The Archive of the bombing war 1939-1945


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Affoldern (Eder Dam)


Vertical aerial photograph showing floodwater from the breeched Eder Dam surrounding buildings and covering roads. Reverse of image annotated…

Affoldern (Eder Dam)


Vertical aerial photograph showing fields, forest, roads, two areas of buildings and floodwater. Remains of bridges visible in the floodwater. …

Seven airmen in uniform


Group of seven airmen seated and standing indoors. Three men wearing peaked caps, four wearing side caps. Two have pilots' brevets on their tunics. …

Reconnaissance photograph of ships


A vertical aerial photograph showing nineteen ships. Smoke trails are visible coming from 2 ships. Negative number 4068. Caption '155B/60L/3PG/20.…

Staryi Saltiv


Vertical aerial photograph of Staryi Saltiv with caption in German. Several features along the Donets River are numbered and circled. Handwritten…

Anthéor viaduct


Oblique aerial photograph of Anthéor viaduct.

Anthéor viaduct


Oblique aerial photograph of Anthéor viaduct.

Coastline near Anthéor


Oblique aerial photograph of southern France coastline showing coastal road and railway near Anthéor.

Anthéor viaduct


Oblique aerial photograph of the base of the Anthéor railway viaduct. Bomb damaged buildings visible. Annotated on the reverse 'Anthéor viaduct…