Browse Items (217 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Wehrmacht"

Eight photographs of Ernst and family.
A folder and a letter.
Photo 1 and 4 are the same and are of the ceremony at the church with the priest officiating. Attending are boy choristers and many villagers. Arrowed and aannotated are 'Bgmstr…

Head and shoulders portrait side view of man wearing battledress with pilot's brevet. Service number '658 316' on board hung on shoulder. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Newspaper cutting. The whole German fighter force operating over Normandy forced to operate from bases more that 130 miles away. Report that German propaganda about flying bombs wearing thin. Problems of German soldiers with lack of sleep in…

Two concrete structures identified in text supplied with the collection as V-1 storage bunkers at Renescure.

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An abandoned gun emplacement identified in additional information supplied with the collections as St Valerie en Caux.

Newspaper page from Daily Sketch with account of a father who went to Normandy in France to rescue his wife and one year old son. Describes bombing of Le Havre and German advance. Goes on to mention aircraft machine gunning refugee columns.

Article concerning French and American troops breaking into Hitler line towards Santa Oliva. Sub-headline: tanks racing up for Liri valley battle.

Article headlines: Crimea the final victory, died in thousands, one-man rafts. Account of defeat of 40,000 man German 17th Army defending the Crimea.

Mentions German defences across Liri valley and advancing allied tanks towards Acquino and Pontecorvo. mentions Polish troops and mopping up Germans at Cassino and other news from Italy.

Headlines: Hanover ours, on to Brunswick, Americans over the Elbe, the red army crosses Oder, allies are moving on Berlin from west and East. Article: President Roosevelt is dead.

Three headlines: premier reports: Nazi army cracking, collapse expected in next few weeks: Cologne captured and over the Rhine with tanks. Photograph of Cologne city centre with Cathedral on left and collapsed bridge over river in centre right.

Cutting 1 headlines: Russians capture Stalino, Germans thrown out of Donetz basin, enemy reduced to three railway lines westward. Cutting 2 headlines: Hitler rages at Italy, treachery of surrender, Germany to fight alone. Cutting 3 headlines: Germans…

Article 1. Headlines: all Sicily conquered, German resistance at end, Messina captured by seventh army, Italian mainland shelled. Mentions operation by B-17 on southern France and by B-24s destroying 43 axis fighters during battle in southern Italy.…

Cutting 1. Headlines: final axis collapse in Tunisia, all organised resistance at an end, mounting total of prisoners now 150,000, von Arnim captured. Cutting 2. Headlines: a great victory acclaimed, the King's congratulations to General Eisenhower,…

Cutting 1. Headlines: 50,000 prisoners taken in Tunisia, three German divisional commanders, Luftwaffe withdrawn from battle, resistance breaking up. Cutting 2. Headlines: Cape Bon peninsular blockaded, intense activity by the navy, aircraft attack…

Article 1. The Times headlines: Tunis and Bizerta captured, official announcement of allied victory, relentless bombing by allied aircraft. Article 2. The Observer headlines: Fleeing Germans chased towards Cape Bon, British tanks aim to cut line of…

Article 1. Headlines: Kairouan and Sousse occupied, eighth army pressing on through minefields, unflagging air offensive, no respite for retreating enemy. Article 2. Headlines: signs of German internal crisis, but hard military task is probably still…

Article 1. Headlines: Vyasma occupied by red army, pursuit towards Smolensk continuing, heavy casualties inflicted, Germans claimn to be in Kharkov. Article 2. headlines: Mr Eden in Washington, meeting to-day with President Roosevelt, wide…

Article 1. Headlines: commons division after Beveridge debate, government majority of 216, Mr Morrison's reply to Labour amendment. Article 2. Headlines: Russians occupy Rzhev, a large haul of tanks and guns, continued advance from Khakov, railway…

Article 1. Headlines: Kharkov falls, city taken after fierce street fighting, German S.S army corps routed, Russians advancing on Taganrog. Article 2. Headlines: government policy on Beveridge plan, acceptance in principle with some reservations,…

Cutting 1 headlines: Ciano goes, Duce as foreign minister, grandi losses his ministry, Cutting 2 headlines: Mr Churchill in Tripoli, thanks to eighth army, review of tanks. Cutting 3 headlines: Rostov captured, Voroshilovgrad also in Russian hands,…

Article 1. Headlines: all resistance over at Stalingrad, remaining German forces capitulate, Lt-Gen Streicher taken prisoner. enemy lines pierced S.E. of Rostov. Article 2. Headlines: Cyprus great welcome for prime minister, islanders told of united…

Article 1. Headlines: Paulus and 15 generals captured, 18,000 more prisoners at Stalingrad, total force surrounded known to be 330,000, Germans peril in Caucasus. Article 2. Headlines: Mr Churchill flies to Turkey, meeting with president Inönü,…

Article 1. Headlines: Mr Churchill meets Mr Roosevelt, ten days conference at Casablanca, plans for this year's offensives, unconditional surrender for the axis, de Gaulle sees Giraud, Article 2. Headlines: trapped Stalingrad armies liquidated,…

Article headlines: Siege of Leningrad lifted, Schlüsselburg captured after 7-day battle, fighting in the streets of Kamensk, rout of 4 German divisions.
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