Revue 'Flying High' cast working documents



Revue 'Flying High' cast working documents


Cast list, running order and words to the songs.

Spatial Coverage




Six typewritten sheets


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[underlined] ‘FLYING HIGH’ [/underlined]
[underlined] CASTING and CONTINUITY. [/underlined]

1. [underlined] OVERTURE. [/underlined] The Band.

2. [underlined] PRODUCTION ‘FLYING HIGH’ [/underlined]
I. Stubbs G Jefferey P. Murden J. Marsh R. Rodmell J. Massey M. Portous C. Longbottom
[deleted] [symbol] [/deleted] supported by -
K.Burchall W. Crisp P. Watson R. Quinn F. Ledgerton S. Elliot B. Bowman J. Foody B. Fletcher C. Crawford P. Morris A. Cook

3. [underlined] SKETCH. PAY PARADE. [/underlined]
P. W. Grinstead R. Quinn J. Hardman S. Elliot G. Jefferey J. Foody C. K. Crawford

4. [underlined] PRESENTING ARTHUR VINE. [/underlined]

5. [underlined] PRODUCTION. AT THE GRAVELEY MEET. [/underlined]
B. Bowman W. Crisp B. Fletcher A. Cook P. Murden R. Quinn I. Stubbs C. K. Crawford R. Rodwell C. Longbottom M. Porteous J. Massey S. Elliot J. Hardman
=Supported by
G. Ledgerton P. Morris M. Lambert K. Burchall

6. [underlined] PRESENTING JACK CROSSLAND [/underlined]

7. [underlined] SKETCH. TOMORROW NEVER COMES [/underlined]
[deleted[ G. Jefferey [/deleted] G. Jefferey B. Bowman J. Hardman C. Longbottom J. Marsh

9. [underlined] PRESENTING PENNEY WATSON [/underlined]

10. [underlined] PRODUCTION. INDIANIA [/underlined]
K. Burchall A. Vine W. Crisp
=supported by A. Cook P. Morriss [sic] R. Quinn M. Lambert C. Crawford G. Ledgerton G. Jefferey M. Porteous [sic] J. Massey R. Rodmell C. Longbottom J. Marsh S. Elliot J Foody

[underlined] INTERVAL. [/underlined]

[page break]

[underlined] SECOND HALF PRESENTATION. [/underlined]

10 1/2 [underlined] PRODUCTION. STEPPING OUT [/underlined]
B. Bowman G. Jefferey P. Murden J. Massey I. Stubbs C. Longbottom B. Fletcher J. Marsh

11. [underlined] PRESENTING JACK HARDMAN [/underlined]

12. [underlined] SKETCH. SON AND HEIR [/underlined]
G. Ledgerton or P. W. Grinstead P. Watson

13. [underlined] PRODUCTION MEXICO. [/underlined]
B. Bowman A. Vine K. Burchall J. Crossland W. Crisp P. Morris A. Cook I. Stubbs R. Quinn [symbol] P. Murden G. Jefferey [symbol] M. Porteous C. Longbottom [symbol] R. Rodwell J. Marsh [symbol] B. Fletcher J. Massey [symbol] S. Elliot [symbol]
Supported by - G. Ledgerton M. Lambert

14. [underlined] SKETCH. SERVICE WITH A SMILE [/underlined]
J. Hardman CK. Crawford J Foody P.W. Grinstead

15. [underlined] PRODUCTION. 18th. CENTURY DRAWING ROOM. [/underlined]
K. Burchall A. Vine J. Crossland R. Rodwell M. Porteous [deleted] P. Watson [/deleted] [inserted] M. Lambert [/inserted] [deleted] 16 [/deleted] P. Morriss

16. [underlined] FINALE. MANHATTAN SALUTE. [/underlined]
B. Fletcher J. Hardman B. Bowman P. Murden Full Company in support I. Stubbs M. Lambert P. Morris P. Watson
Full company in support.

