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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Reiterates new rule about being restricted to two letters a week. Reports arrival of recent mail. Glad to get news and that they are preparing third Red Cross parcel. His most essential requirement is footwear and soap. Comments on weather and that…

Writes that this is first letter since new limit on mail came in. Proposes he might type letters to get more words on page. Catches up with mail received. Glad his letters were reaching them and complaints had me made about how slow mail home was.…

Hopes telegram with fathers birthday greeting arrived. Two years ago that he sent first letter and had no idea then what mail facilities would be available. Catches up on mail and cables received. Ask them to thank others who have sent mail. Cannot…

Wishes father a happy birthday and acknowledges receipt of large calendar.

Writes of telegram he sent for father's birthday. Had nor received any letters or reply to cable. Mentions changes in camp numbers over the last months, now too large for comfort. Says his own situation is better than most NCOs as they are occupying…

Catches up with mail received. Mentions the worst of the heat of summer was over but is was still hotter than when they arrived two years ago. Contrasts weather at home and in North Africa and how he might be affected on return to England. Mentions…

Writes that he has been busy helping new people to get settled. Mentions camp newspaper would now be impractical for some time. However they had found the negatives of photographs they took of the paper from which he has ordered some prints which he…

Catches up with mail received both ends. Writes of cables sent and received including problems with some and costs. Catches up with news from home and mentions camp numbers will be trebled in the next few days. Thanks them for the trouble they are…

Reports arrival of latest mail and of first Red Cross parcel from them full of very useful things. Lists contents and mentions some items added by Red Cross. Glad they had dispatched second parcel and discusses footwear sizes. Catches up with mail…

List latest mail and was pleased to get details of the letters they had received from him. Writes that someone has lost the negatives of the photographs in the camp newspaper and the only way they can be recovered is from an internees mother who had…

Lists recent letters arrived and pleased that they had dispatch another parcel to him via the Red Cross. Discusses content of their letters praising their faith and courage. Provides considerable discussion about books in general. Mentions running a…

Reports arrival of letters and telegram to which he is sending reply. Outlines changes to telegram system. Notes they have dispatched another parcel but is still awaiting arrival of the first ones. Describes recent weather with thunderstorm and…

Sends greetings on their wedding anniversary, cable to follow. Reports arrival of mail but no parcels, still hoping. Mentions strong wind blowing and that it has been hot for several days. Reports on books read and discusses some content. Relates…

Reports arrival of latest letters, comments on life over the past three years and speculates on future. Notes his views on life, hope and faith which vary over time. Comments on weather and heat and daily routine. Assures them he is fit and well.…

Catches up with mail with photographs and cables received. Writes that they have obtained film and mentions plans for photographs. Discusses problem with cable he tried to send. Mentions recent visit by Red Cross representative who investigated…

Writing again straight away as did not think previous letter covered all the ground. Reports on mail, photographs and cables. Always pleased to receive photographs from them. Mentions trying to get photographic film but it was difficult. He would try…

Reports arrival of mail with photographs and cable to which he would send reply that afternoon. Discusses problems with sending cables. Glad that many letters including snaps had arrived with them. Wonders what their garden would look like. Wonders…

Discusses mail and cables and reports that problems with cables have been sorted and system should now be running smoothly. Catches up with news from home mentioning they had both had bad colds. Writes about weather at Laghouat believing that it had…

Reports that he has now received 49 letters from them that year and the latest two have also arrived. Mentions weather had been extremely hot and it does not get cool until the early hours of the morning. Comments on perspiring and that evaporation…

Had received no new letters but was pleased to get a telegram to which he replied on the same day. Mentions problem with a cable that was returned because it needed his Christian name appending which delayed it. Discusses new scheme for cables to be…

Mentions strong wind blowing bringing heat and sand and describes how they manage their days in the heat. Thinks he is better acclimatised than previous year. Reports good supply of Red Cross food and lists contents. Tells story of what they did…

Acknowledges receipt of six letters. Reports he is delighted that Red Cross confirmed receipt of a copy of the camp newspaper they sent and that they would attempt to publish it. Notes that Red Cross clothes parcels are arriving regularly and asks…

Reports arrival of latest letter. Sorry his cables take so long to get to them and they are investigating the reason. Discusses their difficulties with parcels for him but says he is looking forward to them arriving. Writes that he would like their…

Writes about latest mail received. Long correspondence on content of cables he has sent and received which reiterate his requirements for underwear, soap, toothbrush and footwear. Notes that parcels are now arriving regularly for others and mentions…

Writes that he has received no new letters but had received latest cable to which he replied. Says he normally replies to cables same day but they are usually delayed by authorities his end. Writes that his parcels have still not arrived but many…
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