ISRPt. Pistoia air raid alarms logs
ISRPt. Pistoia air raid alarms logs
Five air raid alarms logs record early warnings, alarms and bombings in Pistoia, with additional notes on various tows in the Pistoia province, as well as in other Italian regions. The first log covers three years, from June 1940 to August 1943, while the others encompass one year in total. The series ends in September 1944 when the front reached the town. In total, 244 early warnings and 989 alarms are recorded.
IBCC Digital Archive
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Collection Items
Air alarms log 10 June 1940 - 31 August 1943
The log covers three years, from 10 June 1940 to August 1943. Initial notes are about civil defence preparedness: posters with black-out instructions are issued, shelters are set up. The first alarm is logged on 22 June 1940, followed by only two…
Air alarms log 31 August 1943 - 21 February 1944
After 8 September 1943, early warnings continue for two days, but nothing is logged until 21 September. Only five bombings are noted, while early warnings decreasing considerably. In October bombings are again on the increase and Pistoia is bombed…
Air alarms log 22 February 1944 to 20 June 1944
Bombing and alarms are on the increase in March 1944, with alarms reported nearly every day in May and June. From mid-May bombings in the whole Pistoia province intensify.
Air alarms log 21 June 1944 to 03 July 1944
Covers a time frame of two weeks: alarms are reported nearly every day.
Air alarms log 3 July 1944 to 5 September 1944
Covers a time frame of two months, with some additional notes about events in spring of 1945. In July, several bombings are logged, while in August they diminish to just three. Notes end on 5 September 1944, three days before the front reaches the…
Collection Tree
- Istituto Storico della Resistenza e dell'età contemporanea di Pistoia
- ISRPt. Pistoia air raid alarms logs