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  • Collection: Law, John Henry

A card sent by John to his mother.
Handwritten is 'From John to Mummy it is Mummy's Sunday'.

The letter from Celia, one of John's teachers thanks John's parents for their letter of appreciation.

The menu for Christmas 1941 with signatures of several of the attendees.

A sketch card with a swastika wreath and the message 'In Memorium [sic] Adolf' and
'He won't need to worry about coal any more
When the soul comes off the Jackboot'.
There are also sketches of Hitler's face, paint pot and brush, paste and wall…

Events and the ceremony details.
On the reverse 'Presented to John Henry Law on the occasion of his father's visit to the Royal Wedding on Duty as a member of St John's Ambulance Brigade. Nov 29th 1934. H J Law'.

A card issued to John when he joined the Scouts.

A document issued to John Law with details of RAF services.

A cartoon of Joe Stalin smoking a pipe.

A cartoon of Churchill smoking a cigar.

A cartoon of Roosevelt.

A cartoon of a set of scales with Churchill and Hitler on opposing sides.

A cartoon of the Butter Cross at Witney. On the reverse is typewritten 'The Butter-Cross Witney as drawn by that (famous) artist John LAW' and '(Signed John H Law'. 'Famous' is arrowed and commented 'Every man to his own opinion'.

Two sketches of heads with prominent teeth. On the reverse is a simple sketch of people and a house.

A sketch of a thatched cottage. On the reverse is a boy bending over and looking through his legs. Above him is a cow's head.

Sketches of a fighter aircraft, a submarine, Hitler's head with comments 'England is losing the Battle of the Atlantic' and 'I wonder' with thought bubbles 'Graf Spee, Taranto and Bismark'. Finally a sailor's head saying 'You can help with the Battle…

The sketch is annotated 'An old house on Chart Rd as seen from FAP REME 1958'

An award for Sergeant Walters for setting fire to the wireless transmitter section.

A sketch of a utility room with a washing machine, brush, mangle and boots. On the reverse are sketched flowers, trees and wildlife.

A watercolour painting of a mill cottage and a bridge. On the reverse 'Johnnie painted this on Scout Camp [indecipherable]'

John Law's Sketch Book. The book has John's name and address on the cover. Inside some of the artwork is signed by 'Billing'.

Two ketches. On the opposite page are signatures. It is signed 'Billing'.

Detailed sketches of a dinghy and three fish. The fish sketches have been annotated with comments.

The left page has two fighters attacking a third and the right page has a painted vase. The vase has comments 'Weak', 'Shakey' and 'Good'.

A coloured sketch of a pipe and an open box of matches.
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