Browse Items (215 total)

  • Language is exactly "fra"

Capitulation near Stalingrad of Field Marshall Von Paulus on 30 January 1943 and General Streicher on 2 February 1943. Defeated Sixth Army comprised 330,000 men. General Giraud, High Commissioner in North Africa, working closely with General De…

Two street scenes in Montreal.

A collection of pieces recovered from the crash site of Lancaster ME 749. They are presented in a wooden case with a description 'No 166 Squadron RAF Group 1 Lancaster B1 No ME749 AS-Z La Chaume 4 Mai 1944'.
A second photograph taken from the side…

View from a hill of a military camp surrounded by a wall. Camp contains many single story buildings with arched promenades. In the background mountains. On the reverse 'Our prison camp occupied part of this caserne and was "barbed wired off"…

On the right a mosque with minaret. In the centre town buildings on the left trees. In the background mountains. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and stating that this was the view from the top of a minaret.

Walled town in a valley, In the background a forest and other buildings.

Walled town in a valley, In the background a forest and other buildings. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and writes that he is fit and well and he has written another letter with more news.

A wall runs from bottom left to top right with buildings and palm trees to the left and above. To the right centre a fortification.

A wall runs from bottom left to top right with buildings and palm trees to the left and above. To the right centre a fortification. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson writing that he is delighted to have received cross parcel and about…

A single story building set in a garden with shrubs and palm trees.

In the foreground a square with many people in Arab dress. At the tear of the square a road leads into the distance with buildings on the right. There are several palm trees throughout the area.

On the right part of a low walled square surrounded on left and behind by two story buildings. A road runs up hill to the left of building behind square, Buildings on the left have multiple archways and a flag pole extending from upper floor.

In the foreground a town wall and gate with buildings behind on rising ground. In the background at top of hill a white mosque

A road lined with palm trees runs from bottom to top. There are several people walking on the road and pavements.

An alleyway with wall on the left and single story building on the right. Palm trees behind wall and buildings. Several women are walking in the alley.

In the foreground two people, one carrying a bucket the other a sack. They are surrounded by tall palm trees. To the right a wall and in the background buildings. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson and explaining an event related to…

In the foreground a wall military camp. In the background a forest and mountains

A road runs from bottom to top with buildings with multiple archways either side. At the end of the road trees. There are vehicles parked on the right side and many people walking in the street.

Two colour postcards of Montreal.

Medal with blue ribbon with European star circle emblem. Front and back views.

Key importance of Battle of the Atlantic outlined by Churchill, Rear Admiral Gadow and Lieutenant Commander Ambrosius in 1941.

Germany’s defence strategy and Britain’s counter-offensive delineated with plans, methods and progress. Despite…

Printed leaflet in French discusses Mussolini's defeat in Albania and a victory at Taranto.

Certificate stating that John North has been accepted as a member in good stranding of the Air Force Association of Canada.

French pass for Corporal James Henry Banks authorising route Essey - Nancy in military vehicle. Signed with b/w photograph of corporal Banks in uniform in bottom right hand corner.

Correction kindly provided by Frank Schilder.

An identity card issued to Jacques Ledoux. The papers are forged for Jack Wainwright.


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