[page break]

[underlined] OPENING CHORUS. [/underlined]
Men’s voices -
J [deleted letters]
How do you do there
How do you do there
Evening everyone
Let us introduce ourselves to you
Just a band of merrymakers
Out to have some fun
But we’ll tell you strictly entre nous
Of the show we are the tough men
Without us it would be simply ‘duff gen’

[underlined] CHORUS. [/underlined]
We’re the [two indecipherable words] have made [two indecipherable words]
We really think you ought to know
the reason, jump and seize on
Those who make it go.
Keep it happy, never scrappy
Do our best to make it snappy
If we are not there the show would
Flop, and it would surely have to stop
The takings too would show a drop
Decided drop.
Tho’ the [deleted word] other fellows try hard
They’re not gifted like us
We just do the job with pace and ease
And make no bother or fuss.
So now with everything you’re comme il
Faut…as that’s the only French we
Know -
We’d better get on with the show
On with the show.

[underlined] Female voices [/underlined]
Just stand back there
Just stand back there
Quiet please, don’t shout
Do not drive the audience away
We’re the ones they’re waiting for
Without the slightest doubt.
So we’ll save the show without delay
No one’s feelings need we injure
But we’ll add a little life and ginger -

[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
We’re the ones who really made the show
We really think you ought to know…

[underlined] HAIL, HAIL THE DAWN. [/underlined]
Hail, hail the dawn, The sun in the heavens arise
Hail, hail the dawn
Is spreading across the skies
So let our hearts and voices rise with sun
In thankful joy and praise
A new day’s begun.
So let us too arise anew, let a new life begin
Free’d like the day from night’s dark gloom/
Filled with resolve to win.
The glory of life is to love - not to hate
The glory of life is to give - not to take
The glory of life is to live-
To serve and not to count the cost
Hail, hail the dawn ----

[underlined] INDIANIA. [sic] [/underlined]
Way back out in Indiana that’s where I belong
That’s where I work and play
Riding miles across the prairie chasing buffalo
Earning my keep and pay.

Indiana once was red man’s country
Monarch of all he did survey
And in the evening round the camp fire
Idly I let my fancies stray.

When it’s moonlight in Indiania
And the night is soft and low
Round the camp fire idly dreaming
Of days of long ago.
Phantom figures are slowly forming
There in the flickering light
Big Chief White Cloud his pipe of peace is passing
In silent solemn rite.

Soon [deleted] t [/deleted] the sound of tom-tom beating
Loud and very clear
Echo through the night.
White man comes to spoil the hunting
Red man hold so dear, he will defend his right.

In that Camp fire in Indiania
Pictures no more I see
As the embers burn, dream [indecipherable word] return
To the land that used to be.

[underlined] AFTER WINTER COMES THE SUN. [/underlined]
There is no reason in winter season
To let your spirits go down
For tho’ its cold and snow’s on the ground
It only means that Summer soon will be round.
Don’t start railing because it’s hailing
And think you surely must drown
Just turn your face up to the sky
And you will see the clouds are hurrying by
Soon you’ll see some blue
And the sun will then come peeping through.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
Tho’ winds are howling and thundrs [sic] growling
We don’t worry or care
Tho’ there’s darkness everywhere
We know the sun will soon be peeping through
Tho’ cold and freezing and can’t stop sneezing
We raise a lusty big cheer
For we know Tho’ winter is here
The Summer will soon be along.
Tho’ skys [sic] are dull and grey and things look black
We know that Summer’s sun will soon be on old winter’s track
Don’t mope and grizzle, just smile and whistle
For daylight follows the night
And black shadows turn into white
As light brings whiteness and whiteness brightness
The world is merry and bright.

[page break]

[underlined] INDINIA [sic] [/underlined]
Way back out in Inidiia [sic] that’s where I belong
That’s where I work and play
[deleted] Chasing [/deleted] riding miles across the prairie chasing buffalo
Earning my keep and pay

Indiania once was red men’s country
Monarch of all he did survey
And in the evening round the camp fire
Idly I let my fancies stry. [sic]

When it’s moonlight in Indiania and the night is soft and low
Round the camp fire idly dreaming of days of long ago.
Phantom figures are slowly forming there in the flickering light
Big Chief White Cloud his pipe of peace is passing
In silent solemn rite.

Soon the sound of tom-tom beating loud and very clear
Echo through the night.
White man comes to spoil the hunting red man holds so dear
He will defend his right.

