Maurice Snowball's Engineering Notes



Maurice Snowball's Engineering Notes


Notes kept by Maurice during his training.



262 page notebook with handwritten annotations


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and





[Front Cover]

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30 SILKSWORTH TER[missing letters]

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[underlined] FUSELAGE CONSTRUCTION [/underlined]

[underlined] GIRDER TYPE. [/underlined]

[Drawing] “N” TYPE GIRDER. “MOTH”



[underlined] MONOCOQUE “STRESSED SKIN” [/underlined]
[Drawing with text]

[underlined] GEODETIC. [/underlined]
[Deleted letters] “WELLINGTON” “WARWICK”

[underlined] MAINPLANE CONSTRUCTION [/underlined]
[Drawings with text]

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[underlined] AIRCRAFT PIPELINE MARKINGS. [/underlined]

[underlined] FUEL. [/underlined] [underlined] RED. [/underlined]


[underlined] OIL [/underlined] [underlined] BLACK [/underlined]


[underlined] COOLANT [/underlined] [underlined] BLUE [/underlined]


[underlined] COMPRESSED AIR. [/underlined] [underlined] YELLOW [/underlined]







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[underlined] A.G.S. PARTS. [/underlined]

[underlined] BOLTS. [/underlined]

[Drawing x 2]
[underlined] MILD STEEL [/underlined] [underlined] HIGH TENSILE STEEL [/underlined]

[Drawing x 2]

[underlined] LIGHT ALLOY [/underlined] [underlined] SECTION OF COLD HEADED [/underlined]

[underlined] STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS [/underlined] ARE MARKED S.S. OR Z.


E10 = 1/4" DIA. 10 = 1”

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[underlined] LOCKING DEVICES. [/underlined]

[Drawings x 3]

[underlined] LOCK NUTS [/underlined] [Drawing] [underlined] CASTELLATED NUT [/underlined]

[Drawing] [underlined] SPLIT PIN [/underlined] SPLIT PINS AND CIRCUPS MUST ONLY BE USED ONCE.

[underlined] SIMMONDS SELF LOCKING NUT [/underlined] [Drawing] [underlined] CIRCLIPS [/underlined]

[Drawings x 3]

[underlined] DOUBLE ANCHOR [/underlined] [underlined] SINGLE ANCHOR [/underlined] [underlined] FLOATING D. ANCHOR [/underlined]

[underlined] VARIOUS TYPES OF SIMMONDS NUTS [/underlined]

[Drawings x 2]

[underlined] LOCKING PLATE [/underlined] [underlined] TAB WASHER [/underlined]


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[underlined] STREAMLINE WIRES [/underlined]

[Drawings and text]

[underlined] FORK JOINTS [/underlined]

[Drawings x 3]

[underlined] COLD HEADED DOUBLE SHOULDER [/underlined] [underlined] STAINLESS STEEL [/underlined] [underlined] MILD STEEL [/underlined]

[Drawings x 2]

[underlined] HIGH TENSILE STEEL [/underlined] [underlined] HIGH TENSILE STAINLESS STEEL [/underlined]

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[underlined] TURN BUCKLES [/underlined]

[Drawing and text]


[underlined] TENSION ROD TYPE [/underlined]

[Drawing and text]


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[underlined] THEORY OF FLIGHT. [/underlined]



[underlined] ANGLE OF INCIDENCE [/underlined] IS ANGLE BETWEEN [underlined] CHORD LINE [/underlined] AND [underlined] DATUM LINE. [/underlined]



[underlined] ANGLE OF ATTACK [/underlined] IS ANGLE BETWEEN [underlined] CHORD LINE [/underlined] AND [underlined] RELATIVE AIRFLOW. [/underlined] THE GREATER THE SPEED [underlined] THE LESS THE ANGLE. [/underlined]


[underlined] INCREASED SPEED [/underlined]
[underlined] DECREASED PRESSURE [/underlined]


[underlined] DECREASED SPEED [/underlined]
[underlined] INCREASED PRESSURE [/underlined]

[underlined] AEROFOIL. [/underlined]
[underlined] STALLED [/underlined] (15° APPROX.)

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Due to the angle of attack the air is slowed down by the undersurface resulting in an increase of pressure. Due to the top curved surface the air is speeded up causing a decrease of pressure. The addition of the two upward forces gives [underlined] LIFT. [/underlined]

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[underlined] STABILITY. [/underlined]

[deleted] Dire [/deleted] Stability means the ability of the aircraft to return to an even keel after disturbance without assistance from the pilot.

[underlined] Directional Stability [/underlined] – Is controlled by the action of the relative airflow on the side surface of the fuselage and fin.


[underlined] Lateral Stability. [/underlined] Is controlled by the action of the relative airflow on the wings. It is maintained by dihedral.

[Drawings x 2]

[deleted] Directional [/deleted] [inserted] LONGITUDINAL [/inserted] Stability is maintained by tailplane.


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[underlined] LIFT AND WEIGHT. [/underlined] – Nose down tendency
[underlined] THRUST AND DRAG [/underlined] – Nose up tendency
When an engine stops A/C will assume a gliding angle.

[underlined] ROLLING. [/underlined]


[underlined] PITCHING. [/underlined]


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[underlined] YAWING. [/underlined]


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[underlined] SIMPLE CONTROL SYSTEM [/underlined]

[underlined] RUDDER [/underlined]


4. FIN

[underlined] ELEVATORS. [/underlined]



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[underlined] AILERONS [/underlined]



DRAG causes loss of lift. Wing drops.

Decrease in pressure
Increase lift.

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[underlined] TRUING [sic] CONTROLS [/underlined]

[underlined] AILERONS AND ELEVATORS [/underlined]

Lock the control column in neutral position;
Adjust on turnbuckles until Ailerons and Elevators are in line with the mainplane and tailplane.

[underlined] RUDDER. [/underlined]


A/C in rigging position:- ie:- level – laterally and longitudinal. Check with straight edge and spirit level. Attach plumb lines to air screw boss and stern post. Adjust on turnbuckles until plumb line on rudder lines up with the ground line.

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The range of movement of controls is adjusted by the stops. The amount of permissible movement of controls is found in the makers handbook.

[underlined] AFTER TRUING CONTROLS CHECK FOR [/underlined]

1. Ease of movement
2. Range of movement
3. Safety of movement
4. Instinctive movement
5. Locking.

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[underlined] BALANCED CONTROL [/underlined]

Controls are balanced to assist pilot to operate them.

[underlined] HORN BALANCE [/underlined]


Shaded portions in front of hinge line assists pilot to move rudder and elevators.

[underlined] GRADUATED BALANCE [/underlined]


Shaded portions gradually come into airflow, thereby preventing snatch as controls are operated.

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[underlined] BALANCE TABS [/underlined]


Tab remains parallel with C/L of aircraft.
Airflow striking it assists pilot.

[underlined] STATIC BALANCE [/underlined]


Lead weights in front of hinge assist pilot to return controls to normal.

[underlined] MASS BALANCE. [/underlined]


Lead weights fitted to rudder and controls prevent flutter.

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[underlined] TRIMMING TABS [/underlined]

[underlined] FIXED TAB. [/underlined]

A Metal tab is fixed to the aileron. If aircraft is flying one wing low tab is bent up on low wing, airflow striking tab pushes aileron down slightly, giving increased lift on low wing. Fixed tab may be fit in flush with control.

[underlined] ADJUSTABLE TAB [/underlined]


May be fitted to AILERONS, ELEVATORS, RUDDERS, Pilot can adjust attitude of A/C during Flight (as above, if wheel is turned forward tab goes [underlined] up [/underlined], forcing elevator [underlined] down [/underlined] thereby counteracting tail heaviness.

NOTE:- The functions of the balance tab and adjustable tab may be combined. Rudder Bias Gear:- Rudder is brought true by spring

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1. If there are any holes or tears look for interior damage.
2. Ensure that the edges of all patches are not lifting.
3. Inspect all loading edges for signs of chafing.
4. Fabric is taut, any bruises or cracks should be attended to. Waves in the fabric may indicate internal distortion of the structure.
5. Inspect eyelets and Wood’s frames.

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Inspection of Stressed Skin

1. Look for any scores or dents.
2. If there are any holes make sure that the damage does not extend to the internal structure.
3. If the skin is buckled look for distorted frames or stringers.
4. Look for loose rivets or pivets tending to pull rivets through skin.
5. If dope tends to flake off examine skin and rivets for corrosion.


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PURPOSE. To act as airbrakes when a/c is landing, and to increase amount of lift during take off.

Operated by.
1. Hydraulic
2. Electric
3. Compressed Air

An indicator is fitted in cockpit for setting “flap” at take off angle.
Safety device is fitted to ensure flap cannot be lowered above certain speeds.

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1. Induction Stroke
2. Compression Stroke
3. Power Stroke
4. Exhaust Stroke

1 Power stroke every half turn of C/S on 4 cyl. eng. Firing order – 1342

4 stroke cycle of operations gives two turns of crankshaft.

Cam shaft goes 1/2 speed of C/S.

2 Magnetos on all a/c engines

T.D.C. = Top dead centre.
B.D.C. = Bottom dead centre.

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[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] Induction Stroke [/underlined] Inlet valve is opened on down stroke of piston and mixture is drawn into compression chamber.

[underlined] Compression Stroke [/underlined] Both valves are closed and gas is compressed on upwards stroke of piston.

[underlined] Power Stroke. [/underlined] Sparking plug ignites mixture (gas) and this expands and forces the piston down.

[underlined] Exhaust Stroke. [/underlined] Piston moves up, exhaust valve is open and burnt gases are discharged.

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[underlined] Dismantling [/underlined]

1. Keep bay clean.
2. Magneto’s and fittings.
3. Control Shaft.
4. External Oil Drain Pipes.
5. Induction manifold and carb.
6. Valve Rocker Cover
7. Cylinder Head.
8. 1 and 4 at T.D.C. Remove barrel and piston.
9. 2 and 3 at T.D.C. Remove barrel and piston.
10. Rear Cover Tacometer drive.
11. Top Cover.
12. Crank Shaft.
13. Gear Cover.

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[underlined] Pistons. [/underlined]

[underlined] TWO TYPES [/underlined

[underlined] SLIPPER PISTON [/underlined]

The sides are cut away at the bottom of the skirt.

[underlined] TRUNK TYPE [/underlined]

The bottom is a complete circle, ie:- fully skirted.

[Drawings and text]

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[underlined] COMPONENTS [/underlined] [inserted] 9 [/inserted]

[underlined] CRANKCASE [/underlined] Aliminium [sic] Alloy,
Comprises Main Bearings, caps, [white metal, lead bronze] both anti-frictional metals.

[underlined] CRANK SHAFT. [/underlined] Nickel-chrome steel forgings.
Comprises, journal, crank webs, crank pins. It is hollow for lightness and is used for lubrication passages. Fillets in crank pins avoids high friction

[Diagram and text]

The throw of the c/s is the distance from the centre of the journal, to the centre of the crank pin. The throw governs the stroke of the piston from B.D.C. to T.D.C.

[underlined] CONNECTING ROD [/underlined] HIGH GRADE STEEL.
Purpose is to convert a reciprocating

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movement into a rotary movement of the c/s. [underlined] Small End [/underlined] is bushed on Steel, with phosphor bronze, it is a fully floating bush. Splash lubricated.

