Sorties flown by John Swarbrick in 115 Squadron
Sorties flown by John Swarbrick in 115 Squadron
A summary of John's operations.
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SKnoxRW[Ser#-DoB]v70003-0001, SKnoxRW[Ser#-DoB]v70003-0002
Sorties flown by John Swarbrick in 155 Squadron
When he joined 115 Squadron as a Navigator John Swarbrick was a Sergeant. His regular crew was: P/O Jeffries Earle Perry (Pilot), Sgt J Harding (W/T Operator), Sgt W Stevens (Front Gunner), and Sgt H Shaw (Rear Gunner). In addition, for most operations they were accompanied by a Second Pilot, Sgt Fone until 28 March, Sgt McKee until 4 May, and then after flying for a short period as a crew of five, P/O Freegard from 30 May and one sortie with P/O Croxton. These Second Pilots all moved on to become Captains of their own crews. At the end of their ‘tour’, Perry (AUS 402751) was posted to No. 29 OTU (Operational Training Unit), as was John Swarbrick.
Dec.16 AZ1084(IC) OSTEND: bombed from 12,500ft
Dec.28 JX9875(IC) WILHELMSHAVEN/EMDEN: bombed BAUHAFEN from 13,000ft
Mar.2 QX3602(III) ESSEN: bombed SE corner of Kruppe works from 18,000ft
Mar.13 QX3602(III) COLOGNE: bombed from 17,000ft – results not seen – two flares hung up and IFF exploded
Mar.25 SX3466(III) ESSEN: bombed from 17,500ft on TR fix – small fire started
Mar.26 SX3466(III) ESSEN: bombed from 15,500ft – small fires – photo attempted
Mar.28 SX3466(III) LUBECK: one stick on South East point of island of old town from 14,000ft – a small red fire resulted
Mar.31 SX3466(III) ESSEN: Owing to insufficient cloud cover unable to reach target and jettisoned 4 bombs
Apr.8 SX3466(III) HAMBURG: forced to abandon sortie due to icing conditions and electrical storm – all bombs jettisoned
Apr.10 SX3466(III) ESSEN: bombed from 15,000ft on TR fix – no results seen but other fires observed – photo attempted
Apr.12 XX3488(III) ESSEN: bombed from 16,000ft on TR1355 fix – observed burst in middle of town – leaflets dropped – starboard wing holed
Apr.14 SX3466(III) DORTMUND: bombed from 16,000ft on TR fix – observed bursts – one fire started from incendiaries – 6 fires seen burning in target area - leaflets dropped – aircraft holed
Apr.15 XX3488(III) DORTMUND: bombed from 17,000ft by visual observation – bursts in eastern section of town
Apr.17 SX3666(III) HAMBURG – bombed from 16,000ft on TR and DR fixes – thought to have fallen on aiming point – no results observed
Apr.22 SX3466(III) COLOGNE/LE HAVRE: dropped incendiaries from 14,500ft and saw them burst causing 8 or 10 fires – leaflets dropped
Apr.23 TX3724(III) ROSTOCK: bombed from 11,500 ft by visual observation – seen to fall in centre of town – incendiaries seen to burst starting fires – the target was well alight – leaflets dropped and photographs attempted
Apr.25 TX3724(III) ROSTOCK: bombs dropped in old town from 11,000ft – 2 were seen to burst and fires observed in the whole area of the town
Apr.27 SX3445(III) COLOGNE/DUNKIRK: dropped incendiaries from 15,500ft in target area and fires seen burning as a result – a large fire already burning on east side of river – leaflets dropped over LILLE and photo attempted
