The Archive of the bombing war 1939-1945
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Recalls his being shot down, being taken as a prisoner of war, and conditions at a prisoner of war camp.
Groups of men in uniform with side caps but no jackets stand outside two storey wooden buildings with suitcases, bags and other luggage.
A group of 23 uniformed men stand on railway tracks next to a steam engine numbered 6105.
A pile of kit bags by the open door of a coach near which are groups of men in uniform, without their jackets. Another two coaches are parked along…
Wedding cake on a table with flowered vase, tiered stand, jug and plates. In the background a crowd of guests. On the reverse 'Sawyer's cake, Apr 29…
Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and bride cutting wedding cake. On the reverse 'Mum and Fred cake'.
Bride with bouquet and groom wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet standing in the middle of a group consisting of other two further couples, both…
Bride and groom, an RAF flight sergeant wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and his bride with a bouquet standing in front of a stone build…
Group of people including three servicemen in uniform including the groom, the bride and two other ladies accompanying the other airmen and two older…
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