Browse Items (187 total)

  • Collection: Saunders, John Walter Gifford

A sketch of a man sat on a wooden chair with turned spindles. He is sat at a table with a tablecloth on which is a cup and saver. The man is wearing a long jacket and trousers with turn ups. Annotated '15/20'.

With the identification VN-N on its fuselage, a Lancaster with crew members seen in the cockpit. The wings display the type B roundel and the tail has red and blue fin flash markings. It is labeled 'The Lancaster Bomber in Flight'.

A sketch of a car with a short list of words and with German translations. On the reverse are two addresses including that of Iga, a fellow prisoner of war.

From Iga, after her liberation from the prisoner of war camp, telling of her friendship with John and asking for news of him.

Addressed to prisoner of war, John, from fellow prisoner, Iga in Stalag VI C.

A postcard from Iga to John at her old prisoner of war camp

A postcard from fellow prisoner of war Iga from her new camp.

A letter from Iga in which she is sorry at missing her meeting with John due to a medical inspection before her move to another camp. She expresses her hope to meet John in the future and hopes for greater understanding between Poland and Great…

Iga has not been well, having caught a cold. She arranges a meeting with John at the wire between their camps.

Iga telling John the officers and under-officers are moving camp the next day. Wanting to see John before the move and arranging a meeting at the wire between their camps.

A letter to John passed between the men and women's prisoner of war camps. Iga thanks John for the letter he sent and goes on to talk about her life, enjoying dance and sports and attending pilots school. She mentions seeing John in the camps and…

Iga describes life under occupation and her lack of family and friends. She explains that there is danger in exchanging correspondence in the prisoner of war camp and warning John to be careful of the sentry.

Iga explaining to John that she is moving camps for the third time and describing her feelings towards her captors the state of her health and her desire to visit England.

A form issued by the authorities in a prisoner of war camp.

A good luck card from Joe and Tony.

With apologies to John for not saying goodbye when she left the camp but she had to be taken to the car on a stretcher. Iga is sad that she cannot continue their correspondence but hopes that the war will soon be over. She is now working as a sister…

Addressed to his barrack, a letter from Iga to John saying that she is leaving the camp and suggesting he finds someone who knows Polish to translate her letter.

Thanking John for the drawing he sent and describing her poor living conditions with 160 girls sleeping on the floor. Iga says she is moving camp and that it is forbidden to write between Stalags and giving John an address to write to later.

A letter from Iga

Thanking John for the parcel he sent and apologising for her poor English.

To John thanking him for his letter and saying a letter will be ready the next day at 10 o'clock and asking why John was sad.

To John thanking him for his letter and telling him she is moving to a new camp the next day.

Iga writes that her health is improving, she is working in the hospital and wishes John a happy Christmas. John replies that he is glad she is feeling better and wishes her a happy new year.

Iga is sorry that she was unable to meet John due to sickness.

Describes her difficulties in learning english and desire to improve. She writes from a prisoner of war camp saying she is an airwoman and asks if John is a pilot and requests that John send some English books.
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