In that Camp fire in Indiania pictures no more I see
As the embers burn dream men [deleted] r [/deleted] return
To the land that used to be.

[underlined] MEXICO. [/underlined]
Come with me let’s take a good vacation
Nothing is finer than off a liner
And feel you are rolling along.
To some distant haunting destination
Days that are amorous, Nights just a glamorous song.
Make up your minds don’t delay
Let’s all be on our way -
To Mexico, Romance will never die in Mexico
I know your bluey [sic] sky is so enthralling to me
Always calling me back to my homeland.
Mexico, where ladies shake their little - Mexico
You ought to take a little trip and make your way
For a holiday….oh, it’s grand.
And at night, the moon shining bright
While they are dancing every Don has his eyes upon his little [inserted] (SEnorita [sic] [/inserted]
Down in Mexico, no other land can equal Mexico
There’s bound to be a sequel if you ever go
To Mexico.…HO.
Beauty is on every side surrounding
Cares are all thrown away, worries are blown away
When you are here in the sun.
Pleasures are for every one a’bounding
Shooting our presidents, we give the residents fun,
Handsome young men on parades, Just the place for old maids.

[underlined] THE KING’S HIGHWAY. [/underlined]
With a heart so light and with great delight
You can see us riding day and night
Along the King’s Highway.
Going as we please we can feel the breeze
Blowing on our faces, whipping through [deleted] t [/deleted] the trees
Along the King’s Highway.
When the sun goes down and bids us goodbye
There’s a million stars in the sky
When the call ‘Look Wide’ within them wins
We awake to find that life begins
When out on the King’s Highway.

[page break]

[underlined] SATURDAY AFTERNOON. [/underlined]
Too much work they say
And no time for play
Soon make Jack a dull boy.
When the week is dome [sic]
That’s the time for fun
Foot ball’s a sport you wnjoy. [sic]
And so you’ll find when Saturday afternoon comes around
Everybody hurries to the football ground.
[underlined] CHORUS. [/underlined]
Oh where does everybody go on a Saturday afternoon
Oh why is it they hurry so
On a Saturday afternoon
You’ll find each one a football fan and they’re all out
To put the referee right should he seem in doubt
And if they cannot play they know the way to shout
Shoot man, shoot.
Oh, Britons never shall be dumb
On a Sayurday [sic] afternoon
No matter if it sounds like a bassoon
All out of tune
In any kind of weather be it rain or shine
In thousands round the field they stand there line on line
Every Saturday, Sat-ur-dat att-ur-day [sic]
Saturday Afternoon.
[underlined] CHANTS. [/underlined]
What is it makes a fellow shout
And [deleted word] yell and wave his arms about
It’s football….
What makes him loose [sic] his self control
Because his side has scored a goal
It’s football….
What makes him stand for hours and hours
In rain and sleet and thunder showers
It’s football….
What makes him do such funny tricks
And give his neighbours sundry kicks
It’s football….
Why does he groan and go cross eyed
Because the forward was off side
It’s football….
What makes girls with excitement squirm
And quite do in their Sunday Perm
It’s football….
Poor father’s wearing Mother’s skirt
Because he backed and lost his shirt
On football….
And soon he’ll only have his skin
Because he’s backed Gravely to win
At football….

Back to Chorus.

[underlined] THE KING’S AWAY. [sic] [/underlined]
With a heart so light and with great delight/
You can see them riding day and night
Along the King’s Highway
Going as they please they can feel the breeze
Blowing on their faces and whipping through[deleted]t[/deleted] the trees
Along the King’s Highway
When the sun goes down and bids them goodbye/
There’s million stars in the sky
When the call ‘Look WiDe’ within them wins
They awake to find that life begins
When out on the King’s Highway.

