Browse Items (4 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1941-02-18"

French identity card made out for Emile Dufour with photograph of Richard Wensley and stamps. Submitted with caption 'Richard Wensley's forged identity card as Emile Dufour'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Pilot's flying log book. One, for Ken Souter. Covering the period from 5 July 1939 to 27 April 1945. Detailing his flying training, operational flying and instructor duties. He was stationed No.43 Elementary and Reserve flying traing School at RAF…

Reports he was well and had received newspapers from home and comments on news. No letter from her for five weeks. Not much happening apart from exams but no flying. Asks after friends and family at home.


Catches up with family news and activities. Possible that Nelson will become permanent home. Wonders if he is getting any of their letters. Sending this letter by airmail. Had heard that some internees had got letters already. They sent their first…
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