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  • Tags: prisoner of war

He had a letter from his mother but no parcel. There is a concert that night.

He has received four letters. He has been watching football matches.

He has had letters from home and Red Cross parcels. They have been at an art exhibition by Yugoslav officers. He has been playing football.

He has been playing football. It is hot and getting hotter. His family tell him a parcel has been sent.

He has no letters this week. He reminds her he wants underpants (short), vest and pajamas. He asks also for chocolate, socks, soap and toothpaste. He has had some Red Cross parcels.

He has had several letters from friends. He has had parcels from the Red Cross. Weather is glorious. Three lines have been censored.

He has had no mail. They had a fancy dress party at Easter. He has been playing football and cricket. His other activities are learning French, sketching and reading.

He has had no letter but some cigarettes from someone he does not know. Two sentences are blacked out by the censor. He asks for underpants.

He has had a letter from his mother but no parcels. Easter was like any other day.

He has received parcels from home but no Red Cross parcels. Cigarettes are in short supply. The censor has blocked three lines in his letter.

He has had several letters. Half of his message is censored.

He has received letters from home. He talks about family.

He has received eight letters. No Red Cross parcels and no cigarettes. They have had dances.

He thanks he for the photos. He has received ten letters from her, in a week. He is going to send her money for a holiday.

He reminds her to save a £1 a month in his savings account. He has photos from Winnie.

He asks for a £1 to go into his Post Office savings account. He asks for books to be sent.

He has received his first parcel. One sentence has been censored.

Weather is better. He asks for khaki shorts, socks but no longer wants a mouth organ. Red Cross parcels are irregular as is mail.

The only interesting thing to happen is that it has stopped snowing. Still no parcel. He needs socks and cigarettes.

He has been receiving mail from his mother. His Christmas dinner was 'fairly good'. They have had a blizzard for a few days.

He has been moved to a camp at Sulmona, near Rome. He asks for a fountain pen.

Still no parcel but he has received letters. They are having a concert at Christmas and a dance at new year. Heavy snow for three days.

He repeats his request for family photographs and cigarettes.

He writes he is well but the weather is very cold. Her parcel has not arrived. Mail is very irregular. He asks for family photographs.

He writes that he is well asks Minnie for a pullover. The library is thriving but they are short of cigarettes, still. He asks for two black ties.
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