Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 4


Law, John Henry. Sketch Book 4


14 items. John Henry Law's sketch book.




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Law, JH

Collection Items

A golfer in plus fours has missed the ball. Underneath is a comment 'Whoo-Hoo!'. It is signed 'Law'.

An unfinished sketch of a head.

Scoutmaster and Sketch
A half length photograph of a scoutmaster and a sketch made from the photograph. It is signed by 'Law' and there is a comment 'Horrible'.

A sketch of a policeman, signed by 'Law'.

Hawker Hurricane
A Hurricane in flight amongst a battle with Stukas. It is signed 'Law'.

Tank in Action
A sketch of a tank in the midst of a battle.

John Law, and a woman and a horse
A sketch of John reading a book and signed Johnny Law. Also a sketch of a woman holding he hand at the mouth of a horse's head. It is signed 'Law'. There is a comment 'Why not finish your efforts?'

Five Leaders and Man with Pipe
Head sketches of Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Ribbentrop and Hitler. The caricature of Hitler has a question mark between his legs.
Also a full length sketch of a man with a pipe. This has a comment 'On the Dole?'.
All signed 'Law'.

Two Heads
A man lighting a cigar and a man with beard and hat. The first has a comment 'Good'. Both are signed 'Law'.

A sketch of a house and out-buildings and is signed Johnny Law. It has a comment 'Too much outline'.

A sketch of a shoe, signed 'Johnny'.

A sketch of horse. It is has a comment 'Head etc wrong'. Signed 'Johnny'.

A bridge crossing a stream, in a wood. There is a comment 'Excellent WRD'. Signed JH Law

Sketch Book Cover
John Law's Sketch Book.
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