Browse Items (266 total)

  • Collection: Hemsworth, Ron

This is a drawing of a man's head. He is looking to the left. He has a full head of wavy hair.

A model of a racing yacht in full sail. It has a deep centreboard and a large rudder. It is mounted on a stand. The sail has the letters 14/K1.

A detailed model of a three masted sailing ship with gun ports. It is being examined by a man wearing a civilian shirt and tie. On the left is a carriage model and on the right the tail of a model aircraft. Behind and partly visible, are other men…

A table with several models. Two airmen with clipboards are judging the models. A sergeant and three dressed in civilian clothes are looking on. Behind are model aeroplanes hanging on strings.

The model is a low wing monoplane with a large propeller. There is a matchbox beside to indicate the scale of the model.

A detailed model of a sailing ship. It has three masts and is in full sail. Two lifeboats are visible in the centre of the main deck. Two men wearing civilian clothes are looking at the model. There is a description attached at the aft of the ship…

A glider model with long thin wings and thin fuselage.

Detailed model of a sailing ship, It has three masts, gun ports, rigging and a flag at the rear but no sails. It is mounted on a stand.

The model is mounted on a stand, fore and aft. In front is an engine, gear box, drive shaft and propeller.

Royal Air Force biplane on a stand. Wheels are chocked.

Two judges examining models on a table. Two men are looking to the right of the photograph. Two other men are looking at drawings and art work on the wall. There is a model of a schooner and a biplane on the table.

Model racing yacht with sails. It is positioned on a small stand on a table.

Eleven men in three rows, kneeling, sitting and standing in front of a goal. Behind are their huts.

A wreath from the Luftwaffe on the grave of Sergeant J C Shaw. It contains the words 'Die Deutsche Luftwaffe'.

A group of airmen at the internment of Sergeant J C Shaw. Two, on the left are saluting. Other airmen are holding wreaths for the grave. Light snow on the ground and trees bare of leaves in the background.

Four airmen stand at the grave of Sergeant J C Shaw. On the right German soldiers fire their rifles in salute.

A German officer and two airmen in greatcoats saluting at the internment of Sergeant J C Shaw. Other airmen are holding wreaths to be laid on the grave. In the background the graveyard is lightly covered in snow, with the trees bare of leaves.

The grave of Sergeant J C Shaw covered in wreaths. In the background are more graves and bare trees.

The coffin of Sergeant J C Shaw is laid to rest by his fellow airmen. A group of German soldiers with rifles stands guard. The trees are bare of leaves.

A German officer leads the hearse containing the body of Sergeant J C Shaw. Behind the hearse are rows of British airmen wearing greatcoats. In the background is the graveyard and trees.

Group of airmen in greatcoats standing to attention at the funeral of Sergeant J C Shaw. They are arranged in three rows. Behind are woods and the graveyard.

Horse drawn hearse with the coffin of Sergeant J C Shaw. There is a large group of airmen in greatcoats marching behind the hearse. The graveyard can be seen on the right of the photograph.

The coffin of Sergeant J C Shaw flanked by wreaths, flowers and two airmen. In the chapel at the camp. One wreath has 'RAF' and the other 'Die Deutsche Luftwaffe'.

Sergeant J C Shaw lying in state in his coffin, guarded by two airmen. They are in the chapel.

17 actors from Jack and the Beanstalk standing on the stage. The are in a variety of costumes and some men are dressed as women.
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