No 1 Group Narrative report



No 1 Group Narrative report


Report on Alan Gibson's crew's operation to Mailly-Le-Camp describing attack by enemy aircraft which was engaged by gunners. Lists crew.

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One b/w photocopied sheet


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[underlined]A1. 653. 9th May. No.1 GROUP NARRATIVE REPORT No. 65[/underlined]

'K' took off on the night of May 3rd/ 4th - to bomb Mailly.The journey to the target proved uneventful and bombing was successfully carried out on the markers. 0n the return journey when about 40 miles east of Troyes at 8000 ft an ME 110 carrying
a whitish yellow light in the tail flew across from starboard to port. About 600 yards distant. When on the port beam the E/A made a tight turn and came in to port quarter down. It was seen by the rear gunner and kept under observation. The E/A
commenced to weave to starboard and then moved back to port quarter down fire with cannon and M/G at 300 yards. The R./G opened fire at the same time and ordered a dive to port. Tracer was seen to enter the nose of the E/A which broke to starboard
down. The fire from the E/A passed on the starboard side of 'K' and damage resulted to control surfaces, Petrol supply system, leading edge of starboard mainplane, coolant tank, magneto system and engine structure. The pipelines to the mid upper turret must have been severed as the turret went U/S immediately.

The E/ A positioned itself directly below ‘K’ about 600 M yards distant and followed along for about 8 minutes, in the meantime the gunner in the E/A was taking 'pot-shots' at 'K’ from a heavy calibre slow firing dorsal gun, without result, the pilot of 'K' then decided to lose height and as he did so the E/A. made a second attack from the port quarter down.

At 500 yards our rear gunner opened fire with a 3 second burst and tracer was seen to enter

front cabin of the E/A which broke away. A huge explosion followed and the E/A burst into

Flames and exploded on the ground. The combat had taken place over about 12 minutes

and a distance of 35 miles.

By this time 'K' was down to 2000 ft. so the pilot continued weaving for a short spell

and then climbed to 14.000 ft. OnTrack. The starboard outer engine commenced

sparking badly and running rough, so was feathered. A short time later it was noticed

that No.1 starboard fuel gauge was reading less than the other and after several checks

it was found that D fuel was being lost. Probably from a severed pipe-line. attempts

were made to balance the fuel but with no results.

No further incidents occurred and the French coast was crossed at 14.000 ft. and courses set

for Selsey Bill, where the Captain decided to lose height. The IFF was put to "Distress" as fuel

was now very low. When about 20 miles south of Selsey Bill a Q.D.E. was obtained from

Tangmere. Darkie was called but no reply was received although it was later found that

several aerodromes had replied.

The coast was crossed at 0227 hrs. at Selsey Bill and as the pilot knew the engines were

about to cut, he lowered the wheels and ordered the crew to crash positions. No orders

to abandon aircraft were given in view of the fact that during the combat the bomb aimers

parachute had opened and was strewn about the cockpit. Shortly after ordering crash

positions to be taken, the remaining engines cut out as fuel ran out. An Aerodrome with 3

Sandras was seen and the pilot manoeuvred to make a landing from due west, with 30

degrees of flap and without engine assistance a good glide landing was made on the grass

at Tangmere at 0229 hrs.

[underlined]Names of Crew[/underlined]

Pilot F/Sgt A. Gibson – Flight Engineer Sgt S. Lipman
Navigator F/O C. Martin – W/Op. Sgt R. Moisey
Air Bomber F/Sgt V. Vamiatin – M/U/G Sgt P. Cameron
R/G Sgt A. Bowden


“No 1 Group Narrative report,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025,

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