[underlined] BIG END [/underlined] Bushed with white metal and is connected to the crank pin.

[underlined] GUDGEON PIN [/underlined] Connects small end of con. rod to piston. It is fully floating and case-hardened. CIRCLIPS locate it in position.

[underlined] CYLINDER [/underlined] Steel,
Comprised of Barrel, Spigot, and Air Cooling Fins.

[underlined] CYLINDER HEAD [/underlined] Aliminium [sic]
Provides combustion room, houses the valves and sparking plugs. Not normally detachable. On detachable ones joint is secured by copper asbestos gasket. A Bronze insert is fitted in head to house sparking plug.

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[underlined] POPPET VALVES. [/underlined] High Grade Steel.

[underlined] Exhaust valves [/underlined] are filled with Sodium Crystals to absorb heat
Mushroom type valves are used.

[underlined] Inlet Valves [/underlined] are just made of High Grade Steel, and are not filled.
Tulip Type valves are used.

[underlined] Valves [/underlined] are secured by a split collet and held onto their seats by two springs. They are worked by Cams, Push Rods and Rocker Arm, and are returned to their seats by the springs.

[underlined] Valve Seats [/underlined] are made of Nickel Chrome Manganese and are Stallite treated for hardness.

[underlined] Valve Springs [/underlined] must be tested before fitting on a valve spring testing rig.

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[Diagram and text x 4]

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[underlined] CAM SHAFT [/underlined] [underlined] GYPSY [/underlined]

[Diagram and text x 2]

2 cams for each cylinder, journal at each end, cams are case hardened.
Runs at 1/2 speed of camshaft.
Eccentrics are used to work fuel pump.

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[underlined] VALVE TIMING [/underlined]

[underlined] Valve Lead [/underlined] The period in c/s degrees when the exhaust opens before B.D.C.

[underlined] Valve Lag [/underlined] The period in c/s degrees at which the inlet valve closes after B.D.C.

[underlined] Valve Overlap [/underlined] The period in c/s degrees at about T.D.C. when both valves are open together.

[Diagram and text]

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[underlined] GYPSY TIMING [/underlined]

1/ Find accurate T.D.C.
2/ Adjust valve clearance on No 1 Inlet Valve to .010” on back of cam.
3/ Turn C/S in D.O.R. until a .005” feeler between valve stem and rocker arm is just nipped, thus proving that inlet valve is just opening and disconnect intermediate gear.
4/ Set crankshaft to position 20° before T.D.C. and engage intermediate gear.
5/ If gear will not freely engage make the necessary adjustment on camshaft gear.
6/ Check timing and when proved to be correct re-adjust valve clearance to a running clearance with is .005”

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[underlined] FINDING ACCURATE T.D.C. [/underlined]

Use a [underlined] protractor [/underlined] and [underlined] PISTON POSITION INDICATOR (P.P.I). [/underlined] P.P.I. is screwed into sparking plug hole. Protractor is fastened to crankshaft.

[Diagrams and text x 3]

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[underlined] TECHNICAL TERMS. [/underlined]

[underlined] Pounds per sq. inch [/underlined] on a gauge is a recording of the number of lbs. pressure on each sq. in. [lbs symbol”]
[underlined] BORE: [/underlined] Cylinder diam.
[underlined] STROKE [/underlined] – Distance from B.D.C. to T.D.C.
[underlined] C.V. [/underlined] – Clearance Volume.
[underlined] S.V. [/underlined] Swept Volume.
[underlined] Compression Ratio [/underlined] Ratio at which mixture is compressed in the compression chamber.


[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE [/underlined] M.E.P.
The pressure inside the cylinder during the power stroke.

[underlined] BRAKE HORSE POWER [/underlined] = B.H.P. 33, [indecipherable letter]00lbs per min.
The power available at the airscrew after heat and friction losses have been deducted 28% to 30% loss.

[underlined] INITIAL HORSE POWER [/underlined] = I.H.P.
The power in the engine before heat and frictional losses are deducted.

[underlined] MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY [/underlined] = M.E.

[underlined] INEFFECTIVE CRANK ANGLE [/underlined] is the angle at which connecting rod is just passing T.D.C. or B.D.C.

[underlined] PRE-IGNITION [/underlined] Mixture in chamber is ignited before ignition point by some other means than the spark. SERIOUS RISK OF FIRE.

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[underlined] DETONATION [/underlined] is a wave of high pressure striking the walls of the combustion chamber. Caused by running on the wrong grade of fuel.

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[underlined] MAGNETOS [/underlined]

A means of transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Works on the principle that H.T. current will jump from point to point.

[underlined] Components [/underlined]
Magnet, ARMATURE, Contact Breaker, Distributor, Condenser.

[underlined] 3 TYPES OF MAGNETOS [/underlined]
Rotating Magnet. Rotating Armature. Polar Inductor.



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[underlined] COMPONENTS [/underlined]

Primary Winding, Secondary Winding, Soft Iron Core, Contact Breaker, C.B. Cap, Condenser, Magnet, Distributor, Rotor, Insulated Block.

[underlined] Condenser is Dialectic [/underlined]
Assists to eliminate C.B. points sparking. Gives bigger current.

[underlined] Armature [/underlined]
Consists of primary winding, soft iron core, secondary winding.

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] POLAR INDUCTOR [/underlined]
Two side magnets are used and the soft iron core has magnetism induced into it as it revolves.

The drawings underneath for the [underlined] Rotating Magnet type [/underlined] would do to represent the P.I. Type with the exception of the revolving part would be the soft iron core.

[Drawings with text]

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[underlined] DISTRIBUTOR [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]

[underlined] FOR 9 CYL. ENGINE. [/underlined]
Each electrode is connected by screened wire to sparking plug. One electrode to each cylinder.

At altitudes when air gets less dense, resistance at plug is greater than that across main and trailing bushes. This has a tendency to cause the current to run back through trailing bush to the Hand Starter Magneto. To prevent this an isolator gap is fitted, the resistance at the gap being to [sic] strong for the return flow to jump across it, so that the only way the current can travel is across the plug points. Vent holes are fitted

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to magneto to prevent nitric acid forming due to ionization of the air.

[underlined] CONTACT BREAKER [/underlined]



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Contact Breaker points are made of PLATINUM IRIDIUM OR TUNGSTEN
Rocker Arm – Aliminium

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[underlined] MAGNETO TIMING GYPSY [/underlined]

1/ Set No 1 piston at 34° before T.D.C. on compression stroke.
2/ Check C.B. points and if necessary adjust to .012” when fully open.
3/ Set mag. in fully advanced position, with Distributor Rotor opposite No 1 Segment and C.B. Points just opening and offer mag to engine.
4/ Insulate primary winding.
5/ Check with lamp and battery set for correctness of setting and synchronizing.
6/ When correct remove insulation from primary winding and bolt mag up permanently.

Movement of one serration on Sims Vernier Coupling is equal to 18/19°
Turn coupling in D.O.R. to advance mag.
Turn coupling opposite D.O.R. to retard mag.
Mag. is live when C.B. Cap is removed.

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[underlined] PRELIMINARY ENGINES (CONT.) [/underlined]

[underlined] LUBRICATION SYSTEM [/underlined]
Lubrication is to reduce frictional resistance.
Wet Sump [Gypsy 1) Oil is stored in sump underneath crankcase. It is fed by [underlined] Spur Gear Type Pump [/underlined] to crankshaft. The pressure is kept at proper measurement by [underlined] Oil Pressure Relief Valve. [/underlined]

[underlined] PRESSURE FEED [/underlined] to crankshaft, pressure gauge.

[underlined] SPLASH FEED [/underlined] to pistons, connecting rods, gudgeon pins.

[underlined] SPRAY FEED [/underlined] to Cam Gears, intermediates, and tacometer drive.

[underlined] Viscosity Valve [/underlined] is fitted to allow oil through when it is cold and too thick to go through filter.

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[underlined] WET SUMP LUBRICATION [/underlined]
[underlined] GYPSY 1 [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] DRY SUMP LUBRICATION [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] DRY SUMP LUBRICATION [/underlined]

The dry sump system is very similar to that of the wet sump system, that is as regards what it does.

It carries the oil outside the engine in a separate tank. In this it has one big advangtage [sic], with a tank outside of the engine it can carry a larger supply of oil for longer flights.

[underlined] OIL RELIEF VALVE [/underlined]
The oil relief valve is fitted to relieve any excess pressure which may be built up in the pressure line.

[underlined] SCAVENGE PUMP [/underlined]
Due to the tank being away from the engine a Scavenge Pump has to be fitted. It is an ordinary Spur Gear Type Pump but it has a larger capacity than the pressure pump. This enables it to keep the sump dry, especially after the engine has been stopped for a pretty lengthy

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period and oil will have drained into the sump. The larger capacity of the scavenging pump gives it the ability to empty the sump and keep it empty while the engine is running.

Hot oil is passed through the carb. jacket as an anti-freeze mixture.

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[underlined] GEARS [/underlined]

[underlined] SIMPLE GEARS [/underlined]
A parallel drive from two spur gears.


[underlined] COMPACT GEARS [/underlined]
More than two gears meshing is called compact gearing.


[underlined] BEVEL GEARS [/underlined]
Transmit a drive in any angle which may be desired, and are supported at the back with thrust washers.


[underlined] SPUR GEAR [/underlined]
Gives a right angle drive.


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[underlined] WORM & WHEEL [/underlined]


The drive is transmitted from worm to wheel, the wheel is made of Gun Metal or Bronze.

[underlined] EPICYCLIC GEARS [/underlined]


This type of gear gives a big reduction in speed.

REDUCTION GEARS are fitted from engine to prop to allow maximum energy to be derived by both airscrew & engine.

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[underlined] BEARINGS [/underlined]

[underlined] PLAIN BEARING [/underlined] where journal and bearing run in each other. The plain bearing will stand a bigger load but there is more frictional area. It takes all journal load.

[underlined] BALL BEARING [/underlined]

There are two types, the caged type which is covered in brass. Its big advantage is that it has very small frictional area.

Ball Bearing can be made to take various loads and can also allow for mis-alignment of shaft.

[Diagrams with text x 5]

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[underlined] COOLING SYSTEMS [/underlined]

[underlined] AIR COOLED [/underlined]

Cylinders are finned for larger surface area. Cylinder heads are made of Aliminium Alloy for lightness, strength and good firmal conductiveness. Baffles and cowls deflect air stream all around cylinder and cylinder head. Engine must be cooled efficiently otherwise the thermal efficiency will be upset.

[underlined] Advantages. [/underlined]
1. Less vulnerable
2. Lighter

[underlined] Disadvantages [/underlined]
1. Most air-cooled engines are radials, which have a large frontal area.
2. Not easy to control cooling.
3. Not entirely satisfactory for high altitudes

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[underlined] LIQUID COOLED [/underlined]

Most in-line engines are liquid cooled and cylinders have a cooling jacket around for liquid.

There are two types of LIQUID COOLING
1.[underlined] Thermo Syphon System, [/underlined] where water is used as a coolant. It works on the principle that hot water rises due to decrease in density.
It has big disadvantages these being that it is slow circulating and water has to be nearly boiling before it will start to circulate, and also the radiator always has to be full.

