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This page is a systematic list of all tags used to describe the content of the Archive, organised by subject matter. Links are in place to relevant archive items.

A summary for each tag is provided. Some items are supplemented with sub entries as to allow for refinements.

The list is not exhaustive and relates principally to items in the Archive, with an emphasis on the Second World War in the European theatre.

Royal Air Force squadrons

Most squadrons in this section have a direct association with RAF Bomber Command. Bomber Command losses are provided for relevant squadrons; the list also includes some training units, and squadrons affiliated to other commands .

Royal Air Force stations

Most RAF stations in this section have a direct association with Bomber Command. Bomber Command losses are provided for relevant stations; the list also includes hospitals, training establishments, and stations affiliated to other commands.


Armed forces of combatant nations.


Aircraft used principally by the Allied and Axis forces. Bomber Command losses are provided for relevant aircraft.

Royal Air Force Groups

Groups in which Bomber Command was sub-divided into. Also included are headings for the Second Tactical Air Force and the Tiger Force.

Station facilities

The many different components that went to make up the total infrastructure of a typical RAF Bomber Command station.

Roles and trades

The different functions and responsibilities that made up the personnel on an RAF Bomber Command station.


Awards for gallantry and bravery; campaign medals and clasps are not included.

Aerial warfare and related concepts

Aspects of the bombing war: included ordnances, equipment, and procedures.

Prisoner of war camps

Prisoner of war camps in Germany and occupied Europe, including related concepts such as the Long March.


Leaders, military commanders and other people of note. Please see the Losses database for a specific person killed in association with Bomber Command.


Major events with an emphasis on the bombing war. Entries include campaigns and major operations.

Life experiences in wartime

Recurring experiences, themes and life events from both a military and civilian perspective. Emphasis is on the common humanity of ordinary people in wartime, regardless of side.

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