Walley, Brian Steven


Walley, Brian Steven
Walley, BS


68 items. The collection concerns Brian Steven Walley (b. 1922, 1062112 Royal Air Force) and contains correspondence and photographs. He flew operations as a pilot with 51 Squadron before he was forced to ditch his Whitley in the North Sea and became a prisoner of war.

The collection has been loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by Brian Steven Walley and catalogued by Barry Hunter.




IBCC Digital Archive


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Walley, BS

Collection Items

Ditching and Rescue
Two sketches 'taken from T 3 Score Years and Ten'. The first is the Whitley ditching and the second is a biplane floatplane over his dinghy.

My Century is Calling
A poem about Brian's life and love.

On Looking Back
Brian looking back on his life, in verse.

Deutscher Seenotrettungsdienst 1939-1945
A copy of a card from the German air sea rescue organisation to remember the meeting with German members of the air-sea rescue in July 1995. It has a drawing of a Do 24 and has four signatures.

Target Berlin 7 Nov 1941
Brian Walley's ditching in the North Sea and the loss of his crew members. He describes his return to Norderney in 1995. Later he made contact wit the families of his crew.

Letters Home
Letters to Mair and his parents, plus an explanation about why he signed letter Dick Morris.

Mair Fy Nhgariad
A poem about Mair and his life with her. It includes a photo of their wedding.

See Page 100-1 of Sole Survivor
A note referring to his book.
'See page 100-1, Sole Survivor. Mail -lifeline to lost ones.
A bit of a hiccup arising from no letters from Mair. All put right when I got home. See poem on Mair Fy Nghariad.'

The Long March
A detailed account of the Long March

Brian Walley's Prisoner Record
An identity document produced by the Germans during Brian's captivity. It identifies his name and address and where he was shot down.

Mair and a Group of Children
Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Mair which she sent to Brian when he was a prisoner.
#2 is a group of five children captioned 'something to look forward to.'

Camp Dramas
#1 is a prisoner dressed as a lady in a play.
#2 is a scene from a drama with three men and a woman.
#3 is the cast of HMS Pinafore.

Vegetable Growing
Three photographs from an album.
#1 is a group of men identified as gardeners.
#2 is a view over the vegetable gardens
#3 is some of the produce displayed on a basket.

Stalag VIIA and 383
#1 is the main street at Stalag VIIA
#2 is three airmen identified as Bill, Scotty and Brian
#3 is hut 106 at Stalag 383
#4 is an eight man water polo team with Brian marked.
#5 is six men identified as the Wales team.
#6 is five men inside hut…

Jack Tugman
A half length portrait of Sergeant Jack Tugman (1288767 Royal Air Force) in pilot's uniform. On the reverse 'Jack Tugman trained with me posted to 102 sqdn Monday 1st op Tuesday 2nd op Friday. Lost without trace'. Additional information on Jack…

Course No 24 Squad B Pilots
15 airmen arranged in three rows. Each man has had his name added. On the reverse 'At 19 OTU Kinloss, Scotland'.

Football Match
A game watched by large numbers of prisoners. On the reverse 'Soccer match Stalag 383'.

American Camp at Luckenwalde
American soldiers and rows of tents. On the reverse 'The American compound 3A Luckenwalde'.

Camp Liberation
Russian and Americans liberate the camp. Russian with an accordion and a young woman. Behind are American soldiers. On the reverse 'War's over - lets have a party! Stalag 7A'.

Prisoner of War Preparing Food
An airman with a pot of potatoes. On the reverse 'Red Cross parcel and a few spuds. Stalag 3A Luckenwalde P970170'.

Englische - Flieger Grave
The grave of an unknown airman. On the reverse 'Bomber crew who didn't make it. Stalag Luft 7 Kreutzberg

Camp Execution
Two prisoners being executed by German guards. On the reverse 'Enough said! Stalag 7A'.

Ten Prisoners of War
Ten airmen arranged in two rows in front of huts. On the reverse 'Back Row
1 Kerry Cobb
2 Tom Barnett (Canada)
3 Stan Barraclough
4 Don Goddard (Can)
5 Tom Jones
6 Sam Archer
John Dutton
Geo Porritt
Stan Gilbert
Kim Committee NZ'

Bill Hayman, Sergeants Tonkin and Wade
Three airmen in a hut. Bill is using a radio on a table. On the reverse 'Bill Hayman Hut 106 Stalag 383 Cats whiskers [radio] Sgt Tonkin sitting RAF Sgt Wade standing RAAF'.
View all 68 items

Collection Tree

  • Walley, Brian Steven