Lists crews and aircraft for operations with duty personnel. Fourth crew member in each crew is underlined and ticked. Heights are assigned in pencil to each crew.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations. Fourth member of each crew of the six crews underlined. Includes duty personnel and timings. On the reverse some operation notes.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 25/26 May 1944. Contains timings and duty personnel. Several pencilled notes including heights for each aircraft. Annotated 'Stuttgart, Cancelled" in large red writing.
List aircraft and crews for operations 21/22 May 1944. Includes duty personnel. Annotated 'Bombing, colours' and some pencilled notes. On the reverse handwritten notes on bombing method, route,timings, Window.
Lists crews and aircaft for operations on 11 May 1944. Includes duty personnel and timings. Fourth member of each crew is underlined in red. On the reverse, notes and hand drawn diagram.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations 7 May 1944. Included timings and duty personnel. Heights written in pencil for each crew. On the reverse some handwritten calculations.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 3/4 May 1944. One crew member in each crew is underlined in green. Includes duty personnel and timings. Handwritten notes on bombing.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations 1/2 May 1944. Includes duty personnel. Annotated with heights for each aircraft and handwritten notes. One member of each crew underlined in red. On the reverse handwritten calculations.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations 28/29 April 1944. One crew member on each crew underlined and ticked. Heights annotated against each aircraft. Includes duty personnel and timings.
Lists crews and aircraft for operations 26/27 April 1944. Includes timings and duty personnel. One member of each crew underlined in blue, some are ticked. Handwritten note at the bottom.