[Drawing with text]

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2.[underlined] PRESSURE SYSTEM [/underlined]

This system is very similar to the previous one with the exception that the liquid is pumped round the system. A centrifugal pump is fitted on the inlet side of the engine and water is constantly moved round. It is more efficient for cooling and the system can be kept small. The coolant Temp. is taken as it leaves the cylinder. Coolant consists of 30% ETHYLIN GLYCOL and 70% SOFT WATER.

ETHYLIN GLYCOL is very corrosive on anything except tungum, its main advantage being that it has a low freezing point and a high boiling point. There are two types of E. Glycol. A & B. A will not mix with water. B will mix with water.

L. COOLED ENGINES have a very small frontal area and are easily streamlined.

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[underlined] CENTRIFUGAL PUMP [/underlined]

LIGNUM VIDE WOOD is used for Bearing as it has a good bearing surface and will accept water as a lubricant. It is used to take the weight of the impellor.

The bearing is phosphor bronze lined with white metal and is adjustable lengthways. The bottom is machined conical for Gland Packing, which is asbestos and graphite impregnated with white metal flakes.

The GLAND NUT has a left handed thread and is for tightening bearing and gland packing.

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] Electrics [/underlined]
[underlined] Calculations /underlined]


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No. 4 S. of T.T.
ST/ ATHAN. 1944




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[underlined] FLIGHT ENGINEERS COURSE [/underlined]
[underlined] ST. ATHANS [/underlined] [underlined] 12-5-44 [/underlined]
[underlined] RADIALS [/underlined] [underlined] MR. FOAD [/underlined]
[underlined] LEADING PARTICULARS. HERCULES VI [/underlined]

[Technical text]

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[Technical text]

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Max. Weak Cruising
1015 BHP. 19,000 ft.

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[Drawings with text]

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Drawing with text]

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[underlined] REAR COVER [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] OIL PUMP HERCULES. [/underlined]

This is of the gear type comprising pressure pump and scavenge pump. The latter having a greater capacity than the former in order to ensure a dry sump. A spring loaded check valve is fitted to the pump outlet to prevent flooding of the lower cylinders when the engine is standing idle in the a/c that have an oil tank with a positive head. On starting cold oil is delivered from the tank to the engine by means of the pressure pump due to the high viscosity its resistance to flow through the normal relief valve scroll type restrictor is increased

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and the pressure rises sufficiently high to cause the relief valve to abutt [sic] against the shoulder of the sleeve retainer and open a small amount of oil passes down the scroll and a pressure of approximately 200 [symbol] an emergency ball type relief valve lifts and bypasses the excessive pressure oil to the suction side of the scavenge pump thus providing a positive control of max. pressure as the oil becomes warmer its viscosity decreases the pressure therefore drops and the ball relief valve closes the oil then flowing in greater volume through the normal relief scroll

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restrictor through the valve outlet hole which is in line with the discharge port in the pump casing and then back to the suction side of the pressure pump as the oil becomes still warmer the relief valve rises so that the valve and the pump casing discharge ports are in only partial alignment, thus allowing sufficient discharge to cope with the relief oil at the pressure to which the relief valve is set 80 [symbol]”. When a hydromatic propellor is fitted the oil pump check valve is modified to incorporate a ball valve which prevents excessive pressure in the lubrication system on feathering or unfeathering.

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[underlined] OIL DILUTION [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] Oil Dilution [/underlined]

Oil Dilution has been introduced to facillitate [sic] starting of aero engines during cold weather. Satisfactory lubrication can be obtained by cold oil thinned with fuel so long as the correct viscosity is preserved. In addition to easier starting the flow of lubricant is assured to all parts of the engine practically at normal working pressure. The dilution period will vary from [underlined] one [/underlined] to [underlined] four [/underlined] minutes the shortest period of dilution should be the general rule. Over dilution will result in low oil pressure which will not have any serious effects on the engine provided that the oil pressure is above the minimum allowed. It is recommended

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that the oil temp. should be between the range 10° to 20°C at the start of the operation. After the engine has cooled it should be started and run up to 1,000 R.P.M. when the control switch should be pressed. The valve control switch should not be released until the engine has stopped.

[underlined] Lubrication cont [/underlined]

channels act in the specially shaped front oil retainer and so through the hollow spring loaded plungers in the bores of the wrist pins through 2 holes to two flats on the pins so lubricating the bushes.

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[underlined] LUBRICATION SYSTEM [/underlined]

[Diagrams with text]

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[underlined] LUBRICATION SYSTEM HERCULES [/underlined]

Oil is delivered to the tail shaft, passes through a steel tube in the rear crank web. Inserted in the rear crank web is a brass tube which sprays oil onto the pistons and sleeves, ball valve inserted in the tube set to 35 – 40 lbs [symbol]” passing 33 – 38 gals per hr. [underlined] FRONT WEB [/underlined] set to 22 – 25 lbs [symbol]” pass 48 – 53 gals per hr. The annular space around the steel tube in the tail shaft is fed with oil which registers with two grooves in the tail shaft bush [deleted] which [/deleted] twice every revolution thus providing an [deleted letter] intermittent feed, the oil being delivered through three small holes, 2 for the Impellor Shaft ball brgs, 1 for the tail shaft splines 2 small holes in the crankpins feed the crank grooves and the big end of the master rod, having oiled the big end the oil still under pressure passes along the

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[underlined] CLARKES VISCOSITY VALVE [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] CLARKE’S VISCOSITY VALVE [/underlined]

The operation of the viscosity valve depends upon the oil pressure and its viscosity. The valve is positioned in the pipe line between the scavenge pumps and the oil cooler and when the engine is first started both valves being closed oil passes through gauze covered hole in the end of the automatic control valve into the interior of the piston sleeve and into the friction tubes. The oil is viscous and because of the restricted oil flow through the friction tubes pressure builds up in the control valve, as a result pressure both valve head increases, the oil in the control valve prevents it from opening, the relief valve opens by passing the cooler as the

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oil warms up passes through the friction tubes relieving the back pressure on the control valve allowing it to open. The warm oil now passes directly to the oil cooler and the pressure on the relief valve reduces and it closes gradually. Pressure relief valve opens at 30 lbs [symbol]” and the automatic control valve begins to open at an oil temperature of 55°C and is fully open at 75°C. When the valve is in use it effects a gradually blending of hot and cold oil.

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[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] DIAGRAM OF SLIPPER CLUTCH [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] Supercharger [/underlined]

[underlined] 2 SPEED GEAR CLUTCH [/underlined]

This is of the high speed centrifugal type consisting of the volute casing, s/c casing, 3 Intermediate Gear Assemblies, 2 Centrifugers [sic], and an Impellor. The assembly is mounted on the rear section of the crankcase. It embodies the 2 speed gear controlled by a double acting hydromatic [sic] clutch operated by pressure oil from the lubrication system. The impellor is driven from the crankshaft through a spring coupling the centre portion of which is integral with the tail shaft. The speed ratio of the impellor to crank-shaft depends on which of

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the two intermediate pinions is locked to the intermediate gears. A gear selection is effected by the operation of the control valve which directs pressure oil to one side or the other of the piston in each intermediate gear assembly. A [deleted word] foolproof snap over valve is fitted so that there is no possibility of the valve remaining in any intermediate position, and the operation is positive from low to high or vice versa. In the event of failure of the control valve the valve is returned by a spring to select M. Gear. The pressure oil for operation of the gear change mechanism

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passes through two centrifugers [sic] before reaching the rotary selection valve to ensure sludge free clean oil for the double clutch units. The power required to drive the s/c increases with an increase in impellor speed. It is thus obvious that as low a gear ratio as possible should be used, so long as it will maintain the required boost pressure. It is therefore essential that M. Gear should be used under all conditions of operation if the altitude and the most economical indicated airspeed can be maintained with the particular load so that the fuel

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consumption should be at the minimum and engine power not wasted in driving the impellor at an unnecessary high speed.

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[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] M.C. 132 CARB. A.I.T. [/underlined]

2 Jet Boxes are bolted beneath the float chambers and are fed from each float chamber. The port jet boxes houses the main, slow running, enrichment and corrector jet. The Starboard Jet Box [deleted letter] houses the main, slow running and power jets, provision is made on the carburettor for a power bleed jet, this[deleted letter] [deleted] are [/deleted] is not used on the Hercules.

[underlined] THE MAIN JET SYSTEM [/underlined]

Fed from the float chamber and feeding to the base of the diffuser, emulsion is made possible by air supplied to the side of the diffuser from an air balance passage, mixture

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passes through the delivery tubes to the chokes and so to engine, mixture strength is kept constant by the altitude cocks.

[underlined] SLOW RUNNING JET [/underlined]

Slow running jet receives their fuel from the main jet, and feeding into the transverse passage to a common passage between the chokes and so to the air box plugs, which are of the four hole type. They obtain air from the side of the diffuser. A spring loaded piston in the common passage, connected by a lever to the front side of the linkage chamber provides the slow running cut-out.

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[underlined] ADJUSTMENT OF SLOW-RUNNING [/underlined]

R.P.M. is adjusted on the throttle stop. It should not be adjusted while in service. The mixture strength is adjusted by two needle valves, one each side of the top half of the casing. Adjustment if necessary must be done in easy stages especially when weakening, a quarter of a turn at one time, this controls the quantity of air.

[underlined] POWER JET SYSTEM. [/underlined]

This is a spring loaded, cam operated valve, which operates just after cruising boost position. The enrichment due to this jet allows for an increased boost setting for rated boost. It feeds

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via passages into the main delivery tube and is therefore corrected for altitude.

[underlined] ENRICHMENT JET SYSTEM. [/underlined]

This is a single jet in the port jet box, delivering fuel through a spring loaded cam operated valve immediately after rated boost position. It delivers neat fuel into a hole in each choke and is therefore uncorrected for altitude. Its enrichening and cooling effect allows an increase of boost to the maximum of take off setting.

[underlined] CORRECTOR JET SYSTEM. [/underlined]
[underlined] SUPPLEMENTARY JET. [/underlined]

At any particular throttle lay shaft opening the butterflies are nearer their closed position

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in S than in M Gear, due to the increased impellor speed. This causes the slow running jet to deliver extra fuel in the former gear. The carburettor is therefore tuned in S Gear, and to maintain the correct mixture strength in the lower gear, a supplementary jet is fitted which operates in M gear only. The enrichment due to this supplementary jet balances the weaking [sic] due to the slow running jets becoming partly inoperative in M Gear. It delivers fuel into the base of the port main jet diffuser. The jet is fitted in the port side and operated by a cam interconnected with the s/c gear change lever.

