Browse Items (189 total)

  • Collection: Pickford, Leslie

He has had no mail. They had a fancy dress party at Easter. He has been playing football and cricket. His other activities are learning French, sketching and reading.

He has had several letters from friends. He has had parcels from the Red Cross. Weather is glorious. Three lines have been censored.

He has no letters this week. He reminds her he wants underpants (short), vest and pajamas. He asks also for chocolate, socks, soap and toothpaste. He has had some Red Cross parcels.

He has been playing football. It is hot and getting hotter. His family tell him a parcel has been sent.

He has had letters from home and Red Cross parcels. They have been at an art exhibition by Yugoslav officers. He has been playing football.

He has received four letters. He has been watching football matches.

He had a letter from his mother but no parcel. There is a concert that night.

He has received a few letters but none from his mother. He has received a parcel and it was complete. They have had a fancy dress party.

He has had 4 letters and 200 cigarettes. They have been plating knock-out whist. They are having a concert that evening.

He has had two letters. They are having a concert that night. He discusses the small amount of money that they receive and how it is spent.

He has only had one letter. He dislocated his finger playing basketball. They are having three plays that night.

He has received two letters. He has been playing football. The compound band is playing a concert that night. He is well and in good spirits.

He has three letters. 500 new prisoners have arrived in the camp. They have been watching a play. One sentence has been censored.

He only received one letter in the previous week. The weather is getting colder. He asks for cigarettes.

He received a cigarette and tobacco parcel from Manchester Relatives Association. Weather is cold but news is heartening. They are getting Red Cross parcels again.

He has received another cigarette parcel and three letters. He talks about the war as a football match. He is well.

He has received more cigarettes and one letter. There has been major football matches and drama club activity.

Only one letter received this week. He has met someone who thinks he knows his father. They have 2000 parcels for Christmas. He is in good spirits and health.

Only two Christmas cards from Nellie received. Church service, football and a variety show to look forward to at Christmas. Weather is very poor. He is in good health and spirits. He describes the Christmas menu.

Only one letter this week. He describes Christmas breakfast and dinner in detail. Followed by sing songs and a dance.

He has received two letters and a clothing parcel. He asks for chocolate, socks, toothpaste soap 'etc'. He is getting his top teeth taken out. He is in good spirits and healthy.

He has had no mail. His dental work should be complete with seven teeth extracted. The weather is much better. He is in good health and spirits.

He has received two letters from his mother. He has had some war news which he says is very cheering. They are short of Red Cross parcels and cigarettes.

He has received five letters. Weather is improving. Three lines are blacked out by the censor. He is expecting Red Cross parcels but needs cigarette parcels.

He has had no mail. They are expecting Red Cross parcels. They have had their cutlery and plates confiscated with no explanation.
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