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  • Creator is exactly "Vivian of Hereford"

19 airmen arranged in three rows. It is captioned 'RAF Hereford' and further captioned with each man's identity in order.

A group of airmen in Royal Air Force uniforms. Airmen can be seen with various aircrew and pilot brevets above their left pockets. The photograph shows a RAF badge, the phrase "No. 22 Course A.C.O.S" and "A WING. I SQUADRON. C & D FLIGHT." Also…

A group of trainee airmen arranged in four rows. Each man is named on the caption at the bottom of the image. On the reverse is a post it with 'Law J Row 3 2nd from left'.
There is a stamp 'Photograph by Vivian of Hereford'.

34 airmen and a dog arranged in four rows. Captioned ''A Squadron Aug. - Sept. 1946'. The individuals are named; Pilot Officer Malcolm Staves is fourth from the right on the third row.

28 aircrew officers in four rows all wearing tunic, 27 wearing peaked cap and one a side cap. Herbert O’Hara is second row from the front fourth from the right. In the background left part of a building and telegraph pole, on the right open…
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