Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 3


Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 3


Nine items. John Henry Law's sketch book.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Law, JH

Collection Items

Ship Painting
A painting of a ship under way. It is signed by JH Law.

Several sketches of heads, a diving helmet and a vase.

Miscellaneous Sketches
Sketches of a torch, an aeroplane and Hitler's head.

Man's Head
An incomplete sketch of a man's head.

Fishing Boat
An incomplete sketch of a fishing boat.

Miscellaneous Sketches
Sketches of 'Ribbenflop' and a dog. The dog is captioned ' "Alert" All Clear?'

Miscellaneous Sketches
Sketches of a scout, tanks, mens' heads and Hitler.

Miscellaneous Sketches
Various different sketches - a boy with a dog, ship, sailing ship, flowers in a vase, man with head on his arm, girl with cat, man in hat, tank and a bridge.

Sketch Book Cover
Cover of a sketch book.
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