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[underlined] ACCELERATOR PUMP [/underlined]

This is of the delayed action type, consisting of two pistons and cyls. in tandem. The uppermost piston discharges its fuel immediately but the lower piston which is larger in diameter has a restriction in its outlet which causes a delayed action by the spring between the two pistons becoming compressed, the pump [deleted letters] obtain their fuel through a non-return valve & delivers to each choke

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[Diagram with text]

[underlined] PESCO FUEL PUMP [/underlined]

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[underlined] AMAL FUEL REGULATING VALVE. [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]

[underlined] Amal Fuel Pressure Reducing Valve. [/underlined]

Fuel Pressure Reducing Valves are necessary in order that the correct fuel press. is maintained at the carb. The average pressure is standardised irrespective of delivery pressure from the pump, provided that it is within the range of 6-10 lbs [symbol]”. A spring loaded neoprene diaphragm is held between the flanges centre portion of the diaphragm being free to flex under the action of the spring and valves. The valves are situated in the lower half of the body between the inlet and outlet connections [missing word] lower of the 2 valves through which the fuel [missing word] first, is of the piston type and controls the

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[Diagram and text]

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[underlined] BOOST PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT. [/underlined]

Warm engine and select 2,400 R.P.M. with the S/C in “M” Gear. Open throttle to R.B. and adjust capsule to +6 lbs. Throttle back C.B. and adjust +2 lbs [symbol]” move airscrew lever fully forward open throttle to take off boost and adjusts second tappet to 8 1/4 lbs [symbol]” Boost

[underlined] IMPORTANT [/underlined]

Never run engine for any length of time at high power conditions while on the ground and never exceed cyl. head temp. [deleted numbers]

[underlined] BOOST BIAS. [/underlined]

The boost bias cam tappet operate when closing butterflies to S.R. and is set at 70°

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closing of throttle lay shaft this pushes the piston valve right down, thereby causing the servo piston to remain at the bottom of its cyl. to prevent interfering with the manual operate of the butterflies during the S.R. Period.

[underlined] AMAL VALVE cont. [/underlined]

pressure. Above is a conical valve which comes into operation when the piston valves cover the ports, both valves are spring loaded & the conical valve can function independently of the piston valve, any increase in pressure above the point of balance, will result in both valves being closed & an entire cessation of fuel flow until the balance is again restored. Above the diaphragm housing is a vent hole which is connected by pipeline to the air intake of the carb, to provide the necessary difference in pressure at different altitudes.

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[Diagram with text]

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[Diagram with text]


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[underlined] PESCO FUEL PUMP [/underlined]

This is of the PESCO VANE TYPE driven from the rear cover, as the rotor turns each section increases in volume from the minimum to the maximum during the first half of the rev, the second half rev, the volume decreases to the minimum and is forced out of the outlet port. An adjustable relief valve is fitted, and delivery pressure may be regulated by the adjusting screw [underlined] BY [indecipherable word] VALVE [/underlined] is incorporated in the relief assembly to enable the carb, to be primed through the pump, when using the wobble pump. The diaphragm is balanced to atmosphere, and a warning light operates if the fuel pressure falls below 1 1/2 lbs.

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[underlined] 3 STAGE. A.B.C. [/underlined]

[underlined] Automatic Boost Control [/underlined]

Boost control is situated under the linkage chamber on the port side of the carb. a diaphragm consisting of an assembly of six exhausted capsules is contained in a sealed chamber which is in communicated with the induction by a pipe and which is thus sensitive to variations of boost, the expansion or contraction of the exhausted capsules is transmitted in the form of downward or upward motion to a sleeve valve, this valve controls the servo piston mechanism by means of pressure oil taken from the engine supply system through a pipeline from the rear cover, a suitable
linkage interconnects the servo pistons

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with the butterfly throttles which are opened or closed in response to any variation in induction pressure in order to maintain the required boost. Since the Servo Piston controls the butterfly opening it also corrects any variation in boost pressure. In the event of boost fluctuation a rise in induction causes the capsule assembly to contract thereby moving the piston valve up, oil pressure would then pass to the bottom of the servo piston moving it upwards, this moving in turn closes the throttles to control the induction pressure. An internal spring situated above the boost servo piston ensures that

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in the event of oil failure to the control, it will bias the piston to the bottom of its stroke to afford the pilot mechanical control.

When the boost given in the operational limitations for maximum level flight has fallen by approx. 4 lbs / [symbol]” an increase in power can be obtained by changing to high gear. Corresponding figures for climb and E. Cruising are 2 1/2 lbs / [symbol]” and 1 1/2 lbs / [symbol]” respectively. The decrease in the inlet air temp and exhaust back pressure which occur progressively during a climb cause the power to increase. At a given altitude however, carb butterflies are fully opened and above this height there is a drop in

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boost therefore the power falls, the altitude at which more power can be obtained by changing into high gear [deleted] there is [/deleted] varies according to the R.P.M. Boost, Airspeed and the prevailing atmospheric conditions. As a general rule however it is more economical to use the low gear at all operational altitudes provided it will give the required power. Whenever the gear is changed the engine oil pressure drops momentarily but it should return to normal in a few seconds.

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[underlined] HERCULES IGNITION SYSTEM [/underlined]

This comprises two Rotax Watford NST/14/1 Magnetos driven at 1 3/4 engine speed, each fitted with a multi-lobed cam, and a set of harness completely shielding the whole system and providing for radio screening and cable protection. A centrifugal coupling is incorporated in each magneto drive which is capable of giving 10° advance. It advances the ignition 10° as the engine speed increases from 500° – 800 R.P.M. (Coupling Speed 900 – 1400 R.P.M.) The driving coupling also includes a serated [sic] adjustment of 150 teeth which will give 1.37° movement per tooth. A spiral splined

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drive is incorporated in the magneto layshaft it gives a 12° range. This is operated by a lever on the starboard side of the rear cover, from the carburettor throttle layshaft so that ignition timing is retarded as the throttle lever is opened i.e. (as the boost increases). The ignition timing is set on No 4 Cylinder [deleted letter] using the master lobe which is marked “M” and with the throttle layshaft at E.C.B. Position, and the automatic coupling locked in the fully advanced position and with the spiral splined drive 7° from the advance end of its range. Timing should then

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be 18° before T.D.C.

Adjustment of C. Breaker Points is effected by slackening screws in the lever base and turning an eccentric between the two with a small screw driver. The correct gap is .009 + - 001.

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[underlined] HALIFAX III [/underlined]

[underlined] PHASE K AIRFRAMES [/underlined] [underlined] 26-5-44 [/underlined]

[underlined] CPL. BAKER. [/underlined]

[Diagram and text]

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[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] PORT [/underlined]

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[underlined] FUEL SYSTEM [/underlined]

Consists normally of 12 tanks 6 in each wing. The gallery pipe connects all tanks together, but the system is split into 4 parts by the main balance cock and the two wing balance cocks, the latter like the individual tank cocks are operated through remote control from levers situated at the forward end of the rest seats. The M.B.C. is on the rear face of the rear spar of the centre section.

Non-return valves are fitted in the supply lines of the engines to prevent the priming pumps delivering back to the tanks.

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Fuel warning lights are fitted on the F.E.’s panel and at the rest position, they operate when the fuel pressure drops to about 1 1/2 lbs per sq. in.

[underlined] RULES GOVERNING FUEL SYSTEM [/underlined]

1/ If a tank is damaged use fuel quickly by operating all the engines from the one tank, as fuel can’t be transferred from one tank to another.

To do this the main balance cock must be opened; before opening the pilots consent must be obtained.
2/ One engine must not be supplied from more than one tank at the same time. This avoids air locks

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surging of the fuel and the refilling of an empty tank. For this reason an empty tank should be shut off before opening the cock to the next tank.
3/ When over the target each engine should be supplied from a tank containing not less than 50 gals.
4/ No 2 tank should not be in use when landing.

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[underlined] FUEL SEQUENCE [/underlined]


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[underlined] Overload System [/underlined]

Five tanks are normally fitted, three in the bomb bay and one in each outer wing bomb compartment. The wing overload can feed only into No 1 tank. The fuselage overloads feed into No 1 or 3. The engines cannot be fed direct from the overload the fuel being transferred as above by means of immersion pumps in the overload tanks. Control switches are fitted on the F.E.’s panel, each tank is isolated with a non-return valve to prevent fuel being transferred between overloads. [Deleted] The [/deleted] A contents gauge for the wing overload

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is fitted on the F.E.’s Panel. The fuselage gauges are fitted on the tanks and can be read through small traps through the floor.

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[underlined] OXYGEN SYSTEM [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]

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[underlined] OXYGEN SYSTEM [/underlined]

Oxygen supply consists of 21 bottles of 750 litre capacity. They are all joined together through a system of N.R.V’s which isolate bottles so that if [deleted number] one suffers damage the oxygen supply in the other bottles remains intact. An external charging valve is fitted on the port side of the fuselage underneath the mainplane leading edge. The main cock situated underneath the F.E.’s panel and should be turned on by the F.E. before take-off. The pressure regulating valve is fitted on the second pilots panel and is calibrated in thousands of feet. The pilot registers

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the pressure keeping the indicated height 5,000 ft above the true altitude. There are 12 oxygen points throughout the a/c. Each point is fitted with a cut-out valve, flow-meter, economiser and flexible pipe, except for (1) 1st Pilot’s point – no cut-out valve, (2) 2nd Pilots point – no flow meter.

The cut-out valve cuts off delivery to economiser when the bayonet fitting on the end of the flexible pipe is clipped in position this must always be done when oxygen is not being used. The flow meter is necessary as oxygen has neither taste nor smell, it is therefore the

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only indication of the flow of oxygen.

The economiser supplies oxygen to the mask only when the user is breathing in.

In addition to fixed points there are 12 portable bottles which each last about 10 minutes. A time meter is fitted.

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[Diagram with text]

[underlined] MESSIER OLEO LEG [/underlined]


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[underlined] CHARGING THE MESSIER OLEO LEG [/underlined]

1/ With the aircraft standing on the leg, open charging valve releasing the [deleted] oil [/deleted] air pressure.
2/ Connect oil pump and charge with oil until pressure is felt in the pump.
3/ Disconnect the pump, and connect air cylinder, charge air in short bursts until leg extend 1-2 inches.
4/ Disconnect air cylinder, open charging valve allowing the air to blow off the excess oil. As leg comes to full compression a spray of oil and air should blow off.
5/ Reconnect air cylinder charge in short burst as before, until leg stands at 4 1/2” extension under normal load.

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[underlined] CABIN HEATING [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] FIRE EXTINGUISHERS [/underlined]

There are 7 portable fire ext’s fitted in the fuselage to operate. Remove from stowage

Strike Plunger and Invert Ext.

[underlined] Graviner [/underlined] equipment is fitted in the engine nacelles, a bottle containing methyl bromide is fitted to the bulkhead, and a perforated pipe leads from the neck to the cyl. heads and carburettor, etc. The fluid is kept in the bottle by a metal seal in the neck, this is broken in use, by a small explosive charge fired electrically.

The electrical circuit is operated by four switches in parallel, (1) Manual operated

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by Pilot. The four switches (one to each engine) being situated close to the Pilots left elbow.
(2) [underlined] Flame Switch [/underlined}
Two per engine operating between 140 & 150° centigrade. These are not always fitted and if fitted are frequently disconnected, the reason being that small fires can often be put out by the pilot without using the extinguisher and the engine restarted. If the Graviner has been used the engine must not be started.
(3) [underlined] Inertia or Impact Switch [/underlined]
Operates all four engines simultaneously.

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(4) [underlined] Gravity Switch [/underlined]
Operates all four engine extinguishers, if the aircraft turns upside down, with undercarriage lowered.

After operation the extinguisher fluid leaves a green deposit on the engine.