[underlined] WAY BACK OUT IN ARIZONA. [/underlined]
Way back out in Arizona
There’s no place to be a moaner
Things are certainly rough
Life is just one hectic rattle
Bucking, riding, chasing cattle
Boy, you’ve got to be tough.
The pace is fast and it is real hard going
Whether at work or at play
But you’ll find that in a tussle
It’s not always brain and muscle
Brains also have a say…
[underlined] CHORUS. [/underlined]
Across the bounding plain
We ride with might and main
Our bronchos [sic] gripped between the knees
Before the sun - breaks through the dawn
We’re off, away and chasing the breeze
We start to rattle up
And round the cattle up
We dare not ease or draw rein.
We care for naught, no time to halt
Till we return again.
With a wild whoop we send our lasso’s [three deleted letters] spinning
Steady [deleted letter] and true is our aim
Down to their knees we bring the wandering cattle
It’s all part of the game.
If danger may be near, we give no thought for fear
For there is work that must be done
Then when its through
We take our due and settle down to fun.

[underlined] TOMORROW NEVER COMES. [/underlined]
Everything seems upside down to-day
No matter what we seem to do or say
Nothing will go right, we’re full of woes galore
Trouble you will say is always knocking at your door
Nothing makes hime [sic] happier that when he sees you glum
Come on make your minds up
You won’t stay beneath the thumb.
[underlined] CHORUS. [/underlined]
Never let your troubles trouble you
Never let them get you down
Keep a little smile going all the while
Laughter looks much better than a frown
Try to look always on the bright side
Sunshine and fog were never chums
So, put off your trouble till tomorrow
For tomorrow never comes.
[underlined] SECOND REFRAIN. [/underlined]
Though to make things meet you have to strive
Remember it is good to be alive
So long as you can get some butter on your bread
Keep on living for remember you’re a long time dead
Tho’ you’d like some jam on it that will come along
If you’ll always bear in mind the motto of this song….
[underlined] REPEAT CHORUS. [/underlined]

[page break]

[underlined] THE GRAVELEY HOUNDS. [/underlined]
Oh, I’ve been hunting with the hounds at Graveley
And by gum they’ve got a loveley [sic] pack
They’ve got whippets and alsations [sic]
Bulldogs and Dalmations [sic]
Horses with two legs in front and two more at the back.
Off we dashed, we made a fine display
Mr. Moody took a fence, he took it right away.
[underlined] CHORUS [/underlined]
At the Graveley Hounds at the Graveley Hunt
Tally Ho, Tally Ho.
In hunting dress instead of uniform
We were jumping over bedsteads, yes and cook house forms.
Tantivy, tantivy tantivy, away away
Away we went with leaps and bounds.
We could’nt [sic] find a fox so with a cat we made pretend
The C.O. rode a horse that he’d borrowed from a friend
It was such a lovely thoro’bred [sic] with coal wagon on the end
Following the Graveley hounds.

[underlined] HAIL, HAIL THE DAWN. [/underlined]
Hail, Hail the Dawn, the sun in the heavens arise
Hail, hail the dawn, [deleted] the dawn [/deleted] is spreading across the skies
So let our hearts and voices rise with the sun
In thankful joy and praise a new day’s begun.
So let us too arise anew, let a new life begin
Free’d [sic] like the day from night’s dark gloom
Filled with resolve to win.
The glory of life is to love .. not to hate
The glory of life is to give not to take
The glory [deleted] b [/deleted] of life is to live,
To serve and not to count the cost.
Hail, hail the dawn….continue until the line ‘a new day’.

[underlined] WAY BACK OUT IN ARIZONA. [/underlined]
Way back out in Arizona, that’s no place to be a moaner
Things are certainly rough
Life is just one hectic rattle, bucking, riding, chasing [inserted] (cattle [/inserted]
Boy, you’ve got to be tough.
The pace is fast and it’s real hard going
Whether at work or play.
But ‘ [sic] you’ll find that in a tussle
It’s not always brain and muscle
Brains also have a say.

Across the bounding plain we ride with might and main
Our bronchos [sic] gripped between the knees
Before the sun breaks through the dawn
We’re off, away and chasing the breeze.
We start to [deleted] o [/deleted] rattle up and round the cattle up
We dare not ease or draw rein.
We care for naught, no time to halt
Till we return again.
With a wild whoop we send our lasso’s spinning
Steady and true is our aim
Down to the knees we bring the wandering cattle
It’s all part of the game.
If danger may be near we give no thought for fear
For there is work that must be done
Then when its through we take our due
And settle down to fun.



“Revue 'Flying High' cast working documents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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