Browse Items (111 total)
- Tags: RAF Evanton
Combat report and biographies of Ernest Tansley's crew
Tags: 16 OTU; 1661 HCU; 57 Squadron; air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; bomb aimer; Bombing and Gunnery School; Botha; crewing up; Dominie; final resting place; flight engineer; Heavy Conversion Unit; Ju 88; Lancaster; navigator; Operational Training Unit; Proctor; RAF Evanton; RAF Padgate; RAF Upper Heyford; RAF Winthorpe; training; wireless operator
Ronald Carpenter’s observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book
Tags: 10 OTU; 10 Squadron; 100 Group; 102 Squadron; 12 OTU; 223 Squadron; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; Anson; B-24; Blenheim; bomb aimer; bombing; Botha; C-47; Dominie; Halifax; Halifax Mk 2; Martinet; Operational Training Unit; Oxford; Proctor; RAF Abingdon; RAF Cranwell; RAF Evanton; RAF Manby; RAF Melbourne; RAF Oulton; RAF Pocklington; RAF Redhill; RAF Topcliffe; RAF Yatesbury; Ruhr Campaign (5 March – 10 July 1943); training; Wellington; Whitley
Colin McDermott with Course and Crew
Photo 1 is Colin in a group of eight air gunners.
Photo 2 is Colin in full flying gear, carrying a parachute. The photo is annotated 'To the Best Wife in the world, with all my love Colin'.
Photo 3 is…
Tags: air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; animal; RAF Evanton; training
Colin McDermott and air gunners
Tags: air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
104 Course Trainee Air Gunners
Photo 1 is of 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows. Underneath each man's name is listed and '104 Course 'M' Squad'.
Photo 3 of ten airmen arranged in two rows. Each man's…
Tags: air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Three Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is of 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 3 is of 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Behind each group is the same wooden hut.
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Two Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Under each photo are the names of the men.
Each group is positioned in front of the same wooden hut.
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Three Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 3 is 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Each man's name is listed under each photo.
The groups are positioned in front of…
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Two Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is nine airmen arranged in two rows.
Each man's name is listed underneath each photo.
Behind both groups is the same wooden hut.
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Three Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 3 is 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Their names are written under each photo.
Behind each group is the same wooden…
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Two Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows. Underneath are their names and 'M'.
Photo 2 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows. Underneath are their names.
Behind both groups is a wooden building.
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
104 Course of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is 'N' Squad of ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is 'C' Squad of 11 airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 3 is 'P' Squad of ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Each group is in front of a wooden…
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Groups of Trainee Airmen
Photo 1 is of ten airmen arranged in two rows.
Photo 2 is of 15 airmen arranged in three rows.
Photo 3 is of 13 airmen arranged in three rows.
Behind each group is a wooden building.
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Trainee Air Gunners including Colin McDermott
Photo 1 is of 29 airmen and a dog arranged in three rows. Colin is front row, fourth from right.
Photo 2 is of 36 airmen arranged in front of a wooden hut. Colin is second row, third from right.
Tags: air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; animal; RAF Evanton; training
Trainee Air Gunners
Photo 1 is of 11 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden building.
Photo 2 is of 20 airmen arranged in three rows, with a dog.
Photo 3 is of 30 airmen arranged in three rows.
Behind each group is…
Tags: air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; animal; RAF Evanton; training
Air gunner Squad Group Photos
Photo 1 is of 30 trainee airmen arranged in three rows. Their names are captioned underneath. This image is repeated but with the signatures of many of the men.
Photo 2 is of 35 airmen arranged in…
Tags: air gunner; Air Gunnery School; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Passing out Parade, RAF Evanton
Photo 1 is a group of airmen with rifles and bayonets passing officers outside a hangar.
Photo 2 and 3 are a group of airmen saluting officers. Behind are wooden huts.
Photo 4 is an airman…
Tags: aircrew; hangar; RAF Evanton; training
Ten Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Nine Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Ten Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Ten Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Ten Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Ten Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
30 Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training
Eleven Trainee Airmen
Tags: air gunner; aircrew; RAF Evanton; training