Browse Items (187 total)

  • Collection: Saunders, John Walter Gifford

A group of six men in uniform, five of whom are leaning over looking at a map. The group are in scrubland with trees beyond. On the reverse 'My party studying maps on the eve of the "bash" '.

A group of fourteen men in desert uniform holding enamel cups. On the reverse 'Chaps getting tea round the camp fire on the evening before the great "Bundu bash" '.

Sixteen men in uniform around the ashes of a camp fire. Thirteen of the men are standing and three are sat in front. Eight are holding enamel cups. John is standing second from the right with a camera slung across his body. On the reverse 'This was…


A view of open scrubland with flowers and shrubs. A rough road crosses the landscape. On the reverse 'The is picture was taken from the back of the lorry, when driving over the Bundu before reaching the camping site'.

A man standing over a cooking pot holding a long handle. A man in desert uniform can be seen sitting on a dead bench to one side. They are in scrubland with trees around. On the reserve 'The native cook who came with us on the "bash" '.

Five men in desert uniform, with long wooden socks, shorts, skirts with rolled up sleeves and topees, with John third from the right. Between them they are carrying a dead tree through knee high grass in an open landscape. On the reverse 'Carrying a…

A group of 14 men, 11 of whom are wearing tepees and three holding them. Some of the helmets have feathers decorating them with John is standing second right, On the reverse 'Can you see me? I'm second from the right. Before starting out on the…

Four bareheaded, uniformed men changing the wheel of a car with the top up, having removed their jackets. The registration of the car begins B 57 and there is a wheel separate to the car. John is crouching at the back of the group. On the reverse…


The hut stands in open ground with a pitched grass roof and a multi paned glass window. It has rocks around its base and a notice at its entrance. On the reverse 'The hut that Rhodes stayed in when visiting Bulawayo. Now in the grounds of the…

Three uniformed service men standing under the tree. The man in the centre is holding the sign for the tree. On the reverse 'Chief Lobangula's conference tree. Rhodes visited him when he was the chief of the Bulawayo Kraal and stayed in the hut that…

Three uniformed men, wearing side caps with white bands sitting on a leather Chesterfield style sofa. The sofa is against a wall under a framed photograph of Cecil Rhodes with a framed citation below.

A four wheeled gun carriage underneath a pitched grass roofed open sided structure with trees alongside. On the reverse 'The gun carriage what Rhodes was carried to his grave on. Now in grounds of Governor's house'.

Uniformed trainee airmen sat on an open top car, one with his arm raised in the air, John is standing right, back. The car, with number plate B 5707, is parked on a packed earth road with trees surrounding. On the reverse 'Ken, Pat, Jim Sid and…

A row of five single storey, pitched grass roofed huts arranged along a tree lined roadway. The entrances have screens and lights above with utility wires passing above. On the reverse 'This snap shot shows an avenue of huts similar to the one I am…

Single storey grass roofed huts with a serviceman standing outside number 22. The huts are arranged along a roadway with trees. The reverse is annotated 'This shows part of an avenue of huts. Unfortunately I took it the wrong way round'.

John standing, with hands in pockets, outside grass huts. He is wearing long socks, shorts and shirt, rolled up sleeves and a half cap with a white band. On the reverse 'Yours truly in front of grass huts'.

John, reading wearing long wooden socks, shorts and shirt with rolled up sleeves. His head is resting on a pillow top of folded blankets above which is hanging a metal mess tin. Other camp beds are arranged along the corrugated wall with uniforms…

Two rows barracks with a short joining barrack around an open space with furled canvas fronts, inside of which are rows of camp beds. Telegraph wires and poles pass above the barracks with trees in the background. There are three men standing in the…

John sat on his camp bed with a fellow serviceman laid on an adjacent bed, both reading. They are in a corrugated barrack with wooden shelves holding tinned boxes, safari pith helmets with uniforms hanging below. Mugs and eating utensils are arranged…

Three buildings with pitched roofs and open colonnades. Rope fencing and painted blocks delicate between the roadway and grassed areas in front. Three uniformed men walk toward a hall outside of which is a parked van. On the reverse 'This shows the…

A view of a camp with a roundel flag flying from a central flagpole. There are lines of uniformed men on parade between the flagpole and a row of six single storey, grass roofed buildings. There are further scattered single storey buildings with…

Stopped alongside wire and post fencing with two men wearing pith helmets with a third man standing with an ice cream cart. There are buildings in the background behind a line of trees. The engine has a cowcatcher and the number 90 on its front.

Five uniformed men sitting on a rock in open scrubland. John is in the centre with an open jacket. On the reverse 'The five of us at Hillside dams'.

A two storey colonnaded building with a double height square clock tower with roman numerals showing the time as 4:38. The area in front of the building is open with trees surrounding.

A street including the Carlton Hotel and other two storey buildings with a covered terrace at ground level along its length. There is a multi storey building at the far end of the street with cars and other vehicles parked along either side. A single…
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