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  • Collection: Hudson, Douglas

Writes that it was two years since she received a telegram reporting that he was interned in Tunisia and mentions their reactions to the news. Did not dream that he would be interned for over two years. Mentions receiving cable and postcard. Looking…

Rerports arrival of letters, postcards and cable. Awaiting photographs.

Reports arrival of two letters from him which mention that their photographs had arrived with him. Comments on photographs they sent him that she hads gained weight but father seems thinner every week. Mentions father has been working extra time.…

Writes that summer is over and mention planting seeds. Mentions that there are some nice gardens locally and that their garden would compete with grandad's. Garden is her chief joy which is why she mentions it in many letters. Wonders about the…

Writes this was trial letter using special airmail prisoner of war post form. Reports arrival of recent letter from him and decribes stamps on it. Writes that she had been to Burnley to buy socks and shirts for his next parcel. Interested to learn…

Reports arrival of letters and other message.

Reports arrival of mail with photographs, parcel dispatched, asks after books.

Thanks him for previous two letters and notes that the numbers keep mounting. Proud of him that he emerged little changed from his time as internee in Africa. Say they are proud of his current service and looking to the future of his career.…

Acknowledges receipt of letter 29 and thanks him for letting them have letters so regularly. Mentions disturbing events over the last few days and people who have loved ones exposed to horrors of war. Wonders when he would be home and discusses…

Writes to congratulate him on achieving his 30 operations and says they are very proud of him. Eagerly awaiting his homecoming but know that it will be a strain to say goodbye to his companions. Mentions his father's reception of the good news and…

Wonders if it is true that he has finished the dangerous journeys that made them anxious all the time. Would still like letter to confirm telephoned news of completion of 30 operations. Mentions horrors of invasion. Catches up with news of friends…

Part of letter written while visiting Skipton and describes activities. Mentions visit to Manchester and buying gloves. Includes are some fern cuttings.

Postcard mentions memories. Painting of a memorial on side of tree lined country lane going down a hill with cottages to the right and hill in the distance. Selworthy by E W Haslehurst.

Addresses to them as children which they would always be to them. Says thinking of them on the first day of their holiday. Mentions weather and journey and writes of other activities. Letter day after Douglas's marriage to Alice on 24 March 1945.…

Notifies receipt of cable awaiting further. Mentions moving and supplies new address.

Announces move to Nelson complete.

Best wishes for 21 May. Anxiously awaiting news. Tells of move from Kensal (house sold) to Nelson.

Notes cables received letters om the way.

Reports letters and postcard received. In own home with pleasant garden.

Chestnut trees in bloom, brings memories, hope.

Reports cable received awaiting letter.

Notes letter received from Medea. Dads holiday week.

Reports she sent cable pre-paid reply, no response, delighted received letter Medea.

Welcome letters, special thoughts for Monday.
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