Browse Items (35180 total)

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Top - view along road with minor road junction of to left with houses on side of road.
Bottom - view of part of front of stone built house with window and door showing.
Page captioned 'Winson, 1964'.

Left page:
Top - view down a lane with stone wall on the left, of a stone barn on right with house beyond.
Bottom - view down and lane with stone wall on the right of a house in the distance.
Caption on spine 'Winson 1984'.
Right page:
Top -…

Top page:
Top left - view up of wooden roof beams.
Top right - view across lawn of a large three storey house with hedge in front. Other buildings off to the left,
Bottom left - b/w image of a large three storey house with small stone outbuilding…

Left page:
Top - view of church yard with church on left and houses on right.
Bottom - view of several stone houses in hamlet.
Captions down spine from top to bottom: '1984, 'School', 'Winson'.
Right page:
Captions down spine from top to bottom:…

Left page: a dark b/w image of the inside of a room with some unidentified features. Captioned 'Front room at Winson'.
Right page: b/w image with view out of a window of bare trees in middle distance. Captioned 'from the attic Winson 1930s'.

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Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a snowy street scene annotated 'Portage Avenue'.
Photo 2 is a bus in an urban street.
Photo 3 is a street scene with many people.
Photo 4 is a snowy railroad crossing.

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is a view of the corner of Main Street and Portage Avenue Winnipeg, looking north, with Canadian National ticket office, the McIntyre Block and shape of the Union Bank building further down.
#2 is Main Street…

Nine photographs from an album.
Photo 1 and 2 are of a Bison preserved in a government building.
Photo 3 is a street scene, captioned 'Portage Ave, Winnipeg'.
Photo 4 is seven airmen and a woman grouped together at Winnipeg station.
Photo 5 is a…

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Four oblique aerial photographs.
Photo 1 and 2 are views of the snowy city, captioned 'Winnipeg 8,000 ft'.
Photo 3 is a view of houses, captioned 'Winnipeg 1,000' ft. There is also a ticket from the Winnipeg Electric Company.
Photo 4 is a snowy…

Oblique aerial photograph of central Winnipeg looking due east with the Red River meandering top left to middle right and the Assiniboine River meandering from bottom centre to top centre joining it. The Trans Canada Highway runs top left to bottom…

A large group of service and civilian personnel inside a large room with columns and arched windows. Space for a band with music stands and a piano in the centre. To the left a sign 'Ticket Office'.

View of the Manitoba Legislative Building with trees in the foreground.

On the right a three-quarter length portrait of a woman wearing dark dress with crucifix on necklace. She is holding on to a 17-month-old young girl who is standing on the left wearing a light coloured dress.

Additional information about this…

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View from train over snow covered ground with fence and telegraph poles running left to right. In the distance, mountains. Smoke visible at upper right. Captioned 'Snow near Winnemucca, Nevada, USA'.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Head and shoulder portrait of a woman wearing tunic with staff sergeant rank and peaked cap. Underneath a row of medal ribbons. Submitted with caption 'W/O Winifred Kathleen Viollet nee Joyce k/a "Chota" (don't know why), she was a W/O in the Army…

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting with a photograph of 12 Lancasters over New York. Photograph 1 is a group of airmen seated in tiered rows. It is captioned 'Beer and Hot Dogs at the Pony Races'. Photograph 2 and 3 are four airmen seated at a round table…

Newspaper cutting with photograph showing 12 Lancasters over New York City. 'High, Wide, and Handsome. Here on goodwill mission, dozen four-engined Lancaster bombers fly over New York giving inkling of the might that was blended with U.S. warbirds to…

Ralph's graduation banquet from No 17 SFTS Souris, Manitoba. It includes the programme of addresses, menu and a list of those participating.
A second copy has some signatures of participants.

For No 10 Air Navigators' course, 47 Air School, Queenstown South Africa. Menu and signatures of course members.
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