Browse Items (38 total)

  • Creator is exactly "Hedley Robert Madgett"

Writes that he has now moved to Winslow, Cheshire and about his journey and activities after arrival. There is little to do and passes available for Manchester and surrounding towns. Mentions meeting and old friend and more on activities as well as…

Writes from Swift Current that they still have not started flying. They have been issued with text books on flying and are doing lots of sports. Mentions the weather and the time his latest letter took to get from England. States that they will get…

Written from Medicine Hat and relates previous adventures while attempting a cross country flight in formation to Bowden, Alberta via Medicine Hat. Explains that he ran out of fuel and force landed near Medicine Hat and that many others suffered the…

Written from Medicine Hat announcing the course had finished and listing his ground examination results. Says that he has completed night flying but still has to do flight commander, C.F.I and final link trainer test. Writes that he passed his final…

Cannot understand why they have received so few letters from him and lists those he has sent. Continues that he has finished final examinations and describes navigation exam. States that they other exams and in particular theory of flight for which…

On the front a photograph of the Grand Hotel above the beach with Scarborough in the background. On the reverse he thanks parents for letter and chocolate and other items. Request they send pyjamas. Speaks of weather and upcoming examinations.…

Title 'The Sands, South Bay, Scarborough' In the foreground a beach and sea with boats and people bathing. Behind the beach the ground rises. On the left a large multistory hotel and to the right other buildings. On the reverse, addressed to his…

Addressed to parents and says 'Letter and Telegram received many thanks please do not worry = Hedley'.

Telegram reads 'Hut 14A Course 33 34 SFTS RAF Medicine=Hat Alberta, extremely busy only two days Xmas Love=Hedley.'

From Medicine Hat to parents' address. Reads 'Gone solo Harvard Xmas Calgary Banff hired car wonderful scenery thanks cable many letters = Hedley Madgett'.

Telegram from Medicine Hat address for parents. Reads 'Two parcels received many thanks having final examinations too busy to write till now = Hedley Madgett 127'.


Telegram from Medicine Hat address for parents. Reads 'Please dont write only cable passing out 13 flying swell gone night solo = Hedley Madgett'.

Telegram stating all well and safe.
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