Browse Items (6 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1947-04"

Cliff mentions that he had interviewed his pilot Peter Fotherby, looking for further information about some incidents. He describes volunteering for RAF and training as an air gunner in Ansons. He was posted to Middle East, trained and crewed up at…

Certificates awarded to Charmian Quitmann for handwriting, typewriting, commercial practice, shorthand, commercial correspondence and intermediate French.

A cyclist finishing a race. On the reverse ' "Monster" Doig finishing the "10" Egypt. April. 1947'.


11 cyclists linked together in a line. On the reverse 'Rafat Wheelers after the Cairex C.C. "10" Egypt April 1947.'

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A cyclist on a racing bike. Behind two airmen are watching and behind them a Nissen hut.
A second image is identical.
A third image has, on the reverse, 'Astride the 'Raleigh Sports' Fayid April 1947'.

Photo 1 - Denis Bradbury in uniform standing behind his parents, who are seated, outside a house. His father is smoking a pipe and Denis is holding one.

Photo 2 - a head and shoulders portrait of Denis Bradbury in uniform. smoking a…
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