Cothliff, Ken. Folder 1506


Cothliff, Ken. Folder 1506


19 items.The collection contains photographs.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Ken Cothliff and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.


IBCC Digital Archive


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Cothliff, K

Collection Items

Tom Lee
A half-length portrait of three airmen. One is identified as 'Tom Lee' in extra information supplied with the collection.

RCAF School Aero Engine Division Galt July 1941
Two identical photographs of a group of trainees arranged in seven rows. Additional information supplied with the collection identifies it as the RCAF School Aero Engine Division Galt July 1941.

Gerry Philbin DFC and Newsome
Two airmen drinking tea and chatting. They are identified in additional information supplied with the collection as Philbin and Newsome.

Sergeant Airman
A sergeant airman under an aircraft, holding the barrel of a gun.

Map of Saint Maximin
A detailed map of Saint-Maximin. It is marked with four aircraft crashes - a Halifax (3 deaths) two Lancasters (one death) and a Mosquito (three deaths).

Halifax Model
A pewter model of a Halifax on a stand. Information supplied with the collection identifies it as DK185. This aircraft crashed on Ilkley Moor with the loss of all crew.

Ten Airmen
Seven airmen grouped in front of a Halifax. Three further men are sitting on the wing. A petrol bowser is on the right. Information supplied with the collection dates it as early 1944.

Seven Airmen
Seven airmen grouped outside a Nissen hut. Information supplied with the collection states 'Bill 1944'.

Bill's decorations
Six medals awarded to Bill. Surname unknown,
1939 to 1945 Star
Aircrew Europe Star
France and Germany Star
Defence Medal
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Bar
War Medal 1939 to 1945

Bill Gracie
A head and shoulders portrait identified as Bill. The image is colourised.

Bill Gracie and Jean Muir
An airman and a woman standing on a hillside. Additional information supplied with the collection identifies them as Bill Gracie with his cousin Jean Muir.

St Leu d'Esserent
A sketch map showing a route from the Creil-Chantilly road across a bridge to a Grain Field. A second copy of the map is a negative of this map.

St Leu d'Esserent
Six aerial photographs of Saint-Leu-d'Esserent.
Photo 1 is a vertical target photograph with tunnels, railway and landing quay marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the operation. It is captioned '1962 TLP 5-8-44//8" 15000…

Noball Targets
A vertical aerial reconnaissance photograph of Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam with two target areas marked.

A vertical aerial photograph of Noisy-le-Sec, Paris. Five targets are marked.

Halifax Taking Off
Three identical images of a Halifax, SE-U, taking off witnessed by two women and five airmen.
One is annotated 'S3.R 19900192-051#3'.
A fourth image is taken a few seconds later with the same people in the foreground.

Three identical vertical aerial photographs of an attack on Berlin. There is no detail on the photograph. Some light flashes and tracer fire is visible. It is captioned '10 CRT 28/29.1.44//NT 8" 14000 -->100°0324 Berlin Raid M1 x 2000 2x30 6 x 4…

Halifax Taking Off
A port side view of a Halifax, SE-H, LK983, taking off. Above is annotated 'S3.2 19900192-051#1'.

Halifax Taking Off
Port view of a Halifax, SE-R taking off. Above it is annotated 'S3.2 19900192-051#6'.
View all 19 items

Collection Tree