Apr.29 SX3444(III) GENNEVILLIERS/OSTEND: bombed from 9,000ft on visual observation observing some bursts – the whole factory was a mass of flames 1 500lb bomb jettisoned safely after a hang up – leaflets dropped – 2 photos attempted – slight damage to aircraft
May.2 SX3445(III) “Lay vegetables” (mining): identified position and dropped vegs from 600ft
May.4 SX3445(III) STUTTGART: dropped incendiaries from 12,000ft on a TR fix and observed them burst starting 4 small fires – leaflets dropped
May.5 SX3445(III) STUTTGART/NANTES: dropped incendiaries from 11,000ft by visual observation in a built up area – target not definitely identified – numerous fires seen including one large red one – leaflets dropped
May.8 SX3445(III) WARNEMUNDE: bombs dropped from 11,000ft and observed to fall on the Heinkel works – fires seen all over the target area – leaflets dropped – photographs attempted
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Sorties flown by John Swarbrick in 115 Squadron (continued)
May.19 SX3445(III) MANNHEIM/ST NAZAIRE: bombed from 12,000 ft – identified target by visual observation – the whole town was seen to be burning – leaflets dropped – photos attempted
May.30 SX3445(III) COLOGNE: bombs dropped from 15,000ft without observing any results owing to smoke – many large fires seen
Jun.1 SX3445(III) ESSEN: bombed on a built up area from 16,000ft on a TR fix without observing any results – fairly large fires seen in target area
Jun.3 SX3445(III) BREMEN: dropped bombs from 15,500ft and observed bursts 1/2 mile south of aiming point
Jun.6 SX3445(III) EMDEN: dropped bombs from 15,000ft 1/2 mile west of docks – no bursts or results seen – 1 large red fire seen in docks – leaflets dropped
Jun.7 SX3445(III) MINELAYING: located position by pinpointing and TR fix and dropped mines from 800ft in spot allocated
Jun.9 SX3445(III) MINELAYING: located position by TR and DR fixes and dropped mines from 600ft in the spot allocated
Jun.11 SX3445(III) MINELAYING: dropped mines from 700ft by TR fix in the allotted position
The tour comprised a total of 31 missions. Some, but not all, of the sorties used the GEE TR1355 system for more accurate navigation (see 12 April to Essen). When added to the 41 sorties he flew with James Foulsham in 109 Squadron, this made a total of 62 missions. He died on his 63rd mission.
When he joined 115 Squadron as a Navigator John Swarbrick was a Sergeant. His regular crew was: P/O Jeffries Earle Perry (Pilot), Sgt J Harding (W/T Operator), Sgt W Stevens (Front Gunner), and Sgt H Shaw (Rear Gunner). In addition, for most operations they were accompanied by a Second Pilot, Sgt Fone until 28 March, Sgt McKee until 4 May, and then after flying for a short period as a crew of five, P/O Freegard from 30 May and one sortie with P/O Croxton. These Second Pilots all moved on to become Captains of their own crews. At the end of their ‘tour’, Perry (AUS 402751) was posted to No. 29 OTU (Operational Training Unit), as was John Swarbrick.
