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  • Collection: ISRPt. Statements submitted to the 1944-1947 Allied Screening Commission

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 240-1.jpg
Giovanni Palmonari claims he helped three English prisoners of war, giving them food, shelter, and medicines. Then they hid in the woods.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 126-1.jpg
Giovanni Torracchi claims he helped, from 7 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, some Allied servicemen. He gave them food and clothes.

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Giovanni Tosi claims he helped gunner G A J Starmar, private H T Prior, major W F Barber, major R S Burton proving food and clothes.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 191-1.jpg
Gisberto Moncini claims he helped eleven Allied servicemen. On September 1943, eleven allied prisoners of war arrived near his house. With the help of other people, he built them a hut where he brought them food. He helped them for two months, until…

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 006-1.jpg
Giselda Dei claims she helped Thomas S Jones (2937096) from England, Davis Douglas (2939468) from Scotland, James Hosie (260489) from Scotland, Job Kerrigan (3856100) from England, and T Turner (3975664) from England. She hid them and provided food,…

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Giulia Bianchi claims she helped allied prisoners of war giving them food, clothes, razor blades and cigarettes.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 206-1.jpg
Giulia Palandri claims she helped four allied prisoners of war in the Baco area, near Pistoia, giving them food, clothes and cigarettes. She hosted them for two months in her house, and supported for the following two months while hiding in the…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 074-1.jpg
Giulia Sforzi claims she helped, from August 1944, some Allied servicemen hide in the woods near her house. She gave them food and clothes and for her efforts received a certificate of thankfulness.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 055-1.jpg
Giulio Barni claims he helped, with his brother Andrea, John F Kerrigan, David Douglas, Alexander Rodgers, Erbert Nirton, Owen M Connell (2928631), James Hosie, Jack W Gatman, Reginald Lunt, George Restovick, and Robert Beal; Giulio gave them food,…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 035-1.jpg
Giuseppe Arcangioli claims he helped four English servicemen, called John, Frank, Sandro, and Tommy, giving them food and shelter for four months. Giuseppe was caught and imprisoned for 52 days.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 013-1.jpg
Giuseppe Baccarini claims he helped Lieutenant Harold Hummer (817018), of the United States Air Force, who was shot down by German anti-aircraft fire. Giuseppe helped him while he was in the village of Valdibure, near Pistoia. For this deed he…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 178-1.jpg
Giuseppe Bartolozzi claims he helped eight English prisoners of war, from 10 September 1943 to 30 November 1943, giving them food, shelter, and clothes. On 24 December they were taken to Monte Morello (Florence), where a Partisan brigade was active.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 130-1.jpg
Giuseppe Valori claims he helped, from 10 September 1943 to 24 December 1943, seventeen English prisoners of war, giving them food, shelter, and clothes. He hosted in his house five of them for ten days. Then, a Mr Biagioli drove them to Florence.…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 100-1.jpg
Giuseppina Nesi claims she helped some Allied servicemen giving them food and clothes.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 232-1.jpg
Goffredo Begliomini claims he helped, with his daughter Irene, some groups of allied prisoners of war, giving them food, and clothes. He hid them in the spring of 1944. Then, he showed them the way to Florence.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 043-1.jpg
Guido Dolci claims he helped some allied prisoners of war from September 1943 to September 1944, bringing them food and clothes in the woods.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 233-1.jpg
Guido Giannarini claims he helped two American servicemen: Earl W Fitzpatrick, from Louisiana, and Willis J Scheldon, from Dakota. He helped them from 8 October 1943 to 25 September 1944, giving them food, and clothes.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 114-1.jpg
Guido Nardi claims he helped ten allied prisoners of war during four months in 1943. he gave them food, shelter, and clothes. Then, when hiding in an isolate house, they where recaptured by fascist militiamen.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 083-1.jpg
Guido Nesti claims he helped for eight months three allied servicemen: G F Restovich (2658235, England), E Danson (4758132, England), and J Hansall (3327037, England). He gave them food, clothes and pocket money.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 242-1.jpg
Field Marshall Harold Alexander thanks Manlio Filippini for the help given to allied soldiers.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 012-1.jpg
H R Alexander, Field Marshall Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean Theatre, thanks Bruno Parenti for the help given to Allied Soldiers.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 009-1.jpg
Field Marshall H R Alexander thanks Narciso Poli for the help given to Allied Soldiers of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 152-1.jpg
Ida Bianchi claims she helped some allied prisoners of war, from mid-September 1943 to December 1943. Some of them were in Lavacchioni area.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 122-1.jpg
Ida Breschi claims she helped, from 8 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, some Allied servicemen. She gave them food and clothes. For her efforts, she received a certificate of thankfulness (number 83258-24666).

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 001-1.jpg
Ida Caracchi claims she helped ten Allied servicemen. She and her husband hid them in a house located in an isolated area in the village of Striglianella, near Pistoia, bringing food and clothes. Later, they were recaptured; on 4 August 1944 German…
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