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[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] F.E.’S PANEL. [/underlined] [HALIFAX 3]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] FLYING CONTROLS [/underlined] [underlined] AILERON CONTROLS. [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] TRUING AILERON CONTROLS [/underlined]

1/. Lock aileron controls at jig point in port wing bell crank lever.
2/. Adjust port adjuster to bring squared shaft in centre section equi-distant about the trimmer sprocket.
3/. Adjust stbd. adjuster until jig pin fits smoothly in stbd. crank.
4/. Adjust aileron connecting rods to set ailerons in neutral
5/. Adjust tie-rods in fuselage to set servo motor in neutral.
6/. Adjust forward tie-rods to set aileron control in neutral.
7/. Lock all adjusters and remove jig pins.

After checking range of movement set stops, situated aft of armoured bulkhead.

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[underlined] ELEVATOR CONTROLS [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] TRUING ELEVATORS. [|/underlined]

1./. Jig elevator crank to control box chassis.
2/. Adjust connecting rod to torque tube king post setting elevator in neutral.
3/. Adjust at adjuster “A” to set servo motor in neutral.
4/. Adjust at adjuster “B” to set squared shaft equidistant [deleted] at distant [/deleted] about trimmer gear box.
5/. Adjust end rod setting control column in neutral (4° forward of vertical A/C in rigging position.)
6/. Lock all adjusters and remove jig pin.

After checking range of movement, set tail to wind stop to engage .050” in advance of the main stop.

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[underlined] RUDDER CONTROLS [/underlined]

[Drawing with text]

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[underlined] TRUING RUDDER CONTROLS [/underlined]

1/. Jig at Point “A” on control box chassis
2/. Adjust vertical connecting rod and jig at point “B”.
3/. Adjust transverse rods and jig at points “C”
4/ Adjust connecting rod to rudder torque tube king post setting rudders in neutral.
5/. Adjust adjuster “A” to set servo motor in neutral.
6/. Adjust adjuster “B” to set squared shaft equi-distant about trimming tab gear box
7/. Adjust connecting rod to set rudder bar in neutral
8/. Lock all adjusters and remove jig pins.

After checking range of movement set tail to wind stops to contact

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simultaneously with main stops.

[underlined] LOCKING CONTROLS. [/underlined]

1 [underlined] (PARKING) [/underlined]

[underlined] AILERON CONTROL [/underlined]:- A jig clamps on the control column, holding the steering wheel in neutral, a short bar, runs back onto the pilot’s seat, to prevent him sitting in the seat with the controls locked.

[underlined] RUDDER AND ELEVATOR [/underlined].

Locking bar and pin fits on the control box chassis locking the cranks together, stowed in canvas bag above the chassis.

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[underlined] CHECKING RANGE OF MOVEMENT [/underlined]

[Diagram and text]

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[underlined] AIR PUBLICATIONS [/underlined]

[Diagram with text]


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[underlined] INSPECTION CYCLE FOR PART 2. [/underlined]


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[Table and text]

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[underlined] PNEUMATICS & HYDRAULICS. PHASE. L. 2.6.44. [/underlined]

[underlined] CPL. HUGHES [/underlined]

[underlined] PNEUMATIC LAYOUT FOR HALIFAX BRAKES [/underlined]


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[underlined] DUAL RELAY VALVE [/underlined]


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[underlined] HEYWOOD PRESSURE REGULATOR [/underlined]


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[underlined] INDICATIONS & FAULTS [/underlined]


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[underlined] HYDRAULICS. TYPICAL MESSIER SYSTEM. [/underlined]


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[Diagram and text]

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When a selection is made fuel is drawn from the tank to the E.D.P. from which it is delivered at pressure through the filter to the cut out, [[underlined] it returns to the tank from the cut-out (if no service is being operated) [/underlined] From the cut out it is delivered to the [deleted letters] jacks over 18,50 lbs. At the end of jack travel pressure builds up back to the A.C.O. & the Accumulator – when it reaches 2,500 lbs. the cut-out operates and the pump resumes idling. It idles at 300 lbs/[symbol]” in order to lubricate the pump.


Provides an idling circuit

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at 300 lbs, cuts in at 2,000 lbs and out at 2500 lbs.

[underlined] LOCKHEED CUT-OUT ACCUMULATOR. [/underlined]

A steel [deleted] system [/deleted] [inserted] cylinder [/inserted] with separator piston fitted with inflation valve and pressure gauge (1) gives constant pressure in pressure line.
(2) Operates cut-out positively
(3) Prevents cut-out hammering
(4) Operates small jacks without cut outs cutting in.
(5) Takes up expansion or contraction of fluid in the pressure line.
(6) Gives initial movement of large jacks.

[underlined] HAND PUMP. [/underlined]

Is used for ground testing and in an emergency if the

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E.D.P. fails.

[underlined] PRESSURE LIMITING VALVE. [/underlined]

Relieves pressure when the hand pump or E.D.P. is used
Comes into operation only for E.D.P. when the cut out fails to operate at 2,500. The PLV also relieves increase of pressure due to expansion.

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[underlined] U/C CIRCUIT [/underlined]


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[underlined] UNDERCARRIAGE CIRCUIT. [/underlined]

When the pilot’s selector lever is placed in the up position, fluid under pressure is delivered through the distributor to the jack pistons and releases the mechanical and hydraulic locks allowing the fluid already in the mainwheel jacks to pass to the accs. The N.R.V. fitted in the supply connection of the distributor, serves as a hydraulic lock to hold the U/C’s in the retracted position. Hook locks operated by F/E, are fitted aft of the main spar.

When the pilot’s selector lever is placed in the down position the pump side of the jack pistons

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is connected to the tank and the energy stored in the accumulators lowers the U/C.

[underlined] Emergency Lowering [/underlined]

1/ Withdraw the mechanical hook locks.
2/ Select U/C. down.
(3) Open the U/C emergency cock. (E.D.P. or HAND PUMP will lower U/C).

Should this be unsuccessful,
4/. Slow down the speed of the A/C and the weight of the U/C and the tension of the Bungee cables should cause the mechanical and geometrical locks to function.

[underlined] Undercarriage locked up. [/underlined]

1/ by mechanical lock.
2/ hydraulic lock (no lights showing

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[underlined] Undercarriage locked down. [/underlined]

1/ Mechanical lock
2/ Hydraulic lock
3/ Geometric lock [symbol] (Green lights showing

[underlined] Undercarriage unlocked [/underlined]

[symbol] Red lights showing.

[underlined] TAIL WHEEL [/underlined]

[underlined] Locked down [/underlined]
Mechanical lock [symbol] (Green lights)

[underlined] Locked Up [/underlined]
Hydraulic lock. (no lights

[underlined] Unlocked [/underlined]
[symbol] Red lign=hts

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[underlined] FLAP CIRCUIT [/underlined]


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[underlined] PROCEDURE TO LOWER FLAPS |/underlined]

1/. Ensure that the isolation cock is open.
2/. Select flaps down.
3/. If there is no movement on the indicator, check the selection and if alright, go back and re-check isolation cock open, and the accumulator pressure. If there is no pressure the flaps cannot be lowered, but under normal circumstances a landing can be made without flaps.

[underlined] TO RAISE FLAPS. [/underlined]

1/. Ensure that the isolation cock is open.
2/. Select flaps up and watch indicator
3/. If no movement on indicator,

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use the hand pump as the E.D.P. may be U/S. If main pressure gauge is fitted, E.D.P. pressure can be verified before using hand pump. The pilot should be advised if it is necessary to use the hand pump to raise the flaps.

[underlined] POINTS TO NOTE [/underlined]

Flaps locked up by hydraulic lock between N.R.V. in distributor and Jacks.

Locked down by accumulator pressure.

Should the isolation cock be left open and the flaps lowered of there [sic] own accord due to damaged pipeline between jacks and distributor it is possible to raise the flaps in the following

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1/. Close the isolation cock.
2/. Disconnect the jack line at the isolation cock.
3/. Increase the speed of the A/C until the flaps blow up as far as possible.
4/. Reconnect the jack line. There should still be sufficient pressure in the acc. to lower the flaps partially for landing.


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[underlined] ST.BD. INNER ENGINE NACELLE [/underlined]

Main Tank, Purolator Filter, Auto Cut-Out, Cut-Out Accumulator

[underlined] FRONT SPAR FRONT FACE [/underlined]

Hand Pump, (Port Side).
Pressure limiting valve.
[deleted letter] Main Gauge & Relay Unit.
Emergency cocks for Bomb Door
[deleted letter] & U/C.

[underlined] FRONT SPAR REAR FACE. [/underlined]

U/C. Accumulators (in the retraction bays.)

[underlined] FRONT SPAR REAR FACE Port Side of Fuse. [/underlined]

Bomb Door Accs. Bomb Door hydraulic lock

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[underlined] PILOTS COCKPIT. [/underlined]

Undercarriage lever on right of pilots seat:
Flap lever: and B.D. lever: in the same place as above.

[underlined] PORT SIDE OF THROTTLE CONTROL LEVERS [/underlined]

Radiator shutters distributor (M.II only)
Hot and Cold Air Intake Distributor [deleted] only [/deleted] Mk. III only.
Landing light distributors.

[underlined] REAR SPAR [/underlined]

Flap accumulator; flap isolation cock;

[underlined] F.E’S POSITION [/underlined]

Fuselage bomb door selective cock; [deleted letters]

[underlined] UNDERSIDE OF FLAP JACKS. [/underlined]

Flap restriction valve;
On Mk.III. [inserted] No. 3 [/inserted] is in supply line.

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[underlined] BOMB DOOR CIRCUIT. [/underlined]

The bomb doors are closed by the pump and opened by an accumulator which is fitted with an isolating valve between it and the jacks, and which may be closed after the doors have been shut, to prevent opening of the doors in event of damage to the supply line. This circuit is fitted with a hydraulic lock, common to all eight jacks and a selective cock & N.R.V. in the supply line of the fuselage jacks which permit the control closing of the fuselage doors, when desirable e.g:- when carrying a large bomb.

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[underlined] OPENING THE DOORS IN EMERGENCY [/underlined]

1/ Place pilots selector lever in the open position
2/ Close the accumulator isolation cock.
3/. Open the emergency cock marked B.D. mounted on the forward face of the main spar.
4/. If the E.D.P. will not open the doors, use the hand pump.

[underlined] RECLOSING DOORS AFTER EMERGENCY OPENIN[missing letter] [/underlined]

If the system is operated to close the bomb doors additional oil will be sent into the acc. and the pressure in it will rise excessively or the oil will be lost if the acc. is punctured. This can usually be done once but the doors

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may not open a second time. Before attempting to close the doors in this manner, shut off the emergency cock securely and open the acc. isolating cock.


1/ Opening the selective cock.
2/ Select bomb doors shut and operate the hand pump until the B.D are in the correct position.
3/ Close the selective cock.
4/ The wing doors may now be fully closed by hand pump or E.D.P.

When the doors are selected open after selectively closing the fuselage doors, both wing and fuselage doors will

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open together but the selective cock must be [underlined] opened [/underlined] before the fuselage doors can be shut again.

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[underlined] Air Intake Landing Lamp Circuit. [/underlined]

The circuit differs from the main circuits in that the jacks are operated by the Pump in both directions. A combined restriction T and N.R.V. prevents too rapid a movement of the jacks and serves as a hydraulic lock.

The C.A. Accumulator supplies the energy to operate the jacks when the E.D.P. and H.P. are out of action.

