Law, John Henry


Law, John Henry
Law, JH


123 items. The collection concerns Flight Sergeant John Henry Law (1924 - 1945, 1811071 Royal Air Force) and contains documents and photographs. He flew operations as a wireless operator with 640 Squadron and was killed 3/4 March 1945.

The collection also contains his sketches and four sketch books.
Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 1
Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 2
Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 3
Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 4

The collection was loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Christina Baxter and catalogued by Barry Hunter.

Additional information on John Henry Law is available via the IBCC Losses Database




IBCC Digital Archive


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Law, JH

Collection Items

John Law, a sailor, and a woman
John, in sergeant's uniform, a naval rating and a woman. They are standing at the entrance to a house.

John Law's Diary 1941
A 1941 diary kept by John. He was still at school in January but started work in February.

John Law
John in uniform, standing in a garden.

John Law, a sailor, and a woman
John with a Signaller brevet, a sailor and a woman carrying a dog.

A seaman
A head and shoulders portrait of a seaman. It is annotated 'To my old mate Johnny'.

B Sqdn , 2 Air Crew Wing RAF Yatesbury
A group of trainee airmen arranged in four rows. Each man is named on the caption at the bottom of the image. On the reverse is a post it with 'Law J Row 3 2nd from left'.
There is a stamp 'Photograph by Vivian of Hereford'.

John Law and a woman
John is in trainee uniform and has his arm round the woman.

John Law and a woman
The two are in civilian clothes.

John Law and a Sailor
John, in sergeant's uniform and a naval rating. They are standing at the entrance to a house.

Eight men and two women
The group of ten includes John Law in uniform and an army sergeant. The remainder are civilians.

John Law and a woman
John is in trainee uniform and has his arm round a woman.

John Law
A portrait of a young John sitting on a stool

Sketch of Baden Powell
A sketch of the Chief Scout by John.
Captioned 'Passed away on 8th January 1941.'

Winston Churchill
Portrait of Churchill, sketched by John.

Keep Smiling
A sketch of an old man with bald head and a beard. He is smoking a pipe. Signed by JH Law

A Country Scene
A sketch by John of trees, rolling hills and a house in the distance. Signed JH Law

Two copies of a photograph with a large group of officers and airmen arranged in four rows.

The Funeral of JH Law
A newspaper cutting of John's funeral.

Airman's Death - Late Sergt A/G J Law
A newspaper cutting referring to the death and internment of John Law.

John Law Intimation
A newspaper intimation thanking friends and relatives for flowers and letters of sympathy following the loss of Johnny (John).

99 Old Boys Fell in Two Wars
A newspaper cutting about the Ashford Grammar School Memorial.

RAF - Killed in Action
A newspaper cutting stating that John has been killed in action.

RAF Volunteer Reserve Notice Paper
RAF Form 2168 issued to John Law.

Postponment of Calling Up for Service
John's postponement of National Service

Missing Painting
A missing painting with a handwritten annotation underneath 'My darling brother painted this aged about 10 years old'.
View all 123 items

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