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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Number 31. Reports no new mail received. Mentions parcels that have arrived. Writes of reading about agriculture and plans for future and where and in what sort of house they might live. Encourages her to approach an estate agent. Mentions weather,…

Number 32. Notes letters received. States he has no objects belonging to his pilot (Floyd) and that he also tried to get recognition of his gallantry without success. Catches up with news. Writes he is fully occupied but has not stated his…

Number 33. Wishes her happy birthday. Speculates on when he will be home. Mentions health and medicine issues. Writes about his Dutch room mates and another Belgian prisoners he likes. Describes multinational nature of prisoners in his block. Notes…

Number 35. Lists letters and parcels (contents) received. Writes of nasal problems and relates issues of another prisoner, Frank Pepper who has been in interned for 2 1/2 years. Describes treatment of prisoners and reckons he is in best camp. Reports…

Number 39. Mentions letters and parcels, and their contents, that have arrived. Discusses medicines and his health. Writes that Christmas was dull but they were allowed some watery beer. mentions theatrical show and that they are allowed to have…

Number 41. Lists books that have arrived and ask her to thank donors. Planning to start agriculture course. He is continuing with violin and would like to master Dutch. Reports second parcel of clothing has arrived and he has most of what he needs…

Number 42. Complains of lack of mail. Life uneventful apart from cold weather. Writes about practising violin in latrine. Hoping for photographs of daughter Frances. Notes some prisoners have had optimistic letters. Mentions ice rinks but lack of…

Number 43. Hopes he will get more letters from her. Mentions going to officers compound for show but with restrictions on speaking to anyone. Reports very cold weather but is able to keep small room warm even with small coal allowance. Mentions he…

Number 45. Four weeks since last letter. Mentions new year pantomime which he did not enjoy. Describes gramophone recital and states that they have many mostly classical music records. Mentions problems with learning Dutch but still plugging away…

Number 47. Still no letter from wife but her parcel has arrived. Has now got all the clothing required just needs socks. Thanks her for included rug for which he is very grateful and would like another if he is there for another winter. Mentions…

Number 48. Reports two letter from her have arrived. Deals with matters raised in her letter including her job, tax and how pleased he is with photographs of daughter. Catches up with other family news. Sorry to hear bad news of another acquaintance…

Number 179-36. Writes that local circumstances are very trying but he has received a letters from her. Also received a violin sent a year ago, case smashed and violin cracked but is still better than the one he had. He has little opportunity to…

Number 49. Catalogues letters that have arrived and those missing. Writes that letters give him more pleasure than anything else. Mentions arrival of American food parcel and packets of music. Writes about how difficult violin is. Discusses sock…

Number 50, Reports that three more letters have arrived. Writes about issues raised, especially over her job and investments in future home. He is in favour of getting a house renting if necessary for the time being due to uncertainty over post war…

Number 51. John apologises for upsetting Ursula in previous letters. He has received a second American parcel. Mentions he is proud of her of her working in a factory but urges her to be careful. He talks about the care within camp by the Germans.…

Number 52. He still has concerns about Ursula taking on a new job in a factory and asks her some details of the job. A third parcel has come from America containing about 10 lb of food. Thanks her for violin strings and describes lessons. Writes…

Number 54. Received cigarette parcels and ask her to trace and thank donors. Notes parents worried that he is not acknowledging their parcels and writes that he has done so but letters may have gone mussing and that he is limited to two letters and…

Number 55. Thanks her for a parcel and he asks her to trace the sender of some books he has received. He also mentions that he is looking forward to a concert that the Symphony Orchestra will perform the following day. He goes on to explain how he…

Number 57. Writes saying he has not been reading the mostly thriller books from Stockholm and will give them to the library. He goes on to give his opinion on the entertainment in the camp and mentions some of the various productions. He mentions…

Number 58. Lists letters received and mentions medicine and request she send violin strings. Sorry that American parcels have stopped. Writes about future home appliances and mentions music theory study. Is delighted with photographs she sent of…

Number 1. Writes that he is starting new numbering system, last was 59. Records letters and comments he has received and says books from Sweden are welcome. Writes they had outbreak of fleas and of effect on him. He has now recovered from illnesses…

Number 2. Requests items to be sent and records letters received with photographs. Sends condolences and mentions shock over news about previous boss. Records parcels arriving from Sweden and America. Writes of diminution of appetite possibly due to…

Number 3. He mentions the letters and parcels he has received from different people and also comments on his health. He wishes he could be home for his daughter’s second birthday. Says he enjoyed recent show and that he discovered an officer in…

Number 5. Writes glowingly of rug that was sent and he would like another if possible. Writes about all the photographs he has. Discusses the love life of one of his fellow prisoners and expresses wish that the same will not happen to them. Still…

Number 6. Writes of health issues and asks her not to send anything which he has not ask for as storage limited. Discusses future in farming and possibility of living out in the country. Notes mail arrival falling off and talks of 'belting' (any type…
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