Pressure is applied at all times to the ram rod side of the jack piston, thus to close the jacks it is only necessary to open the distributor valve and connect the tops of the jacks to the tank. To extend the jacks the distributor lever is moved to the opposite

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position which closes the return [deleted] lock [/deleted] valve, and opens the valve admitting fluid from the pump to the top of the jack. The jack extends on the larger piston area.

[underlined] FAULTS: [underlined] [underlined] U/C. will not retract at all. [/underlined]

1/. Insufficient fluid in tanks.
2/ Broken pipeline.
3/ Choked section line.
4/. Sheered pump drive.

[underlined] Undercarriage retracts slowly. [/underlined]

1/. Worn pump.
2/ Leaking cut-out valve
3/. Leaking P.L.V.
4/. Incorrect fluid.
5/. Dirty filters or restricted pipe lines.

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[underlined] U/C retracts halfway & pump cuts out [/underlined]

1/.Wrongly adjusted cut-out or restriction in the pipe lines.

[underlined] U/C lowers slowly [/underlined]

1/. Check U/C. Acc. Pressure.
2/. Check tension of rubber cables
3/. Check low pressure N.R.V. in return line to tank.

[underlined] FLAPS will not lower: [/underlined] Check that isolation cock is open. Check air pressure.

[underlined] Flaps will not rise: [/underlined] Check that isolation cock is open. Check the operation of E.D.P. Check distributor.

[underlined] Flaps will not stay up [/underlined] There is leak in pipes or in distributor N.R.V.

[underlined] Bomb Doors: Doors fail to open [/underlined]

1/. Check that emergency

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circuit has not been used:-
2/. Test with H.P.
3/. Test the opening of isolation cock.
4/. The distributor opening and hydraulic lock.

If fuselage doors only fail to close, check that the selective cock is open.

[underlined] Carburettor A.I. & Landing Lamp will not operate [/underlined]

1/. Check the pump acc. inflation pressure.
2/. Check the H.P. with selector levers open and shut
3/. If jacks still do not operate check that distributor valve is open
4/. Check whether restriction T is choked.

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[underlined] ELECTRICS AND INSTRUMENTS. [/underlined] CPL. SHAW

[underlined] PHASE. M&N. [/underlined] [underlined] 9-6-44. [/underlined]

[underlined] A.P. 1275. INSTRUMENT MANUAL [/underlined]

[underlined] “DESYN” FUEL CONTENTS GAUGE. MK IV [/underlined]


[underlined] PURPOSE:- [/underlined]

To give continuous reading or indication of the contents of the fuel tank in gallons.

[underlined] ACTION:- [/underlined]

Basically, it is an electrical means of transmitting the position of a moving arm, which itself is positioned by the level of the petrol in the tank.

[underlined] CONSISTS: [/underlined]

[underlined] TANK UNIT:- [/underlined] Float mechanism and the transmitter.

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(2) [underlined] 5 CORE CABLE:- [/underlined]

Connects up tank unit with the indicator.

(3) [underlined] INDICATOR [/underlined]

[underlined] TRANSMITTER. [/underlined]

Consists of a toroidal resistance built into a bakelite moulding and having three tappings taken from equi-distant positions. A pair of brushes make contact with a resistance and so lead the current to that position which the brushes occupy.

[underlined] INDICATOR [/underlined]

Contains three coils star wound by means of which the flow of current sets up a resultant magnetic field. A magnet pivoted within the windings is free to line itself up with the magnetic

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field and carrying with it a pointer over a graduated scale.

When the current is cut off, a small pull-off magnet attracts the main magnet and the pointer is carried right off the scale.

[underlined] THE DAILY INSPECTION. [/underlined]

Switch on and see reading corresponds with the tank contents. Note a lively pointer movement.

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[underlined] ENGINE CYLINDER THERMOMETER. [/underlined]



When two dissimilar metals are joined at their ends and one end is heated a small current of electricity is caused to flow in the circuit formed by the metals.


RANGE: 0° TO 350°C

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[underlined] CONSTRUCTION. [/underlined]

The instrument consists of three parts.

1/. [underlined] INDICATOR:- [/underlined] is a moving coil millivoltmeter graduated in degrees centigrade, it has a setting screw for initial adjustment. At the rear of the case are two terminals one of which is marked +. The red or copper lead is attached to this terminal.
2/. [underlined] THERMO-COUPLE:- [/underlined] this forms the hot junction end, it consists of a bi-metal plug (copper and constantan) with approximately 4ft of lead each end of this [deleted] metal [deleted] lead being of the same metal as that to which it is attached. (·25 ohms)
3/. [underlined] COMPENSATED LEADS:- [/underlined] whatever their

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length the resistance is always the same:- (1·75 ohms)

[underlined] VISUAL CHECK: [/underlined] See that it is reading the normal temp. of the day.

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[underlined] FUEL PRESSURE WARNING LIGHT. [/underlined]


[underlined] PURPOSE:- [/underlined] To give a visual indication whenever the fuel pressure falls beneath a minimum safe value (1 1/4 lb)

[underlined] OPERATION:- [/underlined] Fuel at the existing pressure acts against one side of a flexible diaphragm which by means of a small push rod opens or allows to close a pair of electrical contacts. Should the pressure become too low the contacts “make” and a red warning light lights up

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[underlined] VISUAL OR D.I.:- [/underlined] Switch on when engines are not running, the lamps should light up, then as each engine is started the lamp concerned will go out.

[underlined] FAULTS:- [/underlined] The lamps may burn out or the fuse blow.

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[underlined] OIL PRESSURE GAUGE [/underlined]

[Diagram and text]

[underlined] PURPOSE:- [/underlined] To indicate the pressure of the oil supplied to the engine by the oil pump.

[underlined] TYPE. [/underlined] Transmitting:- another medium is used to transmit the pressure to the instrument panel. This has two distinct advantages over [deleted] th [/deleted] a direct method. (1) much safer, less vulnerable (2) saves weight.

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[underlined] OPERATION: [/underlined]

The instrument consists of capsule, capillary tube and bourdon tube indicator. The three parts forming one complete container for the fluid. The capsule is contained in a banjo union and is subjected to the oil pressure; thus according to the pressure, will be the force trying to squeeze the liquid into the capillary tube so to the Bourdon Tube This responds through magnification a pointer is caused to move over an edgewise scale.

[underlined] VISUAL CHECK [/underlined]

Note the action when the engines are run.

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[underlined] OIL TEMPERATURE [/underlined]

[Diagram and text]
[underlined] TYPE:- TRANSMITTING. [/underlined]
[underlined] LIQUID:- MERCURY [/underlined]
[underlined] INDICATOR:- [/underlined]
[underlined] DOUBLE SPIRAL B.T. [/underlined]
[underlined] RANGE 0-104°C [/underlined]
[underlined] CIRC. YELLOW BEZEL. [/underlined]

[underlined] PURPOSE:- [/underlined] To indicate the temperature of the lubricating oil going to the engine.

The instrument is known as the mercury in steel thermometer.

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[underlined] CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION. [/underlined]

The instrument consists of three parts; (1) Steel Bulb, (2) Capillary Tube of suitable length (3) Indicator which has a double spiral bourdon tube as the sensitive factor. The three parts form one complete container for the mercury. Due to an increase in oil temperature the mercury expands and this excess is pushed into and along the capillary, thus the expansion is transmitted to the bourdon tube which responds and moves a pointer over a scale in degrees centigrade.

[underlined] REASONS FOR DOUBLE SPIRAL TUBE [/underlined]

(1) We are measuring expansion the longer tube is more sensitive to this than is the C. type.

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(2) The double spiral is to ensure concentric movement.

A bi-metallic helix is incorporated to correct for changes in cockpit temperature.

[underlined] D.I. [/underlined]

The engine has not been running therefore the thermometer must read the temp of the day. At very low temp. no check can be made without running the engine.

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[underlined] MK IV ENGINE SPEED INDICATOR [/underlined]

[Diagrams and text]

[underlined] INDICATOR. [/underlined]

It functions on an A.C. System, therefore it depends on frequency and not voltage output consists of 3 parts, generator, flex drive & indicator; RANGE:- 0-5,000 R.P.M.

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[underlined] GENERATOR:- [/underlined] Is really an alternator and has a four pole magnet driven at half engine speed within a starter of 3 coils thus the magnetic field cuts the coils as the magnet rotates. Having 2 pairs of poles the A.C. output is double the magnet speed (i.e) engine speed Then 3 leads connect the generator to the indicator.

[underlined] INDICATOR [/underlined] – Consists primarily of a squirrel cage synchronous induction motor. The rotor turns a magnet which is on the same shaft. Placed around the magnet is a copper drum attached to another shaft, together with a hairspring a system of gears and 2 pointers. The effect of the

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magnetic field on the copper drum is such that it will be dragged around with the magnet, but eventually the increasing tension of the spring resists further rotation. At such a position the attached pointers will indicate the speed of the engine. Thus the faster magnet speed will produce a greater torque on the copper drum attract it still further round and so the pointers will now indicate this greater speed.

[underlined] CHECK. [/underlined]

Done on run up. Indicated revs showed be steady.

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[underlined] BOOST GAUGE. [/underlined]

[Diagram x 2]

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[underlined] PURPOSE:- [/underlined] To give an indication of the pressure in the induction manifold of a S/C aero engine, relative to standard atmospheric pressure. (14.71 lbs / [symbol]”)

[underlined] OPERATION:- [/underlined] Capsule in an airtight case is subjected to the pressure we wish to measure. Different pressures will cause the capsule to expand or contract this movement is magnified so that it can be easily read on the Boost Gauge.

[underlined] D.I. [/underlined]

Check one against the other. Tolerance [symbol] 1/8 lbs/[symbol]”

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[underlined] 13-6-44 [/underlined] [underlined] ELECTRICS. PHASE M&N CPL. BARTLE. [/underlined]

[underlined] CONDUCTORS:- [/underlined] Copper, PLATINUM ALLOYS, etc.
[underlined] INSULATOR:- [/underlined] Rubber; Plastics; Mica; Shellac; Oiled Silk; Scinted Aliminium [sic] Oxide.

[underlined] 3 necessary conditions [/underlined]

1/. Pressure difference.
2./ Complete circuit
3/. Insulation.

[underlined] Three Effects [/underlined]

1/. Formation of magnetic field
2/. Heat
3/. Chemical Action


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[underlined] SERIES CONNECTIONS:- [/underlined]


[underlined] Increased Resistance [/underlined] – [underlined] Decreased Current. [/underlined]
[underlined] PARALLEL CONNECTIONS. [/underlined]


[underlined] Decrease Resistance [/underlined] – [underlined] Increased Current [/underlined]
[underlined] SERIES PARALLEL CIRCUITS. [/underlined]


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[underlined] LEAD ACID CELL [/underlined]

[Diagram and text]


Discharged @ 10 hr. Rate.
4 [symbol] for 10 hrs.

[Diagram and text]

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[underlined] GENERATOR. D.C. Shunt Wound. [/underlined]

Yoke – Magnets (Electro)
Armature & Commutator – Rotating winding.
Field Windings – Stationery windings on iron coil

[Diagrams and text]

E.M.F. is dependent on.
1/. Length of conductor.
2/. Field Strength
3/. Speed of Rotation
4/. Resistance.

