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Back Stage
Six actors waiting back stage. Three men are dressed as women. Part of a show's musical running order is written on the wall behind them.
Behind the Curtain
Stagehands at work. Two dancers are on the stage. A man at the top of a ladder is working on the stage flats and others are painting.
Carpenter's Shop
Seven men at work making props. Two men are working on a dresser. A Red Cross crate is in the foreground.
Stagehands preparing the set. One man is at the top of a ladder by the proscenium arch. The backdrop is a city scape with high rise buildings.
Dress Rehearsal
Actors on the stage being watched by an orchestra in their pit and a handful of spectators. Several actors are at a table while two Royal characters are on a raised area.
Lighting Plot
Control room for the stage lighting, looking down at the stage. Two actors are on stage while stage hands move a piece of furniture.
Make Up
A scene in the dressing room. Actors are reading their lines while others get changed and have makeup applied. Four men and preparing to play women's roles.
A play being performed with three actors. The orchestra are in their pit and a couple of spectators are watching. A picture on the back of stage reads 'Home Sweet Home'. There is a stage villain and two prisoners of war dressed as women characters.
Musical Comedy
A scene from a musical comedy viewed from the wings. Musicians including a guitarist and saxophonist are playing while a man dressed as a woman dances.
Off Right
A view of the stage from the wings. Two actors are on the stage and a third, a waiter, is bringing a tray with a drinks.
Prisoners marching through the Camp Gate
A group of prisoners marching through the camp gates, passed a sentry box and watched by guards.
Prompt Side
The theatre's wings with an actor and two stage hands.
Still Life
Props stored at the theatre. There is a bust, stage flats and pieces of furniture.
The Theatre
A view of the hut used as a theatre. Two trees are in the foreground
The Theatre Stalag Luft III Sagan
A partly coloured sketch of a theatrical group with a caption September 1st 1943 to January 27th 1945. Character include a man in a wheelchair, and two men dressed as women.
Washing Down
Stage hands preparing scenery. The stage door is open to the outside camp and two men are carrying a stage flat. More scenery is against the back drop at the back of the stage.