Letter from Charles Turner to his mother and family
Letter from Charles Turner to his mother and family
The letter describes his social life in Port Elizabeth and his upcoming 21st birthday.
Two handwritten sheets
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[underlined] Sunday night [/underlined]
Dear Mam & all,
Well how’s things, I am getting your mail more regular now especially those new Air Mail efforts, I also received one from Mr. Sadler And hows Barry getting on? well mam I shall not be out here much longer as the war situation seems to be coming to an end.
Well Mam I am still not doing so bad as far as health is concerned I am still having my bottle of larger at night it is very dear out here though its 1/10’ a quart bottle so you see I don’t indulge in it, well Mam I went to a party last night one of the RAF chaps who is married out here, he invites some of his pals every week, I have been twice I have a good time plenty of grub and [underlined] nice [/underlined] girls (latter don’t bother me.) I am waiting to see my Juliet when I get back to Blighty, although I have met some very nice girls out here, but they all want to get married so as they can go back to England but they would not like England after living like princesses in S.Africa.
Well Mam next Sunday it will be my 21st birthday, I have still got my signet ring the one you bought me, and it will be a
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year since I left England, this time last year I was on the Atlantic Ocean, and I hope this time next year I am on my way back.
Well Mam I have not much news for you, my Air Crew stunt [sic] crew as not come through you but I am still hoping, well Mam give my love to all and I will write again when I get some more news.
Cheerio your loving son,
[underlined] Charles. [/underlined]
[underlined] Sunday night [/underlined]
Dear Mam & all,
Well how’s things, I am getting your mail more regular now especially those new Air Mail efforts, I also received one from Mr. Sadler And hows Barry getting on? well mam I shall not be out here much longer as the war situation seems to be coming to an end.
Well Mam I am still not doing so bad as far as health is concerned I am still having my bottle of larger at night it is very dear out here though its 1/10’ a quart bottle so you see I don’t indulge in it, well Mam I went to a party last night one of the RAF chaps who is married out here, he invites some of his pals every week, I have been twice I have a good time plenty of grub and [underlined] nice [/underlined] girls (latter don’t bother me.) I am waiting to see my Juliet when I get back to Blighty, although I have met some very nice girls out here, but they all want to get married so as they can go back to England but they would not like England after living like princesses in S.Africa.
Well Mam next Sunday it will be my 21st birthday, I have still got my signet ring the one you bought me, and it will be a
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[RAF logo]
year since I left England, this time last year I was on the Atlantic Ocean, and I hope this time next year I am on my way back.
Well Mam I have not much news for you, my Air Crew stunt [sic] crew as not come through you but I am still hoping, well Mam give my love to all and I will write again when I get some more news.
Cheerio your loving son,
[underlined] Charles. [/underlined]
Charles Turner, “Letter from Charles Turner to his mother and family,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 14, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23325.
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