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[underlined] Automatic Acc. Cut-Out. [/underlined]

Cuts in 27 Volts. 12,00, 1500 R.P.M.
Cuts out
Consists of:- switch, voltage coil soft iron core and spring, and current coil.

[underlined] Newton Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator [/underlined]

Connected in series to the shunt field which is connected in parallel to the gen. It regulates the voltage from the generator at 29 Volts.

Consists of Carbon Discs, spring, and current coil with iron core.
Resistance increases when Pile opens
Resistance decreases when Pile closes

[underlined] Current coil [/underlined] consists of the same, but is connected only in series with the return wire. It is fitted to cut down the voltage when a heavy load is on the gen, and equalise the loading on the gen. and accumulator.

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[underlined] Charge Failure Warning Light [/underlined]

Consists of 6 Volt lamp with an 18 Volt resistance and rectifier.

It is fitted between the generator and cut-out on one end, and between acc. and fuse on the other end. It is therefore fitted in series.

[underlined] Operates if:- [/underlined] 1/. Fuse blows.
2/. Generator fails.
3/. Cut-out sticks open.

[underlined] Dim light:- [/underlined] 1/. Fuse blown,
2/. Cut-out open.

[underlined] If light is full on:- [/underlined]
Generator has failed.

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[underlined] TYPICAL AIRCRAFT POWER CIRCUIT. 3-24V. 1500W. GEN. [/underlined]


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[underlined] UNDERCARRIAGE WARNING LIGHTS. [/underlined]



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[underlined] AERODROME PROCEDURE & ENGINE HANDLING [/underlined]

[underlined] PHASE 0. [/underlined] [underlined] CPL. OLBERRY [/underlined] [underlined] 16-6-44 [/underlined]
[underlined] ENGINE STARTING, RUNNING & STOPPING. [inserted] RADIALS [/inserted] [/underlined]

[underlined] Preliminary Checks. [/underlined]

1/. See that chocks are in position.
2/. Fire extinguishers are available.
3/. Tail secure.
4/.[symbol] Connect up ground starter battery.
5/. Turn G/F Switch to F. to check fuel contents
6/. See that internal accs. are connected.
7/. Check controls as follows.
U/C lever – DOWN
Brakes – On. Check pressure.
Flaps – Neutral.
Boost Cut-Out – Normal. (Merlin Engine)
Mixture Control – Rich
Supercharger – “M” Gear.
Air Intake – Cold.
R.P.M. Lever – Max or Increase R.P.M.
Throttle – 1/2" to 1” open.
Cowling Gills – Open.

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NOTE: Gills open for all ground running & taxying unless air temp. is below 0°C when gills will be left closed until cyl. temp reaches 100°C.


8/. Turn G/F Switch to ground.
9/. Check for hydraulicing [sic]
10/. Turn on appropria[deleted] t [/deleted]te fuel tank cocks and pilot’s master cock.
11./ Give orders to Ground Crew
[underlined] “Ready for starting.” [/underlined]
& when ground crew reply [underlined] “Ready” [/underlined]
12/. Switch on Main Mags, & Booster Coil (H.S. Mag.).
13/. Give order (“Contact”) and press starter button.

[underlined] Note [/underlined] Turning periods not to exceed 10 secs. with 30 secs. interval.

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Ground Crew prime as required. In cold weather it may be necessary to continue priming when engine has picked up.

[underlined] WARMING UP & CHECKING [/underlined]

1/. Check oil pressure as soon as engine starts.
2/. Switch off Booster Coil (H.S. Mag.). Ground Crew turn off & screw down priming pump.
3/. Warm up at 800 – 900 R.P.M. (1100 – 1200 In-line) to 15°C. Oil Temp. (+5°C Emergency) (60°C. Rad Temp Merlin)
4/. Check for Dead Mags.
5/. Exercise the Prop at Zero Boost. Test C.S.U. at Zero Boost
6/ Retract R.P.M. lever to get a drop of 200 revs.
Increase and decrease Boost
1 lb. Revs should remain the same

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7/. Retract R.P.M. lever to Max. Boost should remain constant A.B.C. correctly working.
8/. Test for Mag. Drop with prop in fully fine position. 3% Drop allowed.
9/. Throttle back to 1500 R.P.M. & Check blower.
Move control to “S” and note drop in oil pressure.
Return lever to “M” and again note drop in pressure of oil. [Merlin – check at Zero boost and note drop in revs and slight increase in boost].
10/. Throttle back slowly to 1,000 RPM. Snap throttle closed and check Slow Running.

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[underlined] STOPPING ENGINE [/underlined]

1/. Run at approx. 900 R.P.M. for 2 mins to allow engine to cool (1100-1200 in-line)
2/. Open throttle to -2lbs Boost for 5 secs. Bring throttle back slowly occupying another 5 secs.
3/. When S.R. is reached operate S.R. Cut-out and switch off mags when prop stops.
4/ Turn off fuel.


1/. Do not allow engine to run at less than 800 Revs (1100 I. L.)
2/. Endeavour to restrict cyl. temp 230°C.
3/. A/C. into Wind.
4/. Keep blower in “M” Gear.
5/. Keep mixture in Normal.
6/. Cool down at 800-900 Revs. (1100-1200 in line)
7/. Make checks in correct sequence

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to minimise running time.

[underlined] ENGINE TURNS BUT WILL NOT FIRE. [/underlined]


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[underlined] ENGINE FIRES BUT WILL NOT RUN [/underlined]


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[underlined] ENGINE MISFIRES ON A FEW CYLINDERS. [/underlined]


[underlined] ENGINE MISFIRES ON MOST CYLINDERS. [/underlined]


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[underlined] Correct Mixture. [/underlined]

A short light blue flame which may be almost invisible in strong light.

[underlined] Over Priming [/underlined]

Noticed only when starting. Intermittent thick, black, billowy smoke, often followed by fire from the manifold. This type is caused by overpriming, constitutes a dangerous fire risk and is detrimental to the engine.

[underlined] Rich Mixture [/underlined]

A composite flame – short red-orange flame at the manifold followed by an area of invisible flame and terminating in an area of slow burning gases bluish in colour. If the mixture is very rich a black sooty smoke will be noticed and [symbol]

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[Drawings x 3]

as the mixture strength is correctly adjusted the bluish flame will move to manifold

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[underlined] Incomplete combustion [/underlined]

An intermittent bluey white flame, usually noticed when taking a magneto check. A drop in R.P.M. may also be observed.

[underlined] Burning Oil [/underlined]

A short Dull red flame usually accompanied by whitish or light grey billowy smoke. This flame may be noticed in one set of manifolds but be entirely absent in another.

[underlined] Weak Mixture & Burning Oil [/underlined]

A reddish flame with a bluish tip and is one of the most commonly encountered [deleted] and [/deleted] although it is sometimes confused with the red flame caused by burning oil. This may be checked by moving the M. Control to the R. position. If the flame lessens W.M. and Burning Oil are indicated.

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[Diagrams x 3]

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[underlined] Defective Sparking Plugs [/underlined]

A Very long whitish orange flame appearing intermittently and inclined to be spasmodic or explosive in nature indicates detonation and may be due to defective sparking plugs. The flame usually appears from one or more manifolds.

[underlined] Weak Mixture [/underlined]

Indicated by a fairly long bluish-white flame emerging directly from the manifolds. The engine tends to backfire at higher speeds.

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[Diagrams x 2]

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[underlined] ENGINE OVERHEATING [/underlined]


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[underlined] ENGINE VIBRATES [/underlined]


[underlined] LOSS OF OIL PRESSURE [/underlined]

1/. Insufficient oil.
Tank cock off.
No oil in tank.
Wrong grade of oil.
2/. Faulty Gauge.
3/. Overheating.
4/. Too low R.P.M.
5/. Relief Valve set too low.
6/. Pump drive sheared
7/. Viscosity Valve U/S.
8/. Damaged Pipes.
9/. Mechanical Breakdown ([indecipherable word]).

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[underlined] DEFECT REPORT [/underlined]

[underlined] DATE. 20/6/44 AIRCRAFT. HALIFAX III A/C. No:- 321 [/underlined]
[underlined] PILOT:- P/O. ROCK. [/underlined] [underlined] F.E. SGT. STONE. [/underlined]
[underlined] SYMPTOM:- [/underlined] Time 04.55 hrs. P.I. Eng: observed whilst at 1600 ft. Eng temp rising from 95° to 120°C. Oil temp - 98°C. Oil Pressure – 35 lbs / [symbol]”

Engine vibrating badly.


Pilot advised. Feathered prop 5.00 hrs & increased Boost to 7 lbs on P.O. Eng. 2,700 R.P.M. Boost decreased to 5 lbs R.P.M. 2550 on S.I and O. engs.

SUSPECT:- Big end Bearing Run.

SIGNED. J. Stone F.E.
WITNESSED. J. Rock. Pilot.

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1/. [underlined] Chocks away [/underlined]:- Pilot’s hand moved slowly from side to side, arm fully extended and hand open. Arm moved as far as cockpit will allow.
2/ [underlined] STOP [/underlined] Hand raised to full extent above head, palm to the front.
3/ [underlined] STAND CLEAR [/underlined] Pilot’s hand waved above head.
4/ [underlined] CHANGE DIRECTION [/underlined] Arm moved vertically upwards and downwards as far as the cockpit will allow in the direction in which the turn is to be made.
5/. [underlined] ALL CLEAR [/underlined]: Airman on Port Wing tip salutes pilot.
6/. [underlined] ADVANCE [/underlined]: Beckon with both hand.
7/. [underlined] TURN LEFT OR RIGHT. [/underlined] Beckons with one hand, holds other still palm to front.

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8/. [underlined] STOP [/underlined]: Both hands held still palm to front.
9/. [underlined] STOP ENGINES. [/underlined] Both hands moved across in front of body.
[underlined] NOTE: [/underlined] Torches are used at night.

[underlined] PUBLICATIONS [/underlined]

[underlined] A.P. 113 Index of Publications [/underlined]


[page break]

[underlined] A.P. 1464. [/underlined]

[underlined] Vol. I [/underlined]
[underlined] PART A [/underlined] Engineering Principles, Workshop Lay-Out and Practice. [symbol]
[underlined] PART B [/underlined] General Aerodrome, Aircraft and Ground Equipment. [symbol]

[underlined] Vol. II [/underlined]
A./ Organisation & Administration. [symbol]
B/. General Engineering. [symbol]
C/. Aero Engines. [symbol]
D/. Aircraft [symbol]
E/. Motor Transport.
F/. Marine Craft.
G/. Ground Equipment. [symbol]
H/. Drawing Office.
I/. –
J/. Torpedoes.
K/. Test Benches.

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[underlined] MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE. [/underlined]

[underlined] Section 1. [/underlined] Between Flight and Daily Inspections.
[underlined] Section 2. [/underlined] Major & Minor Inspections.

[underlined] SUB-SECTION CODE LETTERS. [/underlined]

A/ - Airframe.
B/ – Engines
C/ – Instruments
D/ – Electrical Equip.
E/ – Wireless
F/ – Armament

[underlined] ASSEMBLY GROUPS [/underlined]

Prop: - Propellers.
P.p. – Power Plant.
Uc. – Undercarriage
Co. – Cockpit.
FU. – Fuselage
G.T./ – Gun Turret
T.A. – Tail Assembly
PL. – Main Plane
G.E. – General.

