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  • Tags: 630 Squadron
  • Type is exactly "Text. Correspondence"

Informs him that his son was missing from air operations on night 24/25 July 1944.

Priority telegram from Officer Commanding 630 Squadron informing Mrs Hobbs that her husband Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs was missing from operations on night 15/16 March 1944. Warns that no information should be given to the press pending written…

Informs Mrs K Hobbs that her husband Flight Sergeant Frank J Hobbs is missing in action on night of 15/16 March 1944. Offers possibility that crew were able to abandon aircraft. Mentions that the request in previous telegram was included to avoid…

Writes to confirm that his son Arthur was a member of an aircraft of the squadron that failed to return from an operation. Goes on to comment on capability of crew and they may have been able to abandon or forced land the aircraft.

A booklet commemorating JHP Dwyer (Jack). It contains school football and cricket photographs, his 19 operations, a telegram on his arrival in Gibraltar, the events when he was badly wounded over Kiel, a telegram advising his parents where he was in…
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