Browse Collections (1857 total)

Beeching, John Benjamin

An oral history interview with John Beeching (b. 1923, 1339821 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a pilot with 169 and 627 Squadrons.


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Beecher, Charles


An oral history interview with Charles Beecher (b.1925, 3040139 Royal Air Force). He served as a wireless mechanic with 578 Squadron.


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Beckett, Peter Cyril

An oral history interview with Peter Beckett (b. 1925 1869405 Royal Air Force).

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Beasley, Doug


14 items. An oral history interview with Doug Beasley (b.1925, 1876732 Royal Ar Force) and photographs of aircrew. He flew operations with 76…

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Beard, Ken


Five items. An oral history with Ken Beard (b. 1921, 1061851 Royal Air Force), his air gunners log book, and photographs of him, his wedding and his…

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Batty, Dennis


Twelve items. The collection concerns Flight Sergeant Arthur Dennis Batty DFM (1920 - 1941, 619060, Royal Air Force) and consists of his diary,…

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Bassett, Frank Gerald

An oral history interview with Frank Bassett (b. 1924 1860826 Royal Air Force).

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Barry, Max


Three items. An oral history with Max Barry (419764 Royal Australian Air Force) his log book, and crew photograph. After training, he flew 7…

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Barrick, Maurice James Trimigham

An oral history interview with Maurice Barrick (b.1925, 1592191 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as an air gunner with 467 Squadron. The…

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Barrett, Raymond


30 items. An oral history interview with Leading Aircraftsman Raymond Barrett (1924 -2017, 1863228 Royal Air Force) a memoir, diary, documents and…

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Barnett, William Edwin


an oral history interview with William Barnett (b. 1924). He grew up close to RAF Westcott and was nearly killed when a Lancaster crashed. He served…

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Barnes, Robert


Two oral history interviews with Robert Barnes (b. 1923) He flew operations as a flight engineer with 50 Squadron.
The collection was catalogued by…

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Barnes, J


Two items. Two log books belonging to Flight Lieutenant J Barnes. He served as a pilot instructor and flew operations with 630 and 106…

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Barlow, Cecil Roy

An oral history interview with Cecil Roy Barlow (1920 - 2018, 425822, Royal Air Force).

In accordance with the conditions stipulated by the donor,…

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Barker, Reg


Two items. The notes for a talk given by Reg Barker to the Haywards Heath Historical Society on 24 June 2014 and an account of his Lancaster being…

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Baptiste, Daphne


Two items. An oral history interview with Daphne Baptiste (b. 1921) and a wedding album. She worked as a civil servant in the air Ministry.


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Baker, Ron


An oral history interview with Ron Baker. He served as a flight mechanic with 467 Squadron at RAF Scampton.
The collection was catalogued by IBCC…

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Baker, Audrey Hazel


An oral history interview with Audrey Baker (b. 1918).

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive staff.

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Bain, Bettie


An oral history interview with Betty Bain. She served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service during the war.
The collection was catalogued by IBCC…

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Bailey, Maurice


An oral history interview with Maurice 'Bill' Bailey (-2020). He flew a tour of operations as a flight engineer with 227 Squadron.
The collection was…

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Bailey, Cyril Edwin

An oral history interview with Cyril Bailey DFM (b. 1925, 1893433 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a flight engineer with 625 Squadron.


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Bailey, Brian and Jenny


Two items. An oral history interview with Brian Bailey (b. 1928) and Jenny Bailey (b. 1930) and documents relating to Jenny's father Charles Goy…

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Ayre, Robert


One item. The official record document concerning Robert Ayers (b. 1922, 1894209 Royal Air Force) who served as air gunner on Bomber Command squadrons…

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Austin, Rex Alan


An oral history interview with Group Captain Rex Austin (b. 1924, 419453, 034271 Royal Air Force). He flew operations as a wireless operator with 207…

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Atkinson, Colin


Two items. An oral history interview with Colin Atkinson (1928 - 2023) and one photograph. He served in the Royal Navy.

The collection was…

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