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[underlined] FORM 700 [/underlined]

A booklet designed to keep a check on the life of an aircraft over a given period or until full, the check comprising flying times, repairs replacements and modifications etc. On completion of specified period all entries are transferred to the log books & F.700 is filed.

[underlined] F. 700 consists of: [/underlined]

D.I. Certificate.
Refuelling Certificate.
Oil Coolant & Arming Certificate.
Change of Servicability [sic] & Repair Log:- Air Frame
Change of Servicability & Repair Log:- A[deleted letters]xillaries
Change of Servicability & Repair Log:- Aero Engine Power Plant

Pilots acceptance & Flying Log.

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[deleted][underlined] Pilots Acceptance & Flying Log [/underlined][/deleted]
[underlined] C.T.M. = Centrifugal Turning Moment [/underlined]
Is the forces always trying to turn [deleted] a [/deleted] rotating prop. blades into a finer pitch. This force increases with weight of blades & speed of aircraft.

[underlined] A.T.M. = Aero Dynamic Turning Moment [/underlined]
Is the air pressure on blades due to forward flight which has a tendency to coarsen the blades. This force however, is not as strong as C.T.M.

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[underlined] D.H. HYDROMATIC PROP. & C.S.U. [/underlined]


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[underlined] THREE MAIN PARTS. [/underlined]

1/. Dome Assembly.
2/. Blade & Barrel Assembly.
3/. Distributor Valve Assembly.

[underlined] ON SPEED [/underlined] means that the engine is running at the number of revs. selected by the R.P.M. Lever & the C.S.U. is in an On Speed position with the flyweights vertical, the force from the weights being equal to the force from the C.S.U. spring with the C.S.U. piston valve in a central position creating a hydraulic lock in the dome assembly. Therefore the blades remain at a fixed pitch.

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[underlined] OVER SPEED [/underlined] means the engine is running at a higher speed than that selected by the R.P.M. lever. The C.S.U. is in the over speed position with the flyweights moving outwards due to force from the weights being greater than that of the spring. The Flyweights lift the C.S.U. piston upwards allowing oil from the booster pump to flow to the rear of the piston in the dome assembly. Forward movement of the piston coarsens the blades ((ie) the load on the engine) and the speed of the engine drops to the selected figure, and the flyweights are then ON SPEED

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[underlined] UNDERSPEED [/underlined]
means that the engine is running at a less speed than that selected with the R.P.M. Lever. The C.S.U. is in an underspeed position when the flyweights are moving in due to [deleted] fl [/deleted] the force of the flyweights being less than that of the spring. The piston valve moves downward allowing oil to drain from the rear of the rear of the dome piston to the C.S.U. and through the hollow piston valve back to the engine sump. Engine oil pressure on [deleted letter] the front of the dome piston assisted by the C.T.M. push the piston back and cause

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the blades to move to a finer pitch (decreasing the load on the engine) The figure selected is then attained by the engine and the flyweights resumes ON SPEED.

[underlined] DISTRIBUTOR VALVE [/underlined]

The purpose of the valve is to direct the flow of oil thro’ the distributor valve assembly to the dome assembly. The D.V. moves only when unfeathering.

[underlined] UNFEATHERING [/underlined]

Oil flowing from Feather Pump is directed to front of piston by D.V. As the piston moves back under this pressure the dump holes will line up with the dump port therefore the oil pressure

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will drop to engine oil pressure, and become equal to the pressure at the rear of the piston. When feathering switch is released the D.V. will return to normal. C.S.U. will be under speed and so oil at the back of the piston will drain away to the sump. Engine oil and C.T.M. will move blades to finer pitch.


1/. With R.P.M. Lever at max. R.P.M. position set throttle to give 1,000 R.P.M.
2/. Press feathering button which should stay in Prop should [deleted] 3/. [/deleted] feather in ten to fifteen seconds R.P.M. should drop to 600 R.P.M. Feathering switch should snap out.

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3/. Allow engine to run at these revs with prop feathered for about 10 secs to allow sump to be cleared of oil discharged from prop.
4/. Press and hold in feather button until R.P.M. cease to rise (approx. 800 R.P.M.).
5/. Release button and R.P.M. should rise to 1,000 revs. If they fail to do so give a short burst of throttle.

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[underlined] FEATHERING IN FLIGHT [/underlined]

1/. Press Feathering Button.
2/. Close throttle.
3. When Prop is stationery switch off mags.
4. Turn off Fuel.
5/. Close gills to reduce drag.

[underlined] UNFEATHERING IN FLIGHT [/underlined]

1/. Ensure that the throttle is at starting position.
R.P.M. Lever at Min. R.P.M. position
Gill fully [deleted] opened [/deleted] closed to assist warming up.
2/. Switch on Mags & Fuel
3/. Hold in Feather Switch. Prop should start to windmill
4/. Release switch when R.P.M. reaches 1000 Revs.
5/. Open throttle to warm up.
6/. Adjust R.P.M. Lever to bring

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in line with other engines. NOTE:- If engine is cold release switch as soon as prop starts to windmill.

A cold engine must be restarted slowly. If R.P.M. starts to creep up push button again. This coars[deleted]e[/deleted]s [sic] blades to coarsen. Pull-out switch at required R.P.M. To return to N.S. Normal C.S. action it may be necessary to feather the prop and then unfeather.

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[underlined] AERODROME SIGNALS [/underlined]

[Drawing with text] A 42’ white hollow square placed outside the watch office. The various signals are [underlined] placed outside [/underlined] it.

[Drawing] A 10’ red square indicates that rules for civil airfields are not in force. Airfield [underlined] not [/underlined] open to private aircraft

[Drawing] A diagonal yellow cross on the same square indicates that all landings are prohibited.

[Drawing] A single diagonal indicates the airfield is partially U/S and care should be taken while landing.

[Drawing] A white [deleted] tee [/deleted] T is used to show wind direction when winds are light or variable. The black ball is to show that the T is in use and other direction indicators are to be ignored.

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[Drawing] GAS – DO NOT LAND.

[Drawing] GAS – Land and Taxi up wind to edge of airfield.

[Drawing] Bombing Practice.

[Drawing] Balloons Up.

[Drawing] Taxi on Runway or Track.

[Drawing with text] Parachute jumping or Glider Towing in progress.

[Drawing] RED FLAG – L.H. Circuit.
GREEN FLAG – R.H. Circuit.

[Drawing] Local Recall, Own A/C to land at Home Station.

[Drawing] A/C to proceed and land at home station as soon as possible.

[Drawing] General Recall, All A/C to land at nearest drome.

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[underlined] Why are prop. Blades Twisted? [/underlined]

To get the correct angle of attack at all parts of the blade from root to tip, and so get max efficiency from the prop.

[underlined] What is A.T.M.? [/underlined]

Aero Dynamic Turning Moment is a force which tends to continually turn the blades to fine positions, due to the relative air flow and the centrifugal force on the prop blades. It opposes any action taken to try and coarsen the blades.


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[boxed] 1 [/boxed]

[underlined] SNOWBALL 1595147 [/UNDERLINED]

1./ To keep engine running at a speed where the pump is keeping the engine clear of oil. The engine turning the prop will also keep the drag down, whereas if the prop was windmilling it would create [symbol] a temporary drag until the prop was fully feathered.

2/. Press the feather button until prop windmills, the RPM Lever will be in “Min” R.P.M. position. As soon as windmilling starts release button, this allows the oil to be circulated round the engine. Then press again [symbol] and coarsen prop, when released the C.S.U. should take over.

Open up the engine slowly

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[boxed] 2. [/boxed]

3/. To break the electric circuit to the switch solenoid, thus allowing the switch to fall out and so switching off the feathering motor. It breaks the circuit when the piston in the dome cant move any further forward and the oil pressure builds up to 450 lbs/[symbol]”. The prop is then fully feathered. [symbol]

4/. The transfer valve would be kept open due to the pump still running. This would therefore keep the C.S.U. out of action and due to engine oil and CTM the prop would move to fully fine position. The oil pressure at each side of the piston in the dome would equal out when the dump holes lined up with the dump ports but the CTM

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[boxed] 3 [/boxed]

would continue to fine the prop due to the C.S.U. not working. [symbol]

5/. The flyweights would fall out and raise the piston valve. This would allow oil to pass to the back of the dome piston and coarsen the prop. The booster pump would idle at 400 [letter and symbol obscured]

6/. Make sure you have everything set correctly.

Dont run the engine less than 800 – 900 revs.

See that the aircraft is facing the wind & is fastened down at the tail.

See that trolley acc is connected.

See that fuel and oil tanks are full. [symbol]

Check brake pressure

Check oil pressure.

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[boxed] 4. [/boxed]

7/. At zero boost and with R.P.M. Lever in max position Test for drop by switching off first one mag and then switching it on again, and the same with the other mag. While doing this watch the Engine R.P.M.

The check can’t be made with the prop constant speeding because any drop which may be got in Revs, will be [deleted word] counteracted by the [symbol] action of the C.S.U. fining the prop blades.

8/ Set throttle lever to give Zero boost.

Retract R.P.M. Lever from Max. R.P.M. position until a drop of 200 R.P.M. is observed. Lock it in that position. Then move throttle up to +1 lb boost [symbol] and then back to -1 lb boost. R.P.M. should remain constant.

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[boxed] 5 [/boxed]

[underlined] SNOWBALL [/underlined]

9/ It would most probably not start but if it did you would see black smoke and maybe flames) coming from the exhaust. [symbol]

10./ 1/ Fuel Refuelling Certificate
2/ Oil, Coolant & Armament.
3. Pilots Acceptance & Flying Log. [symbol]

11/. Look up A.P. 113. which is the index for publications.

Find the A.P. for the engine and get Vol. 2 Part 1. [symbol]



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[boxed] 147 [/boxed]

1/.(a) Supplies [inserted] correct [/inserted] air pressure from system to brake shoes. [symbol] [symbol]
(b) Enables differential braking to be used for steering. [symbol] [symbol]
(c) Keep pressure equal [symbol] in both brakes in straight [deleted] taxy [/deleted] running.
(d) Ensures that no pressure is lost from brakes due to leakages. [symbol] [symbol]

2/. Idling: Allows the system to idle[deleted letter], by [deleted letter] closing one valve under pressure and allowing a lightly loaded valve to open, and taking the load off the pump.

[underlined] Relieving: [/underlined] Is when a pressure builds up a heavy loaded valve opens and allows whatever is being pumped in the system to go back to [circled] P.T.O. [/circled]

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the return line, but the load is still on the pump. [symbol]

3/ When the u/c. is locked in the down position a green light shows on the panel, [symbol] being switched on by a micro switch on the u/c. legs.

Whilst the u/c is moving or down or if it is in the unlocked position at any time a red light shows. [symbol] [inserted] 10 [/inserted]

When u/c is locked fully up no lights show at all. [symbol]

4/. Select u/c down and oil will flow through the system and [deleted letter] extend the jacks lowering the u/c.


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M.G. Snowball.
M [indecipherable letters]
MG Snowball
MG Snowball
MG Snowball
MG Snowball
MG Snowball
MG Snowball

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[Blank rear cover]



Maurice Snowball, “Maurice Snowball's Engineering Notes,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 13, 2024,

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