little from the new camp and mentions rationing at home and lack of items in his location. His food is mainly…

Catches up with letters received, with all mail up to 36 apart from two had arrived. Thanks them for birthday telegrams and hopes it will not need to be repeated next year. Discusses better weather in England and in poor weather in Algeria. Mentions…

Notes his new address in Aumale, Algeria and reports on letters received. Catches up on family gossip and contrasts it with his idle life, though this is not what he would wish for. Mentions a little of his activities, routine and weather. Writes of…

Catches up with letters sent and received since he arrived at new location and complains that his small allowance make it difficult to afford sending cables from his camp. Catches up with news from home and mentions a little of his physical and other…

Catches up with mail and cables sent and received. Mentioned leaving previous camp and since arriving at new one has been please to receive cables especially witch pre-paid replies. Reminisces over life at home but thinks it will be another two years…

Catches up with letters sent and received and is pleased at how quickly some arrived. Notes that one letter was censored and was trying to work out what might have caused this but is at a loss. He writes that he always is careful with content as he…

Had not received any mail since he last wrote and it was nine days since he sent his last cable. Mentions the weather had become cooler and that he described his first boxing match which he lost on points. Mentions that he had lost a little weight…

Catches up on letters and cables sent and received and notes times taken each way for airmail. Hopes they enjoyed their holiday week. Comments on prepaid cable they sent. Writes that they appear to have been shocked by the postcard he sent with the…

Writes to suggest that they post letters to him direct to the American consul in Algiers. Comments on letters he has received from friends and relatives. and that letters take 8 weeks to get to England and two or three weeks to get from there to him.…

Catches up on mail sent and received and reiterates that prepaid reply cables are good as he cannot afford to pay for them himself. Mentions previous camp and sending airmail without stamps assuming they would get through as prisoner of war mail.…

Catalogues and comments on letters and cables sent and received. Mentions that letters are better by now going through the American consul in Algiers. Make comments on weather at home and in Algeria as well as some mention of daily routine and…

Writes of receiving letter with photographs of his parents which he comments on. Catches up on other recent letters and cables to and from and suggests that mail going through the American consul in Algiers is best both ways. Catches up on news from…

Writes of latest letter received with more photographs of parents on which he comments. Mentions how much they mean and looks forward to more. Pleased that they have now received most of his letters sent from previous camp. Discusses problems of out…

Catches up with mail and cables set and received, comments of frequency of letters sent from England and tries to deduce if any have gone astray. Comments on heat and weather in general. Mentions meeting a young lady he knew at previous camp and of…

Says he had not received any mail since his last letter to them. Catalogues recent mail and cables along with comments. Is expecting a letter the next day. Comments on weather, heat and sirocco wind. Mentions that other internees had received parcels…

Still waiting for their next letter and catalogues recent mail and cables sent and received. Writes that he hoped they had a good day on their wedding anniversary and his thought were with them. Expresses his delight again at the photographs they…
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