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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Top left: Group of actors some in drag on stage. Captioned 'D1 New Theatre. Stalag Luft 3. 42'. Top right: 14 man band with conductor on stage. Captioned 'D2 New Theatre. Stalag Luft 3. 42'. Left second row: 14 man band with conductor on stage.…

Top left: a poster for the merchant of Venice with silhouette on man an d woman with bridge in the background. Captioned 'E20 Show Poster'. Top right: five actors on stage wearing a variety of medieval costumes. Captioned 'E21 "Merchant of Venice,…

Top left: two actors talking on stage dressed as man and woman both in medieval costumes. Captioned 'E26 "Merchant of Venice, Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'. Top right: three actors on stage wearing medieval costumes. Captioned 'E27 "Merchant of Venice,…

Top left: three actors on stage, a man and an actor dressed as woman stand on the left talking to a third dressed as jockey sitting on a sofa. In the background right a mullioned window on the left a bookcase. Captioned 'E31 "For the Love of Mike",…

Top left a poster for show "Home and Beauty" with a cast list pinned underneath. Captioned 'F1 Show Poster'. Top right: four actors on stage two on left, one standing the other sitting on a bed both in uniform. On the right, two actors dressed as…

Top left: two actors dressed as women converse on stage. In the background a sofa and a window. Captioned 'F6 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'. Top right: two actors, one dressed as a woman dancing on stage. In the background a table with…

Top left: poster for show "Thru' the music sheet". Captioned 'F11 Show Poster'. Top left: group of actors on stage. On the right an actor dressed as school teacher hold ear of actor dressed as school child. On the left, six actors dressed as school…

Top: band on stage to the right while an actor dances on the left. Captioned 'F17 "Thru' The Music Sheet". Stalag Luft 3, June 43'. Second row: a group of actors on stage on the left wearing fantasy costume with a band on the right. Captioned 'F18…

Top: seven man band on stage on right with single man trumpeter on left. Captioned 'F23 "Thru' The Music Sheet". Stalag Luft 3, June 43'. Second row left: four actors on stage two men on left and two dressed as women on the right. Captioned 'F24…

Top left: poster with two figures for Bums on Broadway. Captioned 'D9 Poster for "Bums on Broadway"'. Top right: two men in suits and a third in uniform behind them. Captioned 'D10 "Bums on Broadway" Stalag Luft 3. 42'. Left middle: Two actors arm in…

Top left: poster with eight faces and dancing girls for grand Christmas panto Aladdin. Captioned 'D33 NCO's Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3 Jan 43'. Top right: 13 actors on stage some in drag. The middle three are playing musical instruments.…

Top left: two actors on stage one standing in female Chinese costume and the male kneeling. Captioned 'D21 NCO's Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3. Jan 43'. Top right: 10 actors on stage dressed as dancing girls. Captioned 'D22 NCO's Panto "Aladdin"…

Top left: cast standing on stage in variety of costumes. Captioned 'D27 NCO's Panto "Aladdin" Stalag Luft 3. Jan 43'. Top right: three actors on stage, one in jacket and tie, next in Chinese costume and last dressed as female. Captioned 'D28 NCO's…

Top left: two musician on stage one standing with flute the other at piano. Captioned 'D34 Frank Hunt's Orchestral Convert. Stalag Luft 3, Feb 43'. Top right: large orchestra with conductor on stage. Captioned 'D35 Frank Hunt's Orchestral Convert.…

Top left: group of actors dressed as dancing girls and in other costumes, all on stage. Captioned 'E1 "Girls, Girls, Girls", Stalag Luft 3,Mar 43'. Top right: three actors on stage, one in skirt, one in coat and tails and the other in bra and…

Top left: two actors on stage, one wearing tails the other in evening gown. Captioned 'E7 "Girls, Girls, Girls", Stalag Luft 3,Mar 43'. Top right: Eleven actors on stage. ten dressed as dancing girls and the other in the centre in long evening…

Top left: a group of actors on stage in a variety of male and female costumes, Captioned 'E13 "Girls, Girls, Girls", Stalag Luft 3,Mar 43'. Top right:two actors on stage one dressed in tails and the other a in a wedding dress. Captioned 'E14…

A head and shoulders portrait of a prisoner of war in a greatcoat. Behind is a wooden hut with barbed wire. On the front, at the top and bottom the word 'Cut' is annotated. On the reverse are several handwritten annotations - 'Tom May'
- 'No flight…

Top - Says he is keeping well but little news. Looking forward to receiving mail.

Bottom - writes that he is fit and had been to performance at the camp theatre. Mentions pantomime starting in a few days.

Top - writes that he was in good health and getting plenty of food. Would appreciate cigarettes and gives address to send then to.

Bottom - Writes he is fit and well. Has met friend who sends best wishes. Asks for underwear to be sent in his…

Three-quarter length portrait of Ursula Valentine wearing flowered dress sitting with toddler Frances Valentine wearing white dress perched on mother's knee. On the reverse 'No 13, To Sergeant J R M Valentine, British Prisoner of War No 450, Stalag…

Head and shoulders portrait of Ursula Valentine on the left wearing a fascinator hat and pearl necklace smiling at Frances Valentine on the rightwearing jumper and holding a biscuit. On the reverse 'No 23, To Sgt J R M Valentine, British P-O-W No…

Head and shoulders portrait of Ursula Valentine on the right wearing shirt with sleeves rolled looking at something in her hand. On the left, Frances Valentine wearing coat looking down at her hands. In the background a fence. On the reverse 'No 28,…

Ursula Valentine standing wearing skirt and blouse bending down offering a jar of sweets to a boy (David Simmonds) on the right. On the left, Frances Valentine watches. In the background flowers, fence and trees. On the reverse 'To Sgt J R M…

Full-length image of Ursula Valentine standing on lawn bending down to hand something to a standing toddler Frances Valentine who is wearing white dress. In the background left shrubs and a fence, in the centre pots and right a tree. On the reverse…
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