Dec.16 AZ1084(IC) OSTEND: bombed from 12,500ft
Dec.28 JX9875(IC) WILHELMSHAVEN/EMDEN: bombed BAUHAFEN from 13,000ft
Mar.2 QX3602(III) ESSEN: bombed SE corner of Kruppe works from 18,000ft
Mar.13 QX3602(III) COLOGNE: bombed from 17,000ft – results not seen – two flares hung up and IFF exploded
Mar.25 SX3466(III) ESSEN: bombed from 17,500ft on TR fix – small fire started
Mar.26 SX3466(III) ESSEN: bombed from 15,500ft – small fires – photo attempted
Mar.28 SX3466(III) LUBECK: one stick on South East point of island of old town from 14,000ft – a small red fire resulted
Mar.31 SX3466(III) ESSEN: Owing to insufficient cloud cover unable to reach target and jettisoned 4 bombs
Apr.8 SX3466(III) HAMBURG: forced to abandon sortie due to icing conditions and electrical storm – all bombs jettisoned
Apr.10 SX3466(III) ESSEN: bombed from 15,000ft on TR fix – no results seen but other fires observed – photo attempted
Apr.12 XX3488(III) ESSEN: bombed from 16,000ft on TR1355 fix – observed burst in middle of town – leaflets dropped – starboard wing holed
Apr.14 SX3466(III) DORTMUND: bombed from 16,000ft on TR fix – observed bursts – one fire started from incendiaries – 6 fires seen burning in target area - leaflets dropped – aircraft holed
Apr.15 XX3488(III) DORTMUND: bombed from 17,000ft by visual observation – bursts in eastern section of town
Apr.17 SX3666(III) HAMBURG – bombed from 16,000ft on TR and DR fixes – thought to have fallen on aiming point – no results observed
Apr.22 SX3466(III) COLOGNE/LE HAVRE: dropped incendiaries from 14,500ft and saw them burst causing 8 or 10 fires – leaflets dropped
Apr.23 TX3724(III) ROSTOCK: bombed from 11,500 ft by visual observation – seen to fall in centre of town – incendiaries seen to burst starting fires – the target was well alight – leaflets dropped and photographs attempted
Apr.25 TX3724(III) ROSTOCK: bombs dropped in old town from 11,000ft – 2 were seen to burst and fires observed in the whole area of the town
Apr.27 SX3445(III) COLOGNE/DUNKIRK: dropped incendiaries from 15,500ft in target area and fires seen burning as a result – a large fire already burning on east side of river – leaflets dropped over LILLE and photo attempted
Apr.29 SX3444(III) GENNEVILLIERS/OSTEND: bombed from 9,000ft on visual observation observing some bursts – the whole factory was a mass of flames 1 500lb bomb jettisoned safely after a hang up – leaflets dropped – 2 photos attempted – slight damage to aircraft
May.2 SX3445(III) “Lay vegetables” (mining): identified position and dropped vegs from 600ft
May.4 SX3445(III) STUTTGART: dropped incendiaries from 12,000ft on a TR fix and observed them burst starting 4 small fires – leaflets dropped
May.5 SX3445(III) STUTTGART/NANTES: dropped incendiaries from 11,000ft by visual observation in a built up area – target not definitely identified – numerous fires seen including one large red one – leaflets dropped
May.8 SX3445(III) WARNEMUNDE: bombs dropped from 11,000ft and observed to fall on the Heinkel works – fires seen all over the target area – leaflets dropped – photographs attempted
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Sorties flown by John Swarbrick in 115 Squadron (continued)
May.19 SX3445(III) MANNHEIM/ST NAZAIRE: bombed from 12,000 ft – identified target by visual observation – the whole town was seen to be burning – leaflets dropped – photos attempted
May.30 SX3445(III) COLOGNE: bombs dropped from 15,000ft without observing any results owing to smoke – many large fires seen
Jun.1 SX3445(III) ESSEN: bombed on a built up area from 16,000ft on a TR fix without observing any results – fairly large fires seen in target area
Jun.3 SX3445(III) BREMEN: dropped bombs from 15,500ft and observed bursts 1/2 mile south of aiming point
Jun.6 SX3445(III) EMDEN: dropped bombs from 15,000ft 1/2 mile west of docks – no bursts or results seen – 1 large red fire seen in docks – leaflets dropped
Jun.7 SX3445(III) MINELAYING: located position by pinpointing and TR fix and dropped mines from 800ft in spot allocated
Jun.9 SX3445(III) MINELAYING: located position by TR and DR fixes and dropped mines from 600ft in the spot allocated
Jun.11 SX3445(III) MINELAYING: dropped mines from 700ft by TR fix in the allotted position
The tour comprised a total of 31 missions. Some, but not all, of the sorties used the GEE TR1355 system for more accurate navigation (see 12 April to Essen). When added to the 41 sorties he flew with James Foulsham in 109 Squadron, this made a total of 62 missions. He died on his 63rd mission.
“Sorties flown by John Swarbrick in 115 Squadron,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 26, 2025,
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