Browse Collections (1870 total)

Exton, Joyce

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31 items.

The collection concerns Joy Wallace (b. 1923, Royal Air Force) and contains photographs and her audio recollections from the war. She…

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Zolty, Peter


An oral history interview with Solomon Peter Zolty (1922 - 2022). He flew operations as a navigator with 106 Squadron.

The collection was…

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Edwards, Frank


An oral history interview with Frank Edwards (b. 1937). Originally from London, he was evacuated to the Lincolnshire/Leicestershire border. Has…

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Felton, Monty


An oral history interview with Flight Lieutenant Monty Felton DFC. He flew operations as a navigator with 10 Squadron.

The collection was…

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Davies, Peter Offord

Two oral history interviews with Captain Peter Orfford Davies (b. 1922). He served with a Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment of the Royal Artillery at…

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Hailey, Keith John


Six items. The collection concerns Warrant Officer Keith John Hailey (b. 1921, 1449497Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, documents and…

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Pittwood, John


Ten items. The collection concerns Flight Sergeant John Pittwood (b. 1923, 1291454 Royal Air Force) and contains his diary, documents and…

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Bird, JH. Photo Album


The album contains images taken during his service in Italy and includes target photographs and descriptions of bombing operations.

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Ross, Bernard


37 items. This collection concerns Warrant Officer Bernard Ross (1610215, Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, photographs and service record.…

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Nixon, George


11 items. The collection concerns Sergeant George Nixon (1595438 Royal Air Force) and contains his decorations, items, correspondence and photographs.…

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Pexman, Kenneth Richard

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17 items. The collection concerns Sergeant Kenneth Richard Pexman (1920-1942, 1202557 Royal Air Force) and contains documents, correspondence and…

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Wickham, Harry William


23 items. The collection concerns Flight Lieutenant Harry William Wickham (b. 1919, 124631 Royal Air Force) and contains his log books, a biography,…

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Crampin, D E


One item. The collection concerns D E Crampin (b. 1924, 2206941 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book. He flew operations as a wireless operator…

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Fairbanks, Leonard William


16 items. The collection concerns Flight Lieutenant Leonard William Fairbanks (b. 1911, 1061800, 136326 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book,…

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Nye, Albert Frederick. Album


15 items. Photographs of his service in India.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Lynn Corrigan and catalogued by Lynn…

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Bird, JH


50 items. The collection concerns Flying Officer J H Bird (b. 1921, 184015 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, note books, newsletters and a…

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Manser, Leslie Thomas


One item. The collection concerns Flying Officer Leslie Thomas Manser VC (1922 - 1942, 66542 Royal Air Force) and contains his diary. He flew…

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Ward, Hugh Vivian Toms


38 items. The collection concerns Hugh Vivian Toms Ward (b. 1917, 1150434 Royal Air Force) and contains his log book, photographs, drawings and…

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ISRPt. Statements submitted to the 1944-1947 Allied Screening Commission

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 001-1.jpg

The 1944-1947 Allied Screening Commission was tasked to track down Italian civilians who helped escapers and evaders. Helpers were given a certificate…

View the items in ISRPt. Statements submitted to the 1944-1947 Allied Screening Commission

ISRPt. Pistoia air raid alarms logs


Five air raid alarms logs record early warnings, alarms and bombings in Pistoia, with additional notes on various tows in the Pistoia province, as…

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Toule, Keith


An oral history interview with Keith Toule (1934 - 2023). He was a child on a farm at the end of the RAF Skellingthorpe's main runway.


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Buxton, Alan George

An oral history interview with Pilot Officer Alan Buxton (- 2023, Royal Australian Air Force). He flew operations as a navigator in 617 Squadron.…

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Albone, Jan


An oral history interview with Jan Albone (b. 1930). She grew up on a farm in Lincolnshire.

The collection was catalogued by IBCC Digital Archive…

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ISRPt. Survivors of the 1943-1944 Pistoia bombings

12 interviste a testimoni dei bombardamenti alleati di Pistoia, realizzate da Claudio Rosati tra il 1983 e il 1984 con l'intento di comprendere e…

View the items in ISRPt. Survivors of the 1943-1944 Pistoia bombings

Reid, Kathryn. Songs and poems


Thirty-seven items - songs/poems about wartime experiences.

The collection has been loaned to the IBCC Digital Archive for digitisation by David…

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