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  • Tags: Stalag 7A

#1 is the main street at Stalag VIIA
#2 is three airmen identified as Bill, Scotty and Brian
#3 is hut 106 at Stalag 383
#4 is an eight man water polo team with Brian marked.
#5 is six men identified as the Wales team.
#6 is five men inside hut…

Russian and Americans liberate the camp. Russian with an accordion and a young woman. Behind are American soldiers. On the reverse 'War's over - lets have a party! Stalag 7A'.

Two prisoners being executed by German guards. On the reverse 'Enough said! Stalag 7A'.

Group of prisoners, some naked, some getting dressed. On the reverse 'Stalag VIIA Russian POWs being deloused'.

A group of men amongst thrown away cans. On the reverse 'Stalag VIIA Germans scavenging over tin can dump'.

A view looking across the camp showing many huts. On the reverse 'Stalag VIIA'.
A second view show the camp and a control tower from a wood. On the reverse 'Control tower VIIA'.

Two airmen standing in front of their huts. On the reverse 'Sgt Brian Walley RAF Cpl Dick Morris AIF at Stalag 7A Moorburg Co-escapees 1942 P970171'.
A second copy has, on the reverse, 'Brian & Dick (Australian) POW Stalag 383 Dick Morris AIF B…

Five prisoners standing in a row in front of huts. On the reverse 'Stalag VIIA L to R ?? Ernie Moore ? B Walley RAF'.

He apologises for not writing more and asks for a photograph.
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