Airfield lighting Mark II and aircraft landing codes



Airfield lighting Mark II and aircraft landing codes


Gives detailed description of standardized lighting including outside lighting, inside lighting. On the reverse aircraft landing codes gives instructions for encoding and enciphering metrological and other information for landing.




Two page typewritten document


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and



MSoltysiakB781032-170622-220001, MSoltysiakB781032-170622-220002


[underlined] AIRFIELD LIGHTING MARK II. [/underlined]

(1) A system of lighting standardised to meet the demands of all Commands.
Distance between perimeter track and Outer Circle Lighting is 2,000 yards. (in special cases, 1,800 – 2,300), divided into 4 sections of 500 yards each:
(1) Runway to fog funnel (2) at 500 yards.
(ii) Fog Funnel (2) to fog funnel (1) at 1,000 yards.
(iii) Fog Funnel (1) to main funnel at 1, 500 yards.
(iv) Main funnel to lead-in and Outer Circle at 2,000 yards.

(2) [underlined] OUTSIDE LIGHTING [/underlined]
Outer Circle – approximately 45 white lights (2 – 60 watt) at maximum of 400 yards apart.
(b) Lead-in; five to six lights at 200 yards interval, raised as in funnel and switched with funnel. Double light at Outer Circle indicates to pilot beginning of lead-in.
(c) Main funnel – 3 lights (2 – 40 watt) at 100 yards interval on each side. Raised on 20ft. poles. Funnel set at angle of 90°, nearest lights about 200 yards apart.
(d) Fog funnel (1) 2 lights at 150 – 200 yards interval on each side, at angle of 60°
(e) Fog funnel (2) Single light on each side.

All the above lights may be dimmed by a tapped transformer arranged on four pre-determined steps.

(f) Totom [sic] poles (minimum height 10 feet) placed at the effective edge of the aerodrome, 50 yards out from the edge of the runway. Two at each end of each runway; each has six white lights (15 watt) a foot apart. Totoms [sic] at the upwind end of any runway must be visible from down-wind end.

(3) [underlined] INSIDE LIGHTING. [/underlined]

(a) Perimeter Track – blue lights at 150 yards interval on both sides of taxying track, Controlled from Watch Office and dimmed in 4 steps.
(b) Double Flare Path – lights (15 watt) on the edge of the runway – 100 yards interval. If surface uneven lights may be at 40 yards interval so that at least four flares are visible at any one time during the take-off run. Dimmed with (c)
(c) Bar of five white lights – 800 yards from upwind end of runway denoting the last point of touch-down.
(d) Floodlight 25 yards to left of runway and 50 yards in rear of first flare.
Second floodlight may be used to illuminate any dead ground. Every floodlight must have an obstruction light.
(e) Angle of Approach Indicators. Two installed in a permanent manner at each end of runway at [inserted] 75 [/inserted] yards from first flare or 16 yards outside the taxying track. Occulting and set at 4 1/2°. A single battery operated Approach Indicator will be held in reserve by Control Officer.
(f) Lighted Dumbell [sic] on edge of good ground.
(g) Portable Equipment (1) 5 red Glims (contrast 9 red Glims)
(11) Illuminated 'T' showing which side to land.
(111) Glin Lamp Flare Path.

(4) [underlined] NOTES. [/underlined]

(a) Extra blue light on aerodrome side indicates runway within 100 yards – taxy with care.
(b) Flare Path lights lost at 3,000 feet al [sic] full power; throw light 13° above hirizontal [sic] + 40° forward.
(c) Angle of Approach – lens construction; green = 480' – 640' at Main Funnel.

[page break]

[underlined] AIRCRAFT LANDING CODE. [/underlined]


1. [underlined] PRINCIPLE OF CODE. [/underlined] 1. Code the Met. information in 3 three-figure groups.
2. Encypher these groups by substracting [sic] a key number, known as the "Landing Key" without carrying tens.

2. [underlined] FORM OF MESSAGE. [/underlined] ALC Vvh PPW DFNh HHmm ALC Vvh PPW DFNh HHmm.

3. [underlined] THE LANDING KEY. [/underlined] is the first three groups (i.e. in columns 1, 2, and 3 of the aircraft and ground D/F Verification Signals S.D.0182) for the hour of observation of the report, which is given at the end of the message.

4. [underlined] PILOT'S CARD. [/underlined] The Pilot has a card giving Tables enabling him to decypher the Met information after adding the appropriate Landing Key, without carrying tens.

5. [underlined] PROCEDURE FOR USE [/underlined] A Pilot requiring a landing report, will request it by sending ALC ALC followed by the name of the station, if other than that with which he is in communication. Ground Station then codes report on Form 2354; normally done by Met Officer. Signals or Control Staff then encypher and transmit.

6. [underlined] USE OF ALC. [/underlined] Use is restricted to civil aircraft, Communication Aircraft, Flying Training Command, and Army Co-operation Command. P.R.U. and the U.S. Army Air Corps. & R.N.A.S.

[handwritten words inserted]

[a] Code Figure [b] V (QBA) [c] h (QBB) [d] D (QAN) [e] F Wind Speed. [f] Nh Amount of Low Cloud [g] W (Weather)

[a] 0 [b] 0-55 yds. [c] 0-150ft. [d] Calm. [e] Calm. [f] 0 [g] Fair.
[a] 1 [b] 55-220 [c] 150-300 [d] NE [e] 2 [f] Tr. [g] Variable sky.
[a] 2. [b] 220-550 [c] 300-600 [d] E [e] 5 [f] 1/10 [g] Mainly overcast.
[a] 3. [b] 550-1100 [c] 600-1000 [d] SE [e] 10 [f] 1/4 [g] Drifting snow.
[a] 4. [b] 1100-2200 [c] 1000-2000 [d] S [e] 15 [f] 1/2 [g] Fog.
[a] 5. [b] 1 1/4-2 1/2 mile [c] 2000-3000 [d] SW [e] 20 [f] 3/4 [g] Drizzle.
[a] 6. [b] 2 1/2-6 1/4 [c] 3000-5000 [d] W [e] 25 [f] 9/10 [g] Rain.
[a] 7. [b] 6 1/4-12 1/2 [c] 5000-6500 [d] NW [e] 30 [f] Gaps. [g] Snow or Sleet.
[a] 8. [b] 12 1/2-31 [c] 6500-8000 [d] N [e] 40 [f] 10/10 [g] Showers.
[a] 9. [b] 31+ [c] N.L.C. [d] Variable [e] 50+ [g] Thunderstorm.

[handwritten letters inserted]

V = Worst visibility in hundreds of yards, during previous 15 minutes to the report.

PP = Last two whole figures of the station-level barometric Pressure.


“Airfield lighting Mark II and aircraft landing codes,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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