Browse Items (4 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Switzerland--Lausanne"

Report form the Commander, District 1, Land Division regarding violations of Swiss airspace on night of 12/13 July 1943 when all areas covered by the Territorial Inspectorate of District 1 received alerts which began at 00.06 and continued until…

MWrightJ[Ser -DoB]-150527-080002.jpg
Telegram No. 869 from the Swiss Government to the Swiss Legation in London (A. 3465), concerning the violation of Swiss airspace on 12/13 August 1943, between 11.30pm – 12.00pm by over 50 British aircraft en route to Milan. Regions affected were…


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Top left - front quarter view of a York parked on hardstanding. Captioned 'Our York at Almaza, Cairo'.
Top right - view down onto the entrance of a hotel with driveway surrounded by palm trees. Captioned 'Heliopolis Palace hotel, Cairo Feb…


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